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| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:PhelanII.jpg|thumb|Captain Phelan Daniels|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Phelan_Daniels]]
| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:PhelanII.jpg|thumb|Captain Phelan Daniels|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Phelan_Daniels]]
| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| Oh Captain, my captain. What's to say about this guy? He's the kid of Browncoats and doesn't really judge me for my past service, but he isn't a friend to the Alliance. He's a bit of an antithesis to what I 'knew' in the past and with each day he's giving me more insight as to what life is like away from the  
| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| Oh Captain, my captain. What's to say about this guy? He's the kid of Browncoats and doesn't really judge me for my past service, but he isn't a friend to the Alliance. He's a bit of an antithesis to what I 'knew' in the past and with each day he's giving me more insight as to what life is like away from the Service.
| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:MiaMain.jpg|thumb|Dr. Mia Daniels|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Mia_Daniels]]  
| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:MiaMain.jpg|thumb|Dr. Mia Daniels|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Mia_Daniels]]  
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| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| So the other night I stumbled into the galley for coffee and was half-awake and I had a black eye from a bar-fight. When I sat down, she gave me an ice pack and took my coffee from me so that I wouldn't drop it and break it all over the place. In turn, I apologized for that little twist I gave the ship that dropped all those eggs she was working with, and told her I always feel weird asking her for food, even though she's the ship's cook. She told me something along the lines of that she likes being there to cook for people. So...she's a giver. She's sweet. I wish her the best. I just wonder why she took to living on a ship when she seems like she'd rather be on a ranch.
| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| So the other night I stumbled into the galley for coffee and was half-awake and I had a black eye from a bar-fight. When I sat down, she gave me an ice pack and took my coffee from me so that I wouldn't drop it and break it all over the place. In turn, I apologized for that little twist I gave the ship that dropped all those eggs she was working with, and told her I always feel weird asking her for food, even though she's the ship's cook. She told me something along the lines of that she likes being there to cook for people. So...she's a giver. She's sweet. I wish her the best. I just wonder why she took to living on a ship when she seems like she'd rather be on a ranch.
| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:None.jpg|thumb|Chandra Conrad|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Chandra_Conrad]]
| style="width: 20%;color: black; background-color: black;"| [[Image:Chan.jpg|thumb|Chandra Conrad|link=http://www.serenitymush.com/wiki/index.php/Chandra_Conrad]]
| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| Where to begin? Chandra and I met on bad terms, and ever since then have had an absolute bear of a time communicating with each other. It's gone from awkward, to good, to ''amazingly'' awkward, to amazingly ''intense''. She's an amazing girl. She's not afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve and she hasn't had all of that cloak and dagger personal communication stuff beaten into her by years of pass or fail. I really, really hope I don't let her down, because I really like her. She makes me scare myself, sometimes, which is something I'll have to get under control. My first instinct is to treat her like she's made of glass, but just when I'm about to, she reminds me she's made of far tougher, far more assertive stuff. She's the best roller coaster ever.
| style="width: 80%; background-color: #6600CC;"| Last night, Chan woke up thrashing. I didn't let her know that I was awake, and I watched a little as she quietly tidied up my room. See, she's moved some of her stuff in, and when she wakes up scared, she turns to me. She's this beautiful, near selfless woman that just wants to breathe life and be free, and she's chosen me to be her sanctuary. God, that's...it makes me feel like I'm something bigger than I thought I was. When she finally came back to bed and nestled in against me I found myself hoping that even though she's this incredibly tough girl, that maybe I help her feel safe. If I can give her that much...I honestly think maybe her and I could face down anything. I've never had a relationship this deep. I should tell her this.
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Latest revision as of 21:24, 28 September 2013

Shuya Nakasato
Full name Nakasato Shuya
Date of Birth Dec 10, 2506
Parents Shogo and Akane Nakasato
Siblings None
Spouse None, Single
Children None
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Brown eyes/Black hair
Height and Weight 5'7"/140 pounds
Status Active
Education Information
  • High school graduate of White Sands Military School.
  • Military Academy on Boros
  • Alliance Military training including Flight School.
Military Service
  • Former bridge crew for the Alliance Navy: 211th Blackhawks. Transport/Cargo with some Capital Ship experience
Employment History
  • Currently employed as one of the Mustang's bridge crew as a pilot


Nakasato Shuya (2506-current)

Chicken Hawk
1. Any of various hawks that prey on or have the reputation of preying on chickens.
2. often chick·en·hawk (chkn-hôk) Informal A person who favors military force or action to carry out a foreign policy but has never served in the military.
3. Vulgar Slang A man who seeks out boys or young men as his sexual partners. woah woah woah woah woah no no no. NOT.

