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"I like to shoot bad people. It makes me feel good." -Jackson

Sylvester Matheson
Full name
  • Sylvester "Jackson" Matheson
Date of Birth
  • Feb 14 2500
  • Father: Phillip Dean Matheson
  • Mother: Catherine Elaine Mulligan-Matheson
  • Elder Brother: Jason Thomas Matheson
  • Elder Sister: Olivia Jane Matheson-Moxie
  • Younger Sister: Agnes Rose Matheson
  • Younger Sister: Victoria Neve Matheson
  • Unwed.
  • None.
  • None
  • Male
Eyes and Hair
  • Blonde, Sapphire Blue
Education Information

High School Graduate

Military Service


Personal Notes



Sylvester Jack Matheson was born on Silverhold. He is one of 5 children to Phillip Dean Matheson and Catherine Elaine Mulligan-Matheson. As a boy, Sylvester was active, engeretic, and a bit of a daydreamer. However, his parents played it off as "boys will be boys" sterotype. As he grew older, Sylvester began began to become altheltic and more interested in having fun then learning the family business. At the age of 13, Sylvester went with his family to a traveling circus to see their show. He was in awe of their talents and performance that he asked his mother if he could take lessons. His father said no that boys were expected to become men and that men were expected to become ranchers.Sylvester began to try and teach himself how to do some acrobatic tricks. He taught himself how to do a cartwheel, stand on his hands, and walk on his hands yet that was all he could teach himself.

As the years past, Sylvester grew into a young man learned the family business yet never truly seemed interested in it fully. Sylvester knew that he was not meant to be a rancher. Phillip knew that Sylvester was not meant to be a rancher. He did all that he could to keep that boy focused by teaching him how to use fire arms to defend the ranch, moving silently not to spook the cattle, how to ride a horse, how to drive the cattle into the pens and more. However, it just wasn't for him. At the age of 20, Sylvester ran away from home and left Silverhold. He left each one of his family members a letter explaining his reasons why and that he was going to join a circus to follow his "dream". He left half of the earnings he had aquired over the years to his father to aid the family.

Sylvester was able to catch a transport ship off Silverhold to Persephone where he met a man named, Darius Horn. He was the Captain of the Gorgon. A firefly transport ship that was looking for a crew. Sylvester decided to join this crew until he came across the circus in which he never did until he was 27 years old. However, the Gorgon became his home in which he traveled the 'verse working for Horn. In his time, Sylvester changed his name to Jackson and picked up a number of skills and talents through experience to aid the Gorgon and his Captain. Some of these skills were gained through his interactions and experiences with other crew members. A man named Larame changed Jackson's life forever. Darius picked up Larame in Whitefall to transport "anywhere but here". Jackson and Larame hit it off and became friends. They became the "guns" of the ship. As their friendship grew, Larame saw potential in Jackson and wanted to teach him some skills. Larame was a Master Thief. He was known in some circles as the White Fox. He had never been caught. Larame had a knack with acrobatics, pick pocketing, thrown weapons, and more. The acrobats alone really caught Jackson's eye and he was hooked. Daruis knew that Larame was trouble yet saw how Jackson's skills were growing through their friendship he allowed the thief to stay on the ship. Larame remained on the ship for two years giving Jackson a firm skill set to make a decent thief himself. The day Larame left the crew he looked at Jackson and said every thief needs a "gimick" and Jackson smiled and said, "Your the White Fox. I am Robin Hood." Larame laughed hugged the man and as he pulled away Jackson grabbed his wrist. Larame returned Jackson's credits and grinned walking away never to be seen from again.

At the age of 27, the Gorgon came upon the Samson Brother's traveling cicus. They were hired to do a job to steal the circus's top performer and return her back home to her father. The girl had run away because she was a noble who did not want to marry. Jackson could related, yet Daruis asked Jackson to become a performer with the circus to do a bit of recon and get information on the situation. Jackson loved that assignment because he was able to perform in a circus as an acrobat like he saw when he was a little kid. Jackson was able to get the noble back without a struggle or harm to the crew and get her home. Darius was so impressed with promoted him to head of Security.

