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<small>A RolePlay Log by</small><br>
<small>A RolePlay Log by</small><br>
'''The DarkStar Security Company'''
'''The [[Dark Star Security]] Company'''
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<td align="left"> Kaedalus <br> Phelan <br> Annabelle <br> Erin <br> Leutrim <br> Odell <br> Mia <br> Michio <br> Calira <br> Wash '''Special Guest Star'''
<td align="left"> Kaedalus <br> Phelan Danliels <br> [[Annabelle]] <br> [[Erin Ashley]] Malika <br> [[Leutrim]] <br> Odell Malika <br> [[Mia Daniels]] <br> [[Michio]] <br> '[[Cal]]' Calira Dumont <br> ''Wash'' '''Special Guest Star'''
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&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;''To be continued . . . ''
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;''To be continued . . . ''
((Footer for bottom of RP log post)
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''Return to RP Logs at [[Dark Star Security]]''<br>
''Continue reading with [[On Ezra - Part 2]]'' - [[Dark Star Security]] Company continues its investigation on Ezra.<br>
''Continue reading with [[On Ezra - Part 3]]'' - [[Dark Star Security]] Company speaks to the families of the missing.<br>

Latest revision as of 18:25, 12 July 2014

A RolePlay Log by
The Dark Star Security Company


On ezra


2014 May 20

IC Date

2534 Nov 08


Eavesdown Docks - Persephone


Phelan Danliels
Erin Ashley Malika
Odell Malika
Mia Daniels
'Cal' Calira Dumont
Wash Special Guest Star

The newly formed DarkStar Security Company travels to Ezra to begin investigation into the missiong children taken in the summer of 2534.

Eavesdown Docks - Persephone

This lesser kept portion of Persephone's port city is home to legions of disenfranchised entrepreneurs, each tent or stall vying with the next in line. Vendors shout their own particular brand of advertisements or allow the pyres of smoke from their grills to do the advertising for them while others are busy buying and selling goods of every imaginable value. There are cargo containers stacked in high hills throughout the area, most of them likely from a shop of the same name, Cargo Containers and a shadowed doorway nestled in the maze of stacks leads to Eavesdown Ink.
Running the length of the port the side of a building boasts an entrance with an awning leading into the Steel Dragon Shipyard. To the northeast, a section between two landing platforms begins the road to the Spacer's District, where those who are less restricted to Eavesdown may find additional business options. Lower end housing is located to the east at the Eavesdown Heights while the same thoroughfare stretches to the west towards the Racetrack.

          Kaedalus has adopted a more.. summery outfit. It is Persephone, all dusty and hot! A little white blouse and a long, flowing floral skirt that dances about his ankles. He has one of those summer umbrellas too, perched over his shoulder to offer some shade as he walks along, his sandaled feet slapping against the ground as he weaves through the docks. Spotting Annabelle, he gives a little wave of his fingers, "Hihi!" <English>

          There is an ASREV parked along the a row not far from the Red Angel. It's silver like an old B-52 bomber at an Earth that was Air Show. It even has a dusky skinned woman painted in a pin-up pose on the side of the ship naming it the Heart Breaker. Phelan, the brown coat from the previous night, comes emerging from the cargo bay. He turns locking the cargo bay and start to head toward the ship yards. <English>

          Seasons and temperatures alter and change from planet to planet. Summer to one is like fall to another. And growing up on the scorching ranges of Lilac, Annie has a leather trenchchoat worn over her casual tee and jeans combination, the weight of it settled onto her shoulders comfortably, fitting her figure like a glove. Her coffee is in her right hand, and she uses her left to fish into her pocket, pulling out her Smartcom and balancing it atop a knee so that she can type something into it as she crowd watches. Catching Kae's wave, a brow arches over her green eyes and she gives a lift of her chin in acknowledgement, nodding a silent hello. <English>

          Emerging from the shipyard, and running one hand over the gear that she is carrying in the assorted pockets and pouches clipped to her belt or the khaki's, Calira pauses just outside the yard and skims a look around. Taking note of the parked ships, and as a non-pilot the term is always 'parked' to her way of thinking, Calira checks for familiar faces in the crowd as she sets course for the shuttle platform. <English>

          Kaedalus takes a moment to look around, and seeing no one else familiar to talk to, makes a beeline for Annabelle. "How goes?" he asks, spinning his umbrella about in his hand, glancing from side to side. "Isn't it a little late for coffee?" <English>

