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(Alliance Broadcasts)
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*Medical Records of perfectly healthy people preparing to be try their lives as settlers or just regular joes with a green stamp of 'Meets Perimeters', list coincides with a list of people who suddenly went missing and ties to medical research labs and organ donation programs.
*Medical Records of perfectly healthy people preparing to be try their lives as settlers or just regular joes with a green stamp of 'Meets Perimeters', list coincides with a list of people who suddenly went missing and ties to medical research labs and organ donation programs.
*Evidence of multiple programs designed in an effort to manipulate and breed model alliance citizens from various life cycles, many 'stillbirths' at certain Core hospitals unexplainable but the insurance premiums for the 'emergency procedures' that resulted in them going to medical research labs. Babies were taken, not actually dead.
*Evidence of multiple programs designed in an effort to manipulate and breed model alliance citizens from various life cycles, many 'stillbirths' at certain Core hospitals unexplainable but the insurance premiums for the 'emergency procedures' that resulted in them going to medical research labs. Babies were taken, not actually dead.
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!Feb 22 2015 - Deaths
| The Minister of Health was found in his shuttle on Londinium today, dead from what is being reported as a Heart Attack. He was preparing for the yearly Londinium Marathon and was known as the spokes person for 'Alliance Healthy is Life Healthy' a food and exercise initiative that helped to improve the Health of many school aged children. The family is asking for respect and privacy during this trying motion. Their daughter Treena had just been recently found. Deputy Secretary of Health, Milton Frito has become the new official Minister of Health.
In other news, Senator's Greyson and Morello were tragically killed today in a shuttle crash on Ariel. And last but not least, A Retired and former Minister of Science, died of a stroke this while in bed at his private estate on Bellerophon. The Universe is in mourning of these individuals and they will be missed.
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!Date - Message from the Rim
!Mar 28 2536 - Message from the Rim
(It's at the end of an Alliance Navy press conference, discussing the cleanup operations on Persephone. Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy is at the podium, and truth be told she's looking a little tired. She's taken a couple of anodyne questions. And then:)
"Lieutenant Commander, what comment do you have to the messages broadcast to you personally over the Cortex?"
"The Alliance does not propose to waste time with any official reply to the words of a few isolated, loud-mouthed, misguided, misinformed, self-appointed critics of a complex and successful military operation. Events at the so-called Battle of Bleeding Hearts are still subject to a criminal investigation by the Office of Military Investigation. Thank you. No further questions."
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!Mar 28 2536 - Message from the Rim
There's a young woman, probably in her mid twenties, tanned skin, black hair, dark eyes, very tall who flickers onto screen, tanned and hair whipping about behind her as she wears an Alliance Flight Jumpsuit, helmet tucked under her arm. As the camera follows her around and she finally sighs and turns to the camera. "I'm on escort duty, what was the question? Okay...Who am I and...what do I do?" She shakes her head.
There's a young woman, probably in her mid twenties, tanned skin, black hair, dark eyes, very tall who flickers onto screen, tanned and hair whipping about behind her as she wears an Alliance Flight Jumpsuit, helmet tucked under her arm. As the camera follows her around and she finally sighs and turns to the camera. "I'm on escort duty, what was the question? Okay...Who am I and...what do I do?" She shakes her head.
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I mean...I fly, I'm a pilot. Me and my Girls, we patrol and try to make sure we keep an eye out for dangerous stuff. We miss our friends and family but it's worth it. Like Reavers and Mercs are really dangerous and they hurt the people who can't even defend themselves. Like the babies. That's why I'm out here, and that's why me and my girls will keep flying. Because the Alliance is about standing together and like these people have been standing so long and have had to learn to survive out here. Even the kids. I didn't have to do that when I was a kid cuz I knew I was safe but...out here, they know they aren't. But its home. Its their home and home should be safe and it's not so...like, I'm glad we're trying to do what we can. Seeing what I've seen out here, I can't just go back home and be like 'They're lying' or 'Well why do they live out there when they could be safe here'. The people on Deadwood and other places are so amazing. I probably will have to miss the festivities coming up but we really look forward to celebrating with them all and now I have to get back to work." She waves to the camera and turns to walk away.
I mean...I fly, I'm a pilot. Me and my Girls, we patrol and try to make sure we keep an eye out for dangerous stuff. We miss our friends and family but it's worth it. Like Reavers and Mercs are really dangerous and they hurt the people who can't even defend themselves. Like the babies. That's why I'm out here, and that's why me and my girls will keep flying. Because the Alliance is about standing together and like these people have been standing so long and have had to learn to survive out here. Even the kids. I didn't have to do that when I was a kid cuz I knew I was safe but...out here, they know they aren't. But its home. Its their home and home should be safe and it's not so...like, I'm glad we're trying to do what we can. Seeing what I've seen out here, I can't just go back home and be like 'They're lying' or 'Well why do they live out there when they could be safe here'. The people on Deadwood and other places are so amazing. I probably will have to miss the festivities coming up but we really look forward to celebrating with them all and now I have to get back to work." She waves to the camera and turns to walk away.
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!April 7 2536 - Alliance News Broadcast
          The screen flickers to the national cemetary at Londinium, known commonly as the New Arlington Cemetary. A polite podium is arranged on a small stage. From stage left, a relatively diminutive figure, wearing full dress uniform walks to take the podium. The screen shows a small caption below, 'Admiral James Ward.' The screen zooms in slightly to get a picture.
          The Admiral pauses, "We are here to pay respects to the brave men and women from the IAV Temperance, who lost their lives in the defense of freedom." He clears his throat, blinking away a tear. "For most of you, the spectre of war is unknown. The Unification War occured when you were still young children, for some of us, those memories still ring clear. The men and women of the Temperance gave their lives in the defense of freedom and democracy, to protect those who required it. They asked nothing in return, only that they be remembered. We gather here today to remember the fallen. Their names may perhaps be lost amongst the many markers that denote this memorial to them. But to those of us who know them, they will be remembered. I ask for a minute of silence, to remember their sacrifice, to remember what they believed in, to remember them." He pauses again, bowing his head. The crowd follows suit, bowing their heads respectfully.
