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NavSat AI

This is a small, Cockpit Display that connects to the ships NavSat and Ship's Computer. The control panel sits at the base of the video display, and is a flexible keyboard.

Printed above the display is: "CPI-42 Astrogator: We'll show you the way."

In the upper right hand corner of the display are the words: "Map: Default"

(Type ASTROGATOR HELP for instructions.)

Astrogator Help


All                       Fuel                      Links                     
Plotting courses          Proximity                 Waypoints                 


This chart shows the total fuel usage for a 10 minute jump in a craft with the listed stats. As well as showing the total overall flight time for that craft. Please note that the minutes of flight time(min) figure is not an exact number. Merely an estimate. Rely on this entirely at your own risk.

        Fuel    Eff     PoT     Min
        200     10      5%      200
        150     10      6%      185
        100     10      8%      145
        50      10      9-10%   100

        200     5       9%      110
        150     5       12%     96
        100     5       18%     60 
        50      5       25%     40

        200     1       43%     25 
        150     1       65%     15
        100     1       85%     12
        50      1       100%    8

Fuel - The total size of the fuel tank 

Eff - Fuel Efficiency 

PoT - Percentage of fuel used in a 10 minute jump. 

Min - Total minutes of OS jumptime the craft can sustain.


Before the astrogator can determine your location in space, you must first link it with a navigation console. The Astrogator will use this connection only to gather data, and will not pilot the ship in any way. This unit must be dropped next to the console to draw any data through it's datalink.

        LINK <Console>                        Creates a datalink with the console.
        UNLINK                                Disconnects any active link.

Plotting Courses

These commands will allow you to plot a course. Remember that the astrogator does not include acceleration for these calculations. The astrogator must also have a valid datalink to know it's current location.

        PLOT COURSE                           Displays information on plotted course.
        PLOT ALL COURSES                      Displays a course plot to all waypoints.
        START AT <Waypoint>                   Selects the point of origin.
        START HERE                            Selects here the point of origin.
        STOP AT <Waypoint>                    Selects the destination.
        STOP HERE                             Selects here the destination.
        SET SPEED <Speed>                     Changes the speed setting.
        SET SPEED <Speed> JUMP                Changes the speed setting.


Destination Proximity Alerts can be set AFTER a course has been plotted via Stop At <LOCATION>

        proximity/on                          Enables the Destination Proximity Alarm
        proximity/off                         Disables the Destination Proximity Alarm
        proximity <Distance>                  Sets the Approximate Distance to trigger the alarm (Minimum of 20)


Waypoints are used to store coordinates of things for use in plotting courses. Maps may contain many waypoints, and are useful for keeping coordinates arranged in a logical order.

        MAP LIST                              Lists all maps of stored waypoints.
        MAP CREATE <Map>                      Creates a new map and loads it.
        MAP DEL <Map>                         Deletes a map.
        MAP LOAD <Map>                        Loads a map.
        MAP COPY <Map>=<New Map>              Loads a map.

        WAYPOINT LIST                         Displays all recorded waypoints.
        WAYPOINT ADD <Name> = <X> <Y> <Z>     Creates a waypoint.
        WAYPOINT STORE <Name>                 Creates new waypoint here.
        WAYPOINT DEL <Name>                   Deletes a waypoint.
        WAYPOINT SORT <NAME/DIST/X/Y/Z>       Sorts the waypoint by selected criteria.


These commands are designed to assist with navigation in other ways than just plotting a course.

        ETA FOR <Distance> AT <Speed>         Computes an estimated time of arrival.
        ETA FOR <Distance> AT <Speed> JUMP    Computes an estimated time of arrival.