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|IC Date=2535/11/16
|IC Date=2535/11/16
|OOC Date=2014/11/23
|OOC Date=2014/11/21
|Characters in Scene=Adrian Calhoun, Heather Jacy, Rodney Kilbride, Abbey Wallace, Goemon Miyamoto, Fowler Cartwright, Templeton Torres, Angela Carter, Aeron the Witch(on Comms).
|Characters in Scene=Adrian Calhoun, Heather Jacy, Rodney Kilbride, Abbey Wallace, Goemon Miyamoto, Templeton Torres, Fowler Cartwright, Templeton Torres, Angela Carter, Aeron the Witch(on Comms).
|Short Summary=The Separatist movement takes the next step, on Bernadette. An Alliance convoy carrying ammunition is attacked by what appears to be members of the People's Army.
|Short Summary=The People's Army(Or those posing as them) fires the first shots of the insurgency on Bernadette. They attack an Alliance convoy loaded with ammunition.
|Full Log=<poem>=[ Scene Set ]=======================================================
|Full Log=
The supply convoy, loaded with ammunition, food, and probably a few big ol' whacking sticks
for good measure, rumbles from the makeshift spaceport strongpoint. Two utility trucks, with  
The supply convoy, loaded with ammunition, food, and probably a few big ol' whacking sticks for good measure, rumbles from the makeshift spaceport strongpoint. Two utility trucks, with mounted weapons, escort a tracked IFV along the ground at a decent cruising speed. The lead vehicle seems to be blaring some kind of old music. Late 20th century tejana, from the sound of it. Despite the music, the marines seem to be a little on edge. Perhaps because there's a comparative bigwig (Commander Adrian Calhoun) in the central vehicle, looking rather irked as he mans the big gun of the vehicle. Heavily armored, he watches the surrounding terrain carefully. "Hey!" He kicks the man in the 'shotgun' seat in the helmet. "Turn that crap off!"
mounted weapons, escort a tracked IFV along the ground at a decent cruising speed. The lead  
vehicle seems to be blaring some kind of old music. Late 20th century tejana, from the sound  
of it. Despite the music, the marines seem to be a little on edge. Perhaps because there's a  
comparative bigwig (Commander Adrian Calhoun) in the central vehicle, looking rather irked as  
he mans the big gun of the vehicle. Heavily armored, he watches the surrounding terrain  
carefully. "Hey!" He kicks the man in the 'shotgun' seat in the helmet. "Turn that crap off!"
o/` King of the road... o/` <English>
o/` King of the road... o/` <English>
[Private Channel Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Be careful, Tempest. Come home tonight."  
[Private Channel Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Be careful, Tempest. Come home tonight." <English>
In position, a reasonable distance from the convoy's starting point, Rod scans the approaching
vehicles. He's taken up position, in the doorway of a shuttered saloon. The Scotsman is
wearing all black, save for a red cloth knotted about his right arm, and carries a wide
variety of weapons, though only the claymore on his back is 'distinctive', and it is new
enough, that most have not seen him use. He looks over his shoulder, at the crew with him, and
offers a toothy smile. "Let's start a fuckin' war..." The smile disappears, as he tugs his
helmet, with its tinted face-shield down.
A look is given to the Bernadette native that he's recruited to carry a satchel of rockets,
and other assorted gear. A nod is given, and as the first truck is about to speed by his
position, he hefts an RPG, leans out from cover, and squeezes the weapon's firing mechanism. A
cloud of smoke, and fire, and the rocket barrels toward the lead vehicle. The first shot fired
of the insurgency! <English>
Abbey is lucky, or perhaps not depending on how people look at it. Being a sniper she is at a
vantage point that gives her a good vision down along the line that convoy was coming in on,
they had the general idea but as soon as she saw the movement she made sure the others new as
well, though quiet on the Comms unless it was needed of course. She knows well how to hide,
dark clothing on, hair tucked back and out of sight while laying there with the rifle set up
just perfect as she is looking down the scope. She chews on the end of a cigarette that was
never lit and smirks just a bit seeing a target that is just begging to be shot at, far be it
from her to not try to get a hit in soon as possible. Once the round goes off from the rest of
her group she starts as well, target made shot fired before she is setting up for the next
shot rather quickly. <English>
Dressed similarly to Rodney, Fowler is peering out of the curtained windows of the saloon, his
eyes resting on the approaching convoy. Slowly pulling his handgun out of its holster, he
offers a grin towards his Captain before pulling the bandana up over his nose.
He takes a few deep breaths and turns, his handgun sticking out of the window and firing a
round towards the convoy, doing his best to aim at the guy in the turret. <English>
Angela is dressed for the occasion as well, suited up in some decent armour and while everyone
else seems to have gone for rifle and rocket launchers, she holds her trusty 'Thorne' in hand.
The red pistol and red silk scarf tied around her arm are the only marks of colour on her. As
she hears the approaching music she does a little dance in place before lifting her gun as she
peeks out of a corner window. "Lets have us some fun." <English>
It's been a little bit of time since Templeton Torres championed the cause of bad-guy-ness,
but it's just like riding a bike. A horrible, dangerous, rusty bike. The stoic engineer
presses the earbud further into his aural organ, ensuring that he has a direct line of
communication with his allies. He glances once at the red scarf on his arm and jokes, "Guys,
next time can we be skins?" before pulling the slide back on his Bersa. Like Angela, his mode
of operation is simple, but functional. He's more or less ready to engineer some holes in some
personnel on the Alliance payroll.
Templeton's got his back pressed against the doorframe of the saloon, weapon now pointed at
the ground. He stays behind cover as Rodney fires the rocket-propelled grenade, ready to
provide cover for the Wulver captain. <English>
[Wulver Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "No, Tem, you can't be. I let you out there without armor
just in skin, they're all going to think you married some crazy lady. Watch your arse, Snip.
They're about to blow up your bunker if they can." <English>
The RPG streaks from the ambush point, and the keen-eyed commander sees it coming. "RPG, 9-
o'clock high!" He bellows in a sharp voice, swerving the heavy machine gun toward the source
of the shot, and squeezing off a few rounds before the RPG slams into the light armor of the
Bulldog truck, shredding the rear driver-side passenger through his armor. He's dead before he
finishes processing the fact that he's under fire. The blast sends the man in the turret clear
with damaged leg armor, but otherwise intact. He lands in a heap near the stricken bulldog,
and shakes his helmeted head, growling. "Pitbull Actual, Firebase alpha, we are under attack!
QRF to my location, triple-stat! Requesting support fire, my position!" He barrels toward the
tracked Boar, slamming himself into place against it as the other Marines disembark from their
vehicle, some taking half-aimed potshots in the general direction of the incoming fire. AT the
edge of the Boar, he sticks his head out to quickly scan for threats, his face hidden behind
his helmet as he pokes his weapon out to take a shot as possible. <English>
"We're on the clock! 4 minutes!" Rodney calls into his commlink, reminding folks that they are
supposed to be in and out ASAP. They have no intention of dealing with the quick response
force, if possible. The Scot drops his empty RPG, expecting his ammo carrier to snatch it up,
and snatches is modified Callahan from the doorway, where'd he left it. With the lead truck
out of commission, it is time to close the distance, and start with killing. "For
Bernadette!!!" This is shouted, just before he is struck by a round from the big-shot in
charge of the convoy. He staggers, though the old soldier is still keen enough to spot the
muzzle flash that caused him the wound. He doesn't stop to check his wound, or find better
cover. His automatic rifle is tucked against his shoulder, and he pours a long burst toward
Adrian's position, while walking forward at the quick-step, toward the convoy. Fuck cover.
Abbey likes cover, who doesn't, save for Rodney it would seems. Not that she can tell that at
the moment while she watches the mess happening before her. "Bloody mess.." Is murmured to
herself while the convoy turns more into a wreckers dream of all heck down there. The message
is heard from Aeron over the comms and she hunkers down a bit more in the ground just incase!
Been there, done that before and she would rather not get blown up just yet. The Marines are
now the ones that get her attention and she is quick to set up a round flying down at the one
that is poking his head out to try and find one of her crew to shoot. "Not today.." Is
In position, a reasonable distance from the convoy's starting point, Rod scans the approaching vehicles. He's taken up position, in the doorway of a shuttered saloon. The Scotsman is wearing all black, save for a red cloth knotted about his right arm, and carries a wide variety of weapons, though only the claymore on his back is 'distinctive', and it is new enough, that most have not seen him use. He looks over his shoulder, at the crew with him, and offers a toothy smile. "Let's start a fuckin' war..." The smile disappears, as he tugs his helmet, with its tinted face-shield down.
A look is given to the Bernadette native that he's recruited to carry a satchel of rockets, and other assorted gear. A nod is given, and as the first truck is about to speed by his position, he hefts an RPG, leans out from cover, and squeezes the weapon's firing mechanism. A cloud of smoke, and fire, and the rocket barrels toward the lead vehicle. The first shot fired of the insurgency! <English>
murmured to herself as that shot is lined up and she lets it go flying. She lost sight of the  
Abbey is lucky, or perhaps not depending on how people look at it. Being a sniper she is at a vantage point that gives her a good vision down along the line that convoy was coming in on, they had the general idea but as soon as she saw the movement she made sure the others new as well, though quiet on the Comms unless it was needed of course. She knows well how to hide, dark clothing on, hair tucked back and out of sight while laying there with the rifle set up just perfect as she is looking down the scope. She chews on the end of a cigarette that was never lit and smirks just a bit seeing a target that is just begging to be shot at, far be it from her to not try to get a hit in soon as possible. Once the round goes off from the rest of her group she starts as well, target made shot fired before she is setting up for the next shot rather quickly. <English>
one she was gunning for the first time, but if he is still alive maybe she can spot him again
Dressed similarly to Rodney, Fowler is peering out of the curtained windows of the saloon, his eyes resting on the approaching convoy. Slowly pulling his handgun out of its holster, he offers a grin towards his Captain before pulling the bandana up over his nose.
He takes a few deep breaths and turns, his handgun sticking out of the window and firing a round towards the convoy, doing his best to aim at the guy in the turret. <English>
to get another try at him at this rate. <English>
Angela is dressed for the occasion as well, suited up in some decent armour and while everyone else seems to have gone for rifle and rocket launchers, she holds her trusty 'Thorne' in hand. The red pistol and red silk scarf tied around her arm are the only marks of colour on her. As she hears the approaching music she does a little dance in place before lifting her gun as she peeks out of a corner window. "Lets have us some fun." <English>
Fowler exhales sharply, moving out beside Rodney, his Starshot leveled at one of the soldiers
It's been a little bit of time since Templeton Torres championed the cause of bad-guy-ness, but it's just like riding a bike. A horrible, dangerous, rusty bike. The stoic engineer presses the earbud further into his aural organ, ensuring that he has a direct line of communication with his allies. He glances once at the red scarf on his arm and jokes, "Guys, next time can we be skins?" before pulling the slide back on his Bersa. Like Angela, his mode of operation is simple, but functional. He's more or less ready to engineer some holes in some personnel on the Alliance payroll.
Templeton's got his back pressed against the doorframe of the saloon, weapon now pointed at the ground. He stays behind cover as Rodney fires the rocket-propelled grenade, ready to provide cover for the Wulver captain. <English>
pulling himself from the debris of the crashed vehicles as he shouts, "Move, move, move! Get
[Wulver Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "No, Tem, you can't be. I let you out there without armor just in skin, they're all going to think you married some crazy lady. Watch your arse, Snip. They're about to blow up your bunker if they can." <English>
that shit and go!" and pulls the trigger. <English>