          After a minute or so, the Admiral lifts his head. "As one who has lost friends, family to war, it is an unbelievable burden to have to look upon the many stones that mark this cemetary. But we must not believe that they lost their lives in vain." he says, his words somewhat choked out, the meaning is great. He turns, nodding to the annoucer before stepping to the right of the stage. He carefully negotiates the steps, looking out amongst the fresh gravestones.
          An aide steps forward, holding a small box containing medals. The Admiral takes each medal, quietly stepping forward, kneeling, pressing the medal to the top of each gravestone, planting a gentle kiss upon each before standing and saluting. This continues on for several minutes, taking the time to pay respects to each of the hundred odd graves before the screen flashes black.
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!15 April 2536- NOTAM
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!2 May 2536- NOTAM
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!2 May 2536- UNN Breaking News
| Hello, I'm Grey Christiano and in today's news...Gregory Fields of Fields Fuzzy Figs released a press statement today, announcing that their plea for volunteers rallied by the Hope House to visit Lilac and help to evacuate valuable agricultural goods and the young, the pregnant women, and the of that fair planet was met with nothing but the most charitable of spirits. The volunteer ships spent about a week on the planet, during what many are jokingly referring to as the Rever-poc-alypse, helping with an early emergency harvesting of both his potato and potato product crops. This has allowed FFF Industries to maintain their contract with Blue Sun, and to save money on insurance for their field workers who would've been left stranded there. While money is good, Mr Fields was very clear that his main focus was not letting the lives or the work of those brave people on Lilac go to waste by leaving them there, and if it had been between the potatoes and the people, he would've chosen the people as well.
In total, the profits of this harvest will and can number into the millions, but Fields refused to give an exact number. The lives and resources saved during this humanitarian mission is a much needed reminder that there are people out there who are focussed on helping those who cannot help themselves and a striking reminder that as the verse spirals closer and closer to what many fear will be war or the end of times.
A representative from the Hope House, read a statement by Hope House founder Aubrey Everson in which he verified that the FFF Industries did not pay any of the volunteers for their time and sacrifice and the reason why Hope House got involved in this evacuation was simply "That those who pay the highest costs are usually those who are ignored." Now people are dying to know...how did they manage to do it? How did a group of civilian ships and some mercenary and security firm employees from the planet manage to fend of Reaver attacks for a week and then escape the Blue Sun system without losing a ship? There are rumors of explosions, and alot about glitter but for now its just speculation. Refugees are being brought to planets such as Hera and as far into the core as Bernadette to make arrangements for where they will stay and live and go, with the assistance of those Volunteers that helped them evacuate. Back to you Mary.
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!2 May 2536- Rumors
| "Nearly wet myself when it came up on screen, we were hightailin' it out of Haven back to the Core when this black thing came hurtlin' past, flashed our transponder 'fore it was gone. No more bigger'n a crybaby, but it was moving fast. Yeah, only crazies in the Blue Sun system now. If Reavers don't get you, the Alliance will."
Reports of drones in the Blue Sun system are increasing, even as regular traffic in the system is decreasing. Seems like the Alliance are searching for something.
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!9 May 2536- NOTAM
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!14 May 2536- Message from the DepSecDef:
|-The DepSec (Eddie Izzard) is shown at a podium, reading.
|"There are pirated broadcasts and broadcast stations in the Rim over which the Alliance has no complete control and while blacked out, once communication to a certain location is opened it can be returned. All unauthorized communication with Deadwood specifically is considered potentially suspicious and you will be flagged and put on what I like to call, our special list. (Folks +waving and communicating with folks on Deadwood, roll daily +chances, to see whether or not your communication may or may not have been tracked or seen).
Effective immediately, any person or organization who has been known or currently has contact with any wanted fugitives such as Rodney Kilbride, Fowler Cartwright, Boris Tannerite, and someone named Conoger or any known terrorist or public rebel figure will be subject to questioning. And the board of medical specialists in the Ministry have dubbed the individual who calls himself Kyoshiro Tycho Mibu as...what's the technical term, 'batsh*t insane' - I mean, medically and psychologically unstable and the Alliance military is affiliating with the Bounty Hunter Guild to create a team that can go and apprehend this individual if he does not surrender to Alliance Medical Custody within the next 72 hours.
And finally, god these things go on forever, you have been told there is a looming threat beyond the borders of safe space, and there is. We attempt to shield you from things that will frighten you, but the threat is real people. However, there are many brave men and women who are risking their lives daily to keep that threat from ever darkening your doorstep. So. In the words of many an immortal general, I believe the words are 'keep calm, we got this'. However, you can also help by supporting your Alliance Military because you would not believe how much these brave people eat and sh-. Ahem. You wanted to see Alliance Action, and we are Acting. Thank you for your time."
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!Date - Title
!Mar 2536 - Deadwood's Founders Day
| Content
| The caption reads: DEADWOOD's FOUNDERS DAY
The scene opens up to a forest backdrop and distent mountians with snow capped tops. The vid capture pans down to rooftops of a town known as Deadlock. As it pans down to the street, there is much activity going on. Within the town square and street are gypsies building what look like rides and booths for games and for shopping. The whole town seems to be out getting the whole thing put together. A man steps into view, so close that only his upper half is seen in the vid capture.
He is is a dark haired man of strong build and a touch of age to his face,
"I am Mayor Samual Ferrison of Deadlock here on Deadwood. I would like to personaly invite everyone to our Founders Day celebrations going on this week. This celebration will be spent with talent, food, song, and fun. As you can see we're busy getting everything ready. Taxi's are provided from Haven to our planet to join in the celebration.
"Nearer to the evening, the Prince of Deadwood will be making an announcement issued by the Alliance at a press confrance. We hope you join us as we celebrate one hundred years of life on Deadwood." He speaks in a joyful tone, barely an accent at all. He walks off vid capture and the screen fades to black.
===== Bounty Posts =====
===== Bounty Posts =====

