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(Created page with "{{SceneLog |Location=ABS Destiny |IC Date=2535/09/22 |OOC Date=2014/10/26 |Characters in Scene=Jacy, Salin, Moira, Darling |Short Summary=Rebecah Kamp's body is consigned to t...")
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|IC Date=2535/09/22
|IC Date=2535/09/22
|OOC Date=2014/10/26
|OOC Date=2014/10/26
|Characters in Scene=Jacy, Salin, Moira, Darling
|Characters in Scene=Jacy, Salin, Moira
|Short Summary=Rebecah Kamp's body is consigned to the black.
|Short Summary=Rebecah Kamp's body is consigned to the black.
|Full Log=
|Full Log=The bosun steps off the shuttle, reaching in to his breast pocket for a bosun's whistle. Having been given the detail of escorting the body from the surface, he calls forth the honor guard with a shrill pipe. Six men and women of Task Force Alpha bring the casket forward and place it in to the open shell of an empty training torpedo, draping it with the Allied Planet's flag. <English>
Darling steps off the shuttle, reaching in to his breast pocket for a bosun's whistle. Having been given the detail of escorting the body from the surface, he calls forth the honor guard with a shrill pipe. Six men and women of Task Force Alpha bring the casket forward and place it in to the open shell of an empty training torpedo, draping it with the Allied Planet's flag. <English>
The honor guard falls back into precise order, joined by both a trumpeteer and a 7th rifleman for the three volley salute.
The honor guard falls back into precise order, joined by both a trumpeteer and a 7th rifleman for the three volley salute.
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As Salin watches the honor guard critically, Moira's own gaze is more wary, her eyes drawn to their weaponry as her hand tightens at his inner elbow until her knuckles are white. While some in the Guild are uncomfortable around members of the cloth, Moira seems to follow through the chaplain's words with complete ease, and at a few moments throughout the Psalm, her lips move along in silence, as if the verse is perhaps even a familiar comfort as her head bows respectfully. Once the scriptures have ended and the Lieutenant takes the podium, Moira lifts her head, leaning in to murmur a quiet question to Salin as an invitation is offered for speakers to come forward. <English>
As Salin watches the honor guard critically, Moira's own gaze is more wary, her eyes drawn to their weaponry as her hand tightens at his inner elbow until her knuckles are white. While some in the Guild are uncomfortable around members of the cloth, Moira seems to follow through the chaplain's words with complete ease, and at a few moments throughout the Psalm, her lips move along in silence, as if the verse is perhaps even a familiar comfort as her head bows respectfully. Once the scriptures have ended and the Lieutenant takes the podium, Moira lifts her head, leaning in to murmur a quiet question to Salin as an invitation is offered for speakers to come forward. <English>
Darling remains at perfect attention near the shuttle bay door control panel, his eyes forward in that thousand yard stare called for in such situations. Only when the honor guard comes forward to fire their weapons will he move forward to attend his duty. <English>
The bosun remains at perfect attention near the shuttle bay door control panel, his eyes forward in that thousand yard stare called for in such situations. Only when the honor guard comes forward to fire their weapons will he move forward to attend his duty. <English>
As the call comes out for those who knew Rebecah to come forth and speak, Salin's allowing his posture to shift enough so that his gaze can play out amongst the members of TFA, along with a few of the marines before they settle upon Jacy as she begins to depart from the old woman's side. The murmur for Moira draws a cant of his head and a soft reply. <English>
As the call comes out for those who knew Rebecah to come forth and speak, Salin's allowing his posture to shift enough so that his gaze can play out amongst the members of TFA, along with a few of the marines before they settle upon Jacy as she begins to depart from the old woman's side. The murmur for Moira draws a cant of his head and a soft reply. <English>
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Moira listens quietly as Jacy speak, and her grey eyes are inscrutable as she does. Her hand lingers in Salin's crooked elbow, though, and as his head cants she uses this touch to try and catch his attention as her glossed lips murmur nearly imperceptibly. <English>
Moira listens quietly as Jacy speak, and her grey eyes are inscrutable as she does. Her hand lingers in Salin's crooked elbow, though, and as his head cants she uses this touch to try and catch his attention as her glossed lips murmur nearly imperceptibly. <English>