The RPG streaks from the ambush point, and the keen-eyed commander sees it coming. "RPG, 9-o'clock high!" He bellows in a sharp voice, swerving the heavy machine gun toward the source of the shot, and squeezing off a few rounds before the RPG slams into the light armor of the Bulldog truck, shredding the rear driver-side passenger through his armor. He's dead before he finishes processing the fact that he's under fire. The blast sends the man in the turret clear with damaged leg armor, but otherwise intact. He lands in a heap near the stricken bulldog, and shakes his helmeted head, growling. "Pitbull Actual, Firebase alpha, we are under attack! QRF to my location, triple-stat! Requesting support fire, my position!" He barrels toward the tracked Boar, slamming himself into place against it as the other Marines disembark from their vehicle, some taking half-aimed potshots in the general direction of the incoming fire. AT the edge of the Boar, he sticks his head out to quickly scan for threats, his face hidden behind his helmet as he pokes his weapon out to take a shot as possible. <English>
"3..2...1 and Boom..." Angela murmurs as she hears the rockets go off. "And now the fireworks
"We're on the clock! 4 minutes!" Rodney calls into his commlink, reminding folks that they are supposed to be in and out ASAP. They have no intention of dealing with the quick response force, if possible. The Scot drops his empty RPG, expecting his ammo carrier to snatch it up, and snatches is modified Callahan from the doorway, where'd he left it. With the lead truck out of commission, it is time to close the distance, and start with killing. "For Bernadette!!!" This is shouted, just before he is struck by a round from the big-shot in charge of the convoy. He staggers, though the old soldier is still keen enough to spot the muzzle flash that caused him the wound. He doesn't stop to check his wound, or find better cover. His automatic rifle is tucked against his shoulder, and he pours a long burst toward Adrian's position, while walking forward at the quick-step, toward the convoy. Fuck cover. <English>
have started everyone knows where the party's at." She says with a grin and glances out the  
Abbey likes cover, who doesn't, save for Rodney it would seems. Not that she can tell that at the moment while she watches the mess happening before her. "Bloody mess.." Is murmured to herself while the convoy turns more into a wreckers dream of all heck down there. The message is heard from Aeron over the comms and she hunkers down a bit more in the ground just incase! Been there, done that before and she would rather not get blown up just yet. The Marines are now the ones that get her attention and she is quick to set up a round flying down at the one that is poking his head out to try and find one of her crew to shoot. "Not today.." Is murmured to herself as that shot is lined up and she lets it go flying. She lost sight of the one she was gunning for the first time, but if he is still alive maybe she can spot him again to get another try at him at this rate. <English>
window to see what damage has been caused. She raises her pistol and takes a moment to site
Fowler exhales sharply, moving out beside Rodney, his Starshot leveled at one of the soldiers pulling himself from the debris of the crashed vehicles as he shouts, "Move, move, move! Get that shit and go!" and pulls the trigger. <English>
down the length of the barrel at the closest soldier on the ground. "This is for DJ." She  
"3..2...1 and Boom..." Angela murmurs as she hears the rockets go off. "And now the fireworks have started everyone knows where the party's at." She says with a grin and glances out the window to see what damage has been caused. She raises her pistol and takes a moment to site down the length of the barrel at the closest soldier on the ground. "This is for DJ." She murmurs and fires her weapon at the man. The man goes down with a shot in the throat. "That's my girl, I promised you we would have some fun today." Angela says as she looks around to site another target. <English>
murmurs and fires her weapon at the man. The man goes down with a shot in the throat. "That's  
my girl, I promised you we would have some fun today." Angela says as she looks around to site  
another target. <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:8] GoGo says, "Tell me where to set up, Captain" <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:8] GoGo says, "Tell me where to set up, Captain" <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "If you're asking Cappy, answer's likely to be right up  
[Wulver MHZ Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "If you're asking Cappy, answer's likely to be right up the purple belly's arses. Personally, I'd say anywhere you can shoot 'em from behind cover, though. Don't follow his lead." <English>
the purple belly's arses. Personally, I'd say anywhere you can shoot 'em from behind cover,  
though. Don't follow his lead." <English>
Templeton twitches as projectiles slam into the building material that he's currently using as
a shield between himself and the enemy. That's when the adrenaline begins to snake through his
veins and the thrill of battle once again comes flooding back into his mental state of being.
"Holy /shit/," he mutters, teeth pressed tightly together. He watches in his peripheral vision
as Rodney gets struck by enemy fire. He had heard and seen legends; he wasn't too worried
about his state of being. It would take a little bit more than that to get him down, I'm sure.
With one deep breath, he rounds the corner and takes a knee, drawing upon his years of
experience with firearms to line up a shot to one of the disembarking Marines from the APC
which is currently less than operative thanks to the explosive. He squeezes off a pair of
rounds, pistol vibrating in his hands as the hammer strikes the explosive on the end of the
bullet. "You okay, old man?" comes the inquiry of well being from the starship engineer. But
Rodney's starting to stroll out into the open, answering that question pretty much right away.
"Okay, now you're having all the fun now, aren't you?" He rounds the corner and heads on out
of the saloon, giving chase to Kilbride. Which is completely disregarding what Aeron just
mentioned over the radio. <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "*laughter lingers in her voice from the witch's  
Templeton twitches as projectiles slam into the building material that he's currently using as a shield between himself and the enemy. That's when the adrenaline begins to snake through his veins and the thrill of battle once again comes flooding back into his mental state of being. "Holy /shit/," he mutters, teeth pressed tightly together. He watches in his peripheral vision as Rodney gets struck by enemy fire. He had heard and seen legends; he wasn't too worried about his state of being. It would take a little bit more than that to get him down, I'm sure. With one deep breath, he rounds the corner and takes a knee, drawing upon his years of experience with firearms to line up a shot to one of the disembarking Marines from the APC which is currently less than operative thanks to the explosive. He squeezes off a pair of rounds, pistol vibrating in his hands as the hammer strikes the explosive on the end of the bullet. "You okay, old man?" comes the inquiry of well being from the starship engineer. But Rodney's starting to stroll out into the open, answering that question pretty much right away. "Okay, now you're having all the fun now, aren't you?" He rounds the corner and heads on out of the saloon, giving chase to Kilbride. Which is completely disregarding what Aeron just mentioned over the radio. <English>
giggling as Cappy is called an old man, but it quickly fades into a far more serious tone*  
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "*laughter lingers in her voice from the witch's giggling as Cappy is called an old man, but it quickly fades into a far more serious tone* You're no spring chicken yourself, love. Have your fun, but make sure it's not so fun you forget to be careful." <English>
You're no spring chicken yourself, love. Have your fun, but make sure it's not so fun you  
forget to be careful." <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] Tempest says, "Too late, sweetheart..." <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] Tempest says, "Too late, sweetheart..." <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Just come home again on your own two feet. Not on a  
[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Just come home again on your own two feet. Not on a gurney, or in a bag. And don't forget to let me off of this bird when you do!" <English>
gurney, or in a bag. And don't forget to let me off of this bird when you do!" <English>
Taking advantage of the shock of Rodney's opening salvo, Goemon peeks from around the corner
of a building and opens fire into the driver's cab of the trailing vehicle. Dressed in most of
his old Independent Infantry uniform, he takes careful aim before firing burst fire into the  
Taking advantage of the shock of Rodney's opening salvo, Goemon peeks from around the corner of a building and opens fire into the driver's cab of the trailing vehicle. Dressed in most of his old Independent Infantry uniform, he takes careful aim before firing burst fire into the cab.
The lead vehicle of the convoy is burning fiercely; a couple of Marines make it out the back,  
The lead vehicle of the convoy is burning fiercely; a couple of Marines make it out the back, one staggering and screaming, holding his head, and one burning but managing to stop, drop and roll. Marines are spewing out of the rearmost vehicle, and there's a Navy officer amongst them, one Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy, infamous to those with long memories for apparently ordering a shipload of prisoners to be gunned down - the story is, however, complex and unclear. Still, she's recognizable still from the Cortex. She, and the Marines pouring out, are running to take cover across the street in whatever alleyways and doorways they can manage to find. The middle vehicle's driver floors the gas pedal and, lurching up onto the sidewalk, tries to ram past the burning lead. <English>
one staggering and screaming, holding his head, and one burning but managing to stop, drop and  
roll. Marines are spewing out of the rearmost vehicle, and there's a Navy officer amongst  
them, one Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy, infamous to those with long memories for  
apparently ordering a shipload of prisoners to be gunned down - the story is, however, complex  
and unclear. Still, she's recognizable still from the Cortex. She, and the Marines pouring  
out, are running to take cover across the street in whatever alleyways and doorways they can  
manage to find. The middle vehicle's driver floors the gas pedal and, lurching up onto the  
sidewalk, tries to ram past the burning lead. <English>
Kilbride laughs grimly, as Templeton inquires as to his status. "Fine, fine. Just a goddamned
scratch..." He stops speaking, when he spots the second truck's attempt to get away. The
Callahan's barrel swings in the direction of that truck's cab, and he dumps an accurate long
burst of 8mm rounds toward the driver, and whomever is unlucky enough to be within. "Chicken,
secure that ammo!" is a shouted order, and hopefully Chicken knows who Chicken is. For his
part, the Scotsman never stops marching toward the chaos of the convoy, and the marines
scattering about. He's apt to be a nice juicy target. <English>
Abbey eyes widen slightly at the fire that rips through the last convoy truck there, well that
is one way to take them out. She mutters a bit to herself and goes about working on picking
off some of the Marines that are now running for cover. Her slightly higher vantage point
helps her, being a sniper after all but her luck could run out at any moment at this rate.
Once she has the shot lined up it is taken and she is setting up for another shot quick as
possible, time is quickly escaping them after all. <English>
"Roger that," Fowler comments over comms as he swings the barrel of his pistol around, looking
for a target. He marches confidently towards the second truck, joining Rodney in firing wildly
into the cab of it with his hand-cannon. <English>
Goemon calmly drops to a kneeling position. Seeing no activity from the truck he unloaded on,
he shifts aim to the marines spilling out of the truck that went boom. He leads his target and
fires a quick burst.
The middle truck's driver throws up his arms and slumps over the steering yolk. His foot is
still on the gas pedal, and the vehicle catches the burning lead a glancing blow, jerks to the
right, and thumps into the wall of the building in a bitter crunch of protesting metal and
shattering glass. The engine stalls.
The Marine who stopped, dropped and rolled starts to rise, then jerks convulsively and falls
under Goemon's burst. Abbey's target falls too, screaming shrilly with a shattered femur, and
tries to crawl to safety; a burly Sergeant seizes her collar and starts to drag her to the
cover of a dumpster. A Marine with a bulky radio pack is already on the horn: "Mayday, Mayday,
Mayday, Convoy Seven Niner under hostile fire, taking casualties!" Heather Jacy has drawn her
pistol and is fumbling with the ammunition; it's a safe bet she's not switching /to/ stun
rounds. She's yelling orders as she works, gesturing to the surrounding buildings: "You two,
find the gorram snipers! Hicks, shoot that lunatic!" She's pointing at Rodney. <English>
Kilbride's within the mess of the convoy, now. He doesn't stop at the trucks, though. With all
three vehicles out of commission, and ready to be stripped...his goal is elimination of
