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Latest revision as of 20:03, 28 September 2013

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Drake the sly one.jpg
Full name Drake James
Date of Birth April 1, 2508
Parents Unknown, Guardian Johnny Wiles deceased.
Siblings Unknown.
Spouse None.
Children None.
Assignment Arms-men
Specialization Gunslinger
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Green/Black
Height and Weight 6'/200 lbs.
Status Active
Education Information


Employment History
  • Red Angel (Current)


A tall slender man with pale skin, his long shaggy black hair covering the front of his forehead. His green eyes seem to dart nervously under his slender eye brows. His slender nose rests above a constant smirk on his clean shaven face. He wears a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves and a black vest. He has a black tie that is tucked into his vest, he also wears black slacks that are held up by a black leather belt with numerous pouches. His shined black dress shoes gleam in the light.


I grew up on the mean streets of Persephone Eavesdown Docks, I did what i had to in order to survive. Didn't know my mom and pop, and dont have any siblings to my knowledge. I was always alone...until i met Johny Wiles. I met Mr. Wiles while trying to persuade his money from his pocket. That was the only time i was caught, but instead of recieving the expected beating, he seemed to take an interest in me. He took me in, showed me how to shoot a gun, and taught me how to better use my silver tounge. I Bounced around the verse with him going from ship to ship as he worked security. At the age of seventeen we parted ways, i found my own ship crew and was working security, trying to find an angle. Two years later Johny was gunned down in an unfair fight, five men to one. They say he cheated at the cards...hell...he was just that good. Ive spent the last three years hunting each of those bastards down...giving them the shallow grave that they gave Johny. Now im back on Persephone...looking for a ship...but mainly trying to find an angle.

Random Info About Drake

(Coming Soon)