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<b>**NOTICE**</b> Nobility IE: Like Atherton Wing. Nobles are currently open to application, contact <b>Kaylee</b> for more information on Nobles.
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Nobility is a historical, social and often legal notion, distinct from socio-economic status which is mainly based on income and possessions. Being wealthy or influential does not automatically make one a noble, nor are all nobles wealthy and influential (aristocratic families have lost their fortunes in various ways, and the concept of the 'poor nobleman' is almost as old as nobility itself).
Nobility is a historical, social and often legal notion, distinct from socio-economic status which is mainly based on income and possessions. Being wealthy or influential does not automatically make one a noble, nor are all nobles wealthy and influential (aristocratic families have lost their fortunes in various ways, and the concept of the 'poor nobleman' is almost as old as nobility itself).
<i>"Always remember,"</i> his mother had reminded him frequently, <i>"that you are a Nately. You are not a Vanderbilt, whose fortune was made by a vulgar tugboat captain, or a Rockerfeller, whose wealth was amassed through unscrupulous speculations in crude petroleum; or a Reynolds or Duke, whose income was derived from the sale to the unsuspecting public of products containing cancer-causing resins and tars; and you are certainly not an Astor, whose family I believe still lets rooms. You are a Nately, and the Natelys have never done anything for their money."</i>
<i>"What your mother means, son,"</i> interjected his father affably one time with that flair for graceful and economical expression Nately admired so much, <i>"is that old money is better than new money and the newly rich are never to be esteemed as highly as the newly poor. Isn't that correct, my dear?"</i>
Expert from <b>Catch 22</b>; a novel by <b>Joseph Heller</b>
=Noble Court=
=Noble Ranks=
=Noble Ranks=
<b>Lord</b> (Male), <b>Lady</b> (Female)<br>
<b>Duke</b> (Male), <b>Duchess</b> (Female)
<b>Baron</b> (Male), <b>Baroness</b> (Female)<br>
<b>Viscount</b> (Male), <b>Viscountess</b> (Female) <br>
<b>Earl</b> (Male) or <b>Count</b> (male), <b>Countess</b> (Female)<br>
<b>Marquis</b> (Male), <b>Marchioness</b> (Female)
<b>Marquis</b> (Male), <b>Marchioness</b> (Female)<br>
<b>Duke</b> (Male), <b>Duchess</b> (Female)<br>
<b>Earl</b> (Male) or <b>Count</b> (male), <b>Countess</b> (Female)
<b>Viscount</b> (Male), <b>Viscountess</b> (Female)  
<b>Baron</b> (Male), <b>Baroness</b> (Female)
<b>Lord</b> (Male), <b>Lady</b> (Female)
=Coat of Arms=
=Coat of Arms=
A coat of arms, more properly called an armorial achievement, armorial bearings or often just arms for short, in European tradition, is a design belonging to a particular person (or group of people) and used by them in a wide variety of ways. Historically, they were used by knights to identify them apart from enemy soldiers. In Continental Europe commoners were able to adopt Burgher arms. Unlike seals and emblems, coats of arms have a formal description that is expressed as a blazon.
A coat of arms, more properly called an armorial achievement, armorial bearings or often just arms for short, in European tradition, is a design belonging to a particular person (or group of people) and used by them in a wide variety of ways. Historically, they were used by knights to identify them apart from enemy soldiers. In Continental Europe commoners were able to adopt Burgher arms. Unlike seals and emblems, coats of arms have a formal description that is expressed as a blazon.<br><br>Each noble house on Serenity will have its own coat of arms.  The color, motif, symoblogy, and design is to be chosen and made by the head of that noble's family.
=Noble Rules=
=Noble Rules=
Nobles Vs Alliance
Nobles Vs Alliance<br>