Latest revision as of 11:58, 22 February 2015


In the Beginning

In the beginning...the Core Worlds formed the Alliance. These were worlds that worked together and were ruled under one central government in order to keep peace and order. Then...came the Unification War, when the Alliance decided it would be a good idea for this to be the governmental standard for the whole of the verse. Needless to say, there were quite a few brave men and women who weren't on board with this. Thems that fought back, called themselves Independents and it was a bloody, violent, devastating war and in the end...the Alliance had the bigger, shinier, and even more destructive weaponry and after only five years of fighting they came up on top. They showed they were willing to cross a line. So now, the verse is ruled by a totaliarian government that has the largest known and publically acknowledged fleet, the biggest and best equipped military forces, and a complicated system of parliament and governance that is wrapped in the lovely tape dyed red by the blood of all those who have to be sacrificed to maintain this. There have been wobbles, there have been weebles. There was another force that almost matched the Alliance in certain ways...Pirates, led by brave and fearless self-appointed Admirals and daring to throw down a gauntlet for the Alliance and occasionaly come out on top. But at the end of the day, it is a very big universe...and the Alliance always managed to have the stars align in their favor at the expense of those who really don't matter as much in the grand scheme of things. They're Big. They're Bad. They are Large and They are in Charge.

But for how long?

There have always been rebellions led on rim and border worlds trying to stand up to the proverbial man. These are allowed to fester or grow to a noticeable size before being squashed when they fully develop into a pimple, only to leave behind a blemish that's covered up with made up excuses. This is not to say the Alliance doesn't do good works, no there are some people who serve the Alliance and truely contribute positively to society. But with all the secrets that are exposed year after year, even faith there wavers. Corrupt Politicians taking advantage of the illegal slave market on planets like Bernadette to make unwanted or inconvenient people or their families disappear? Money going towards military upgrades instead of feeding needy people on industrial planets? An entire planet being erased from record in an effort to hide a failed experiment that killed many many people and created the universal threat known as the Reavers? The list goes on and on.

And so what?

In the beginning, the Core Worlds were all on the same page. Now...there are some who have been blessed with the favor of being a Core World who believe the universe is just far too big for one central government to rule. They call on references from the past of Earth that Was where there was a United Nations, which is how they believed the Alliance would function when things first began. They are now the judge, jury, and executioners for the verse and with corruption abounding and response times to actual crises being delayed...was it worth it? Wouldn't it be better for a planet to have the resources and lack of legal restrictions to see to the management of their own planets without having to wait for their pleas to be brought before a committee along with the millions of other pleas that come through? Would it work even better if core planets were alligned with rim and border planets to help manage trade routes and keep crime and theft of cargo lower due to checks and balances and people not seeing anything and everything marked as 'Alliance Goods' as a free for all to get revenge for their uncle who died in the U War? It has only been 24 years since the Unification War. The wounds are still very fresh and many who live on Core Worlds begin to question...'was it worth it?'.

And now...

It started with a group of rebels breaking into the Prometheus and stealing ancient documents to prove to the verse that it wasn't as secure as folks thought it was. Then, Marie Bernat...an 150 year old woman gave a speech at the protests that began from the desecration of the Universal Monument. She gave voice to the thoughts of many on the Core and put forth the idea..asked the question...that if the people of a planet really want it, why can't they take care of their own planet if the Alliance is slacking in the job they were meant to do?

This whisper fanned the flames of opportunists in the verse and it has grown ever since that initial speech. There have been whispers and doubts in the government for years...whispers of secrets being kept of those disillusioned in what the Alliance should or should not be doing. The more vocal and public Separatist Movement has begun, where they do not ask to be independent of the Alliance..no. They want planets to have the option to be separate, and equal. So you have the Alliance who is being pulled from pillar to post from reavers pushing in further every year and the verse knowing now that they are really all their fault anyways...to terrorist organizations killing up citizens...to the Pirates hitting supply and fuel depots and affecting their profits...to political movements starting to rise and loyal Alliance politicians and military representatives making the Alliance lose face as the verse looks on and judges. As time goes on, the strain begins to show. You have the independents who have been looking for a good in to restart a fight that was never really over in their minds. You have the Separatists who want to change the structure of the government itself. And you have those citizens in the verse who can only watch with wide eyes whilst smelling the smoke from fires yet to be started.

Which side are you on?

The Key TP Players:

The Alliance -

The Separatists -

These are individuals who distinguish themselves from the 'Independents' of old by claiming they do not want to be independent of the Alliance, but they believe each planet should be have the right to separate from the Alliance, still held to the same standards, but allowed to be a separate government to themselves only accountable to a larger governing party in so much as each nation was accountable to the United Nations from Earth that Was. It has been a quite belief for a while that all the problems of the Verse tend to stem from the Alliance's Red Tape or the Alliance's Damning Presence either restricting planets from making necessary changes as there are committees and votes needed that can be held up for years or being so scattered to maintain order in other places that those not considered as important are left to fall to the wayside as some type of afterthought. They think the idea of Unification exists as more of an abstract idea seeing as the Alliance is a totalitarian governing body.

