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{{ Infobox Weapon
| name = Webley IV .38/200
| image = [[Image:Webleymk4.jpg|200px|Webley IV .38/200]]
| availability = Common
| description = Created originally on Earth-That-Was, by Webley & Sons in Great Britain, these top-beak revolvers feature a two piece frame which hinges ("breaks") down at the forward low end for ejection and loading. The ejector is actuated automatically when the frame is broken open, simultaneously removing all six cases from the cylinder so that fresh cartridges can be inserted by hand. Webley revolvers are double action with very distinct 'shaved' barrel profile. The frame lock lever is located on the left side and the V-shaped lock spring is at the right side. The hardened steel of the frame and barrel has been lightly blued, and the curved rubberized grips are attached to the frame with a screw through the grip of the weapon. At the butt of the weapon is a lanyard ring on a barrel swivel.
| license = None
| cost = 250
| accuracy = 100%
|Ammo=.38-Standard Ammo
| weight = 0.9kg
|Ammo Max=6
| range = 20/40/90
|Modes=Safety, Single
| maxammo = .38Cal(6)
|Skills=Firearms:sidearms, Martial Arts
| modes = Safety/Single
|Ammo Use=0/1
| skills = MA/Sidearms
| ammouse = 0/1
| stun = ST/7
|License Required=None
| damage = ST/15
|Description=Created originally on Earth-That-Was, by Webley & Sons in Great Britain, these top-beak revolvers feature a two piece frame which hinges ("breaks") down at the forward low end for ejection and loading. The ejector is actuated automatically when the frame is broken open, simultaneously removing all six cases from the cylinder so that fresh cartridges can be inserted by hand. Webley revolvers are double action with very distinct 'shaved' barrel profile. The frame lock lever is located on the left side and the V-shaped lock spring is at the right side. The hardened steel of the frame and barrel has been lightly blued, and the curved rubberized grips are attached to the frame with a screw through the grip of the weapon. At the butt of the weapon is a lanyard ring on a barrel swivel.
|Picture=[[Image:Webleymk4.jpg|200px|Webley IV .38/200]]

Revision as of 13:13, 25 November 2013

[[File:Webley IV .38/200|none|300px]]

Type WeaponType::Sidearm
Availability WeaponAvailability::Common
Cost WeaponCost::250
Accuracy WeaponAccuracy::100%
Weight Weight::0.9
Range WeaponRange::20/40/90
Ammo WeaponAmmo::.38-Standard Ammo
Ammo Max WeaponAmmoMax::6
Modes WeaponModes::Safety, WeaponModes::Single
Skills Skills::Firearms:sidearms, Skills::Martial Arts
Ammo Use WeaponAmmoUse::0/1
Stun WeaponStun::ST/7
Damage WeaponDamage::ST/15
License Required WeaponLicenseReq::None
Description [[WeaponDescription::Created originally on Earth-That-Was, by Webley & Sons in Great Britain, these top-beak revolvers feature a two piece frame which hinges ("breaks") down at the forward low end for ejection and loading. The ejector is actuated automatically when the frame is broken open, simultaneously removing all six cases from the cylinder so that fresh cartridges can be inserted by hand. Webley revolvers are double action with very distinct 'shaved' barrel profile. The frame lock lever is located on the left side and the V-shaped lock spring is at the right side. The hardened steel of the frame and barrel has been lightly blued, and the curved rubberized grips are attached to the frame with a screw through the grip of the weapon. At the butt of the weapon is a lanyard ring on a barrel swivel.]]
Picture [[WeaponPicture::Webley IV .38/200]]