People of the verse think that the nobles hold the coin to the realms.  But in actuality its the Alliance that controls everything.  The nobles are the ones in public eye that takes care of an area's day to day issues that the Alliance itself just doesn't have time for.  They make sure the taxes are collected, make sure that the people are kept fed, and are gotten together and helped if something happens on the planet to put any in danger.  Now, the Alliance will of course make frequent appearances to appear gentle and giving of their time to help in hard times.  But all in all, its the nobles who are running of things.  Though any massive changes have to go through the Alliance given in the end they are the ones who have the final say to any major changes in the running of the system.  Much of the time nobles are required/requested to give a percentage of their finances upon death willed to the Alliance.  After all, who is it who helps pay for the all of the Alliance paychecks?  The work that the nobles put into different businesses and deals throughout the verse.<br>Since the nobility serves at the behest of Parliament, and Parliament exists at the behest of the Alliance, it is expected that all members of nobility will be in full compliance and provide public support of the Alliance at all times. A noble caught attempting to bite the hand which feeds him or her will risk not only their noble rank, title, and privilege, but potentially their freedom and even lives, depending on how eggregious the violation occuring might be.<br><br>
People of the verse think that the nobles hold the coin to the realms.  But in actuality its the Alliance that controls everything.  The nobles in essense depending on their level in nobility are more the ones of public eye that takes care of an area's day to day issues that the Alliance itself just doesn't have time for.  They make sure the taxes are collected, make sure that the people are kept fed, and are gotten together and helped if something happens on the planet to put any in danger.  Now the Alliance will of course make frequent appearances to appear gentle and giving of their time to help in hard times.  But all in all, its the nobles who are running of things.  Though any massive changes have to go through the Alliance given in the end they are the ones who have the final say to any major changes in the running of the system.  Much of the time nobles are required/requested to give a percentage of their finances upon death willed to the Alliance.  After all, who is it who helps pay for the all of the Alliance paychecks?  The work that the nobles put into different businesses and deals throughout the verse.
Nobles Vs Companions<br>
Companions are the otherside to noble life that many of those of questionable bloodlines tend to turn their noses at.  Though many look at Companions and see women/men who merely are there to sleep with nobles, they miss alot of what they TRUELY do for nobles.  Companions are not only there to help teach the arts of love to those who have a wish to learn it to better please their spouses.  They're there to help take away the stresses, knowing that anything they say will be kept in confidence.  They are there to be the beautiful and proper date to functions in which it just wouldn't be seemly for you to appear alone at.  They are there to help teach the finer points of such things as diplomacy, and the arts as well as even different fighting skills who want a more subtle approach at lessons.  As well as merely a companion to sit and do something as simple as have tea and good conversation to take away the stresses of the day.<br>A noble is expected to be a member of good standing with their local Companion's House, as the nobles and the Guild will oftentimes work together hand-in-hand for fund-raising and other charitable work across their planet.  Nobility who runs afoul of the Guild risks the application of a black mark which can affect their ability to hold employment and make trade, to find favor in Parliament, and even their right to hold their ranks and titles.<br><br>
Nobles vs Dueling<br>
Dueling is a matter of honor.  With the option of each f the duelers having the option of a second.  (The second being used if the main dueler is unable to fight, then they take the persons place they are seconding for.)  The one who was the recipient of the dueling order is the one who chooses the weapons.  Meaning, if noble A calls Noble B out.  The Noble B chooses which weapon he would most likely be willing to use.  Most duels are life and death, though on occasion depending on the lack of severity of the matter of honor, it can be until unconsciousness.  The loser of the duels suffers the most incredible of dishonorable reactions.  Who once may have been popular now would have to work hard to regain the prestige they once had.  The losers of some duels, depending on who was the winner, also may suffer a loss of many of their contacts that once would do business with them without question.  Some business owners have even gone so far as to find people to help buy out the nobles share so they don't have to work with them anymore.  (Again this is all dependent on how severe the dishonor and whom is the person who won.  As it's their influence that  decides this.)<br>It's seen as bad form for a noble to step up and second a duel for a commoner.  Much are in the mind frame that if a commoner was stupid enough to accept a duel with those who are trained for such, then they're stupid enough to suffer the consequences.  Many nobles will question the relationship of such commoners with the noble in question if one does step up to help a commoner.  (This is how rumors are started)<br><br>