Stepping forward with precision, the bugler begins to blow the lone notes blown by his predecessors for centuries. As the last notes die away, Darling moves the controls to expose the landing bay to the deep black of space. The honor guard moves forward and to the call of the seventh man, fire once. Twice. And then a third time, leaving the atmospheric retaining shield to shimmer with the passing of the bullets. The shots echo in the spacious hangar and with a shimmer beneath it, the coffin is carried up in the torpedo frame to make a slow glide into the black. It draws away from the ship, growing faint before falling away towards the planetary atmosphere. <English>
Stepping forward with precision, the bugler begins to blow the lone notes blown by his predecessors for centuries. As the last notes die away, the bosun moves the controls to expose the landing bay to the deep black of space. The honor guard moves forward and to the call of the seventh man, fire once. Twice. And then a third time, leaving the atmospheric retaining shield to shimmer with the passing of the bullets. The shots echo in the spacious hangar and with a shimmer beneath it, the coffin is carried up in the torpedo frame to make a slow glide into the black. It draws away from the ship, growing faint before falling away towards the planetary atmosphere. <English>
The old lady draws herself up for the last post and last salute, her lip trembling, tears trickling unashamedly down her cheeks. Heather draws away from her, but only to come to attention, snapping to salute as the torpedo drifts away. She holds the salute long, as long as anyone else there, her back ramrod straight, her eyes suspiciously bright. <English>
The old lady draws herself up for the last post and last salute, her lip trembling, tears trickling unashamedly down her cheeks. Heather draws away from her, but only to come to attention, snapping to salute as the torpedo drifts away. She holds the salute long, as long as anyone else there, her back ramrod straight, her eyes suspiciously bright. <English>
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Murmuring something softly to Moira, Salin is then extracting his arm from her hand so that he can turn towards the casket and draw himself to attention. He's snapping up a salute of his own then, holding it crisply as the torpedo makes its way into space. <English>
Murmuring something softly to Moira, Salin is then extracting his arm from her hand so that he can turn towards the casket and draw himself to attention. He's snapping up a salute of his own then, holding it crisply as the torpedo makes its way into space. <English>
Darling takes his cue from the honor guard, closing the hangar door as they fold the flag into the ceremonial triangle to bestowed upon the surviving mother. The Ensign presenting the pennant bows deeply before the woman murmuring his thanks for her sacrifice. <English>
The bosun takes his cue from the honor guard, closing the hangar door as they fold the flag into the ceremonial triangle to bestowed upon the surviving mother. The Ensign presenting the pennant bows deeply before the woman murmuring his thanks for her sacrifice. <English>
And the guns come. Why must the guns always come? The first blast draws Moira's hands to fists, one at her side, the other curling into Salin's elbow until knuckles blanch white. The second round pulls her face to match, her complexion and black dress leaving her looking more like a silent film star than an actual living and breathing woman. And of course, as the third gun sounds, she's left to steady herself as Salin turns to salute, managing to pry her from his arm before he does. Her eyes close as she steels herself, and they don't reopen again until the shuttle doors have closed and locked themselves once more. <English>
And the guns come. Why must the guns always come? The first blast draws Moira's hands to fists, one at her side, the other curling into Salin's elbow until knuckles blanch white. The second round pulls her face to match, her complexion and black dress leaving her looking more like a silent film star than an actual living and breathing woman. And of course, as the third gun sounds, she's left to steady herself as Salin turns to salute, managing to pry her from his arm before he does. Her eyes close as she steels herself, and they don't reopen again until the shuttle doors have closed and locked themselves once more. <English>
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When Salin leans towards her ear, Moira nods, forcing her hands out from their fists as she smooths them down her lace-sheathed thighs. She catches her breath and shakes away the moment of panic, swallowing down the queasiness of gunfire that rings still in her ears so that she can join him as he chats with the Admirals and begins their goodbyes. <English>
When Salin leans towards her ear, Moira nods, forcing her hands out from their fists as she smooths them down her lace-sheathed thighs. She catches her breath and shakes away the moment of panic, swallowing down the queasiness of gunfire that rings still in her ears so that she can join him as he chats with the Admirals and begins their goodbyes. <English>
Darling slips aboard the shuttle, preparing it for the return to normal duty. <English>
The bosun slips aboard the shuttle, preparing it for the return to normal duty. <English>