All behold the great Chickenhawk of Newhall...
As people progress through life, some would say that they come into contact with different categories of people that they come into contact with. There are father figures, mother figures, and "little brothers and sister" figures. There are people who teach you lessons, good friends, bad friends, and life altering heartbreaks along the way. Sometimes, however, people come into contact with people that seem to flow with their own personal monologue in mind. Sometimes those people are the weird little artist you see on the side of the street, or that strange guy at school that doesn't have a lot of friends, but is always finding something new and interesting to get their hands into.

And then sometimes that quirky little kid gets a chip on his shoulder and gets thrown into military school.

Thus begins the story of ... The Chickenhawk of Newhall

Early Life

Shuya was born to Shogo and Akane Nakasato, a multilingual household on Newhall. His mother is a schoolteacher, who used her teaching skills to pass the Japanese language to her son, and his father is a workforce manager at one of the mant hydroprocessing plants in the city. He fell into a local gang of bullies at an early age, and soon found himself in repeated trouble for fist fights with other children. Like some other places in the verse, private school is actually a downgrade from public school, as students that are unable to cope or behave through the socialized schooling programs have to be enrolled (to the detriment of their parents' pocketbooks) in private, corrective schools. Sometimes these schools are better described as low-grade prisons with fighting teenagers and more security staff than teachers. From the first day of his teenage years to his last days as a civilian on Newhall, he was enrolled in one of these schools and was no stranger to fistfights.

His mother, Akane, was the good cop and his father, Shogo, was the disciplinarian. Because of this, Shuya still has a close relationship with his mother, who would patch him up and quietly urge him to stop fighting. When his father came home, however, the real scolding would begin. To this day, the same dynamic exists, as his father is proud of him, but demands ambition.

The End Of Civilian Life

At the age of sixteen, Shuya had what many people would refer to as a bad day. He and a group of his friends were out at a shopping center, lounging around the food court as they always did, when a group of girls wandered up and began talking to them. Shuya was interested in one girl, in particular, and the two began to chat and share a milkshake with each other. Little did he know that she was the ex-girlfriend (recent...ex girlfriend) of another thug-like teen that went to his school. To make matters worse, that very same thug ex-boyfriend happened to be at the mall that day, and didn't like seeing the two of them together.

The end result was over fifteen teen-agers arrested, one heavily damaged food court, and absolute mayhem that made the nightly evening news.

Shuya was lucky enough to get off of the hook with probation and a hefty fine that his father had to pay, and the judge was more than happy to defer the probation when his father announced that Shuya would be delivered personally to military school. As expected, Shuya was not happy about this, but he didn't have any say in the matter.

After weeks of defiance being turned into grueling physical labor, punishments, "dorm room justice", detention in woodsheds, and disgusting labor tasks involving toilets, Shuya started to pan out and found an interest in the pilot training simulators that the Military Academy had on site. He was given an officer by the Academy's commanding officer. After a year of hard work and good behavior, he would be given a chance to prove himself in the simulators. With no other real avenue to choose, Shuya decided to trust a little in the military school. Trust let to results, and after a year of performing with good grades, high physical scores in the academy wargames, and actually starting to make some new friends...he was given access to some flight training.

Lucky for him, he seemed to have a natural talent, and his story was sent up the communication stream to the Alliance Navy. After graduating from the military school, Shuya's application was accepted to Flight School, and his service to the Alliance was officially sworn in and given as fresh ink to the record books.

The 211th Air Wing

Official Alliance Navy flight patch

Meeting the qualifications for the rights to pilot transports, drop ships, and Alliance full-size capital ships, Shuya graduated from Flight School. Having made his parents proud for the first time in years, he was immediately placed into the 211th and added into active service. His first assignment was to pilot drop-ships filled with Alliance Infantry troopers as part of a two-man team. Being the co-pilot at first, it was his duty to head back into the cabin and make the necessary checks to the troops and the seals. He was the 'clipboard boy' at first, and he started to get called "Chickenhawk" by the troops as he passed.

Following military regulations, Shuya didn't address the troopers, and instead stayed cool and professional, but he'd be damned if the same group of troopers weren't practically assigned to Shuya's drop-craft. Before long, even when being addressed in a non-snide way, troopers began calling him Chickenhawk. Out at the bar? Chickenhawk Out on a date and another trooper sees him? Chickenhawk.