          Erin is very uncertain as to where she is heading. She looks around at the ships, trying to find one that looks familiar or something. <English>

          Annie's cup of coffee is kind of an extension of appendage to the woman, it's nearly ever-present. So when the time of day is questioned, the woman merely laughs, and shakes her head, "It's never too late for coffee." She looks over Kae from head to toe, makeup, blouse, frilly skirt, parasol, and then she shakes her head just a bit. "Don't know you well, kid, but seemed that maybe Feria took a shining to you... So I'm going to pass out a bit of advice you didn't ask to get." She types into her com as she talks, "Getups like that... You want to be hanging out a bit farther north, towards the better part of the city... Wearing that down here, these docks? You're just a beat-down waiting to happen." <English>

          Kaedalus purses his lips, "I haven't seen Feria since... well that last time I was here with her.. dunno where she's run off to again." he says, shrugging. "And there's no one to talk to... further north... everywhere's empty and boring. At least here there are people." he says, rolling his eyes. "And I stay far away from that dreggy bar, ick." <English>

          Phelan hasn't had a chance to meet all of his new crew. But he was rushing towards the Steel Dragon cause he knew there was a shuttle to Ezra for team building exercises. It draws him in a path to run right into Calira. Which he catches himself and mutters, "Please, forgive me. I'm late to meet my crew for a shuttle to Ezr..." Then he turns to look at her, "Lady Dumont." He binks a few times. Then looks around to make sure there were no black Fed ASERV about to drag him away. <English>

          Calira watches the look on Phelan's face change from 'mildly distracted/focused' to 'oh-you' in a matter of moments. Her expression, in turn, shifts between bland neutrality (which is to say 'normal public expression') to one of mild amusement in turn. "Mister Daniels, I don't have a covert team ready to swoop out and arrest you based on the top five things you've done recently that you don't want anyone to know you've done," she says, mild voice conveying the same quiet amusement. "Will your wife be joining us?" she asks, keeping the conversation light, the fine thread of amusement apparently in her voice. "I believe the others will be meeting us soon," hope in her tone of voice, or maybe just positive attitude at play. <English>

          Erin continues to look around. She hesitates as she approaches where Phelan and Calira are and asks softly, "Excuse me but I was wondering if you could tell me if the Darkstar is anywhere close by?" <English>

          Kae has a fraction of Annie's attention, and her com has another portion. But she's sitting out with a hiring sign, so the majority of her attention is on the crowds. Recognizing Calira, Annie offers a nod to greet her along with a bright smile if the other woman notices her, but she doesn't say anything to interrupt Cal's conversation. Instead, she merely answers Kae, "You're a grown adult..." And then she looks him over a bit closer, "Well, I think..." She shrugs, "Either way, if you don't mind a beatdown with soap in a sock... Who am I to judge?" <English>

          Kaedalus shrugs, "I can take care of myself. Done it enough growing up and I've yet to have any problems. Except the odd mean talking person but I just avoid them." he says, "Anyhoo, nice seeing you again and all." <English>

          Phelan jumps back when Cal says his name. "You can't prove it was me. It was somebody el...." Then he blinks a few time, "Mia? What?" He sighs, "This is what I get for not knowing all my crew." He smiles, "Well I know if we need something shot. We got the right person on our side." He looks up, "Hey Erin. It's at Steel Dragon, but I think we're going on a field trip." Phelan, Cal, and Erin are standing near each other talking. Annabelle and Kaedalus are standing on the Red Angel. There's also a sign advertising for crew. <English>

          Leutrim is returning from the Bounty Hunter's Guild, going there most days when he's on Persephone. The rifleman is heading back towards the Red Angel, where he's been hanging out a lot lately when he's not gone off to Verbena, or on his own new ship. He's got a ruck slung over his back, resting over his riflecase as he walks through the very familiar docks. Leu sidesteps a MULE that can't see him, keeping his grey eyes alert to pick pockets, vehicles, and all other manner of life that might bump into him and earn his ire. As he approaches the Red's ramp and sees Annie in her usual place, Leu raises a hand to give her a wave as he slowly makes his way through the last string of busy vendor's tents and the crowd.

