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== '''Friends/Associates''' ==
== '''Friends/Associates''' ==
<br>[[Faoite McGuire]] - Faoite McGuire hired Senga when she showed up with an old flyer advertising a need for a pilot on the Jia.  He's been a kind and generous 'boss', although that's one of the two things she's not allowed to call him.  She calls him "Cap'n" most of the time, and feels relaxed around him to treat him with a jaunty sort of respect.<br>
<br>[[Faoite McGuire]] - Faoite McGuire hired Senga when she showed up with an old flyer advertising a need for a pilot on the Jia.  He was been a kind and generous 'boss'.  She called him "Cap'n" most of the time, but their relations fell apart when he forced peace with Holliday with her, absolving the man of all blame in the incident on Silverhold.  He's since tried to make peace, but Senga has moved on with her life.<br>
<br>[[Holliday]] - John Holliday, There's been a deep misunderstanding between the two, and even deeper hurt, at least for Senga.  Even though she didn't leave him to die, she still has a long way to go before any trust will be regained with the man.<br>
<br>[[Holliday]] - John Holliday, There's been a deep misunderstanding between the two, and even deeper hurt, at least for Senga.  Even though she didn't leave him to die, she still has a long way to go before any trust will be regained with the man, if ever.  Feelings were exacerbated when he showed up at Korben's funeral to make a big show of trying to mend fences rather than being there to respect her grief and the family's loss.<br>
<br>[[Cougar Lee Black]] - She found the medic for the Aces to be quite attractive and engaging when she first met him, and couldn't understand why he was a bit of a loner, separating himself from the group so much.  One night, when it was painfully obvious that she found him physically attractive, he let her in on the fact that he was gay and a few more things as well.  Senga found a way to make light of her attraction, and they've been playful friends ever since.  Their pet names of "Sugar" and "Darlin'," have left a few to wonder what their relationship is at times, but they know where they stand with each other.
<br>[[Cougar Lee Black]] - She found the medic for the Aces to be quite attractive and engaging when she first met him, and couldn't understand why he was a bit of a loner, separating himself from the group so much.  One night, when it was painfully obvious that she found him physically attractive, he let her in on the fact that he was gay and a few more things as well.  Senga found a way to make light of her attraction, and they've been playful friends ever since.  Their pet names of "Sugar" and "Darlin'," have left a few to wonder what their relationship is at times, but they know where they stand with each other. Although they have both left the Jia/Aces and gone their own ways, they still keep tabs every once in awhile.<br>
<br>[[Victor Weston]] - Former cabin-mate of Cougar's and security officer of the Aces & Eights.  First man to break Senga's heart.<br>
<br>[[Victor Weston]] - Former cabin-mate of Cougar's and security officer of the Aces & Eights.  First man to break Senga's heart.  For some reason he made Senga his beneficiary, but when he was killed in action, everything he left to her was stolen from him.<br>
<br>[[Moira Macallan]] - A Guild Companion of House Daska that was once hired to help Doc and traveled with the Aces and Eights.  They've talked a couple of times, but Senga wouldn't consider that she 'knows' Moira.<br>
<br>[[Moira Macallan]] - A Guild Companion of House Daska that was once hired to help Doc and traveled with the Aces and Eights.  They've talked a couple of times, but Senga wouldn't consider that she 'knows' Moira.<br>
<br>[[Korben]] - The Ship's Cook, and a holy man.  Not bad to look at, either.  Senga thought it was too bad he was a Shepherd when she first met him.  She's since found that he is NOT a Shepherd, and that he has very different views of how to serve the Lord Almighty.  She finds him unique and interesting, and a very good man.  And he /knows/ how to kiss a woman.
<br>[[Korben]] - The Ship's Cook, and a holy man.  Not bad to look at, either.  Senga thought it was too bad he was a Shepherd when she first met him.  She's since found that he is NOT a Shepherd, and that he has very different views of how to serve the Lord Almighty.  She finds him unique and interesting, and a very good man.  And he /knows/ how to kiss a woman. Sadly, he was killed in a the canyons when a sudden cloudburst caused a washout a few days prior to their wedding. <br> 
<br>[[Danee Vit Kalderdash]] - Wife of her Captain.  Senga doesn't really understand Danee that much, and hasn't gotten to know her, either, but is curious about her and her gifts.<br>
<br>[[Danee Vit Kalderdash]] - Wife of Captain McGuire.  Senga never really understood Danee that much, and didn't get to know her.  The curiosity she had about the woman and her gifts died when she pushed McGuire to put Senga in the role of being the one to have ruined Holliday's life when Quinn broke off their engagement.<br>
<br>[[Alana Tarribotti]] - The new chick on board.  Alana's joined the Jia as a doctor, which is a good thing since Doc himself was knocked out of commission for quite a bit.  Sen senses a compatriot, or future partner in crime. <br>
<br>[[Alana Tarribotti]] - Alana joined the Jia as a doctor, which is a good thing since Doc himself was knocked out of commission for quite a bit.  Alana had experienced a lot of grief in her short life, but seemed to be on the mend and transfered with Senga to the Book Hospital to work for Dr. Zachary McAbrams.  After a falling out with another doctor that led to Alana's license being revoked, Alana left and has never been heard from again.   <br>
<br>[[Keira]] - Sen whole heartedly approves of the Cap'n's charity in bringing the deaf urchin in from the streets to join the crewShe will learn sign language to communicate easier with the girl, and encourage to be a little more comfortable in the Black, and not hang on for dear life when they're landing.<br>
<br>[[Zach]] - Dr. Zachary McAbrams became Senga's new boss when she left the Jia.  She flew some the Angel of Mercy on emergency deliveries of Medicine and to take doctors where needed to handle sudden trauma and disasters. <br>
<br>[[Ethan]] - Ethan became her 'mate' when Persephone and some outlying planets were hit with a strange epidemicAlthough the two were happy with the results, and are now married and have a beautiful little girl named Emile, after his mother, it was a shocking way to start a life together. <br>
<br>[[King Tom]] - Bunk mate.  Cap'n was kind enough to allow her to bring a pet cat on board.  Poor man didn't realize he was getting something like a miniature lion, but has been good natured about it.King has a habit of jumping up on people's shoulders straight from the ground, which has startled more than one person into some choice language. <br>
<br>[[King Tom]] - Bunk mate.  Cap'n was kind enough to allow her to bring a pet cat on board.  Poor man didn't realize he was getting something like a miniature lion, but has been good natured about it.King has a habit of jumping up on people's shoulders straight from the ground, which has startled more than one person into some choice language. <br>