The People's Army -

Originally a social army of sorts, young hipsters and wannabe rebels claiming wearing red and white bandanas and talking about being willing to fight for their rights to be separate but equal. There were many Cortex posts and blogs speaking about their new political stance and the new 'trending' thing for young teens or older introverts to get on board with. However as of __________ a group of people claiming to be from The People's Army attacked a convoy and published their attack on the Cortex in what seemed to be the first step of an insurgency taking this annoying social faddish fanatic group from 'another liberal anarchist borg mind' to 'dangerous terrorist organization'. The attack has divided this new movement between people who fear the reprisal from the Alliance seeing as officially they are the ones 'who drew first blood' and those who see it as encouragement or an example of what they need to do to get their point across: Let us take care of ourselves, or we'll take care of you. Permanently.

The Other People -

Independents be like 'OOOH YEAH BABY' and all up in the Separatist gravy.

Madam Marie Bernat

Marie Bernat is a 165 year old centiniel on Bernadette who has 7 sons and 4 daughters, 25 grandchildren, and many lots of great grandchildren, nephews, and nieces. Their family has been on Bernadette since it was first colonized and has owned Vineyards and Bottling Factories. She spoke out Fall of 2535 during a protest after the Prometheus was desecrated by individuals on Bernadette. She was the first person of note to publically speak out about the concept of separating from the Alliance as the Verse is just simply too big for the Alliance to succesfully govern and protect it all. She had her arm broken accidentally recently by an Alliance officer that was attempting to escort her to safety after her Debate with Former Lord Takeshi Odori was gatecrashed by sabeteours who attempted to assasinate her. Her nephew Edward Bernat, A soon to be retired Alliance officer, was recently killed by people claiming to be from the 'People's Army' during an attack on an Alliance convoy. She is known for being very old, very strong, and very wise in her old age. She commands respect not just because she's older than sin but because she holds everybody to a standard of excellence that they dare not meet. She's not afraid to speak her mind and she's been around long enough to have seen many many changes in the Verse and now she's a gentle breeze pushing it towards yet another. (NPC of Dobson)

Bernadette Bernice

Blurb about Bernadette Bernice

<Insert other key figures here>

News Clippings

Universal Happenings
Jan 1 2015 - Hack
A local Londinium Governmental Permit Office computer becomes the core of a PDDOS Peer to Peer attack that comes in the form of a simple Deceptive Phishing 'click this link' virus that actually is sent from a legitimate Alliance Gov HR email that was hacked into. However it seems to be caught by their virus protection software but when they go to clean the virus, with each level of virus stripped and cleaned ultimately pulled out, it takes huge chunks of data with it, like pulling a piece of tape off of a hairy chest. From the Permit Office, the networks it is connected to including personnel databases and person's records are being stripped with each layer of virus being removed and if the virus software is turned off, the information being drained and overloading the computer by trying to pull up every single record that can be accessed at the same time.

So people attempting to pass through scanners, getting their licenses scanned, information being swapped out ie Innocent Administrative Assistant given the clearance of a Judge and the Judge attempting to badge into his office, setting up alarms. In a matter of 10-20 minutes, there's a long line forming outside of the administrative Government offices of people with badges not working and local security running around like chickens with heads cut off as opportunistic individuals call out certain judges and lawyers and the like who's images and waves and videos are suddenly being broadcast along with cases they closed scrolling over local network connected digital bulletin boards and random holoterminals.

The offices affected are ordering the network be shut down, but it's so connected with others, that it taking time seeing as the Access Management teams are losing their own access to edit and restrict the access of others. It is like someone has access to all the IDs and encryption codes and passwords and has woven a lazy path through the system, releasing the locks of information that people have been kept hidden or secret for years. Crowds do begin to form, staring in shock or complaining about their Rasberry Cortex Wave Work PDAs not working.

Within 30 minutes of the start of the cyber attack, in the Department of War issues a statement publicly declaring a state of emergency that splices with orders being given during a briefing to ignore and dismiss the distress calls of a fleet of 5 settler ships carrying passengers who were ambushed by Reavers. Mass emailed missives and sealed documents are sent as attachments to random addresses and news networks. It begins to start to be broadcast randomly to other public cortex views.

After about an hour after the initial attack, Londinium's IT security departments have cut access to satellites and main network feeds, causing the city power grid nearby to go black, and they are rebooting with an older backup on a hardline, which is slower, but it begins to restore the access they need. There are still huge gaps, stuff that is just not recoverable in their systems and it has even effected the systems of affiliates and companies who utilize their networks including companies like Ricochet Arms, and Nepford Metalworks to name a few. This was not simply something akin to an accidental leak. This was something hacking into the system and flinging info around for people to see if they so wished, even if it was just an hour. The full extent of the damage done is unclear, but the Alliance is on high alert and government buildings are being locked down. Core Plants are on high Alert.

