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<li>If either partner says stop, taps out, breaks a bone, or bleeds, the session ends.</li>
<li>If either partner says stop, taps out, breaks a bone, or bleeds, the session ends.</li>
<li>It don't matter if you win, this ain't a gorram competition. It matters that you show sportsmanship. Don't be a bad loser. Don't be a bad winner.</li>
<li>It don't matter if you win, this ain't a gorram competition. It matters that you show sportsmanship. Don't be a bad loser. Don't be a bad winner.</li>
<li>What happens on the mat, stays on the man.</li>

Revision as of 22:33, 13 September 2012

Dash 550x505.jpg
This is a subpage on Yang Guang "Dash" O'Sullivan.

This is OOC information.

A collection of rules Dash tries to live by. The rules are ordered into different groups, each group governing another aspect of life.

Rules Of Life

Day-to-day life

"I would prefer to die on my feet rather than live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata Salazar

  1. Balance is everything.
  2. Speed is everything, too.
  3. Form follows function.
  4. Respect others, but don't let yourself be set aside.
  5. When you do something, don't do it half-heartedly. Don't overdo it, either.
  6. No means no. Don't beg, don't nag. Respect boundaries.
    • Don't say no unless you mean it.
  7. If someone asks for a good beating in the face, you oblige them.
  8. If you have to run, you run.
  9. Shine, shine! Shine like a star. Shining so bright, like the star that you are!
  10. Know who's boss. It's you, because you shine! It's okay if others don't realize that yet, because they will...
  11. Don't brag. You know you're the best.

Dash Hurt.jpg
Rules Of The Fight

Serious fights

  1. You do not talk about the fight.
  2. You do not talk about the fight.
  3. You don't only depend on your weapons. You know how to use your body as a weapon too.
  4. When you fight, you fight like there ain't no tomorrow, or there pretty much ain't none for you.
  5. In gunfights, you use the double tap and the mozambique drill techniques. Ammo is cheap, but your life is a once only deal and your opponent means to get it from you.
  6. In a fight nobody's innocent. He looks at you funny? Means he's guilty. He gets in your way? Double guilty. He owes you money? Guilty. You owe him money? Triple guilty.
  7. It don't matter if the fight is fair. It matters that you win.
  8. You dictate the terms of the fight. You ain't above bringing knifes to a gun fight, guns to a knife fight, or disarming your opponent and turning a gun fight into an ordinary brawl. You dictate the terms.
  9. You fight quickly and efficiently. Maybe things get messy, maybe it don't look gracious. That's okay, it ain't no gorram beauty contest.

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Rules Of The Mat

On the sparring mats

  1. Respect: •your partner •your own and your partner's safety •your personal hygiene; •the mat, you leave it like you found it.
  2. Never on the mat: •footwear •jewelry •piercings •other hard or sharp items on your body.
  3. If either partner says stop, taps out, breaks a bone, or bleeds, the session ends.
  4. It don't matter if you win, this ain't a gorram competition. It matters that you show sportsmanship. Don't be a bad loser. Don't be a bad winner.
  5. What happens on the mat, stays on the man.

The next ones are guidelines rather than rules.

  1. It don't matter if you win. It matters that experience is built. Fight fair and honorable, but pose a challenge. Remember that you may be more, less, or differently experienced that your partner.
  2. Don't bring (makeshift) weapons onto the mat, unless explicitely cleared by both partners.
  3. No attacks to the groin or crotch.
  4. Give your fallen partner time to get back on his feet and prepare to continue.

Dash boxing.jpg