Alliance personnel. Hicks' rounds don't hit him, and don't cause him to break stride. He does
seem aware of where the incoming fire came from, though. The Scotsman dressed as a Separatist,
switches his aimpoint toward the muzzle flashes, and fires another long burst toward the
Marine. But it isn't Game Over, Man...yet. It might be a flesh wound. Still. The lunatic keeps
coming. <English>
Everything is a bit of a mess down there from what Abbey can see, people running, fires
burning and through it all she finally catches sight of Rodney making his move and she shifts
a bit to take up a bit of a better position so she can keep an eye on the good captain. Her
rifle is lifted a bit and she goes about firing down on any of the marines that she can catch
sight of that may be aiming for Rodney. Once one is found she goes about firing and is quickly
moving on to another. <English>
"Let's get this shit and go, go, go!" Fowler calls out to the band of seperatists inside the
saloon as he fires a few rounds towards the marines exiting the third truck. Moving quickly
across the street, Fowler reaches the crashed truck, grabbing the dead marine out of the
driver's seat and throwing him onto the ground, making sure that the truck stays in one place
while he and three of the seperatists begin to unload crates of ammunition from it. <English>
Fowler tests his Firearms:sidearms against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (14).
Goemon tests his Tactics:ground_forces against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (30).
Fowler tests his Dodge against a 59 difficulty. The result is successful (31).
Goemon lowers his rifle slightly, clearing his field of view to eye the Alliance troop
movements and positions. After his quick survey, he again brings his rifle up and mutters
calmly into his comms, providing directions for the sniper to target any communications
personnel she sees.
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "We've got them stopped, now let's keep ourselves from getting
anymore friendly company. Abbey, if you spy anyone with radio gear, please take them out. The
gear first. Then the purplebelly." <English>
"Fall back! Bergstrom, Miller! Move it!" Heather Jacy makes stabbing motions with her hands as
she tries to re-establish a perimeter. Her troops aren't the best of the best of the best,
sah, they're just regular grunts, too young to have served in the U-war, maybe just a few with
experience against Reavers. But Reavers are just crazed killing machines, and this is
Rodney...well, there was a point in there somewhere, I think. So by and large they're on their
own, fighting to identify targets. Other than Rodney, Fowler and Goemon, that is. Hicks goes
down, a bullet through his throat, choking on his own blood, and another Marine near him
stumbles and falls, dropping his gun and staggering a few yards only to fall nearly in cover.
A curly blonde-haired Marine who has lost her helmet screams an obscenity and opens up on
Fowler; a grizzled old Sergeant (living up to typecasting) takes more careful aim at Rodney.
Two Marines kick down the door of a building and disappear inside, their boots pounding up the
stairs in a search for an upper window or the rooftop in a quest for Abbey. <English>
Kilbride hasn't stopped marching forward, though he has stopped firing his Callahan. It's 80
round drum bag is dry, and he doesn't have time to reload. Nor, it would seem does he feel
Kilbride laughs grimly, as Templeton inquires as to his status. "Fine, fine. Just a goddamned scratch..." He stops speaking, when he spots the second truck's attempt to get away. The Callahan's barrel swings in the direction of that truck's cab, and he dumps an accurate long burst of 8mm rounds toward the driver, and whomever is unlucky enough to be within. "Chicken, secure that ammo!" is a shouted order, and hopefully Chicken knows who Chicken is. For his part, the Scotsman never stops marching toward the chaos of the convoy, and the marines scattering about. He's apt to be a nice juicy target. <English>
like drawing the 1911 from his hip. Instead, he's yanking the claymore from over his shoulder,  
Abbey eyes widen slightly at the fire that rips through the last convoy truck there, well that is one way to take them out. She mutters a bit to herself and goes about working on picking off some of the Marines that are now running for cover. Her slightly higher vantage point helps her, being a sniper after all but her luck could run out at any moment at this rate. Once she has the shot lined up it is taken and she is setting up for another shot quick as possible, time is quickly escaping them after all. <English>
and hefting it into the air, before giving a shout of battle frenzied glee, and charging
forward at full speed. His path appears to be the Sergeant that is intently, if unsuccessfully
"Roger that," Fowler comments over comms as he swings the barrel of his pistol around, looking for a target. He marches confidently towards the second truck, joining Rodney in firing wildly into the cab of it with his hand-cannon. <English>
firing at him. When he's within a few feet, the heavy blade is swung down, as if trying to
Goemon calmly drops to a kneeling position. Seeing no activity from the truck he unloaded on, he shifts aim to the marines spilling out of the truck that went boom. He leads his target and fires a quick burst.
bisect the other man, shoulder to opposite hip. The crazed killing machine is getting closer,
Commander Jacy. <English>
The middle truck's driver throws up his arms and slumps over the steering yolk. His foot is still on the gas pedal, and the vehicle catches the burning lead a glancing blow, jerks to the right, and thumps into the wall of the building in a bitter crunch of protesting metal and shattering glass. The engine stalls.
There was just a bit of luck on Abbey's side as she wasn't actually on one of the rooftop
The Marine who stopped, dropped and rolled starts to rise, then jerks convulsively and falls under Goemon's burst. Abbey's target falls too, screaming shrilly with a shattered femur, and tries to crawl to safety; a burly Sergeant seizes her collar and starts to drag her to the cover of a dumpster. A Marine with a bulky radio pack is already on the horn: "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Convoy Seven Niner under hostile fire, taking casualties!" Heather Jacy has drawn her pistol and is fumbling with the ammunition; it's a safe bet she's not switching /to/ stun rounds. She's yelling orders as she works, gesturing to the surrounding buildings: "You two, find the gorram snipers! Hicks, shoot that lunatic!" She's pointing at Rodney. <English>
buildings, she is though near one of the last buildings there in town up on a hill top using
all the camouflage that she possibly can to keep herself hidden from the bad guys. She sets up
Kilbride's within the mess of the convoy, now. He doesn't stop at the trucks, though. With all three vehicles out of commission, and ready to be stripped...his goal is elimination of Alliance personnel. Hicks' rounds don't hit him, and don't cause him to break stride. He does seem aware of where the incoming fire came from, though. The Scotsman dressed as a Separatist, switches his aimpoint toward the muzzle flashes, and fires another long burst toward the Marine. But it isn't Game Over, Man...yet. It might be a flesh wound. Still. The lunatic keeps coming. <English>
another shot quick like at one of the Marines that are trying to head forward towards where
Everything is a bit of a mess down there from what Abbey can see, people running, fires burning and through it all she finally catches sight of Rodney making his move and she shifts a bit to take up a bit of a better position so she can keep an eye on the good captain. Her rifle is lifted a bit and she goes about firing down on any of the marines that she can catch sight of that may be aiming for Rodney. Once one is found she goes about firing and is quickly moving on to another. <English>
Rodney is. A faint mutter or two escaping her into the comms mic while her gaze is turning
"Let's get this shit and go, go, go!" Fowler calls out to the band of seperatists inside the saloon as he fires a few rounds towards the marines exiting the third truck. Moving quickly across the street, Fowler reaches the crashed truck, grabbing the dead marine out of the driver's seat and throwing him onto the ground, making sure that the truck stays in one place while he and three of the seperatists begin to unload crates of ammunition from it. <English>
over the marines that she can find, which at the moment most have dived for cover, which she
knows they have most likely gotten a bit wise to a sniper being around so she needs to be
Goemon lowers his rifle slightly, clearing his field of view to eye the Alliance troop movements and positions. After his quick survey, he again brings his rifle up and mutters calmly into his comms, providing directions for the sniper to target any communications personnel she sees.
careful even if she isn't in the middle of the fight down there. <English>
"The rest of you perk your asses up and get this truck unloaded!" Fowler barks over the comms,
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "We've got them stopped, now let's keep ourselves from getting anymore friendly company. Abbey, if you spy anyone with radio gear, please take them out. The gear first. Then the purplebelly." <English>
continuing to fire at the soldiers in the third truck before he begins to march towards the  
"Fall back! Bergstrom, Miller! Move it!" Heather Jacy makes stabbing motions with her hands as she tries to re-establish a perimeter. Her troops aren't the best of the best of the best, sah, they're just regular grunts, too young to have served in the U-war, maybe just a few with experience against Reavers. But Reavers are just crazed killing machines, and this is Rodney...well, there was a point in there somewhere, I think. So by and large they're on their own, fighting to identify targets. Other than Rodney, Fowler and Goemon, that is. Hicks goes down, a bullet through his throat, choking on his own blood, and another Marine near him stumbles and falls, dropping his gun and staggering a few yards only to fall nearly in cover. A curly blonde-haired Marine who has lost her helmet screams an obscenity and opens up on Fowler; a grizzled old Sergeant (living up to typecasting) takes more careful aim at Rodney. Two Marines kick down the door of a building and disappear inside, their boots pounding up the stairs in a search for an upper window or the rooftop in a quest for Abbey. <English>
third truck with Rodney, his hand-cannon slinging lead towards the soldiers. Taking Rodney's
lead, he slides the survival knife out of its sheath and moving to drive it into the chest of  
Kilbride hasn't stopped marching forward, though he has stopped firing his Callahan. It's 80 round drum bag is dry, and he doesn't have time to reload. Nor, it would seem does he feel like drawing the 1911 from his hip. Instead, he's yanking the claymore from over his shoulder, and hefting it into the air, before giving a shout of battle frenzied glee, and charging forward at full speed. His path appears to be the Sergeant that is intently, if unsuccessfully firing at him. When he's within a few feet, the heavy blade is swung down, as if trying to bisect the other man, shoulder to opposite hip. The crazed killing machine is getting closer, Commander Jacy. <English>
one of the grunts. <English>
There was just a bit of luck on Abbey's side as she wasn't actually on one of the rooftop buildings, she is though near one of the last buildings there in town up on a hill top using all the camouflage that she possibly can to keep herself hidden from the bad guys. She sets up another shot quick like at one of the Marines that are trying to head forward towards where Rodney is. A faint mutter or two escaping her into the comms mic while her gaze is turning over the marines that she can find, which at the moment most have dived for cover, which she knows they have most likely gotten a bit wise to a sniper being around so she needs to be careful even if she isn't in the middle of the fight down there. <English>
[Wulver Ch:1] Abbey says, " We're running out of time guys.. I don't see no packs for them to
"The rest of you perk your asses up and get this truck unloaded!" Fowler barks over the comms, continuing to fire at the soldiers in the third truck before he begins to march towards the third truck with Rodney, his hand-cannon slinging lead towards the soldiers. Taking Rodney's lead, he slides the survival knife out of its sheath and moving to drive it into the chest of one of the grunts. <English>
be calling anyone, but most have taken cover. Not showing much honestly." <English>
[Wulver Ch:1] Abbey says, " We're running out of time guys.. I don't see no packs for them to be calling anyone, but most have taken cover. Not showing much honestly." <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Rodney transmits, "Aye, Abs. Give me another minute, maybe two. Want to kill  
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Rodney transmits, "Aye, Abs. Give me another minute, maybe two. Want to kill that bitch givin' orders." <English>
that bitch givin' orders." <English>
Goemon squints and spies the troops heading into the building. He fires a burst ahead, more
for surpressing fire than anything else, before he mutters urgently into his comms.
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "Abbey, I suggest you un-ass the area with a quickness. It