Date - General Leaks
Things like the following were leaked:
  • Addresses and Cortex Addresses for many military officials, war criminals, and others who reside on Londonium
  • Cortex Browsing History of Government Officials
  • Random and usually well hidden embarrassing pictures and videos of some higher ranking military officers
Date - Legal Leaks
Things like the following were leaked:
  • List of 'Innocent' individuals who were proven to be guilty but released with no charges, many of which who have committed heinous crimes but had family members in Parliament or were members of parliament.
  • List of Building Code Violations of many toxic waste dumps that were ignored and passed by Government inspection boards for the sake of lab research resulting in many birth defects, chronic illnesses, and deaths in poorer populations of certain core planets.
  • Truth of the bombing on Ezra that 'took out a Legion Base' actually being a farce, just like the Legion claimed. Nothing was bombed at all.
  • MAJOR Companion related accident that was kept very quiet as a total of 4 Companions went down in a horrific accidental shuttle crash, bodies burnt beyond recognition, at least in the news. In reality, the burnt remains were not those of the companions. Autopsy reports show in tact corpses with a note to have them cremated. All 4 had taken the same 1 member of Parliament as a client.
Date - Death Leaks
Things like the following were leaked:
  • Basic outline of Eugenics program for breeding model citizens and social engineering plans that would sacrifice millions if not billions of lives for the sake of the 'elite' few
  • Plans to nuke Rim Planet such as Deadwood and Haven, halted only because they are first line of defense and distraction for the reavers
  • List of the names and records of the 'prisoners' who were massacred during the 'staged mutiny of Alliance Officer Heather Ann Jacy and confirmation that it was not CGI faked and that they were selected and approved by military officials.
Date - Medical Leaks
Things like the following were leaked:
  • Reports of having ample resources to provide steady medical aide to planets like Regina, but having rationed the shipments of necessary medical supplies on planets like these to allow a certain percentage of 'unfortunate' deaths each year. Population control.
  • Medical Records of perfectly healthy people preparing to be try their lives as settlers or just regular joes with a green stamp of 'Meets Perimeters', list coincides with a list of people who suddenly went missing and ties to medical research labs and organ donation programs.
  • Evidence of multiple programs designed in an effort to manipulate and breed model alliance citizens from various life cycles, many 'stillbirths' at certain Core hospitals unexplainable but the insurance premiums for the 'emergency procedures' that resulted in them going to medical research labs. Babies were taken, not actually dead.
Feb 22 2015 - Deaths
The Minister of Health was found in his shuttle on Londinium today, dead from what is being reported as a Heart Attack. He was preparing for the yearly Londinium Marathon and was known as the spokes person for 'Alliance Healthy is Life Healthy' a food and exercise initiative that helped to improve the Health of many school aged children. The family is asking for respect and privacy during this trying motion. Their daughter Treena had just been recently found. Deputy Secretary of Health, Milton Frito has become the new official Minister of Health.

In other news, Senator's Greyson and Morello were tragically killed today in a shuttle crash on Ariel. And last but not least, A Retired and former Minister of Science, died of a stroke this while in bed at his private estate on Bellerophon. The Universe is in mourning of these individuals and they will be missed.

Alliance Broadcasts
Date - Alliance News Broadcast

The following is broadcast at prime time across the 'verse. Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy, in fatigues, steps up to the podium.

"The Alliance Navy hereby announces that Rodney Kilbride, Captain of the Wulver, is wanted on charges of sedition and incitement to sedition, as well as a multitude of lesser offenses. A bounty of up to 50,000 credits will be paid to any individual or group of individuals who deliver Rodney Kilbride alive to any Alliance outpost."
"Furthermore, any individual or group of individuals found to be haboring, sheltering, or otherwise concealing Kilbride's location from the authorities will be charged with the felony offense of aiding and abetting an offender and will be pursued to the furthest possible extent of the law."
"Finally, anyone providing information leading to the location of the 'Wulver' and capture of the same by Alliance forces will be paid a bounty of up to 5,000 credits."

As she finishes speaking, Jacy smiles at the camera and utters the following, which is either unscripted or designed to look like it's unscripted.

"Kilbride, you've nowhere to hide. You've nowhere to run. Surrender now."

She steps back, and the camera fades to the usual close-up of the Alliance flag flapping in a strong breeze, accompanied by stirring martial music.

Mar 28 2536 - Message from the Rim

(It's at the end of an Alliance Navy press conference, discussing the cleanup operations on Persephone. Lieutenant Commander Heather Jacy is at the podium, and truth be told she's looking a little tired. She's taken a couple of anodyne questions. And then:)

"Lieutenant Commander, what comment do you have to the messages broadcast to you personally over the Cortex?"

"The Alliance does not propose to waste time with any official reply to the words of a few isolated, loud-mouthed, misguided, misinformed, self-appointed critics of a complex and successful military operation. Events at the so-called Battle of Bleeding Hearts are still subject to a criminal investigation by the Office of Military Investigation. Thank you. No further questions."

Mar 28 2536 - Message from the Rim

There's a young woman, probably in her mid twenties, tanned skin, black hair, dark eyes, very tall who flickers onto screen, tanned and hair whipping about behind her as she wears an Alliance Flight Jumpsuit, helmet tucked under her arm. As the camera follows her around and she finally sighs and turns to the camera. "I'm on escort duty, what was the question? Okay...Who am I and...what do I do?" She shakes her head.

"Hi, I'm Lt Eleanor Rosales, former Miss Junior Osiris...and currently stationed as a fighter pilot on the IAV Temperance. Currently we're the Rim patrol and defense vessel at this time because we needed some kinda constant presence due to frequent emergencies. We're the only big cruiser out here, and the rim is pretty wide spread but we were kinda excited to be allowed to be out here. People are always saying that...the Alliance like doesn't even care but we're here. It took forever but we're here now you know?

I mean...I fly, I'm a pilot. Me and my Girls, we patrol and try to make sure we keep an eye out for dangerous stuff. We miss our friends and family but it's worth it. Like Reavers and Mercs are really dangerous and they hurt the people who can't even defend themselves. Like the babies. That's why I'm out here, and that's why me and my girls will keep flying. Because the Alliance is about standing together and like these people have been standing so long and have had to learn to survive out here. Even the kids. I didn't have to do that when I was a kid cuz I knew I was safe but...out here, they know they aren't. But its home. Its their home and home should be safe and it's not so...like, I'm glad we're trying to do what we can. Seeing what I've seen out here, I can't just go back home and be like 'They're lying' or 'Well why do they live out there when they could be safe here'. The people on Deadwood and other places are so amazing. I probably will have to miss the festivities coming up but we really look forward to celebrating with them all and now I have to get back to work." She waves to the camera and turns to walk away.