Chickenhawk...Chickenhawk...Chickenhawk...it's a name that Shuya -really- hates being called now as a result, unless it's one of his friends from the 211th. They all, affectionately, refer to him with a string of nickhames such as "Chickenhawk, C-hawk, Birdman, Cheep, Chokey, and Chicken-hawka-soto."

However, not the entirety of his military service was defined by being called a Chicken Hawk. No, the seven year term he served piloting transports, cargo, and jar-heads were some very rewarding years filled with friends, girlfriends, great shore-leave stories, and a lot of on-the-job training. He simply began to notice that space is a deep, dark place and he wasn't moving forward in his career, and with the freedom and personality thrown around the for-profit civilian freighter sector, he began to think about his future. He could either spend another five years in the Alliance Navy, perhaps find a wife out of his chain of command, and see where it goes, or make the decision to leave service with an option of re-enlisting later should the civilian world not bring him what he needs.

So...after two nights of horrible teasing, drinking, derogatory presents, and a one-night-stand with Ellen "Squeaks" Barnes (he never would have guessed she had a thing for him), he packed his bags and traveled to Persephone.

The Return To Civilian Life

To Be Continued...


Before you stands at five feet, seven inches a man of asian descent that appears to be in his mid-twenties. The top of his head is covered in a stylish mop of jet black hair, with bangs that hang down to whisp over his dark, brown eyes. His face is handsome in that way that is generally considered attractive by the populace as a whole. He is clean shaven, but has chosen to leave a little scruff at his chin and jaw to give that slightly grungy, edgy look. His overall build is lithe and athletic, appearing to be someone that regularly exercises, which has formed lean, sharp muscle mass on his arms and legs.

Currently, he is wearing a shirt that is some shade in between navy blue and dark gray that bears the official seal of the Alliance Navy, with the words AW-441 printed in some pretty serious-looking, blocky letters beneath the seal. It's an old, well worn tee-shirt that clings to his upper-body strength in just the right places to look good on him. The shirt is left untucked over a pair of functional blue jeans with all of those designer-made stresses and rips to make them look as if they've been put through years of wear. He's wearing a stylish, triangular belt buckle on a brown leather belt through the loops of the jeans, which gives him something to latch equipment to. Lastly, the jeans (as all things do) come to an end in a cuff that reveals a pair of motorcycle boots that have a spur-like ring on the angle and buckles and laces up the side. It's some serious footwear, designed to keep the rubber soles on the floor to ground out electricity, while maintaining some style and work function.

Recent History

  • May 2531: Shuya leaves active military duty. Is recruited by the crew of the Mustang

Friends & Associates

Shuya's Inner Circle

What Shuya Nakasato Thinks...about his coworkers aboard the Mustang
Captain Phelan Daniels
Oh Captain, my captain. What's to say about this guy? He's the kid of Browncoats and doesn't really judge me for my past service, but he isn't a friend to the Alliance. He's a bit of an antithesis to what I 'knew' in the past and with each day he's giving me more insight as to what life is like away from the Service.
Dr. Mia Daniels
Mia has two faces. One side of Mia is the sweet, loving wife of my captain that's caring and motherly. The other side is this sort of dropkick to the face that makes you feel one bit awkward and another bit just outright charmed. She's a great gal. I'm glad to know her. Of course, know is a relative term, because aside from the normal awkwardness that comes along with joining a crew with a Browncoat captain her and I don't know each other very well. She's fiercely protective of my right to believe in what I do, all lack of popularity aside. I respect that.
Dash O'Sullivan
Oh sweet, sweet power midget. You're only five feet tall and despite the fact you're almost at ass-height...you kick a LOT of ass. In fact, you're probably the single most hardcore person on the crew, at least in terms of outright thuggery. Her and I are currently 1-0 (I'm in the lead) in an epic prank war that I hope goes on a long, long time.
Trinity Cortes
So the other night I stumbled into the galley for coffee and was half-awake and I had a black eye from a bar-fight. When I sat down, she gave me an ice pack and took my coffee from me so that I wouldn't drop it and break it all over the place. In turn, I apologized for that little twist I gave the ship that dropped all those eggs she was working with, and told her I always feel weird asking her for food, even though she's the ship's cook. She told me something along the lines of that she likes being there to cook for people. So...she's a giver. She's sweet. I wish her the best. I just wonder why she took to living on a ship when she seems like she'd rather be on a ranch.
Chandra Conrad
Last night, Chan woke up thrashing. I didn't let her know that I was awake, and I watched a little as she quietly tidied up my room. See, she's moved some of her stuff in, and when she wakes up scared, she turns to me. She's this beautiful, near selfless woman that just wants to breathe life and be free, and she's chosen me to be her sanctuary. God, that's...it makes me feel like I'm something bigger than I thought I was. When she finally came back to bed and nestled in against me I found myself hoping that even though she's this incredibly tough girl, that maybe I help her feel safe. If I can give her that much...I honestly think maybe her and I could face down anything. I've never had a relationship this deep. I should tell her this.
What Shuya Nakasato Thinks...about his friends
Lt. JG Heather Jacy
Heather and I met years ago when we were both enrolled at the Military Academy on Boros. She was a few years behind me, and I was dating her roommate, Jennifer Raines. She's a link to my past and one of my few remaining friends in the service. When I think about the 211th and wish them safe travel, I keep her in my prayers. I guess she's stationed with some of the 211th, too. Ironic that. She's told me if I ever want to come back, I could just let her know and I might be able to sign back up. I...can't help but keep that plan hidden in the back of my mind. Worse yet, I think she can tell that I miss it. She's former DAS. I think she has my number, which gives me the butterflies.