Revision as of 13:58, 16 November 2013

This is OOC Information.

Senga Matheson
Senga bright.jpg
Full name
  • Agnes Rose Matheson
Date of Birth
  • May 1, 2502 --- may change the actual date soon
  • Father: Phillip Dean Matheson
  • Mother: Catherine Elaine Mulligan-Matheson
  • Elder Brother: Jason Thomas Matheson
  • Elder Sister: Olivia Jane Matheson-Moxie
  • Elder Brother: Sylvester Jack Matheson
  • Younger Sister: Victoria Neve Matheson
  • Unwed
  • None
  • Pilot: Jia
  • Female
Eyes and Hair
  • Blue Eyes
  • Blonde Hair
Height and Weight
  • 5'11"
  • Just right
  • Active
Education Information
  • High School Graduate
Military Service
Employment History
  • Matheson Ranch
  • Jia present
Personal Notes



Dressed in a pair of comfortable jeans, a button front shirt of sturdy fabric under a leather vest, with a scarf like poncho that just wraps around her shoulders, Senga is larger than life. Everything about her is larger than life. Her mane of curly blonde hair, her smooth, womanly curves, her amazing smile that often shows her gleaming teeth. Even her voice fits the mold, it carries easily, and is round and drawling with the accent of a girl raised on the farm, herding the cattle and tossing calves for branding. Even traveling out in the Black, she is never without a coil of rope that hangs from her belt alongside a knife more for utility than fighting.