April 7 2536 - Alliance News Broadcast
         The screen flickers to the national cemetary at Londinium, known commonly as the New Arlington Cemetary. A polite podium is arranged on a small stage. From stage left, a relatively diminutive figure, wearing full dress uniform walks to take the podium. The screen shows a small caption below, 'Admiral James Ward.' The screen zooms in slightly to get a picture. 

         The Admiral pauses, "We are here to pay respects to the brave men and women from the IAV Temperance, who lost their lives in the defense of freedom." He clears his throat, blinking away a tear. "For most of you, the spectre of war is unknown. The Unification War occured when you were still young children, for some of us, those memories still ring clear. The men and women of the Temperance gave their lives in the defense of freedom and democracy, to protect those who required it. They asked nothing in return, only that they be remembered. We gather here today to remember the fallen. Their names may perhaps be lost amongst the many markers that denote this memorial to them. But to those of us who know them, they will be remembered. I ask for a minute of silence, to remember their sacrifice, to remember what they believed in, to remember them." He pauses again, bowing his head. The crowd follows suit, bowing their heads respectfully. 

         After a minute or so, the Admiral lifts his head. "As one who has lost friends, family to war, it is an unbelievable burden to have to look upon the many stones that mark this cemetary. But we must not believe that they lost their lives in vain." he says, his words somewhat choked out, the meaning is great. He turns, nodding to the annoucer before stepping to the right of the stage. He carefully negotiates the steps, looking out amongst the fresh gravestones. 
         An aide steps forward, holding a small box containing medals. The Admiral takes each medal, quietly stepping forward, kneeling, pressing the medal to the top of each gravestone, planting a gentle kiss upon each before standing and saluting. This continues on for several minutes, taking the time to pay respects to each of the hundred odd graves before the screen flashes black.
15 April 2536- NOTAM
2 May 2536- NOTAM
2 May 2536- UNN Breaking News
Hello, I'm Grey Christiano and in today's news...Gregory Fields of Fields Fuzzy Figs released a press statement today, announcing that their plea for volunteers rallied by the Hope House to visit Lilac and help to evacuate valuable agricultural goods and the young, the pregnant women, and the of that fair planet was met with nothing but the most charitable of spirits. The volunteer ships spent about a week on the planet, during what many are jokingly referring to as the Rever-poc-alypse, helping with an early emergency harvesting of both his potato and potato product crops. This has allowed FFF Industries to maintain their contract with Blue Sun, and to save money on insurance for their field workers who would've been left stranded there. While money is good, Mr Fields was very clear that his main focus was not letting the lives or the work of those brave people on Lilac go to waste by leaving them there, and if it had been between the potatoes and the people, he would've chosen the people as well.
In total, the profits of this harvest will and can number into the millions, but Fields refused to give an exact number. The lives and resources saved during this humanitarian mission is a much needed reminder that there are people out there who are focussed on helping those who cannot help themselves and a striking reminder that as the verse spirals closer and closer to what many fear will be war or the end of times.
A representative from the Hope House, read a statement by Hope House founder Aubrey Everson in which he verified that the FFF Industries did not pay any of the volunteers for their time and sacrifice and the reason why Hope House got involved in this evacuation was simply "That those who pay the highest costs are usually those who are ignored." Now people are dying to know...how did they manage to do it? How did a group of civilian ships and some mercenary and security firm employees from the planet manage to fend of Reaver attacks for a week and then escape the Blue Sun system without losing a ship? There are rumors of explosions, and alot about glitter but for now its just speculation. Refugees are being brought to planets such as Hera and as far into the core as Bernadette to make arrangements for where they will stay and live and go, with the assistance of those Volunteers that helped them evacuate. Back to you Mary.
2 May 2536- Rumors
"Nearly wet myself when it came up on screen, we were hightailin' it out of Haven back to the Core when this black thing came hurtlin' past, flashed our transponder 'fore it was gone. No more bigger'n a crybaby, but it was moving fast. Yeah, only crazies in the Blue Sun system now. If Reavers don't get you, the Alliance will."

Reports of drones in the Blue Sun system are increasing, even as regular traffic in the system is decreasing. Seems like the Alliance are searching for something.

9 May 2536- NOTAM
14 May 2536- Message from the DepSecDef:
"There are pirated broadcasts and broadcast stations in the Rim over which the Alliance has no complete control and while blacked out, once communication to a certain location is opened it can be returned. All unauthorized communication with Deadwood specifically is considered potentially suspicious and you will be flagged and put on what I like to call, our special list. (Folks +waving and communicating with folks on Deadwood, roll daily +chances, to see whether or not your communication may or may not have been tracked or seen).

Effective immediately, any person or organization who has been known or currently has contact with any wanted fugitives such as Rodney Kilbride, Fowler Cartwright, Boris Tannerite, and someone named Conoger or any known terrorist or public rebel figure will be subject to questioning. And the board of medical specialists in the Ministry have dubbed the individual who calls himself Kyoshiro Tycho Mibu as...what's the technical term, 'batsh*t insane' - I mean, medically and psychologically unstable and the Alliance military is affiliating with the Bounty Hunter Guild to create a team that can go and apprehend this individual if he does not surrender to Alliance Medical Custody within the next 72 hours.

And finally, god these things go on forever, you have been told there is a looming threat beyond the borders of safe space, and there is. We attempt to shield you from things that will frighten you, but the threat is real people. However, there are many brave men and women who are risking their lives daily to keep that threat from ever darkening your doorstep. So. In the words of many an immortal general, I believe the words are 'keep calm, we got this'. However, you can also help by supporting your Alliance Military because you would not believe how much these brave people eat and sh-. Ahem. You wanted to see Alliance Action, and we are Acting. Thank you for your time."