looks like they finally got sick of you raining death on them and sent some folks looking for
you." <English>
Goemon squints and spies the troops heading into the building. He fires a burst ahead, more for surpressing fire than anything else, before he mutters urgently into his comms.
Ammunition in the burning lead vehicle is starting to explode in the heat of the inferno -
thankfully it's not an ammunition carrier, we're just talking the ammunition in the magazines
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "Abbey, I suggest you un-ass the area with a quickness. It looks like they finally got sick of you raining death on them and sent some folks looking for you." <English>
of the rifles belonging to the Marines that didn't make it out. So there are sharp cracks and  
Ammunition in the burning lead vehicle is starting to explode in the heat of the inferno - thankfully it's not an ammunition carrier, we're just talking the ammunition in the magazines of the rifles belonging to the Marines that didn't make it out. So there are sharp cracks and pops, with randomly directed bullets taking chips out of the concrete canyon around them.
pops, with randomly directed bullets taking chips out of the concrete canyon around them.
The grizzled old sergeant has time for a last shot before Rodney is on him, and to his credit he simply brings the gun up to block the claymore. He's not strong enough to block it completely, but the power of the blow is taken by the weapon, crumpling the heavy gun-steel like it was paper, driving the Marine down to his knees.
The grizzled old sergeant has time for a last shot before Rodney is on him, and to his credit
Abbey's shot takes the curly-haired blonde in the chest plate of her armor, hurling her backwards, her exposed head hitting a fire-hydrant with a fearful crack. Another grunt runs to drag her unconscious (or dead?) form into cover, and it's clear that the Marines are in general retreat and regroup mode.
he simply brings the gun up to block the claymore. He's not strong enough to block it
completely, but the power of the blow is taken by the weapon, crumpling the heavy gun-steel
like it was paper, driving the Marine down to his knees.
Abbey's shot takes the curly-haired blonde in the chest plate of her armor, hurling her  
backwards, her exposed head hitting a fire-hydrant with a fearful crack. Another grunt runs to  
drag her unconscious (or dead?) form into cover, and it's clear that the Marines are in  
general retreat and regroup mode.
Fowler's victim stumbles back, coughing up blood as Fowler's blade slides into his lung.
Fowler's victim stumbles back, coughing up blood as Fowler's blade slides into his lung.
And Heather Jacy, bracing behind the corner of a building, takes careful two-handed aim and  
And Heather Jacy, bracing behind the corner of a building, takes careful two-handed aim and fires at Rodney. Stun rounds, sadly, she didn't even think to bring lethal rounds with her. <English>
fires at Rodney. Stun rounds, sadly, she didn't even think to bring lethal rounds with her.  
Kilbride, stops short of attacking Sergeant, when more fire is directed his way. When the Scot
spots Jacy trying to shoot him, he scowls. His face might be hidden, but he certainly
recognizes her. His course corrects slightly, and he hurries toward the woman, bringing the
almost empty Callahan up, and firing a burst from the hip, as he closes the distance. He
shouts into his Comm..."Chicken, that truck empty, yet?!" It is time they be moving on.
Abbey grumbles as she hears that word that they are indeed looking for her. She was wondering
what was taking so long honestly. She shifts, resting upon a knee in the dirt and her rifle
up, which if any of the marines are truly looking anywhere but the buildings they could
perhaps find her, hands gripping the rifle while she lets out another shot towards one of the
marines. "Dammit." Is hissed out as she catches sight of Rodney heading towards someone. This
is not the time to go about trying to take out everyone if the truck is empty. <English>
"Truck's dry, Boss. Let's get moving," Fowler says over the comms, running to tackle one of
the soldiers into the side of the truck and give him some stabby-stabs, doing his best to
prevent the man from gunning down the Seperatists with the boxes of goodies. <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Abbey says, " This isn't the time to play kill the ones giving orders. Hurry
up Boss!" <English>
Upon hearing Fowler over the comms, Goemon rises from his position, firing bursts to keep
Alliance heads down as the Seps fall back. As he begins to fire and move, he feels a punch in
his upper back that drops him to one knee with a grunt. "Shit..." he mutters softly to
himself, no stranger to the sensation of taking a bullet. He staggers to his feet and
continues to provide covering fire as he retreats to the planned fallback position, barely
able to hold his rifle with both hands. He begins grunting into the comms.
[Wulver Ch:1] Goemon says, "We got what we came for. Let's go. Oh...I'm hit, but moving."
[317.00 MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "It's just a flesh wound, Chile. I'll stuff ye full o' moss when
ye get back. If Tempest unlocks the doors..." <English>
A Marine pops his head out of a rooftop skylight, gets clipped on the helmet, and ducks down
rapidly. It's hard to tell if he's caught sight of the sniper's nest. Fowler continues his
lessons in bladed weapon combat, and the Marines score a rare victory as someone clips Goemon.
Heather Jacy steps out into the open as Rodney approaches her - and catches a bullet in the
shoulder, spinning her round against the wall. She gasps, pain etched on her face as she
brings up the Equalizer and pops off another shot at the advancing tank that is Rodney. She's
not the only one firing at him, but she's the only one in his sights. Her eyes widen
fractionally. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Focus your eyes. Focus your
mind. Focus your body. Shoot the man. And again, without effect....is the man made of frickin'
Kryptonite? <English>
Oh. Well. There are surely enough people shooting at Rodney, for another bullet to strike the
Scotsman. This one takes him in the side, and leaves a bloody gash in his armour, though the
damage does not seem to be severe. It does throw off his attempted attack on Jacy, leaving him
staggering toward her, his blade missing by more than a few feet. This has not been the most
succesful start to a war for him. He's killed like three people, max. "Alright. Pull the fuck
back! We got what we came for!" Not that he is exactly beating feat, yet. <English>
ooc Si
With the 'all clear' from Rodney she is staying put long enough to give back up cover for the
ones below her. Another Marine is found and she lets the shot fly, hopefully hitting the mark
once more. "Move it guys.." Is mutterd out while her gaze flicks over to where Goemon is as
she heard over the comms he was hit. <English>
Abbey tests her Firearms:rifle against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (38).
+wu : was a different Rodney then. we used to rob cruise ships, and shit. we were legit bad
guys sometimes. Not this dumb free fighter persona he has built up for some dumb reason.
"You 'eard 'im. Pull back. Somebody get some stitches waiting for us when we get back," Fowler
says, repeating Rodney's point and attempting to hammer it into the heads of the Seperatists.
Moving around the truck toward Rodney, Fowler will attempt to grab one last marine in an
effort to smack him silly and hopefully put him through a windshield. <English>
[317.00 MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Stitches pull and make you bleed more. Moss is better. There's
plenty in my bag, as soon as Tempest unlocks the Wren." <English>
Kilbride, stops short of attacking Sergeant, when more fire is directed his way. When the Scot spots Jacy trying to shoot him, he scowls. His face might be hidden, but he certainly recognizes her. His course corrects slightly, and he hurries toward the woman, bringing the almost empty Callahan up, and firing a burst from the hip, as he closes the distance. He shouts into his Comm..."Chicken, that truck empty, yet?!" It is time they be moving on. <English>
Goemon spies his captain's claymore flying and curses lightly in Japanese. He sees Rodney take  
Abbey grumbles as she hears that word that they are indeed looking for her. She was wondering what was taking so long honestly. She shifts, resting upon a knee in the dirt and her rifle up, which if any of the marines are truly looking anywhere but the buildings they could perhaps find her, hands gripping the rifle while she lets out another shot towards one of the marines. "Dammit." Is hissed out as she catches sight of Rodney heading towards someone. This is not the time to go about trying to take out everyone if the truck is empty. <English>
another round and hurries his pace, hissing lightly in pain, firing from the hip now and then
"Truck's dry, Boss. Let's get moving," Fowler says over the comms, running to tackle one of the soldiers into the side of the truck and give him some stabby-stabs, doing his best to prevent the man from gunning down the Seperatists with the boxes of goodies. <English>
to keep heads down. An Alliance round creases his ribs and he grunts, accidentally keying his
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Abbey says, " This isn't the time to play kill the ones giving orders. Hurry up Boss!" <English>
comms. "Really...?" he groans, then takes more careful aim of a purplebelly in Rodney's
Upon hearing Fowler over the comms, Goemon rises from his position, firing bursts to keep Alliance heads down as the Seps fall back. As he begins to fire and move, he feels a punch in his upper back that drops him to one knee with a grunt. "Shit..." he mutters softly to himself, no stranger to the sensation of taking a bullet. He staggers to his feet and continues to provide covering fire as he retreats to the planned fallback position, barely able to hold his rifle with both hands. He begins grunting into the comms.
The grunt on the roof reappears and starts firing blindly in the direction of the sparkling
[Wulver Ch:1] Goemon says, "We got what we came for. Let's go. Oh...I'm hit, but moving." <English>
dot on the hillside that he has identified as a sniper. Extreme range, likely nothing will hit
Abbey, but it's designed to keep her head down rather than actually hurt her, most likely.
With the exception of the aforementioned, the surviving Marines are now in two broad groups;
three Marines each towing three injured Marines with them, and four grunts covering their
retreat, focussing their fire on Rodney - well, he seems to be the biggest lunatic waving a
claymore, and he's targetting their officer.
Who, as the claymore misses her, exhales a hiss of air and re-aims the Equalizer, /squeezing/
the trigger like her old master sergeant instructor told her all those years ago, aiming it at
body center mass. <English>
[317.00 MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Move your arse, Snip, they've seen you!" <English>
The stun round to his breadbasket has Rodney gasping, and almost falling. He -really- hates
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "It's just a flesh wound, Chile. I'll stuff ye full o' moss when ye get back. If Tempest unlocks the doors..." <English>
stun rounds. He doesn't fall, but he isn't really one hundred percent coherent, either. With
A Marine pops his head out of a rooftop skylight, gets clipped on the helmet, and ducks down rapidly. It's hard to tell if he's caught sight of the sniper's nest. Fowler continues his lessons in bladed weapon combat, and the Marines score a rare victory as someone clips Goemon.
the concrete tearing up around him, and him getting shot, and all of that bad shit striking
Heather Jacy steps out into the open as Rodney approaches her - and catches a bullet in the shoulder, spinning her round against the wall. She gasps, pain etched on her face as she brings up the Equalizer and pops off another shot at the advancing tank that is Rodney. She's not the only one firing at him, but she's the only one in his sights. Her eyes widen fractionally. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Focus your eyes. Focus your mind. Focus your body. Shoot the man. And again, without effect....is the man made of frickin' Kryptonite? <English>
down, he seems to realize that discretion is the better part of valor. The large armoured man
charges forward directly at Jacy, swinging his Claymore as he nears, without slowing. He is
Oh. Well. There are surely enough people shooting at Rodney, for another bullet to strike the Scotsman. This one takes him in the side, and leaves a bloody gash in his armour, though the damage does not seem to be severe. It does throw off his attempted attack on Jacy, leaving him staggering toward her, his blade missing by more than a few feet. This has not been the most succesful start to a war for him. He's killed like three people, max. "Alright. Pull the fuck back! We got what we came for!" Not that he is exactly beating feat, yet. <English>
apparently trying to run -past- her, and make his retreat, now that the Separatists have had
their apparent victory. A glance at Fowler, body-slamming Feds, and he can't help but grin as
With the 'all clear' from Rodney she is staying put long enough to give back up cover for the ones below her. Another Marine is found and she lets the shot fly, hopefully hitting the mark once more. "Move it guys.." Is mutterd out while her gaze flicks over to where Goemon is as she heard over the comms he was hit. <English>