As the years past, Jackson sent a portion of his earnings back home to his family out of guilt for leaving them behind so he could travel the 'Verse. He has not seen them to often yet has returned back to Silverhold recently to aid them in recovering from an severe storm. He saw his entire family for the first time since he left home and it was...akward to say the least for him. However, what he did not expect was Horn to fall in love with a woman on Silverhold and decide to retire from being a Captain. Horn dissolved the crew giving them one big pay out and decided to stay on Silverhold. The irony of that fact affected Jackson a great deal and he left on the first transport off his home world to Greenleaf. He is now without a ship, or a crew to be a part of and he is unsure of where to go next. The Gorgon was his home and he had planed to buy the ship from Horn one day....now he feels...lost.

Recent Events

  • The Gorgon Crew has been dissolved, and Captain Horn has retired the ship to Silverhold. Jackson is lost and a little depressed over the matter.
  • Jackson has recently come upon the Brotherhood. He is unsure if he will join them yet but they have peaked his curiousity.


Jackson has a complex personality that many never explore in its entirety. He is daunting and possessed of many layers. On the surface, many see gentle kindness and a soft-spoken, charming man. Certainly concern for others is something that shows through in his relations with them. He rarely raises his voice in conversation, unless it is necessary or unless something has deeply affected him. He is not the type to wave his gun around or pick a fight in the open, however he will kick your ass if he feels you will learn a lesson from the action.

He is not completely deceptive, but he is not an open book, by any means. To most, he shows a disciplined, deeply focused individual, able to withstand whatever could be thrown at him. Even if others cannot be strong, his unique position forces him to do so. If allowed to become more familiar with him, his friends will find a perhaps surprisingly vulnerable man, one who must maintain his strength so that he of all people will believe in it. He would like to be cared for, but more important on his list of priorities is the protection of others, the caring for others so that they will be able to live fully.

Nonetheless, he is remarkably sensitive and can sympathise with others effortlessly. He knows when the time is right to show what is necessary, in order to win the trust of another or to show them that he is acting in good faith, or that they may reciprocate. He is very sensitive to the things that others will respond to, naturally, and tends to employ this empathy in his relations with others. Yet he carefully makes it so that most will not get too close to him, for their safety and his own. He often maintains himself as an outsider until or unless he can be persuaded otherwise.

It can be difficult to get him to volunteer information unless it is directly applicable to the situation at hand. Usually he is not a fan of filling a void with chatter, but he can discuss intelligent topics in depth. Meaningless chit-chat does not fit into his area of expertise, and it may contribute to others thinking that he might be awkward in certain situations. He can and does express himself freely, though, and that occurs not only through words, but through actions. When he meets someone to whom he can relate deeply or easily, he will express himself in his unique ways to them; to him, communication occurs on so many levels, and only one of those happens to be the verbal level.


The People

Senga - Jackson's sister. He will kill the man...or woman who harms her.

Nicoli - Jackson's current Captain. He is a little bit scared of the man yet respects him a great deal. He can tell he is a hard man with a good heart. He doesn't quite understand him yet but he is learning a great deal from him.

Cougar - Jackson is jealous of this man. He knows his sister better then he does. This man has a huge heart and seems like everyone else to care for him yet why won't he care for himself?

Oscar - Jackson is clearly attracted to the man, yet he is 10 years younger and taken. He finds that Oscar brings out the playful side in him.

Moira - A childhood friend, whom Jackson was attracted to then and is attracted to still. What makes it all the more hard is she is a Companion and a very noble woman in her own way. A shame nothing will ever happen there.

RP Hooks

  • Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor!!!
  • Entertainment
  • Social Scenes
  • Plots
  • Becoming a better more defined character