Nobles vs Marriage<br>
Nobles, like most stories of nobility will do anything to keep their arranged marriages from being broken, as many of them are for a growth in status and prestige.  For bringing together two strong families and melding them into a stronger family.  Now and again, a marriage may happen with a commoner, many of these are looked at disdainfully and though nothing may be overtly said to the noble who married down, their prestige will suffer for marrying beneath them if they're an old blooded noble.  Commoners who marry do not automatically obtain a noble title, instead, they are known simply as the consort to their noble spouse.  However, the couple may make petition to Parliament to have a title bestowed depending upon planetary circumstances and the background of the consort.  It isn't uncommon for arranged marriages to have been made when the children were still in their infancy, to ensure that a tie between families is done before they hit puberty or before someone else takes the initiative.  (This is always done by the heads of house and accompanied/witnessed by lawyers.)  It's not unknown for undesirable marriages to be forcibly dissolved if for some reason an arranged marriage is found to have been done after one of the nobles in question has already married.  Many times a noble who wishes to not uphold the contract will suffer the possibility of either losing their inheritance of being the head of house, or depending on the strictness of the family may lose their noble title all together.<br><br>
Nobles Vs Companions
Nobles vs Jobs<br>
Nobles, like all of those in high positions are big on delegating.  They themselves will never be the ones to run the ships they have working under them into running cargo.  They have people for that.  They don't run the factories themselves or run the other businesses.  Though some may take positions purely for a need to want to keep an eye on things being run like they like and to keep boredom away.  A noble who is seen as a noble to those of their peers is not a 'grease monkey' (engineer), they aren't hunters (gunslingers), they know how to do all these things if the occasion calls for it, but most times you won't see them admitting it.  Nobles who like to hide amongst the common folk and work with them hiding who they are, quickly are disowned if it's found out what they've been doing, or at the least end up losing their possibility of being the heads of their houses.  usually married off quickly to make them someone else's problem.<br>Instead, a noble's role within the world of trade, labor, and commerce is seen as that of employer.  A noble house oftentimes runs many businesses, factories, and conglommorations.  In providing work and income to those beneath them, they also ensure loyalty from those below - be it from benevolent business practices, or the creation of an endentured society.<br><br>
Companions are the otherside to noble life that many of those of questionable bloodlines tend to turn their noses at.  Though many look at Companions and see women/men who merely are there to sleep with nobles, they miss alot of what they TRUELY do for nobles.  Companions are not only there to help teach the arts of love to those who have a wish to learn it to better please their spousesThey're there to help take away the stresses, knowing that anything they say will be kept in confidence.  They are there to be the beautiful and proper date to functions in which it just wouldn't be seemly for you to appear alone atThey are there to help teach the finer points of such things as diplomacy, and the arts as well as even different fighting skills who want a more subtle approach at lessonsAs well as merely a companion to sit and do something as simple as have tea and good conversation to take away the stresses of the day(Think the Geisha in alot of senses, taught the most seductive of arts, but still very knowing in propriety.)
Nobles vs Commoners<br>