Latest revision as of 21:28, 28 November 2014

Full Honors - Rebecah's Funeral
Location: Log_Location::ABS Destiny IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/09/22 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/10/26
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Jacy, Has Characters in Scene::Salin, Has Characters in Scene::Moira
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::Rebecah Kamp's body is consigned to the black.
Log_Characters::Jacy, Salin, Moira

The bosun steps off the shuttle, reaching in to his breast pocket for a bosun's whistle. Having been given the detail of escorting the body from the surface, he calls forth the honor guard with a shrill pipe. Six men and women of Task Force Alpha bring the casket forward and place it in to the open shell of an empty training torpedo, draping it with the Allied Planet's flag. <English>

The honor guard falls back into precise order, joined by both a trumpeteer and a 7th rifleman for the three volley salute.

Salin and Moira had arrived earlier, before the shuttle had arrived, so as to speak to a few people before the funeral procession began. Now they stand off to one side, with a few of the other Admirals and flag officers who had journey'd to the Destiny to pay their respects to one of their own. <English>

Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy watches the business with a stony face, her eyes hard as she watches every gesture, every salute, every step of the honor guard (and woe betide any of the guard who has a hair or mote of dust out of place; Heather Jacy will Have Words Later with the offender). Beside Lieutenant Commander Jacy is Rebecah's mother, a grey-haired old lady here to say her final farewell to her only child. The old lady is a civilian, a 'visitor - escort required' badge pinned to her black dress. Heather is keeping a close eye on her, and when the casket is bought forth and the old lady's legs threaten to buckle, Heather's arm slips around her waist for support. Jacy has arranged the order of ceremonies - after the words from the ship's chaplain, there is an opportunity for a few words from anyone who knew Rebecah, before the casket is consigned to the black. <English>

Children are meant to be seen and not heard, and sometimes that adage applies for Companions as well. Arriving with Salin, her arm stays tucked within the crook of his arm as they make the required rounds, kind smiles mixing with somber nods as she accompanies the Minister in the paying of respects. <English>

From the dignitaries gathered nearest the casket, the Chaplain of the Fleet draws forward to the podium to call for those gathered to join him in a silent prayer. As with all solemn moments, they have a way of stretching in to their own eternities. Then, as if time has stood completely still, he speaks the familiar words of comfort. "As we commit the body of our sister, Rebekah Kamp, to the depths of the heavens, we recall the twenty third psalm, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."

"I AM the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. St. John Eleven. 25, 26. KNOW that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shalt stand at the latter day upon the earth. And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another. Job Nineteen. 25, 26, 27. HE brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the Name of the Lord." Looking from left to right to see that his words have been heard, the Chaplain returns to his seat. <English>

The Honor Guard are given a critical look from Salin, his gaze resting there a moment before he's turning his attention to the Corporal's mother and from there, to the Chaplain, only to dip his head as that prayer begins. And it's only when it comes to an end that his gaze is lifting, to give a slight little nod of his head as if agreeing to what was just spoken. <English>

Heather Jacy's gaze remains in the middle-distance throughout the words of the Chaplain, her thoughts her own. Rebecah's mother is snivelling audibly, little gasps of air taken between sobs, and Jacy breaks her stiff stance yet again to wrap an arm about the broken old woman's shoulders. The officer in charge of the proceedings, a young Lieutenant sweating under the gaze of Salin and the other assorted dignitaries, clears his throat and speaks up. "If any of Corporal Kamp's colleagues-in-arms would like to say a few words, now is the time." He looks around, a clear look of panic in his eyes that nobody will step up to the podium. Jacy is stirring, murmuring a few words to the old lady before departing from her side. <English>

As Salin watches the honor guard critically, Moira's own gaze is more wary, her eyes drawn to their weaponry as her hand tightens at his inner elbow until her knuckles are white. While some in the Guild are uncomfortable around members of the cloth, Moira seems to follow through the chaplain's words with complete ease, and at a few moments throughout the Psalm, her lips move along in silence, as if the verse is perhaps even a familiar comfort as her head bows respectfully. Once the scriptures have ended and the Lieutenant takes the podium, Moira lifts her head, leaning in to murmur a quiet question to Salin as an invitation is offered for speakers to come forward. <English>

The bosun remains at perfect attention near the shuttle bay door control panel, his eyes forward in that thousand yard stare called for in such situations. Only when the honor guard comes forward to fire their weapons will he move forward to attend his duty. <English>

As the call comes out for those who knew Rebecah to come forth and speak, Salin's allowing his posture to shift enough so that his gaze can play out amongst the members of TFA, along with a few of the marines before they settle upon Jacy as she begins to depart from the old woman's side. The murmur for Moira draws a cant of his head and a soft reply. <English>