          There's far too many people in the docks for Leutrim to notice friends about, unless they were over near to the Red Angel as well. So he doesn't notice Phelan, Calira, Mia and so forth as yet. <English>

          Odell enters the Docks and catches part of several questions. " What is at the Steel... " then Odell pauses, and nearly smacks his forehead .. as he spots Erin and makes a bee-line to her and not careing as he lifts up his wife and kiss's her soundly. "The star is at the Dragon shipyards yes.." as he glance to Phelan and smiles brightly. "So have I missed anything?" <English>

          Calira turns, aiming a smile at Mia that is less of the mild amusement and more genuine warmth when she spots the good doctor. "Doctor Daniels, good to see you," she offers a hand forward in greeting. "I was just rattling your husband's cage, so to speak, he's rather amusing when he's rattled." This said she aims the look of mild amusement back to Phelan, "I'm serving as chief of security for the DarkStar, Mr. Daniels, if that helps tidy up some of the confusion." She then shifts, slightly, angling her attention to now include Erin, "You're Erin Malika," she notes aloud with a smile aimed at Erin, offering the same hand she'd offered to Mia to Erin next: "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Cal Dumont, Chief of Security for the DarkStar," offering her name by way of introduction. "Sink is doing some upgrades, at Michio's request. I have a line on some of the stuff happening on Ezra and some intel to possibly gather, but I need to get to Ezra, and ASAP as in now. Anyone care to join me?" <English>

          Erin eeps as she is picked up and kissed. Then she laughs and kisses Odell back. Turning to Calira she offers a hand and says, "It is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Dumont." She hasn't let go to Odell however. <English>

          Annie's green eyes have been people-watching all day, looking for new hires and entertainment alike. So when that tall, familiar form comes sauntering in, Leu's an easy sight for her to catch. She tucks her com back into her pocket as a smile warms her face, and lifts a hand to wave as Leu heads over, saying to Kae as she does, "Take care. Try not to end up on anyone's wrong side." Not that she thinks he's got even half a shot at doing it, but hey, only so much advice you can give. <English>

          Phelan looks back to Mia, "Hey Darling. Uhm... Field trip. It's alright." He moves to slip his arm around her. Then make sure she's between him and Calira. He looks to Odell, "Next time warn me whose on the crew? Will you? I was expecting black ASREVS." He looks back to Calira, "Sure thing Chief. I've got a permit." H <English>

          Mia crosses her arms and squints at Calira, "I'm less than amused and I bet what amuses me might not amuse you. Unrattled he's the sharpest shot you got at your disposal I garuntee it so lets...not...rattle the cage." She sidles up to Phelan and gives him a puzzled look, soothingly stroke his back, "Did we take a bit of bait?" ot's a question not a taunt. She looks to Phelan, "Er, sorry bao bei, you were off to remove the ship and it slipped my mind." she looks distinctly guilty now, "Surpriise?" <English>

          Calira gives Erin's hand a quick grip, steady but brief, "Please, call me Cal," she asks in return. She chuckles at Phelan's remarks to Odell, "I'm retired, keep that in mind, ok?" she says before angling her wrist and checking the time. "We need to be moving out," she notes and starts for the landing pad where the shuttle is parked that'll lift those that are going to Ezra. She did NOT, really didn't say 'Marines, we are leaving', honest. <English>

Public Market - Ezra

The Public Market, as misleading as the name is for a place like this, is part of the central hub of the city. Right to the North is the old Spaceport the street from there looks rather acceptable, still it's worn and used as everything in this township. The place itself is an assembly of little shacks and huts, the people here selling rat-burgers as well as the better equivalent. When you look closer you quickly notice that the whole area seems to be loitered and controlled by thugs, a gang controlling this sector as it looks like. To the East as well as to the West the city's Main Street leads into the even older more desolate parts of the city.

          Calira tucks her hands into her pockets, part way at least, leaving her enough reaction time should she need it, and slowly looks around the market. "Why is it that the scent of rat burgers makes me reconsider ever eating again, ever, for the rest of my life?" she wonders aloud. <English>

          Odell grins. "Oh I don't know. Perhaps you've eaten one to many of them and just lost the taste for them. " as he teases softly, as Odell scans the area and keeps his hands empty for now but close to a number of weapons, some hidden some not so much. <English>

          Michio moves along not far from Calira, the japanese man adjusting the katana worn upon his back slightly as Hachiman wanders along beside him. The Akita keeping close to the Japanese man shadowing his movements through the market. The comment about rat burgers making the man chuckle as he steps away from her making his way over to a nearby vendor cart. The man's grey gaze drifting over some of the items laid out for sale. <English>

          Mia shrugs and grabs one, offering one to Phelan, "Hungry?" She looks to Calira, "Taste like any other mammal to me." <English>