he shouts..."Exfiltrate, Chicken!" <English>
Abbey hears the call to retreat, but she is there backup, and she has to hang around for as
long as she possibly can. Another shot is lined up and taken right as she hears Aeron's words
"You 'eard 'im. Pull back. Somebody get some stitches waiting for us when we get back," Fowler says, repeating Rodney's point and attempting to hammer it into the heads of the Seperatists. Moving around the truck toward Rodney, Fowler will attempt to grab one last marine in an effort to smack him silly and hopefully put him through a windshield. <English>
burning in her ears. The shots slam into the ground around her, a few are close, one catching
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Stitches pull and make you bleed more. Moss is better. There's plenty in my bag, as soon as Tempest unlocks the Wren." <English>
her arm, another her thigh while she is scrambling to grab her spare rifle and diving down the
back of the hill as a result. Someone just went arse over kettle and doesn't care at the
Goemon spies his captain's claymore flying and curses lightly in Japanese. He sees Rodney take another round and hurries his pace, hissing lightly in pain, firing from the hip now and then to keep heads down. An Alliance round creases his ribs and he grunts, accidentally keying his comms. "Really...?" he groans, then takes more careful aim of a purplebelly in Rodney's direction.
moment seeing how there are bullets still following her as she is making an ungraceful exit.  
The grunt on the roof reappears and starts firing blindly in the direction of the sparkling dot on the hillside that he has identified as a sniper. Extreme range, likely nothing will hit Abbey, but it's designed to keep her head down rather than actually hurt her, most likely.
With the exception of the aforementioned, the surviving Marines are now in two broad groups; three Marines each towing three injured Marines with them, and four grunts covering their retreat, focussing their fire on Rodney - well, he seems to be the biggest lunatic waving a claymore, and he's targetting their officer.
"You got it, mate," Fowler responds, shortly after throwing an nearly-unconcious marine
Who, as the claymore misses her, exhales a hiss of air and re-aims the Equalizer, /squeezing/ the trigger like her old master sergeant instructor told her all those years ago, aiming it at body center mass. <English>
through the windshield of one of the trucks, making sure that anybody who wants to use that
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Move your arse, Snip, they've seen you!" <English>
bad boy has a rough time of it. "Everybody, we're through here. Go, go, go!" As he shouts
The stun round to his breadbasket has Rodney gasping, and almost falling. He -really- hates stun rounds. He doesn't fall, but he isn't really one hundred percent coherent, either. With the concrete tearing up around him, and him getting shot, and all of that bad shit striking down, he seems to realize that discretion is the better part of valor. The large armoured man charges forward directly at Jacy, swinging his Claymore as he nears, without slowing. He is apparently trying to run -past- her, and make his retreat, now that the Separatists have had their apparent victory. A glance at Fowler, body-slamming Feds, and he can't help but grin as he shouts..."Exfiltrate, Chicken!" <English>
orders, the Seperatists that accompanied the disguised bunch of rogues begin to pull back. The
Abbey hears the call to retreat, but she is there backup, and she has to hang around for as long as she possibly can. Another shot is lined up and taken right as she hears Aeron's words burning in her ears. The shots slam into the ground around her, a few are close, one catching her arm, another her thigh while she is scrambling to grab her spare rifle and diving down the back of the hill as a result. Someone just went arse over kettle and doesn't care at the moment seeing how there are bullets still following her as she is making an ungraceful exit. <English>
large black man begins running after Rodney, fully intent on taking anybody out that gets in  
"You got it, mate," Fowler responds, shortly after throwing an nearly-unconcious marine through the windshield of one of the trucks, making sure that anybody who wants to use that bad boy has a rough time of it. "Everybody, we're through here. Go, go, go!" As he shouts orders, the Seperatists that accompanied the disguised bunch of rogues begin to pull back. The large black man begins running after Rodney, fully intent on taking anybody out that gets in his way, hopefully clotheslining somebody like a cool guy. <English>
his way, hopefully clotheslining somebody like a cool guy. <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Cappy? The new Chile is about to go down. Ain't sure there's enough moss in my bag, might have to make pastes. You need to be getting him home, and now. Not sure he can get himself out at this point." <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit, Tempest. Unlock this gorram ship. Right now. *lots of pounding and knocking can be heard*" <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Cappy? The new Chile is about to go down. Ain't sure there's  
Goemon closes upon Rodney and the officer he's fighting. Looking to end their duel quickly so they can hastily vamoose, he takes aim at the Alliance officer just as Rodney cuts her down. Apparently unphased by the sight of a person downed with a sword, he shifts his aim to another target of opportunity when he's hit by another round in the upper chest. He staggers as he lowers his repeater and looks down at his chest. "Well...damn..." he mutters, then drops to a knee. He sets the butt of the gun into the ground and wobbles to a standing position. Staggering forward, he begins to send more fire indiscrimately at Alliance positions. "Let's...go...people..." he mutters to nobody in particular.
enough moss in my bag, might have to make pastes. You need to be getting him home, and now.
Not sure he can get himself out at this point." <English>
Heather Jacy's eyes light up as she rocks Rodney back with her shot, but then they go wide as he swings the massive claymore in his charge. She brings up the gun again, but there's no time to get clear or dodge, there's a wall at her back. The claymore scythes through her attempted block with the Equalizer, knocking it aside, catching her in her chestplate, smashing her into the side of the building. As Rodney charges on, her eyes roll up, she crumples to her knees, then collapses onto her face, motionless.
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit, Tempest. Unlock this gorram ship. Right now. *lots of
pounding and knocking can be heard*" <English>
The retreating Marines keep firing on the three visible threats, Fowler escaping their shots, but there are yells of triumph as Rodney and Goemon both take hits, yells that rise as they see Jacy go down. A Marine near her sprints to her side, dragging her by an arm into the cover of an alleyway as bullets kick up around them, and it's true generally that even though the damn Separatists are taking fire now, the Marines themselves are still withdrawing. <English>
Goemon closes upon Rodney and the officer he's fighting. Looking to end their duel quickly so
It is a very good thing that Kilbride has nice armour, most days. And this day is no exception. He is rocked by a fifth gunshot, in this firefight. Again, the damage is not terrible, but these things do add up. He staggers on his feet, and fights to stay upright. A damn shame that he doesn't have time to relish having cut down the Butcher Bitch of Whitefall, but he'll drink to that, later. Now, he has to get his people back to the safehouse where this whole business began. "Chicken, get GoGo..." is ordered through clenched teeth, his breathing a bit ragged, as he slings his bloody sword across his back, and bounces off of a wall, before disappearing into an alley. Ammo stolen, Feds Exploded...Mission Accomplished?? <English>
they can hastily vamoose, he takes aim at the Alliance officer just as Rodney cuts her down.  
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit. *bangpoundbang* Tempest!!! *BANGBANGBANG* Cappy... Someone *poundpound* Let me off o' this gorram bird! *poundbangpound*" <English>
Apparently unphased by the sight of a person downed with a sword, he shifts his aim to another
"Roger," Fowler responds, cutting off from running with Rodney and sprints over to Goemon's side, shoving the man's weapon down and wrapping Goemon's arm around his shoulder, doing his best to walk the man off of the battlefield, firing randomly towards the Feds with his sidearm. <English>
target of opportunity when he's hit by another round in the upper chest. He staggers as he
Goemon pauses in his covering fire to allow Fowler to help him to his feet. As he shuffles alongside him, he tucks his rifle beneath his arm and fires behind them until his magazine runs dry. While he tries to reload with one arm, he takes another round with a soft grunt and goes limp against Fowler, his rifle dragged by the sling behind him.
lowers his repeater and looks down at his chest. "Well...damn..." he mutters, then drops to a
knee. He sets the butt of the gun into the ground and wobbles to a standing position.  
There's sporadic firing from the Marines now, but it's all covering fire as both sides retreat to safety, dragging their injured with them. There are several still figures in Marine uniforms, sprawled in death. In the distance can be heard the banshee wail of sirens, either reinforcements from the Federal station, or the local fire department responding to the pall of heavy black smoke issueing from the burning truck. <English>
<Wulver> Denizen of the sock drawer, Aeron says, "There is a midgety witch half your size AND half your age, Goe, and she's taken a liking to you.  Harps won't be allowed. (;"
Staggering forward, he begins to send more fire indiscrimately at Alliance positions.
Finally managing to heft Goemon over his shoulders, Fowler clutches the fallen man's gun in his hand and tears off down through an alleyway, on his way to get a fucking cigarette. <English>
"Let's...go...people..." he mutters to nobody in particular.
Heather Jacy's eyes light up as she rocks Rodney back with her shot, but then they go wide as
he swings the massive claymore in his charge. She brings up the gun again, but there's no time
to get clear or dodge, there's a wall at her back. The claymore scythes through her attempted
block with the Equalizer, knocking it aside, catching her in her chestplate, smashing her into
the side of the building. As Rodney charges on, her eyes roll up, she crumples to her knees,
then collapses onto her face, motionless.
The retreating Marines keep firing on the three visible threats, Fowler escaping their shots,
but there are yells of triumph as Rodney and Goemon both take hits, yells that rise as they
see Jacy go down. A Marine near her sprints to her side, dragging her by an arm into the cover
of an alleyway as bullets kick up around them, and it's true generally that even though the
damn Separatists are taking fire now, the Marines themselves are still withdrawing. <English>
It is a very good thing that Kilbride has nice armour, most days. And this day is no
exception. He is rocked by a fifth gunshot, in this firefight. Again, the damage is not
terrible, but these things do add up. He staggers on his feet, and fights to stay upright. A
damn shame that he doesn't have time to relish having cut down the Butcher Bitch of Whitefall,
but he'll drink to that, later. Now, he has to get his people back to the safehouse where this
whole business began. "Chicken, get GoGo..." is ordered through clenched teeth, his breathing
a bit ragged, as he slings his bloody sword across his back, and bounces off of a wall, before
disappearing into an alley. Ammo stolen, Feds Exploded...Mission Accomplished?? <English>
[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit. *bangpoundbang* Tempest!!! *BANGBANGBANG* Cappy...
Someone *poundpound* Let me off o' this gorram bird! *poundbangpound*" <English>
"Roger," Fowler responds, cutting off from running with Rodney and sprints over to Goemon's
side, shoving the man's weapon down and wrapping Goemon's arm around his shoulder, doing his
best to walk the man off of the battlefield, firing randomly towards the Feds with his
sidearm. <English>
Goemon pauses in his covering fire to allow Fowler to help him to his feet. As he shuffles
alongside him, he tucks his rifle beneath his arm and fires behind them until his magazine
runs dry. While he tries to reload with one arm, he takes another round with a soft grunt and
goes limp against Fowler, his rifle dragged by the sling behind him.
There's sporadic firing from the Marines now, but it's all covering fire as both sides retreat
to safety, dragging their injured with them. There are several still figures in Marine
uniforms, sprawled in death. In the distance can be heard the banshee wail of sirens, either
reinforcements from the Federal station, or the local fire department responding to the pall
of heavy black smoke issueing from the burning truck. <English>
<Wulver> Denizen of the sock drawer, Aeron says, "There is a midgety witch half your size AND
half your age, Goe, and she's taken a liking to you.  Harps won't be allowed.  (;"
Finally managing to heft Goemon over his shoulders, Fowler clutches the fallen man's gun in  
his hand and tears off down through an alleyway, on his way to get a fucking cigarette.  