A Task Force Alpha Corporal steps in to assist Mrs Kamp down to a chair that's hurriedly bought forwards, and Heather Jacy steps up to the podium. She, too, clears her throat, not through nervousness. "I only knew Rebecah Kamp for a few years. At first, when we were both in DAS, we touched base many times. More recently, when I received my commission aboard the Temperance, we were able to overlap on fewer occasions." She swallows. "But she never lost touch with me. She was always there for me, and I always tried to be there for her. Except when I couldn't be. This last time." Heather Jacy's jaw works silently. There's more, but she's just taking a moment. <English>

There's a faint smile from Moira's lips as something is murmured to her ear, but she keeps her gaze appropriately somber to the situation as she lets her gaze slowly roam the ceremony. As Jacy starts to move through the crowd, the Companion's eyes follow her to the stage. <English>

Heather fixes her eyes on the crowd, and she addresses her words to the people she fixes her gaze upon. To Mrs Kamp, she says simply, "Your daughter was one of the bravest people I have ever had the priviledge to know. She will live on as a high example to us all." Then her gaze shifts, gliding to Salin, and she fixes him with an unyielding expression. "Rebecah Kamp will be avenged. We will hunt down and exterminate her murderers. We will leave them nowhere to run, and offer them no mercy. They kill one of ours, we will return that reaping tenfold, hundredfold, thousandfold, until they have all paid the price for killing one of our own." Her voice is icily calm; this is all clearly well-rehearsed. Then she looks back at the assembled company, her gaze picking out nobody in particular. "Rebecah, we will remember you." And she steps down from the podium, returning with crisp strides to her place beside the frail old woman. <English>

While Salin's attention was drifting amongst that had gathered here, it's quickly returning back to Jacy as she begins to detail her knowledge of Rebecah and as she speaks, there's just a faint little cant of his head to the right, though he belays no particular emotion as the Commander afixes him with a look. <English>

Moira listens quietly as Jacy speak, and her grey eyes are inscrutable as she does. Her hand lingers in Salin's crooked elbow, though, and as his head cants she uses this touch to try and catch his attention as her glossed lips murmur nearly imperceptibly. <English>

Stepping forward with precision, the bugler begins to blow the lone notes blown by his predecessors for centuries. As the last notes die away, the bosun moves the controls to expose the landing bay to the deep black of space. The honor guard moves forward and to the call of the seventh man, fire once. Twice. And then a third time, leaving the atmospheric retaining shield to shimmer with the passing of the bullets. The shots echo in the spacious hangar and with a shimmer beneath it, the coffin is carried up in the torpedo frame to make a slow glide into the black. It draws away from the ship, growing faint before falling away towards the planetary atmosphere. <English>

The old lady draws herself up for the last post and last salute, her lip trembling, tears trickling unashamedly down her cheeks. Heather draws away from her, but only to come to attention, snapping to salute as the torpedo drifts away. She holds the salute long, as long as anyone else there, her back ramrod straight, her eyes suspiciously bright. <English>

Murmuring something softly to Moira, Salin is then extracting his arm from her hand so that he can turn towards the casket and draw himself to attention. He's snapping up a salute of his own then, holding it crisply as the torpedo makes its way into space. <English>

The bosun takes his cue from the honor guard, closing the hangar door as they fold the flag into the ceremonial triangle to bestowed upon the surviving mother. The Ensign presenting the pennant bows deeply before the woman murmuring his thanks for her sacrifice. <English>

And the guns come. Why must the guns always come? The first blast draws Moira's hands to fists, one at her side, the other curling into Salin's elbow until knuckles blanch white. The second round pulls her face to match, her complexion and black dress leaving her looking more like a silent film star than an actual living and breathing woman. And of course, as the third gun sounds, she's left to steady herself as Salin turns to salute, managing to pry her from his arm before he does. Her eyes close as she steels herself, and they don't reopen again until the shuttle doors have closed and locked themselves once more. <English>

Heather Jacy's attention, as the hangar bay doors close off the blackness beyond, turns back to the mother. She assists her back to her seat and takes a knee before her, murmuring to her in a quiet voice; it's not clear how much the old lady is taking in, nodding her head as the tears run down her gnarled cheeks. <English>

Once the hangar bay doors final close and those salutes are lowered, Salin is turning back to Moira, to murmur something quietly before he's then turning to a couple of the Admirality, to murmur to them as well. <English>

When Salin leans towards her ear, Moira nods, forcing her hands out from their fists as she smooths them down her lace-sheathed thighs. She catches her breath and shakes away the moment of panic, swallowing down the queasiness of gunfire that rings still in her ears so that she can join him as he chats with the Admirals and begins their goodbyes. <English>

The bosun slips aboard the shuttle, preparing it for the return to normal duty. <English>