          Phelan looks at Cal, "Well I know a guy who sells critter on a stick on Persephone." He looks at Mia and grins, "Thanks sweety. Nah... I think'd rather eat a burger at the Captain's Retreat." He smiles. Not sure why his misses is eating mystery meat. <English>

          Calira aims a look at Odell that conveys amusement and disgust at the same time, "Once again, the vote for packaged MRE's," she mutters. She casts a look around, does a head count, then waits for everyone else to get a good look around before she speaks again. "Trust me, I've had rat for dinner, I'll take bugs roasted on a shovel blade over rat, any day. At least I don't feel like I'm having bubonic plague served on a roasted bun for dinner," she says with a shudder. "Now, it stands to reason that if children are going missing, hell if children are going missing anywhere, that people who've lost their children will have made some noise about it. Whether anything was done about it is another matter entirely. and by 'done' I mean either to look for the missing OR to silence those who are making noise about the missing, is another story all together. But one way to start is to just move through the market, try to listen to casual conversation Look for that which is out of place. See if there are any fliers up, sometimes people still do that. Keep your eyes and ear open," advice that everyone already knows. <English>

          Mia lifts an eyebrow and looks amused, "Mark this day on the calendar, there's soemthing I'll eat you won't." she eyes the looks she;'s getting, "Hey, one in three people died on earth that was died because of these bastards. I say eat the fuckers, y'all can eat what you want. So what're we looking for?" <English>

          Odell grins at cal. "well then best you stock up heavily on them as you never know where we might go and have to eat. besides rat's not to bad if cooked properly. " <English>

          Michio's head gives a subtle nod hearing the words from Calira, A glance is given back towards Odell. "Much easier to just find a burger joint with.. real reputable meat." His shoulders shrugging quickly as he steps away with Hachiman. One last look given over his shoulder, the man looking briefly between Mia and Phelan before heading into the crowds to begin wandering the market. <English>

          Phelan shrugs, "Find a woman named Trinity Cortes. If she's still on planet. Don't know how she feels about me. But damn good cook." He shrugs at Mia, "Just ain't hungry. Also brings back some bad times." He looks to move through the crowd looking for people that would seem to be of intrest to talk too. <English>

          "My good doctor, if you're willing to eat soup, then you already eat things I won't eat. Food shouldn't float," Calira says with a nod at Mia and a wry trace of a smile. "And, Odell, if you tell me that rat tastes good if you use the right peppers, I may have to send assassins to murder you in your sleep." She sweeps another look around, calculates, "It's been a few months," she reminds before and catches Phelan's advice. "Trinity Cortes? Alright, I'll put her name on the list," she promises before frowning again. "This is where Maxim came from," she adds, in a quieter tone, "I wonder if this ties to that, somehow," still musing as she rolls her left shoulder slightly to ease the tense set of her muscles, flexes her left hand then picks a direction to begin wandering in as well. <English>

          Odell chuckles, "Now would I ever, ever do anything like that to you Calira..? " as he grins impishly. Then looks to Phel, and mia and michio.. "I dont know but with a few months passing it'll make getting information all that much harder best we start asking questions while we can, even if the trail is a bit colder than we like." <English>

          Mia sighs, "Calira, what we here for again and on the scale and flavor if dishonest you need to be in the company of, what you need?" <English>

          Michio stops at another of the stalls settling in beside it, Michio's hands moving to tuck away inside of his jacket pockets as he lets his gaze search over the market. The japanese man falling completely silent as he just studies the place and the faces within, Beside him Hachiman quietly sits down waiting and watchful of the immediate area surrounding his master. <English>

          Phelan looks bac at Cal, "Chief, Not building a good trust relationship with the cargomaster threatening the Captain with assassins. I get grumpy when Meal ticke... I mean the captain get all assassinated." He frowns, "And It ain't salt and pepper." He looks around for a bit, "Mia, I would reckon, the Chief is looking for the unsavory flavor that wouldn't mind making kids disappear. Which means bottom of the Gorram Barrel." He looks to Michio. "My experiences those are unsavory types, us unsavory types don't like much. If you were an unsavory type, which your not." <English>

          "Because your a mean machiavellian cook?" Calira wonders at Odell with a laugh. "And exactly," nodding at Odell, "what he said. And that," she starts to clarify but Phelan does that rather neatly. "And it's Ezra. Everything and everyone is dishonest in some form or another once they get past the age of five and have to start fending for themselves. Oh, I'm sure infants are innocent, it's the toddler stage that starts the whole honesty or not debacle and from there it's anyone's guess." She watches Hachiman, as much as his human Michio, moving through the market before aiming a wry grin at Phelan. "If he plans to serve peppered Rat for dinner, I make no promises." <English>

          Michio tests his Spot against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (2).