Latest revision as of 22:01, 26 November 2014

Ambush on Bernadette
Location: Log_Location::Bernadette IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/11/16 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/11/21
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Adrian Calhoun, Has Characters in Scene::Heather Jacy, Has Characters in Scene::Rodney Kilbride, Has Characters in Scene::Abbey Wallace, Has Characters in Scene::Goemon Miyamoto, Has Characters in Scene::Templeton Torres, Has Characters in Scene::Fowler Cartwright, Has Characters in Scene::Templeton Torres, Has Characters in Scene::Angela Carter, Has Characters in Scene::Aeron the Witch(on Comms).
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::The People's Army(Or those posing as them) fires the first shots of the insurgency on Bernadette. They attack an Alliance convoy loaded with ammunition.
Log_Characters::Adrian Calhoun, Heather Jacy, Rodney Kilbride, Abbey Wallace, Goemon Miyamoto, Templeton Torres, Fowler Cartwright, Templeton Torres, Angela Carter, Aeron the Witch(on Comms).

The supply convoy, loaded with ammunition, food, and probably a few big ol' whacking sticks for good measure, rumbles from the makeshift spaceport strongpoint. Two utility trucks, with mounted weapons, escort a tracked IFV along the ground at a decent cruising speed. The lead vehicle seems to be blaring some kind of old music. Late 20th century tejana, from the sound of it. Despite the music, the marines seem to be a little on edge. Perhaps because there's a comparative bigwig (Commander Adrian Calhoun) in the central vehicle, looking rather irked as he mans the big gun of the vehicle. Heavily armored, he watches the surrounding terrain carefully. "Hey!" He kicks the man in the 'shotgun' seat in the helmet. "Turn that crap off!" o/` King of the road... o/` <English>

[Private Channel Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Be careful, Tempest. Come home tonight." <English>

In position, a reasonable distance from the convoy's starting point, Rod scans the approaching vehicles. He's taken up position, in the doorway of a shuttered saloon. The Scotsman is wearing all black, save for a red cloth knotted about his right arm, and carries a wide variety of weapons, though only the claymore on his back is 'distinctive', and it is new enough, that most have not seen him use. He looks over his shoulder, at the crew with him, and offers a toothy smile. "Let's start a fuckin' war..." The smile disappears, as he tugs his helmet, with its tinted face-shield down. A look is given to the Bernadette native that he's recruited to carry a satchel of rockets, and other assorted gear. A nod is given, and as the first truck is about to speed by his position, he hefts an RPG, leans out from cover, and squeezes the weapon's firing mechanism. A cloud of smoke, and fire, and the rocket barrels toward the lead vehicle. The first shot fired of the insurgency! <English>

Abbey is lucky, or perhaps not depending on how people look at it. Being a sniper she is at a vantage point that gives her a good vision down along the line that convoy was coming in on, they had the general idea but as soon as she saw the movement she made sure the others new as well, though quiet on the Comms unless it was needed of course. She knows well how to hide, dark clothing on, hair tucked back and out of sight while laying there with the rifle set up just perfect as she is looking down the scope. She chews on the end of a cigarette that was never lit and smirks just a bit seeing a target that is just begging to be shot at, far be it from her to not try to get a hit in soon as possible. Once the round goes off from the rest of her group she starts as well, target made shot fired before she is setting up for the next shot rather quickly. <English>

Dressed similarly to Rodney, Fowler is peering out of the curtained windows of the saloon, his eyes resting on the approaching convoy. Slowly pulling his handgun out of its holster, he offers a grin towards his Captain before pulling the bandana up over his nose. He takes a few deep breaths and turns, his handgun sticking out of the window and firing a round towards the convoy, doing his best to aim at the guy in the turret. <English>

Angela is dressed for the occasion as well, suited up in some decent armour and while everyone else seems to have gone for rifle and rocket launchers, she holds her trusty 'Thorne' in hand. The red pistol and red silk scarf tied around her arm are the only marks of colour on her. As she hears the approaching music she does a little dance in place before lifting her gun as she peeks out of a corner window. "Lets have us some fun." <English>

It's been a little bit of time since Templeton Torres championed the cause of bad-guy-ness, but it's just like riding a bike. A horrible, dangerous, rusty bike. The stoic engineer presses the earbud further into his aural organ, ensuring that he has a direct line of communication with his allies. He glances once at the red scarf on his arm and jokes, "Guys, next time can we be skins?" before pulling the slide back on his Bersa. Like Angela, his mode of operation is simple, but functional. He's more or less ready to engineer some holes in some personnel on the Alliance payroll. Templeton's got his back pressed against the doorframe of the saloon, weapon now pointed at the ground. He stays behind cover as Rodney fires the rocket-propelled grenade, ready to provide cover for the Wulver captain. <English>

[Wulver Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "No, Tem, you can't be. I let you out there without armor just in skin, they're all going to think you married some crazy lady. Watch your arse, Snip. They're about to blow up your bunker if they can." <English>

The RPG streaks from the ambush point, and the keen-eyed commander sees it coming. "RPG, 9-o'clock high!" He bellows in a sharp voice, swerving the heavy machine gun toward the source of the shot, and squeezing off a few rounds before the RPG slams into the light armor of the Bulldog truck, shredding the rear driver-side passenger through his armor. He's dead before he finishes processing the fact that he's under fire. The blast sends the man in the turret clear with damaged leg armor, but otherwise intact. He lands in a heap near the stricken bulldog, and shakes his helmeted head, growling. "Pitbull Actual, Firebase alpha, we are under attack! QRF to my location, triple-stat! Requesting support fire, my position!" He barrels toward the tracked Boar, slamming himself into place against it as the other Marines disembark from their vehicle, some taking half-aimed potshots in the general direction of the incoming fire. AT the edge of the Boar, he sticks his head out to quickly scan for threats, his face hidden behind his helmet as he pokes his weapon out to take a shot as possible. <English>

"We're on the clock! 4 minutes!" Rodney calls into his commlink, reminding folks that they are supposed to be in and out ASAP. They have no intention of dealing with the quick response force, if possible. The Scot drops his empty RPG, expecting his ammo carrier to snatch it up, and snatches is modified Callahan from the doorway, where'd he left it. With the lead truck out of commission, it is time to close the distance, and start with killing. "For Bernadette!!!" This is shouted, just before he is struck by a round from the big-shot in charge of the convoy. He staggers, though the old soldier is still keen enough to spot the muzzle flash that caused him the wound. He doesn't stop to check his wound, or find better cover. His automatic rifle is tucked against his shoulder, and he pours a long burst toward Adrian's position, while walking forward at the quick-step, toward the convoy. Fuck cover. <English>

Abbey likes cover, who doesn't, save for Rodney it would seems. Not that she can tell that at the moment while she watches the mess happening before her. "Bloody mess.." Is murmured to herself while the convoy turns more into a wreckers dream of all heck down there. The message is heard from Aeron over the comms and she hunkers down a bit more in the ground just incase! Been there, done that before and she would rather not get blown up just yet. The Marines are now the ones that get her attention and she is quick to set up a round flying down at the one that is poking his head out to try and find one of her crew to shoot. "Not today.." Is murmured to herself as that shot is lined up and she lets it go flying. She lost sight of the one she was gunning for the first time, but if he is still alive maybe she can spot him again to get another try at him at this rate. <English>