Looking at the large frame, despite it's apparent softness, there's little doubt that she can heft her own weight around the farm... and the cargo hold of the ship. The round face, jovial attitude, and fly away blonde hair topped with a weather beaten cowboy hat may lead one to believe that there's not a lot going on in between her ears, but the eyes tell a different story as they constantly rove around the premises.


Senga is all out there. She has a large heart to fit the rest of her mold, and it's soft, just like her. She can be honest to a fault, with a strong sense of fair play, and stands up well for herself as well as making sure her 'family' has her for back up. She loves having fun, and will enter to any banter whole heartedly, her dimpled smile flirting with those she's close to unabashedly.


No one knows exactly how and when the Nine Families took over and divided the best cattle grazing lands on Silverhold. However, the social order soon revolved around the families of Madog, Matheson, Megaros, Menelus, Mintaur, Morven, Moxie, Mulligan, Myvern (sorry BB, had to change it back to Moxie, just cause). These cattle baron families became the ruling class in the area, and each had a head that carried the title of Pater. Each Pater was the final word in all decisions regarding their family, and also sat in judgement on disputes or trade agreements between families.

Catherine Elaine Mulligan's aunt, Sadie Mulligan, was in charge of the herds on the high pastures that had been plagued one winter with wolves. Sadie, being a soft hearted woman, didn't want to shoot the wolves for simply obeying the call of nature, so she and her men tranquilized them and let them loose on the mountains to feed on rabbits and other vermin. Problem was, rabbits and vermin were scarce that winter, so the wolves went down the other side of the mountain, and raided the Megaros cattle. The Megaros family lost a couple of promising young bulls and half a dozen heifers to the marauding wolves before they were able to kill the pack. When a woodcutter who lived in the mountains said he had seen Mulligans letting the wolves loose on the mountain, Pater Megaros cried foul, accusing Pater Mulligan of deliberately sending wolves to deplete his herds, and his profits. Of course, Pater Mulligan denied any such doings or plans, and arguments ensued. Words were exchanged, followed by fists, fists were followed with knives. By the time word reached the upper pastures of the trial to be convened and judged by the other Paters, almost a dozen men had been killed or were grievously wounded. Sadie hurried down to testify on behalf of the Mulligan family, and while the family were cleared of any malicious intent, they did not escape punishment. The Pater was ordered to have his bulls service the Megaros herd free of charge for three and Catherine was to marry Demetrius Meragos. It was further decreed that the relocation of predators was a crime to be punished with severe fines. Things remained strained between the Meragos and Mulligan families, despite the lack of ill intent on Sadie's part. They were not helped when Catherine eloped with the nephew of Pater Matheson a month before the intended wedding to Demetrius, despite her betrothed's preference for her younger sister. Again, the Paters convened, and it was determined as Demetrius Meragos and Elizabeth Mulligan had taken a fancy to each other, their marriage would seal the contract between the two families.

Catherine and Philip's fourth child, a rambunctious and extroverted child named Agnes showed an uncanny talent at a young age for remembering things. As she grew older and started riding the trail, she became invaluable as she could tell by looking at the herd if any cattle were missing and which ones before the count was even finished. Realizing she had a photographic memory, Pater Matheson ordered the young daughter of his nephew sent to learn piloting, to see if she could apply that memory to star charts and maps. If so, she would be a more reliable pilot for shipping cargo from the family ranch to where it needed to go and bringing back needed supplies. Agnes Rose Matheson fulfilled expectations, and almost as soon as she began flying, she found an advertisement for a ship in need of a pilot. Something about Faoite and Danee McGuire instantly clicked with Senga, and she felt like she'd found a family among the stars with her new boss and crew. Her presence on board the Jia was cemented in her mind when 'Cap'n' allowed her to buy King Tom and bring him aboard.