          Mia considers and purses her lips, "How much time we have? I can always slip away, change wardrobe, and probably find someone in the trafficing business or other unsavory circles who might know someone or something?" She looks to Calira, "What's the plan?" <English>

          Michio's thin brow lifts at something he spots, The japanese man giving a quick command to Hachiman causing the dog to raise up and begin to move to follow as Michio starts cutting through the crowds. His movements holding a chaotic sort of pattern guiding him around a few of the carts as he makes his way towards a bench occupied by a neatly dressed man. <English>

          "I'm not in a rush," Calira answers quietly to Mia. "The ship won't be ready to go until Sink and his team are done with the repairs. I'm inclined to take our time, glean what we can before we pool what we can find and work forward - or, conversely, backward in time - from there." <English>

          Odell looks around and spots Michio heading off, and looks to Calira. "okay so what leads if any do we have.... I mean we must have something so that we have a starting point yes?" he asks to his head of security. <English>

          Calira tests her Computer_Use against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (18).

          The video feed is dated July 25, 2534 - 07:35:35. The video turns to focus directly on a blonde reporter wearing a tan trench coat, a bright green and blue silk scarf tied neatly around her neck. She's standing in the light of a streetlight. "Reporting for CNNBA News, I'm Natasha Scodenko. We apologize for the interruption in the regularly scheduled programs, however we've received an important news bulletin. A source who wishes to remain anonymous has reported to us that twenty seven and eight year old children have been kidnapped. A summer archaeological program being held on Ezra was the target, and all of the students enrolled in the program were taken. One of the teachers involved in the program was seriously injured and is in hospital undergoing treatment. The other two teachers have declined comment at this time. We'll keep you posted as this situation develops," she says. The screen then fades to black.

          Calira eyes the battered looking local CORTEX terminal and nods at it, "I'm going to see about accessing the original news bulletin, just to refresh my memory. Lets have a listen," she says and walks over to the public terminal, keys in some data, forks over some credits, casually smacks the heel of one hand against the side of the unit, "percussive maintenance," she mutters before the right broadcast finally pulls up and begins to play after a moment or two of jittery screen. <English>

          Mia nods to Calira, "Then I guess I'll sniff about a bit. Anyone on the crew who's a bit skeezy, or could be convincing? You know. The kind of guy who'd never take candy from?" <English>

          Odell follows calira so that he too can listen his eyes occasionaly looking about just as a percaution as he'd rather not get jumped or run afoul of anyone while doing this. <English>

          Calira eyes the recording while nodding to Mia, "There's always someone. And it's always about money, sex, or power." She rubs absently at her left shoulder, "Top leads, then. A: This archaeological program - it should be something that had to be paid for, people who can pay for such things have money, people with money to spend on their children have money to spend on other things, like luxuries, and these kids could be used as a lever to begin prying money out of their parents pockets. B: How did the kidnappers know where the children were going to be, precisely when they were going to be, and at the most vulnerable - security wise - which suggests we have a look at the school, who had access to their itinerary. C: The location where they were taken, who was in charge of security there, and what follow up - if any - has been done. D: Did the teacher that was involved survived the ongoing treatments and, if so, are they willing to talk." <English>

          While the others go over the reports and talk amongst themselves Michio continues his walk, The japanese man settling in at the bench beside the neatly dressed man. Hachiman moving to lay down though not fully relaxing before the bench as Michio gives a glance towards the tablet held in the man's hands before offering up in a near whisper, "Is a very nice day for people watching, hai?" <English>

          Mia looks to Calira, "Have you ever seen a school schedule? IT's to the schedule. Shit like this is why my children are hoemschooled. Anyway, finding out would have been easy but I'll proof that theory by digging up an itenerary likely posted on the school's cortex page. I wouldn't be surprised if they followed then same pattern every time which means anyone who participated in these programs or had a kid would have known the routine." <English>

          The man glances towards the dog briefly, then to the Japanese man who sat down beside him. He gives a slight nod, then turns his attention towards the market as a whole, it would seem. "There are very few days which are not," he replies, a thoughtful note to his voice. To those with an ear for such things, it could be noticed he has a Russian accent. The screen of the datapad in his lap, meanwhile, goes dark from not being touched. <English>