Unlike many noble stories, alot of nobles have found that being at least semi polite to those without status gets them a lot further in their business dealingsAnd everything comes down to the business dealings, for without the credits, you have nothing, even if you're the highest of positionsThough many of the older generation still have a tendency to forget about the need for diplomacy in business, still, a higher level noble at least those of older generations are known for keeping their distance from most commoners unless they work directly with them on a daily basisYou keep your affairs discreet, and if you're one of those  with questionable sexual preferences you make sure you have an heir of your own blood BEFORE you make it public.  If only to keep people away who may try and find a way to over throw your families holdingsAll of these being ingrained lessons you give a child as they're growing up.<br><br>
Nobles vs Businesses<br>
Nobles make their money by the business deals that they involve themselves in, making sure they have a percentage in the more lucrative dealings so that there is always a residual income coming in.  Many of them have factories to which they sell to ship captains the supplies needed.  Nobles are allowed up to (3) on grid businesses at any one time, one of which may be either a factory or a shipyard.  All of a noble's businesses should be located and based upon the planet to which they are titled, however, sattelite offices and franchised locations can be spread across the 'verse as long as business is good enough to support them.  All business dealings that end up with a <b>new</b> business on grid is still subject to the game's rules, including costs, staff approval, and theme guidelines.<br><br>
Nobles vs Activity<br>
The higher the ranking of a noble, the more activity they are required to have amongst the grid, and within the ranks of nobility.  For a full outline of RP and Activity expectations, please see the page on [[Noble Rules]].<br><br>
Nobles vs Dueling
Dueling is a matter of honor.  With the option of each f the duelers having the option of a second.  (The second being used if the main dueler is unable to fight, then they take the persons place they are seconding for.)  The one who was the recipient of the dueling order is the one who chooses the weapons.  Meaning, if noble A calls Noble B out.  The Noble B chooses which weapon he would most likely be willing to use.  Most duels are life and death, though on occasion depending on the lack of severity of the matter of honor, it can be until unconsciousness.  The loser of the duels suffers the most incredible of dishonorable reactions.  Who once may have been popular now would have to work hard to regain the prestige they once had.  The losers of some duels, depending on who was the winner, also may suffer a loss of many of their contacts that once would do business with them without question.  Some business owners have even gone so far as to find people to help buy out the nobles share so they don't have to work with them anymore.  (Again this is all dependent on how severe the dishonor and whom is the person who won.  As it's their influence that  decides this.)
It's seen as bad form for a noble to step up and second a duel for a commoner.  Much are in the mind frame that if a commoner was stupid enough to accept a duel with those who are trained for such, then they're stupid enough to suffer the consequences.  Many nobles will question the relationship of such commoners with the noble in question if one does step up to help a commoner.  (This is how rumors are started)
Nobles vs Marriage
Nobles, like most stories of nobility will do anything to keep their arranged marriages from being broken, as many of them are for a growth in status and prestige.  For bringing together two strong families and melding them into a stronger family.  Now and again, a marriage may happen with a commoner, many of these are looked at disdainfully and though nothing may be overtly said to the noble who married down, their prestige will suffer for marrying beneath them if they're an old blooded noble.  Commoners who marry in NEVER gain a noble title, the best they can hope for is to be known as a 'consort' of the noble that they are wed to.  And alot of times their offspring is seen as less than wholly acceptable when it comes to taking over when their parents are gone.  Always having to work harder than most to prove themselves.  It isn't uncommon for arranged marriages to have been made when the children were still in their infancy, to ensure that a tie between families is done before they hit puberty or before someone else takes the initiative.  (This is always done by the heads of house and accompanied/witnessed by lawyers.)  It's not unknown for undesirable marriages to be forcibly dissolved if for some reason an arranged marriage is found to have been done after one of the nobles in question has already married.  Alot of time a noble who wishes to not uphold the contract will suffer the possibility of either losing their inheritance of being the head of house, or depending on the strictness of the family may lose their noble title all together.
