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== History ==
Brohain is a man whose life is full of mysteries, myths and false rumors. Though the truth of it is that he was the bastard son of a member of Parliament and a doctor who had tended to the man's injuries for a time on Ariel. Though that is not where he was born, The man instead was born on the world of Osiris in secret to avoid any sort of rumors being flown around about his heritage and who his father might be. It was quickly realized at a young age that he seemed to pick up on things quicker than many, The boy described by many of his teachers as being a prodigy with the area's he decided to study or that garnered his interest.<br> At a young age with secretive payments from his father that remains to this day unknown to Brohain he was sent to a private academy meant to give him a better education than what most received. Attending classes alongside the children of nobles and members of the Alliance's upper crust he quickly excelled which caused some issues with his peers. At the age of 14 during a trip to Sihnon it was discovered the boy was allergic and deathly so of Bee's after a sting ended with the boy going into anaphylactic shock. Luckily another boy on the trip had an epi pen and was able to give it to Brohain before any serious damage was done. He ended up graduating from the academy just two years later going on to college on Ariel where he dabbled in biology and chemistry before settling in to Pre-med. At the age of 20 with 4 years done in College he went on to medical school specializing in Surgery as well as Pharmacology with a sub-specialty in Virology.<br> The broad studies making medical school take longer than what it did for many of his classmates not leaving the school for 7 years be it from the wide range of studies or his contentment in the center of learning. During the last years of school he tended to a residency initially on Ariel at one of the main hospitals on the planet before he was noticed by Blue Sun and taken under their wing and brought over to work in one of their Medical research facilities on Green Leaf. After graduation he returned to Blue Sun and worked for them for several years until for undisclosed reasons he was released from his contract with them though it is whispered that it was due to his experiments becoming a bit far out there even for the corporation and the fact that he had started to test things on himself.
Brohain is a man whose life is full of mysteries, myths and false rumors. Though the truth of it is that he was the bastard son of a member of Parliament and a doctor who had tended to the man's injuries for a time on Ariel. Though that is not where he was born, The man instead was born on the world of Osiris in secret to avoid any sort of rumors being flown around about his heritage and who his father might be. It was quickly realized at a young age that he seemed to pick up on things quicker than many, The boy described by many of his teachers as being a prodigy with the area's he decided to study or that garnered his interest.<br> At a young age with secretive payments from his father that remains to this day unknown to Brohain he was sent to a private academy meant to give him a better education than what most received. Attending classes alongside the children of nobles and members of the Alliance's upper crust he quickly excelled which caused some issues with his peers. At the age of 14 during a trip to Sihnon it was discovered the boy was allergic and deathly so of Bee's after a sting ended with the boy going into anaphylactic shock. Luckily another boy on the trip had an epi pen and was able to give it to Brohain before any serious damage was done. He ended up graduating from the academy just two years later going on to college on Ariel where he dabbled in biology and chemistry before settling in to Pre-med. At the age of 20 with 4 years done in College he went on to medical school specializing in Surgery as well as Pharmacology with a sub-specialty in Virology.<br> The broad studies making medical school take longer than what it did for many of his classmates not leaving the school for 7 years be it from the wide range of studies or his contentment in the center of learning. During the last years of school he tended to a residency initially on Ariel at one of the main hospitals on the planet before he was noticed by Blue Sun and taken under their wing and brought over to work in one of their Medical research facilities on Green Leaf. After graduation he returned to Blue Sun and worked for them for several years until for undisclosed reasons he was released from his contract with them though it is whispered that it was due to his experiments becoming a bit far out there even for the corporation and the fact that he had started to test things on himself.

Latest revision as of 17:10, 24 June 2015

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


Brohain is a man whose life is full of mysteries, myths and false rumors. Though the truth of it is that he was the bastard son of a member of Parliament and a doctor who had tended to the man's injuries for a time on Ariel. Though that is not where he was born, The man instead was born on the world of Osiris in secret to avoid any sort of rumors being flown around about his heritage and who his father might be. It was quickly realized at a young age that he seemed to pick up on things quicker than many, The boy described by many of his teachers as being a prodigy with the area's he decided to study or that garnered his interest.
At a young age with secretive payments from his father that remains to this day unknown to Brohain he was sent to a private academy meant to give him a better education than what most received. Attending classes alongside the children of nobles and members of the Alliance's upper crust he quickly excelled which caused some issues with his peers. At the age of 14 during a trip to Sihnon it was discovered the boy was allergic and deathly so of Bee's after a sting ended with the boy going into anaphylactic shock. Luckily another boy on the trip had an epi pen and was able to give it to Brohain before any serious damage was done. He ended up graduating from the academy just two years later going on to college on Ariel where he dabbled in biology and chemistry before settling in to Pre-med. At the age of 20 with 4 years done in College he went on to medical school specializing in Surgery as well as Pharmacology with a sub-specialty in Virology.
The broad studies making medical school take longer than what it did for many of his classmates not leaving the school for 7 years be it from the wide range of studies or his contentment in the center of learning. During the last years of school he tended to a residency initially on Ariel at one of the main hospitals on the planet before he was noticed by Blue Sun and taken under their wing and brought over to work in one of their Medical research facilities on Green Leaf. After graduation he returned to Blue Sun and worked for them for several years until for undisclosed reasons he was released from his contract with them though it is whispered that it was due to his experiments becoming a bit far out there even for the corporation and the fact that he had started to test things on himself.