Personal Life

Shuya is currently dating Chandra Conrad, a member of the Mustang's security detail.

Hobbies & Interests

Shuya's interests start, first and foremost, with a sort of coy love of mock Alliance military culture. He's a fan of everything from official and unofficial mascots to Alliance "pin up girl" art. His favorite, of which, is a particularly buxom green-haired for-hire Alliance mecenary who has her own cult following.
He's got flags, wall hangings, and little collections of art on his personal data collections. More of a fan of the art style and tongue-in-cheek cultural fad, it's not a rare to see him looking over an old "Bomber Dog" comic book or to find a "Girls of the Alliance" calendar/swimsuit issue somewhere on his person. In fact, it's a lesser known fact that he nearly got the "boxing chicken" tattooed on him one night, but was too drunk and the tattoo artist refused to put it on him until he came back sober. By the morning, he was too hung over to want to sit for a full tattoo.

So, aside from his collection of propaganda and mascot art, his interest verge into something more personal: Himself. Ever since he was a child he's loved to climb on things, which naturally led to an interest in rock climbing. He feels that climbing mountains kills three birds with one stone: Adrenaline, Athletics, and Tourism. Most of his leaves from Alliance duty were spent at some exotic rock formation, yet rarely did he spend any time at any of the Verse-renowned tourist traps. Much to his dismay, he's seen very few of the places he should have taken the time to visit, and is now trying to see the verse and kick a few of these vacation plans off of his bucket list

Why? Because guns are awesome...

Shuya's heavily modified Bersa Thunder 45UC by Ricochet_Arms
Like many overgrown men-children across the verse, Shuya has a long history of thinking that guns are cool. Of course, when he was a child it was drawing little pictures of them in the corner of his schoolwork, and now that he's become an adult and has actually learned how to care and maintain weapons, it's not too rare to see him reading one of a multitude of "gun porn" magazines that somehow manage to cram articles and editorials on new and exciting firearms and ammo types into a monthly periodical.

((LOTS more to come...))



  • Girls (Despite what the Chickenhawk thing would suggest)
  • Gun Porn (magazines that highlight cool firearms, like Guns and Ammo)
  • Alliance propaganda/pinup Art
  • Record keeping and organization
  • Rock Climbing
  • Keeping things simple.
  • Alliance cafeteria-style tuna casserole
  • Synth-techno style music and dance clubs
  • Alcohol: Tequila and brown ale.
  • Non-Alcohol: Water, Powdered dietary supplement drinks, and coffee.
  • Food: Sushi, bland English-style food, traditional English breakfasts, pumpkin pie, and (naturally) thick, juicy steaks.


  • Hates being called a Chickenhawk
  • Traditional Japanese theater, known as Kabuki
  • Haughty, self-important types
  • Disorganized, messy workspaces
  • "Goths" or Goth-like people. They're funny. Sometimes hot...but funny
  • Cortex news and/or any kind of political debating over the Cortex

RP Hooks

  • Pending



  • "Sabotage" by The Beastie Boys - [1]
  • "Rebel Love Song" by Black Veil Brides - [2]