Nobles vs Jobs
Nobles like all of those in high positions are big on delegating.  They themselves will never be the ones to run the ships they have working under them into running cargo.  They have people for that.  They don't run the factories themselves or run the other businesses.  Though some may take positions purely for a need to want to keep an eye on things being run like they like and to keep boredom away.  A noble who is seen as a noble to those of their peers is not a 'grease monkey' (engineer), they aren't hunters (gunslingers), they know how to do all these things if the occasion calls for it, but most times you won't see them admitting it.  Nobles who like to hide amongst the common folk and work with them hiding who they are, quickly are disowned if it's found out what they've been doing, or at the least end up losing their possibility of being the heads of their houses.  usually married off quickly to make them someone else's problem.
Nobles vs Commoners
Unlike many noble stories, alot of nobles have found that being at least semi polite to those without status gets them a lot further in their business dealings.  And everything comes down to the business dealings, for without the credits, you have nothing, even if you're the highest of positions.  Though many of the older generation still have a tendency to forget about the need for diplomacy in business, still, a higher level noble at least those of older generations are known for keeping their distance from most commoners unless they work directly with them on a daily basis.  You keep your affairs discreet, and if you're one of those  with questionable sexual preferences you make sure you have an heir of your own blood BEFORE you make it public.  If only to keep people away who may try and find a way to over throw your families holdings.  All of these being ingrained lessons you give a child as they're growing up.
Nobles vs Businesses
Nobles make their money by the business deals that they involve themselves in, making sure they have a percentage in the more lucrative dealings so that there is always a residual income coming in.  Many of them have factories to which they sell to ship captains the supplies needed.  Nobles are allowed (3) on grid businesses at any one time, including a factory.  Though the ones outside of the factory must remain all in the same area.  Meaning that if your noble is more lucrative in their dealings with hospitals and medicines, that they can't open up a hotel later.  This gives noble families an area to be known for and work in.  Legally on an IC standing more than that and it's seen as against 'monopoly' laws.  All business dealings that ends up with having a new business on grid is still subject to rules of going through staff for approval.
Nobles vs Activity
The higher the ranking of a noble, the more activity they are required to have amongst the grid.  It's not just their own org, but also a need of making rp available to other people on the grid.  Those of higher ranking amongst nobility are to be active to the grid as a whole at least three times a weekRunning one grid wide function every other month, or small tp of some sort, not locked down to just org members.
=PC Nobles of the Verse=
=PC Nobles of the Verse=
==<b>Marchioness Iliana [[Cal|Calira]] d'Narvose</b>==
==<b>Marquis Shadow Tsuzuki</b>==
==<b>Marchioness Iliana [[Cal|Calira]] Dumont</b>==
==<b>Baron [[Brohain]] Aed Dughall Cahan</b>==
==<b>Lord [[Damian Carmichael]]</b>==
==<b>Earl [[William Winchester]]</b>==
==<b>Count [[Salin Fawzy]]</b>==
==<b>Lord [[Takeshi Odori]]</b>==
==<b>Lord [[Quintus Aemilius Yee]]</b>==
==<b>Lady [[Kayla]] Mayweather</b>==
==<b>Lady [[Danielle]] Olesko</b>==
==<b>Lady [[Foerga Delaine]]</b>==
==<b>Lady Artemis Graves</b>==
==<b>Baroness [[Kennedy Sinclair]]</b>==
==<b>Duchess [[Venadia]] Carmichael</b>==
==<b>Viscountess [[Anilia]] Delauney</b>==
[[Category: Nobles]]
[[Category: Nobles]]