Cortex Posts
Mar 2536 - Deadwood's Founders Day
The caption reads: DEADWOOD's FOUNDERS DAY

The scene opens up to a forest backdrop and distent mountians with snow capped tops. The vid capture pans down to rooftops of a town known as Deadlock. As it pans down to the street, there is much activity going on. Within the town square and street are gypsies building what look like rides and booths for games and for shopping. The whole town seems to be out getting the whole thing put together. A man steps into view, so close that only his upper half is seen in the vid capture. He is is a dark haired man of strong build and a touch of age to his face,

"I am Mayor Samual Ferrison of Deadlock here on Deadwood. I would like to personaly invite everyone to our Founders Day celebrations going on this week. This celebration will be spent with talent, food, song, and fun. As you can see we're busy getting everything ready. Taxi's are provided from Haven to our planet to join in the celebration.

"Nearer to the evening, the Prince of Deadwood will be making an announcement issued by the Alliance at a press confrance. We hope you join us as we celebrate one hundred years of life on Deadwood." He speaks in a joyful tone, barely an accent at all. He walks off vid capture and the screen fades to black.

Bounty Posts
Date - Title


TP Logs

Name of Log - Brief Summary

OOC Information

Jan 1 2015 - War TP Rules - Dobson
0. Do not be a jerk or a meanie or a bully. I crush them between my thighs and make socks out of their spleens. Raar. But seriously. Play nice.

1. Do not use OOC information ICly. If you are found abusing ooc information to give your character an non rp driven or built advantage, you will be be warned and then if you ignore the warning...Dobson will eat your face, and possibly dock XP. Who knows.

2. No PK without the consent of all parties and direct Staff Supervision. During PvP conflicts, if you are not able to prevent damage to a 'death' level, please alert a staffer to revive the character, who will be given back a level of damage that is 5 points short of their mortal damage and given a serious medical complications/challenges and possible permanent injuries or scars. ICA=ICC but this is about telling stories, so careful management will be applied.

3. No stat hating/complaining. This means during a scene, if somebody rolls and manage to beat your own roll and you think it is not fair for whatever reason...please do not throw an OOC temper tantrum. If somebody is abusing code and our inventory system however during a scene, please alert a staffer and it will be reviewed. IE: Character is butt naked ICly but when a punch is thrown, all of a sudden reveals they were wearing super armor all along. This is Firefly not Sparta or 300.

4. Do not roll to win, play a role to tell a wonderful story and remember...this is not a one shot TP or RP thing, you have time to develop as a character. All sides of this particular conflict are being given the same care and consideration and have to play by the same rules.

5. Talk to Dobby. I don't play favorites and even if I say 'no', I will always have an idea of how we can tweak and adjust what you have to work for alls. I believe that everybody should suffer and be rewarded in the same way, by ICly earning it. I love you all equally which is why I enjoy torturing you all equally.

6. Have fun, this is the most important rule of all...have fun. Stuff will change and be adjusted as need be and this cannot happen without action and RP from you guys, so please work together and enjoy this ride with me.

Jan 1 2015- Hack Results Summary
Alliance Forces are being Deployed and set to Active Duty on all Core Planets and the Border Planets of Paquin and Persephone. What this means, the Alliance have been given orders to make sure no one who has not been approved or cleared for departure leave the planets and the Independent/Separatist/Rebels need to be concerned with making it hard as heck for the Alliance to Land on the planets or get well fortified on these planets taking control of the resources. The recent Londonium Hack as exposed a few security weaknesses, and both curfews and restricted public cortex access are being enforced. This means, if you are using public com channels or cortex channels, it is being monitored and tracked icly, not going to be oocly enforced, you're on the honor system there. Private channels and ways of broadcasting and etc can and will be utilized. Be scared, be mad, be loyal, be rebellious, this is your moment to shine and your defining moment. Remember to post logs and keep Dobson in the loop on any major skirmishes. READ WT: Planet posts for updates on what's going on on various planets.

You are not scene locked, if you were not OOCly on one of these planets and you have a legitimate IC reason to relocate to a location where people wish to RP, this is allowed HOWEVER, if you were already engaged in a scene that was not backscened on a planet in a situation unrelated, then you may not skip between planets and battles willy nilly without IC justification. But just not OOC being somewhere you should be ICly, is not grounds for being location locked.

Players who want to take advantage of this hack can, however, ICly...they have to have been in a region or in a position to have caught the necessary clues or hints or recorded something down or written something down related to things. You have to @mail Dobson or submit a +request with the ONE thing, one thing you'd like to choose to have captured to give you an advantage or answer. I stress, this information is not just floating randomly around there forever. You can choose from the following categories: Person, Place, Thing or Other. Provide in that @mail, the category you choose and what piece of Tp candy you want to focus on. For instance, you can say 'I want to have written down the coordinates of the safe house where they stashed all the scientists who created the medication that gave 15 children polio'. I will give you some clues and I will give you some roles and I will give you the risk level of having saved/had access to this info. This hack was done to create alot of tension and fear on the part of the Alliance so ICly...alot of military alerts and high level awareness is going up, but on the part of everybody else...you know what they did last summer. (@mail Dobson with Questions or Interest)

Jan 1 2015- Persephone
On Persephone:After the security breach on Londinium, Persephone is one of the planets that has attempted to go on full lockdown as many many citizens who are enraged/confused/terrified become an actual threat.