Fowler exhales sharply, moving out beside Rodney, his Starshot leveled at one of the soldiers pulling himself from the debris of the crashed vehicles as he shouts, "Move, move, move! Get that shit and go!" and pulls the trigger. <English>

"3..2...1 and Boom..." Angela murmurs as she hears the rockets go off. "And now the fireworks have started everyone knows where the party's at." She says with a grin and glances out the window to see what damage has been caused. She raises her pistol and takes a moment to site down the length of the barrel at the closest soldier on the ground. "This is for DJ." She murmurs and fires her weapon at the man. The man goes down with a shot in the throat. "That's my girl, I promised you we would have some fun today." Angela says as she looks around to site another target. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:8] GoGo says, "Tell me where to set up, Captain" <English> [Wulver MHZ Ch:8] The Witch transmits, "If you're asking Cappy, answer's likely to be right up the purple belly's arses. Personally, I'd say anywhere you can shoot 'em from behind cover, though. Don't follow his lead." <English>

Templeton twitches as projectiles slam into the building material that he's currently using as a shield between himself and the enemy. That's when the adrenaline begins to snake through his veins and the thrill of battle once again comes flooding back into his mental state of being. "Holy /shit/," he mutters, teeth pressed tightly together. He watches in his peripheral vision as Rodney gets struck by enemy fire. He had heard and seen legends; he wasn't too worried about his state of being. It would take a little bit more than that to get him down, I'm sure. With one deep breath, he rounds the corner and takes a knee, drawing upon his years of experience with firearms to line up a shot to one of the disembarking Marines from the APC which is currently less than operative thanks to the explosive. He squeezes off a pair of rounds, pistol vibrating in his hands as the hammer strikes the explosive on the end of the bullet. "You okay, old man?" comes the inquiry of well being from the starship engineer. But Rodney's starting to stroll out into the open, answering that question pretty much right away. "Okay, now you're having all the fun now, aren't you?" He rounds the corner and heads on out of the saloon, giving chase to Kilbride. Which is completely disregarding what Aeron just mentioned over the radio. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "*laughter lingers in her voice from the witch's giggling as Cappy is called an old man, but it quickly fades into a far more serious tone* You're no spring chicken yourself, love. Have your fun, but make sure it's not so fun you forget to be careful." <English> [Wulver MHZ Ch:4] Tempest says, "Too late, sweetheart..." <English> [Wulver MHZ Ch:4] The Witch transmits, "Just come home again on your own two feet. Not on a gurney, or in a bag. And don't forget to let me off of this bird when you do!" <English>

Taking advantage of the shock of Rodney's opening salvo, Goemon peeks from around the corner of a building and opens fire into the driver's cab of the trailing vehicle. Dressed in most of his old Independent Infantry uniform, he takes careful aim before firing burst fire into the cab. <English>

The lead vehicle of the convoy is burning fiercely; a couple of Marines make it out the back, one staggering and screaming, holding his head, and one burning but managing to stop, drop and roll. Marines are spewing out of the rearmost vehicle, and there's a Navy officer amongst them, one Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy, infamous to those with long memories for apparently ordering a shipload of prisoners to be gunned down - the story is, however, complex and unclear. Still, she's recognizable still from the Cortex. She, and the Marines pouring out, are running to take cover across the street in whatever alleyways and doorways they can manage to find. The middle vehicle's driver floors the gas pedal and, lurching up onto the sidewalk, tries to ram past the burning lead. <English>

Kilbride laughs grimly, as Templeton inquires as to his status. "Fine, fine. Just a goddamned scratch..." He stops speaking, when he spots the second truck's attempt to get away. The Callahan's barrel swings in the direction of that truck's cab, and he dumps an accurate long burst of 8mm rounds toward the driver, and whomever is unlucky enough to be within. "Chicken, secure that ammo!" is a shouted order, and hopefully Chicken knows who Chicken is. For his part, the Scotsman never stops marching toward the chaos of the convoy, and the marines scattering about. He's apt to be a nice juicy target. <English>

Abbey eyes widen slightly at the fire that rips through the last convoy truck there, well that is one way to take them out. She mutters a bit to herself and goes about working on picking off some of the Marines that are now running for cover. Her slightly higher vantage point helps her, being a sniper after all but her luck could run out at any moment at this rate. Once she has the shot lined up it is taken and she is setting up for another shot quick as possible, time is quickly escaping them after all. <English>

"Roger that," Fowler comments over comms as he swings the barrel of his pistol around, looking for a target. He marches confidently towards the second truck, joining Rodney in firing wildly into the cab of it with his hand-cannon. <English>

Goemon calmly drops to a kneeling position. Seeing no activity from the truck he unloaded on, he shifts aim to the marines spilling out of the truck that went boom. He leads his target and fires a quick burst.

The middle truck's driver throws up his arms and slumps over the steering yolk. His foot is still on the gas pedal, and the vehicle catches the burning lead a glancing blow, jerks to the right, and thumps into the wall of the building in a bitter crunch of protesting metal and shattering glass. The engine stalls.

The Marine who stopped, dropped and rolled starts to rise, then jerks convulsively and falls under Goemon's burst. Abbey's target falls too, screaming shrilly with a shattered femur, and tries to crawl to safety; a burly Sergeant seizes her collar and starts to drag her to the cover of a dumpster. A Marine with a bulky radio pack is already on the horn: "Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, Convoy Seven Niner under hostile fire, taking casualties!" Heather Jacy has drawn her pistol and is fumbling with the ammunition; it's a safe bet she's not switching /to/ stun rounds. She's yelling orders as she works, gesturing to the surrounding buildings: "You two, find the gorram snipers! Hicks, shoot that lunatic!" She's pointing at Rodney. <English>

Kilbride's within the mess of the convoy, now. He doesn't stop at the trucks, though. With all three vehicles out of commission, and ready to be stripped...his goal is elimination of Alliance personnel. Hicks' rounds don't hit him, and don't cause him to break stride. He does seem aware of where the incoming fire came from, though. The Scotsman dressed as a Separatist, switches his aimpoint toward the muzzle flashes, and fires another long burst toward the Marine. But it isn't Game Over, Man...yet. It might be a flesh wound. Still. The lunatic keeps coming. <English>

Everything is a bit of a mess down there from what Abbey can see, people running, fires burning and through it all she finally catches sight of Rodney making his move and she shifts a bit to take up a bit of a better position so she can keep an eye on the good captain. Her rifle is lifted a bit and she goes about firing down on any of the marines that she can catch sight of that may be aiming for Rodney. Once one is found she goes about firing and is quickly moving on to another. <English>

"Let's get this shit and go, go, go!" Fowler calls out to the band of seperatists inside the saloon as he fires a few rounds towards the marines exiting the third truck. Moving quickly across the street, Fowler reaches the crashed truck, grabbing the dead marine out of the driver's seat and throwing him onto the ground, making sure that the truck stays in one place while he and three of the seperatists begin to unload crates of ammunition from it. <English>

Goemon lowers his rifle slightly, clearing his field of view to eye the Alliance troop movements and positions. After his quick survey, he again brings his rifle up and mutters calmly into his comms, providing directions for the sniper to target any communications personnel she sees.

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "We've got them stopped, now let's keep ourselves from getting anymore friendly company. Abbey, if you spy anyone with radio gear, please take them out. The gear first. Then the purplebelly." <English>

"Fall back! Bergstrom, Miller! Move it!" Heather Jacy makes stabbing motions with her hands as she tries to re-establish a perimeter. Her troops aren't the best of the best of the best, sah, they're just regular grunts, too young to have served in the U-war, maybe just a few with experience against Reavers. But Reavers are just crazed killing machines, and this is Rodney...well, there was a point in there somewhere, I think. So by and large they're on their own, fighting to identify targets. Other than Rodney, Fowler and Goemon, that is. Hicks goes down, a bullet through his throat, choking on his own blood, and another Marine near him stumbles and falls, dropping his gun and staggering a few yards only to fall nearly in cover. A curly blonde-haired Marine who has lost her helmet screams an obscenity and opens up on Fowler; a grizzled old Sergeant (living up to typecasting) takes more careful aim at Rodney. Two Marines kick down the door of a building and disappear inside, their boots pounding up the stairs in a search for an upper window or the rooftop in a quest for Abbey. <English>

Kilbride hasn't stopped marching forward, though he has stopped firing his Callahan. It's 80 round drum bag is dry, and he doesn't have time to reload. Nor, it would seem does he feel like drawing the 1911 from his hip. Instead, he's yanking the claymore from over his shoulder, and hefting it into the air, before giving a shout of battle frenzied glee, and charging forward at full speed. His path appears to be the Sergeant that is intently, if unsuccessfully firing at him. When he's within a few feet, the heavy blade is swung down, as if trying to bisect the other man, shoulder to opposite hip. The crazed killing machine is getting closer, Commander Jacy. <English>

There was just a bit of luck on Abbey's side as she wasn't actually on one of the rooftop buildings, she is though near one of the last buildings there in town up on a hill top using all the camouflage that she possibly can to keep herself hidden from the bad guys. She sets up another shot quick like at one of the Marines that are trying to head forward towards where Rodney is. A faint mutter or two escaping her into the comms mic while her gaze is turning over the marines that she can find, which at the moment most have dived for cover, which she knows they have most likely gotten a bit wise to a sniper being around so she needs to be careful even if she isn't in the middle of the fight down there. <English>

"The rest of you perk your asses up and get this truck unloaded!" Fowler barks over the comms, continuing to fire at the soldiers in the third truck before he begins to march towards the third truck with Rodney, his hand-cannon slinging lead towards the soldiers. Taking Rodney's lead, he slides the survival knife out of its sheath and moving to drive it into the chest of one of the grunts. <English>

[Wulver Ch:1] Abbey says, " We're running out of time guys.. I don't see no packs for them to be calling anyone, but most have taken cover. Not showing much honestly." <English>

. [Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Rodney transmits, "Aye, Abs. Give me another minute, maybe two. Want to kill that bitch givin' orders." <English>

Goemon squints and spies the troops heading into the building. He fires a burst ahead, more for surpressing fire than anything else, before he mutters urgently into his comms.

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Goemon says, "Abbey, I suggest you un-ass the area with a quickness. It looks like they finally got sick of you raining death on them and sent some folks looking for you." <English>

Ammunition in the burning lead vehicle is starting to explode in the heat of the inferno - thankfully it's not an ammunition carrier, we're just talking the ammunition in the magazines of the rifles belonging to the Marines that didn't make it out. So there are sharp cracks and pops, with randomly directed bullets taking chips out of the concrete canyon around them.