Latest revision as of 00:12, 31 July 2015

What is a Noble

Nobility is a state-privileged status which is generally hereditary, but which may also be personal only. Titles of nobility are usually associated with present or former monarchies. The term originally referred to those who were "known" or "notable" and was applied to the highest social class in pre-modern societies. In the feudal system (in Europe and elsewhere), the nobility were generally those who held a fief, often land or office, under vassalage, i.e., in exchange for allegiance and various, mainly military, services to the Monarch and at lower levels to another nobleman. It rapidly came to be seen as a hereditary caste, sometimes associated with a right to bear a hereditary title and, for example in pre-revolutionary France, enjoying fiscal and other privileges.

Nobility is a historical, social and often legal notion, distinct from socio-economic status which is mainly based on income and possessions. Being wealthy or influential does not automatically make one a noble, nor are all nobles wealthy and influential (aristocratic families have lost their fortunes in various ways, and the concept of the 'poor nobleman' is almost as old as nobility itself).

Noble Ranks

Lord (Male), Lady (Female)
Baron (Male), Baroness (Female)
Viscount (Male), Viscountess (Female)
Earl (Male) or Count (male), Countess (Female)
Marquis (Male), Marchioness (Female)
Duke (Male), Duchess (Female)

Coat of Arms

A coat of arms, more properly called an armorial achievement, armorial bearings or often just arms for short, in European tradition, is a design belonging to a particular person (or group of people) and used by them in a wide variety of ways. Historically, they were used by knights to identify them apart from enemy soldiers. In Continental Europe commoners were able to adopt Burgher arms. Unlike seals and emblems, coats of arms have a formal description that is expressed as a blazon.

Each noble house on Serenity will have its own coat of arms. The color, motif, symoblogy, and design is to be chosen and made by the head of that noble's family.

Arms bw.jpg

Noble Rules

Nobles Vs Alliance
People of the verse think that the nobles hold the coin to the realms. But in actuality its the Alliance that controls everything. The nobles are the ones in public eye that takes care of an area's day to day issues that the Alliance itself just doesn't have time for. They make sure the taxes are collected, make sure that the people are kept fed, and are gotten together and helped if something happens on the planet to put any in danger. Now, the Alliance will of course make frequent appearances to appear gentle and giving of their time to help in hard times. But all in all, its the nobles who are running of things. Though any massive changes have to go through the Alliance given in the end they are the ones who have the final say to any major changes in the running of the system. Much of the time nobles are required/requested to give a percentage of their finances upon death willed to the Alliance. After all, who is it who helps pay for the all of the Alliance paychecks? The work that the nobles put into different businesses and deals throughout the verse.
Since the nobility serves at the behest of Parliament, and Parliament exists at the behest of the Alliance, it is expected that all members of nobility will be in full compliance and provide public support of the Alliance at all times. A noble caught attempting to bite the hand which feeds him or her will risk not only their noble rank, title, and privilege, but potentially their freedom and even lives, depending on how eggregious the violation occuring might be.

Nobles Vs Companions
Companions are the otherside to noble life that many of those of questionable bloodlines tend to turn their noses at. Though many look at Companions and see women/men who merely are there to sleep with nobles, they miss alot of what they TRUELY do for nobles. Companions are not only there to help teach the arts of love to those who have a wish to learn it to better please their spouses. They're there to help take away the stresses, knowing that anything they say will be kept in confidence. They are there to be the beautiful and proper date to functions in which it just wouldn't be seemly for you to appear alone at. They are there to help teach the finer points of such things as diplomacy, and the arts as well as even different fighting skills who want a more subtle approach at lessons. As well as merely a companion to sit and do something as simple as have tea and good conversation to take away the stresses of the day.
A noble is expected to be a member of good standing with their local Companion's House, as the nobles and the Guild will oftentimes work together hand-in-hand for fund-raising and other charitable work across their planet. Nobility who runs afoul of the Guild risks the application of a black mark which can affect their ability to hold employment and make trade, to find favor in Parliament, and even their right to hold their ranks and titles.

Nobles vs Dueling
Dueling is a matter of honor. With the option of each f the duelers having the option of a second. (The second being used if the main dueler is unable to fight, then they take the persons place they are seconding for.) The one who was the recipient of the dueling order is the one who chooses the weapons. Meaning, if noble A calls Noble B out. The Noble B chooses which weapon he would most likely be willing to use. Most duels are life and death, though on occasion depending on the lack of severity of the matter of honor, it can be until unconsciousness. The loser of the duels suffers the most incredible of dishonorable reactions. Who once may have been popular now would have to work hard to regain the prestige they once had. The losers of some duels, depending on who was the winner, also may suffer a loss of many of their contacts that once would do business with them without question. Some business owners have even gone so far as to find people to help buy out the nobles share so they don't have to work with them anymore. (Again this is all dependent on how severe the dishonor and whom is the person who won. As it's their influence that decides this.)
It's seen as bad form for a noble to step up and second a duel for a commoner. Much are in the mind frame that if a commoner was stupid enough to accept a duel with those who are trained for such, then they're stupid enough to suffer the consequences. Many nobles will question the relationship of such commoners with the noble in question if one does step up to help a commoner. (This is how rumors are started)

