Zora/Logs/Checking on Sam

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IC Time: Mar 15, 2522

Redemption - Infirmary - A Deck

The ship's Medical Ward is rather large. Two sickbeds have been placed at one side of the room and on a small table between them. Prepared instruments are still sealed in a sterile packets. The cabinets seem to hold a good bit of equipment and pharmaceuticals. Behind a screen is the Doctor's Desk, a comfortable chair before it.

On the other side of the room is a large self contained Medical Diagnostic Doctor Bed. While not quite on par with the full Imaging Suite that you'd fine in hospitals in the Core, this Doctor's Bed does allow three dimensional holo-imaging of the patient's bone structure, and computed axial tomography of the soft tissue as well. There is a dedicated high power computer attached to the bed that controls the holo imaging and maintains a constant readout of the patient's vitals.

Sam is stretched out on the bed in sickbay. She's sleeping soundly and beside her, clutched in a hand, is an inhaler. Her breathing sounds quite normal and her color looks much better... And for the first time in days, she looks to be peaceful. <English>

Zora comes tiptoeing in, carrying a tray with a bowl of souplike things on it and some crackers, with a glass of water and a smaller glass of milk. She cringes when she sees that Sam is asleep, but sets the tray down firmly on the counter and makes her way over to the sickie anyway. "Sam?" she whispers quietly, laying her hand on the other woman's shoulder. "I've brought you something to eat..." <English>

The woman stirs and her eyes open slowly. "Hey." She speaks, voice sounding like it spent the night in a rock tumbler. She turns over to face the woman and peers at her for a moment, "Who are you?" She asks, blinking several times and throwing up all sorts of walls. Her hand even goes for her pistol... Which isn't there. <English>

Zora blinks a few times in response, but she gets over whatever is going through her mind and smiles. Because if Sam doesn't remember her, she sure as hell remembers Sam. And her ass. "I'm Zora. You...well. You puked on me a few days ago. On my pants? Do you remember that?" She grins wider, her dimples showing, and gestures towards the tray. "I've brought you some food, if you're ready to eat again. I'm the new nurse, I just got hired yesterday, actually. I can leave, if you'd rather be alone. I know it must be odd, waking up with someone you don't know very well in the room." <English>

"Food... You don't know how good that smells." Sam looks like she would be totally salivating. "I threw up on you? Wait... Thought all of that was a dream. Wait... Nice underwear that shows off a really nice ass?" Sam gives a slight grin to Zora. "Probably straight, too. Always my luck." Sam gives a slight wink as things begin to solidify in her head. She begins to move about on the bed, trying to sit up as she is still a little weak. "And something about a sponge bath? Please, tell me I wasn't as crass as I think I was...?" <English>

Zora's mouth drops open a little bit, but she laughs quickly, a genuine laugh. "Yes, that was me and my ass," she admits, moving to pick the tray up and rest it on her lap, as she sits next to Sam. "You were pretty crass," she admits, breaking up some of the crackers in the soup. "But you also had a pretty high fever, so I didn't take the things you said too seriously. Actually, that's one of the things I'd like to talk to you about. Do you remember any of the questions we asked you that night?" She offers Sam the glass of water, mixing the crackers in the soup before she gets a spoonful, leaning forward. "And do you think you can feed yourself, or would you like me to do it?" <English>

Sam gets a wry grin, "If a pretty woman wants to feed me, I should let her." Sam gives a slight wink, voice still sounding horrible. "Nah. I can feed myself." As she reaches out for the bowl and takes a sip from the water. She makes a face as if this was extreme ecstasy as the water goes down her throat. "Questions?" She looks to Zora, puzzled. <English>

"Yeah...about birth control?" Zora seems entirely unfazed by asking a woman she barely knows about her sexual habits. One might even think she's used to this. "Syna mentioned that she's pretty sure you've been sexually active lately, and that you had asked her for protection? I know it might be awkward to talk to me about this, but I'd really like to, if you don't mind." She hands off the bowl and sets the tray down again on the counter, which now has extra crackers and the glass of milk on it. <English>

Sam raises a brow. "Yes. I used protection." Sam runs hand through her rather filthy hair. "Don't be wantin any extra little Sam's running about, you know." Sam doesn't seem to be phased by this as she slowly sips at a bit of the soup and then eats a bite with the crackers crumbled up in it. One could hear her stomach as it decides to let out a loud growl as it remembers there is food out there. "You can go askin me anythin you wish. Got nothin to hide." <English>

Zora nods, surveying Sam's hair with a grimace. "Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I think I'd like to sit down with all the girls and discuss birth control, and various options available to them. And if family planning isn't something you want right now, I thought we could start there. I'm assuming by protection, you mean condoms? Is there something else you would prefer to use, like a pack of pills, which you'd take every morning, or a shot, which would last you a few months?" She sits back and sighs, arching an eyebrow. "You might not always have condoms on hand when the time is right, and these options would make that easier. Not to mention, pills can help you a lot with any female issues you might happen to have." <English>

Sam gives Zora a long look. "The shot would do well for me, I suppose. Just always done the condom route as they were easy to get. Done a lot of work with men and getting them into the bed is a good way to slap the cuffs on them, you know?" Sam eats a little more of the soup and seems to get a little more color to her face. She's looking more healthy. "But with women... No worries, you know?" Sam gives a wink. <English>

Zora laughs and leans back. "Sam, you should probably know, while you're not going to offend me by hitting on me...you're also not going to get anywhere, either. I'm not the girl on girl kind." She dimplegrins once more and reaches next to her for the milk, holding it out towards Sam with an attitude of, 'drink this, it's good for you.' "Now, I can give you a shot that lasts for three months, six months, or even longer. If it's alright with you, I'd like to give you the three month one at first, because some people get migraine headaches and things like that with it, and I wouldn't want you to have to deal with that for a year if you happen to be one of those people. And it might be a while, I'll either have to order it, or wait until we - well, there's a clinic here, I heard, so maybe I'll visit there and see if they have some I could purchase." She muses for a few moments, watching Sam eat. "What did you mean when you said, 'slap the cuffs on them'?" she asks curiously. <English>

Sam just gives Zora a grin and takes the milk, drinking a long sip from it. She keeps her eyes on Zora and just chuckles, "See. Don't know what your missin!" She says, sing song... But with her voice it sounds very strange. "I'll still be flirtin’ with you. It's kinda my nature. So I been told." Sam gives it some thought, "The shot is good enough. Don't know if I will be active anymore anytime soon." <English>

Zora gives Sam a sympathetic look when she says she won't be active, and starts to ask, "Why, did it not go - " before cutting herself off. "No, wait. I /really/ shouldn't be asking you that." She stands up and takes the milk back from Sam, setting on the tray within reach. "I'd better go, then, and leave you to your dinner. I'll talk with the captain and see what he thinks about discussing birth control for the girls, and what my budget is for such before I check out that clinic." She goes to the door, though she turns to look back, flashing those dimples once more. "It was nice meeting you for the second time, Sam. I'll see you again soon, and I hope you feel better." And with that, she's gone. <English>

"Oh no, it went real well. Just don't think he's the type who wants a permanent thing." Sam gives a wink once again. "Thanks for the food. And as far as birth control and the captain... I am thinkin he'd be good with it. I just wanna see his face when you are askin him about it. Okay?" <English>