The grizzled old sergeant has time for a last shot before Rodney is on him, and to his credit he simply brings the gun up to block the claymore. He's not strong enough to block it completely, but the power of the blow is taken by the weapon, crumpling the heavy gun-steel like it was paper, driving the Marine down to his knees.

Abbey's shot takes the curly-haired blonde in the chest plate of her armor, hurling her backwards, her exposed head hitting a fire-hydrant with a fearful crack. Another grunt runs to drag her unconscious (or dead?) form into cover, and it's clear that the Marines are in general retreat and regroup mode.

Fowler's victim stumbles back, coughing up blood as Fowler's blade slides into his lung.

And Heather Jacy, bracing behind the corner of a building, takes careful two-handed aim and fires at Rodney. Stun rounds, sadly, she didn't even think to bring lethal rounds with her. <English>

Kilbride, stops short of attacking Sergeant, when more fire is directed his way. When the Scot spots Jacy trying to shoot him, he scowls. His face might be hidden, but he certainly recognizes her. His course corrects slightly, and he hurries toward the woman, bringing the almost empty Callahan up, and firing a burst from the hip, as he closes the distance. He shouts into his Comm..."Chicken, that truck empty, yet?!" It is time they be moving on. <English>

Abbey grumbles as she hears that word that they are indeed looking for her. She was wondering what was taking so long honestly. She shifts, resting upon a knee in the dirt and her rifle up, which if any of the marines are truly looking anywhere but the buildings they could perhaps find her, hands gripping the rifle while she lets out another shot towards one of the marines. "Dammit." Is hissed out as she catches sight of Rodney heading towards someone. This is not the time to go about trying to take out everyone if the truck is empty. <English>

"Truck's dry, Boss. Let's get moving," Fowler says over the comms, running to tackle one of the soldiers into the side of the truck and give him some stabby-stabs, doing his best to prevent the man from gunning down the Seperatists with the boxes of goodies. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Abbey says, " This isn't the time to play kill the ones giving orders. Hurry up Boss!" <English>

Upon hearing Fowler over the comms, Goemon rises from his position, firing bursts to keep Alliance heads down as the Seps fall back. As he begins to fire and move, he feels a punch in his upper back that drops him to one knee with a grunt. "Shit..." he mutters softly to himself, no stranger to the sensation of taking a bullet. He staggers to his feet and continues to provide covering fire as he retreats to the planned fallback position, barely able to hold his rifle with both hands. He begins grunting into the comms.


[Wulver Ch:1] Goemon says, "We got what we came for. Let's go. Oh...I'm hit, but moving." <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "It's just a flesh wound, Chile. I'll stuff ye full o' moss when ye get back. If Tempest unlocks the doors..." <English>

A Marine pops his head out of a rooftop skylight, gets clipped on the helmet, and ducks down rapidly. It's hard to tell if he's caught sight of the sniper's nest. Fowler continues his lessons in bladed weapon combat, and the Marines score a rare victory as someone clips Goemon.

Heather Jacy steps out into the open as Rodney approaches her - and catches a bullet in the shoulder, spinning her round against the wall. She gasps, pain etched on her face as she brings up the Equalizer and pops off another shot at the advancing tank that is Rodney. She's not the only one firing at him, but she's the only one in his sights. Her eyes widen fractionally. Breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth. Focus your eyes. Focus your mind. Focus your body. Shoot the man. And again, without effect....is the man made of frickin' Kryptonite? <English>

Oh. Well. There are surely enough people shooting at Rodney, for another bullet to strike the Scotsman. This one takes him in the side, and leaves a bloody gash in his armour, though the damage does not seem to be severe. It does throw off his attempted attack on Jacy, leaving him staggering toward her, his blade missing by more than a few feet. This has not been the most succesful start to a war for him. He's killed like three people, max. "Alright. Pull the fuck back! We got what we came for!" Not that he is exactly beating feat, yet. <English>

With the 'all clear' from Rodney she is staying put long enough to give back up cover for the ones below her. Another Marine is found and she lets the shot fly, hopefully hitting the mark once more. "Move it guys.." Is mutterd out while her gaze flicks over to where Goemon is as she heard over the comms he was hit. <English>

"You 'eard 'im. Pull back. Somebody get some stitches waiting for us when we get back," Fowler says, repeating Rodney's point and attempting to hammer it into the heads of the Seperatists. Moving around the truck toward Rodney, Fowler will attempt to grab one last marine in an effort to smack him silly and hopefully put him through a windshield. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Stitches pull and make you bleed more. Moss is better. There's plenty in my bag, as soon as Tempest unlocks the Wren." <English>

Goemon spies his captain's claymore flying and curses lightly in Japanese. He sees Rodney take another round and hurries his pace, hissing lightly in pain, firing from the hip now and then to keep heads down. An Alliance round creases his ribs and he grunts, accidentally keying his comms. "Really...?" he groans, then takes more careful aim of a purplebelly in Rodney's direction.

The grunt on the roof reappears and starts firing blindly in the direction of the sparkling dot on the hillside that he has identified as a sniper. Extreme range, likely nothing will hit Abbey, but it's designed to keep her head down rather than actually hurt her, most likely.

With the exception of the aforementioned, the surviving Marines are now in two broad groups; three Marines each towing three injured Marines with them, and four grunts covering their retreat, focussing their fire on Rodney - well, he seems to be the biggest lunatic waving a claymore, and he's targetting their officer.

Who, as the claymore misses her, exhales a hiss of air and re-aims the Equalizer, /squeezing/ the trigger like her old master sergeant instructor told her all those years ago, aiming it at body center mass. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Move your arse, Snip, they've seen you!" <English>

The stun round to his breadbasket has Rodney gasping, and almost falling. He -really- hates stun rounds. He doesn't fall, but he isn't really one hundred percent coherent, either. With the concrete tearing up around him, and him getting shot, and all of that bad shit striking down, he seems to realize that discretion is the better part of valor. The large armoured man charges forward directly at Jacy, swinging his Claymore as he nears, without slowing. He is apparently trying to run -past- her, and make his retreat, now that the Separatists have had their apparent victory. A glance at Fowler, body-slamming Feds, and he can't help but grin as he shouts..."Exfiltrate, Chicken!" <English>

Abbey hears the call to retreat, but she is there backup, and she has to hang around for as long as she possibly can. Another shot is lined up and taken right as she hears Aeron's words burning in her ears. The shots slam into the ground around her, a few are close, one catching her arm, another her thigh while she is scrambling to grab her spare rifle and diving down the back of the hill as a result. Someone just went arse over kettle and doesn't care at the moment seeing how there are bullets still following her as she is making an ungraceful exit. <English>

"You got it, mate," Fowler responds, shortly after throwing an nearly-unconcious marine through the windshield of one of the trucks, making sure that anybody who wants to use that bad boy has a rough time of it. "Everybody, we're through here. Go, go, go!" As he shouts orders, the Seperatists that accompanied the disguised bunch of rogues begin to pull back. The large black man begins running after Rodney, fully intent on taking anybody out that gets in his way, hopefully clotheslining somebody like a cool guy. <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Cappy? The new Chile is about to go down. Ain't sure there's enough moss in my bag, might have to make pastes. You need to be getting him home, and now. Not sure he can get himself out at this point." <English> [Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit, Tempest. Unlock this gorram ship. Right now. *lots of pounding and knocking can be heard*" <English>

Goemon closes upon Rodney and the officer he's fighting. Looking to end their duel quickly so they can hastily vamoose, he takes aim at the Alliance officer just as Rodney cuts her down. Apparently unphased by the sight of a person downed with a sword, he shifts his aim to another target of opportunity when he's hit by another round in the upper chest. He staggers as he lowers his repeater and looks down at his chest. "Well...damn..." he mutters, then drops to a knee. He sets the butt of the gun into the ground and wobbles to a standing position. Staggering forward, he begins to send more fire indiscrimately at Alliance positions. "Let's...go...people..." he mutters to nobody in particular.

Heather Jacy's eyes light up as she rocks Rodney back with her shot, but then they go wide as he swings the massive claymore in his charge. She brings up the gun again, but there's no time to get clear or dodge, there's a wall at her back. The claymore scythes through her attempted block with the Equalizer, knocking it aside, catching her in her chestplate, smashing her into the side of the building. As Rodney charges on, her eyes roll up, she crumples to her knees, then collapses onto her face, motionless.

The retreating Marines keep firing on the three visible threats, Fowler escaping their shots, but there are yells of triumph as Rodney and Goemon both take hits, yells that rise as they see Jacy go down. A Marine near her sprints to her side, dragging her by an arm into the cover of an alleyway as bullets kick up around them, and it's true generally that even though the damn Separatists are taking fire now, the Marines themselves are still withdrawing. <English>

It is a very good thing that Kilbride has nice armour, most days. And this day is no exception. He is rocked by a fifth gunshot, in this firefight. Again, the damage is not terrible, but these things do add up. He staggers on his feet, and fights to stay upright. A damn shame that he doesn't have time to relish having cut down the Butcher Bitch of Whitefall, but he'll drink to that, later. Now, he has to get his people back to the safehouse where this whole business began. "Chicken, get GoGo..." is ordered through clenched teeth, his breathing a bit ragged, as he slings his bloody sword across his back, and bounces off of a wall, before disappearing into an alley. Ammo stolen, Feds Exploded...Mission Accomplished?? <English>

[Wulver MHZ Ch:1] Aeron says, "Damnit. *bangpoundbang* Tempest!!! *BANGBANGBANG* Cappy... Someone *poundpound* Let me off o' this gorram bird! *poundbangpound*" <English>

"Roger," Fowler responds, cutting off from running with Rodney and sprints over to Goemon's side, shoving the man's weapon down and wrapping Goemon's arm around his shoulder, doing his best to walk the man off of the battlefield, firing randomly towards the Feds with his sidearm. <English>

Goemon pauses in his covering fire to allow Fowler to help him to his feet. As he shuffles alongside him, he tucks his rifle beneath his arm and fires behind them until his magazine runs dry. While he tries to reload with one arm, he takes another round with a soft grunt and goes limp against Fowler, his rifle dragged by the sling behind him.

There's sporadic firing from the Marines now, but it's all covering fire as both sides retreat to safety, dragging their injured with them. There are several still figures in Marine uniforms, sprawled in death. In the distance can be heard the banshee wail of sirens, either reinforcements from the Federal station, or the local fire department responding to the pall of heavy black smoke issueing from the burning truck. <English> <Wulver> Denizen of the sock drawer, Aeron says, "There is a midgety witch half your size AND half your age, Goe, and she's taken a liking to you. Harps won't be allowed. (;"

Finally managing to heft Goemon over his shoulders, Fowler clutches the fallen man's gun in his hand and tears off down through an alleyway, on his way to get a fucking cigarette. <English>