          Odell looks to Calira as she' verbaly making notes. "Well you might wish to concider that there were two teachers who refused to comment yes? Perhaps they were involved in the kidnapping, as they could have given out the route and security details to those who actualy pulled off the attack. " he looks to Mia and grins. " well thankfuly my kids have been in a way home schooled too mostly by Erin or her parents, but still. It is totaly feasible that the teachers were paid or forced to give up the information so that the kids could be taken." <English>

          Michio's head cants to the side hearing the words spoken by the Russian, "Hai, Suppose many of them are good for it. Seems that this market is your place.. you it's sentinel in a way. Watchful.. but silently so." His words are spoken simply as he leans back against the bench beside the man crossing his arms across his chest. <English>

          "I haven't, actually, no," Calira replies with a measured shake of her head. "I've spent most of my adult life trying to keep the kids entrusted to my command from getting dead. I try not to think of them younger than enlistment age. You have children?" somewhat of a non sector, "I had no idea. Mazletov," much belatedly to be sure. "So, that doesn't narrow the pool, but lets see if that school is still open," she turns back to the cortex terminal. "And, if it is, if those teachers - any of them - are still employed. And that location for the dig, who sends their children on an archaeological dig? sounds like some sort of summer work study or a reason to keep kids busy so they don't burn the house down between school terms." <English>

          Calira tests her Computer_Use against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (62).

          Mia grunts, "They're not on the ship. Keep them safe, far, far away. I posit we find who here has hand in trafficing-these kids weren't ransomed out, right? So, trafficing and like you said it takes a special kind of sonofabitch to do that, bet that's a narrower pool and they might know something?" <English>

          Odell nods to Mia.. "good Idea, as I doubt anyone who traffics in kids would just let anyone not of planet come here to take them. People would have to be compensated for such a job." <English>

          "The local authorities should have leads on their local color, that is to say: local criminals and the flavor of criminal activity they usually engage in. Everything from drug running to weapons to humans and back," Calira agrees with a nod. "Special kind of scum that deals in human trade means a special kind of breed of security around them," she adds, just to clarify. "Compensated or dealt with," she suggests with a nod to Odell while still working at the keypad, uses the heel of her hand again to make the screen unscramble. Her eyes narrow subtly, "There's that big fancy casino here, too. Gamblers. People who peddle and pander to the gamblers, those who have lots of money to roll around. It'd be a risky gambit, to steal the entire class, but if they already had buyers lined up . . it's not that big of a gambit." <English>

          Calira tests her Computer_Use against a 65 difficulty. The result is successful (61).

          Mia grunts, "Security smecurity. Give me three days and a blind eye and I'll find someone who can get us pointed in the right direction." <English>

          You find out that the school is called MacKay Ivers public school. It's a local school on Ezra. It's a public scool, so it does kindergarten to grade 8. The school is still open, and still running classes. The teachers who ran the summer school volunteered their time to do so. The course itself is run every summer, with different flavours, so to speak -- this year was archaeology, some years are other professions. The course is run for underprivileged kids -- kids from poverty or poor homes. The teachers came in from one of the universities on Osiris. The course's purpose is to open the kids to new or different alternatives than what they see every day -- which is crime and the products of the underworld lifestyle that Ezra harbours. With it being different professions for the course each summer, there's no set 'schedule' that's followed each year. There was some information about where the summer school would be located, and no mention on the school's site as to what security would be present. Accomodations were listed as 'authentic to an archaeological dig' -- which means tents and such. Neither of the other two teachers have made any statement to the press about the incident.

          The Russian raises an eyebrow slightly as he looks to the man sitting on the bench with him. He seems comfortable, at ease. Unbothered. He chuckles, then shakes his head. "My place? Do I strike you as a man of wealth to be able to own all of this? And if I did, would I be sitting here as I am?" he asks, sounding amused. "But, I watch it all," he adds, after a moment. <English>

          Michio's head shakes slightly, "A sentinel doesn't always own that which he keeps watch of, Sometimes the sentinel serves others.." His words are spoken softly as he let's his gaze return to the Russian, Michio offering up a small smile. "Might not be a man of wealth but are a man of information, Something I am most certainly interested in at present." Michio remains seated on the bench talking with the man even as the others tend to their own look over the market for information. <English>

          To be continued . . .

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Continue reading with On Ezra - Part 3 - Dark Star Security Company speaks to the families of the missing.