A small note --- When she was ten years old, and playing the backwards game with her siblings, she realized that her name backwards was Senga. She much preferred it to what she considered an ugly and old fashioned name, and began introducing herself with her backwards name. Her family balked at first, but then made a joke out of her being backwards in every other way, she might as well have a backwards name.


Faoite McGuire - Faoite McGuire hired Senga when she showed up with an old flyer advertising a need for a pilot on the Jia. He was been a kind and generous 'boss'. She called him "Cap'n" most of the time, but their relations fell apart when he forced peace with Holliday with her, absolving the man of all blame in the incident on Silverhold. He's since tried to make peace, but Senga has moved on with her life.

Holliday - John Holliday, There's been a deep misunderstanding between the two, and even deeper hurt, at least for Senga. Even though she didn't leave him to die, she still has a long way to go before any trust will be regained with the man, if ever. Feelings were exacerbated when he showed up at Korben's funeral to make a big show of trying to mend fences rather than being there to respect her grief and the family's loss.

Cougar Lee Black - She found the medic for the Aces to be quite attractive and engaging when she first met him, and couldn't understand why he was a bit of a loner, separating himself from the group so much. One night, when it was painfully obvious that she found him physically attractive, he let her in on the fact that he was gay and a few more things as well. Senga found a way to make light of her attraction, and they've been playful friends ever since. Their pet names of "Sugar" and "Darlin'," have left a few to wonder what their relationship is at times, but they know where they stand with each other. Although they have both left the Jia/Aces and gone their own ways, they still keep tabs every once in awhile.

Victor Weston - Former cabin-mate of Cougar's and security officer of the Aces & Eights. First man to break Senga's heart. For some reason he made Senga his beneficiary, but when he was killed in action, everything he left to her was stolen from him.

Moira Macallan - A Guild Companion of House Daska that was once hired to help Doc and traveled with the Aces and Eights. They've talked a couple of times, but Senga wouldn't consider that she 'knows' Moira.

Korben - The Ship's Cook, and a holy man. Not bad to look at, either. Senga thought it was too bad he was a Shepherd when she first met him. She's since found that he is NOT a Shepherd, and that he has very different views of how to serve the Lord Almighty. She finds him unique and interesting, and a very good man. And he /knows/ how to kiss a woman. Sadly, he was killed in a the canyons when a sudden cloudburst caused a washout a few days prior to their wedding.

Danee Vit Kalderdash - Wife of Captain McGuire. Senga never really understood Danee that much, and didn't get to know her. The curiosity she had about the woman and her gifts died when she pushed McGuire to put Senga in the role of being the one to have ruined Holliday's life when Quinn broke off their engagement.

Alana Tarribotti - Alana joined the Jia as a doctor, which is a good thing since Doc himself was knocked out of commission for quite a bit. Alana had experienced a lot of grief in her short life, but seemed to be on the mend and transfered with Senga to the Book Hospital to work for Dr. Zachary McAbrams. After a falling out with another doctor that led to Alana's license being revoked, Alana left and has never been heard from again.

Zach - Dr. Zachary McAbrams became Senga's new boss when she left the Jia. She flew some the Angel of Mercy on emergency deliveries of Medicine and to take doctors where needed to handle sudden trauma and disasters.

Ethan - Ethan became her 'mate' when Persephone and some outlying planets were hit with a strange epidemic. Although the two were happy with the results, and are now married and have a beautiful little girl named Emile, after his mother, it was a shocking way to start a life together.

King Tom - Bunk mate. Cap'n was kind enough to allow her to bring a pet cat on board. Poor man didn't realize he was getting something like a miniature lion, but has been good natured about it.King has a habit of jumping up on people's shoulders straight from the ground, which has startled more than one person into some choice language.


Sugar, I know where you sleep.

Korben, you won't think any less of my belief in The Lord if I don't want to handle your snake, will you?


Senga cooking.jpg Senga on ship.jpg