City Commons - Persephone has become a military hotzone, people who are loyal to the Alliance have collected their forces around the Customs Office and Marshal's Office and further north forces of been rallied in the City Center - Persephone around the important Downtown Offices and the still being rebuilt AFS Fed station and the Courthouse. Travel through this area is hazardous. Wealthier individuals are being told to stay in their homes. The Spacer's District - Persephone and the surrounding dark alleys and Eavesdown Docks, is mostly occupied by the rebellious and more criminal elements who are amassing to rally and are resisting Alliance forces, the Derrial Book Memorial Hospital is in this area as well. Alliance has Spaceport Control, Protestors have Eavesdown. Alliance wants to keep any ships from taking off. Protestors/Rebels may want to be trying to keep any ships from actually landing. Landing is restricted and without the proper clearance and codes you may be shot at. Ships will be searched, so there's some conflict there as well.

Skirmish/Battle Perimeters: For non staff judged Scenes to enhance your RP, please utilize +taskroll for Character Rolls and for NPCs: +npcroll <name of skill>/<level of skill> at <difficulty>

Alliance NPC Forces: Local Law Enforcement Combat Skills at 40, Alliance Soliders Combat Skills at 50.

Rebels and Etc NPC Forces: Local Business Owners and Random People Combat Skills at 30, Protestors and Rabble Rousers Combat Skills at 40, Weathered Combat Vets Looking To Settle Scores Combat Skills at 50.

Jan 1 2015- Core Planets
Londonium, Sihnon, Osiris...locked up tighter than a nun's chastity belt. Curfew in place. On Bernadette and Santo, the Alliance are meeting more resistance. The Hope Houses and Companion Houses are neutral points of contention as people work to get Nobles, Companions, and other Core citizens back to their homes safely or keep them out of harms way as rebels are popping up on just about every planet, mini-skirmishes resulting in extremely prejudicial beat downs. Tensions continue to mount here as people are rebelling against curfews and such and more arrests are beginning to take place than local jails have room for. Skirmishes on these planets need to be Staff Notified or Approved (Keep 'em in the loop)
Jan 1 2015 - Paquin
On Paquin: After the security breach on Londinium, Paquin is one of the planets that has attempted to go on full lockdown as many many citizens who are enraged/confused/terrified could become a possible threat, many many people wanting to leave as it is a vacation planet and etc. As a note, Paquin does have a very wealthy population as well who are not Anti-Alliance who will and can welcome Alliance assistance and 'protection', many businesses are also open to Alliance business and support. There are however, people who have things to hide as always. There are security check points being set up, Alliance forces patrolling, Alliance troops guarding the part of the planet where most of the wealthy people live. Skirmish/Battle Perimeters:

For non staff judged Scenes to enhance your RP, please utilize +taskroll for Character Rolls and for NPCs: +npcroll <name of skill>/<level of skill> at <difficulty>

Alliance NPC Forces: Local Law Enforcement Combat Skills at 40, Alliance Soliders Combat Skills at 50.

Rebels and Etc NPC Forces: Local Business Owners and Random People Combat Skills at 30, Protestors and Rabble Rousers Combat Skills at 40, Retired Combat Vets Keeping Their Stuff Safe at 50.

Jan 26 2015 - Persephone
The Governor of Persephone has been working with military support troops and alliance reserves to rebuild and repair the wreckage that was Eavesdown Docks after the rebel fueled explosions and firefights that took place on Valentine's day in what is being referred to as the Battle of Bleeding Hearts. A recycling program has begun on the planet where wreckage and old parts are being recycled into much needed structural supplies. Many of the criminal leaders on Persephone lost their barely legal storefronts and places of business on the Docks and while some are suspected to have lent support to the rebels, they are looking to the government for payment for the damages as Kilbride and his crew left them to pick up the pieces. The civilians that were relocated prior to the battle have lost homes and ships and aide being sent to them from the Alliance is sometimes delayed or restricted due to rebel interference and sabotage of convoys and supply mules.

A strict curfew has been enforced in an effort to provide a window of opportunity for Alliance aide and citizens are regularly stopped and carded, and sometimes frisked by Alliance personal or sometimes accosted, mugged and jumped by rebels who see them as a threat as the planet struggles to regain its shifty balance as the gateway between the Border and the Core. In the Spacer's District, there are some 'good citizens' who seem to be doing what is necessary to keep their businesses running...the wreckage of what once was The Dregs is still a safe place for the poor and disenfranchised to get drunk in between friskings and muggings.

In a recent speech, the Governor of Persephone is quoted as saying "We have been here before, the gateway to two worlds with two sides vying for control of the key. We know how this plays out so for now our focus shall be on maintaining order and security for all citizens of this planet. Persephone is a planet named after a goddess who was forced into a marriage with Death and yet still became a Queen, so we have seen this before. Despite this marriage, we have beautiful springs and the beauty in hope and prosperity for all people regardless of class or leaning will remain."

Jan 26 2015 - Persephone
This year, a law was due to expire that would allow people who were not considered full citizens of the Alliance to be given the opportunity to officially vote for someone running to stand for a seat in Parliament or other governmental positions. This would mean all citizens of the verse, regardless of their political or historical alignments would be granted the same voting rights as all law abiding full citizens. Recent Universal Developments however have caused Parliament to extend the expiration date, as all the reasons the law was put into place in the first place...ie: if you fought against the Alliance or are anti-government how could you possibly fairly vote for the right person...have proven to be true. The tenuous trust had begun to be built slowly as those with Independent leanings simply began to accept the reasonable order the Alliance provides has indeed slipped and been lost, we must reset, regroup, and review that laws and policies that we do have to make decisions that lay in the best interest, safety, and wellbeing of all. The ruling of the official courts is that the set expiration date for this law will be extended to a date of the Parliament's choosing. The date has not yet been set and Parliament is still in session on this particular topic.