Nobles vs Marriage
Nobles, like most stories of nobility will do anything to keep their arranged marriages from being broken, as many of them are for a growth in status and prestige. For bringing together two strong families and melding them into a stronger family. Now and again, a marriage may happen with a commoner, many of these are looked at disdainfully and though nothing may be overtly said to the noble who married down, their prestige will suffer for marrying beneath them if they're an old blooded noble. Commoners who marry do not automatically obtain a noble title, instead, they are known simply as the consort to their noble spouse. However, the couple may make petition to Parliament to have a title bestowed depending upon planetary circumstances and the background of the consort. It isn't uncommon for arranged marriages to have been made when the children were still in their infancy, to ensure that a tie between families is done before they hit puberty or before someone else takes the initiative. (This is always done by the heads of house and accompanied/witnessed by lawyers.) It's not unknown for undesirable marriages to be forcibly dissolved if for some reason an arranged marriage is found to have been done after one of the nobles in question has already married. Many times a noble who wishes to not uphold the contract will suffer the possibility of either losing their inheritance of being the head of house, or depending on the strictness of the family may lose their noble title all together.

Nobles vs Jobs
Nobles, like all of those in high positions are big on delegating. They themselves will never be the ones to run the ships they have working under them into running cargo. They have people for that. They don't run the factories themselves or run the other businesses. Though some may take positions purely for a need to want to keep an eye on things being run like they like and to keep boredom away. A noble who is seen as a noble to those of their peers is not a 'grease monkey' (engineer), they aren't hunters (gunslingers), they know how to do all these things if the occasion calls for it, but most times you won't see them admitting it. Nobles who like to hide amongst the common folk and work with them hiding who they are, quickly are disowned if it's found out what they've been doing, or at the least end up losing their possibility of being the heads of their houses. usually married off quickly to make them someone else's problem.
Instead, a noble's role within the world of trade, labor, and commerce is seen as that of employer. A noble house oftentimes runs many businesses, factories, and conglommorations. In providing work and income to those beneath them, they also ensure loyalty from those below - be it from benevolent business practices, or the creation of an endentured society.

Nobles vs Commoners
Unlike many noble stories, alot of nobles have found that being at least semi polite to those without status gets them a lot further in their business dealings. And everything comes down to the business dealings, for without the credits, you have nothing, even if you're the highest of positions. Though many of the older generation still have a tendency to forget about the need for diplomacy in business, still, a higher level noble at least those of older generations are known for keeping their distance from most commoners unless they work directly with them on a daily basis. You keep your affairs discreet, and if you're one of those with questionable sexual preferences you make sure you have an heir of your own blood BEFORE you make it public. If only to keep people away who may try and find a way to over throw your families holdings. All of these being ingrained lessons you give a child as they're growing up.

Nobles vs Businesses
Nobles make their money by the business deals that they involve themselves in, making sure they have a percentage in the more lucrative dealings so that there is always a residual income coming in. Many of them have factories to which they sell to ship captains the supplies needed. Nobles are allowed up to (3) on grid businesses at any one time, one of which may be either a factory or a shipyard. All of a noble's businesses should be located and based upon the planet to which they are titled, however, sattelite offices and franchised locations can be spread across the 'verse as long as business is good enough to support them. All business dealings that end up with a new business on grid is still subject to the game's rules, including costs, staff approval, and theme guidelines.

Nobles vs Activity
The higher the ranking of a noble, the more activity they are required to have amongst the grid, and within the ranks of nobility. For a full outline of RP and Activity expectations, please see the page on Noble Rules.

PC Nobles of the Verse

Marchioness Iliana Calira d'Narvose


Baron Brohain Aed Dughall Cahan
