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== '''History''' ==
I was young when dad left, good riddance. Mom was a bit overbearring, believing in the almighty and all his bullshit, well fuck God and fuck the priesthood. It was go hungry or steal, so I stole. First time I got caught, it was some little thing and I wasn't but eight or so, my mom beat my ass with a belt, but worse off, she crammed the bible in my face. Made me read chapter after chapter every night, every morning, every gorram time she thought I might have what she called her idle-hand syndrome. Weren't idle hands, it was an empty belly that motivated me. Didn't take long though that I started rebelling against that. Found all kinds of shit on the cortex, stuff that I knew would piss her off to no end if she knew I was reading it, but I did what any good son would do and did it behind her back. After all, last thing I wanted was her cramming the 'good book' down my throat. The 'good book' ruined our lives, she was just too damned stupid to see it.
Work in progress
When I was a teen, I fell in with some other teens that were rebelling against their folks, not a difficult thing to do when you grow up amongst the lower-class on Bernadette. We called ourselves a coven, practiced our witchcraft straight out of the books we found, well that didn't work. It took me a while, and while the sex was great, it was empty. To them, it was just an excuse to dye their hair black, wear too much eyeliner and stay out of the sun. It didn't draw power, and I moved on.
Mom started visiting church damn near every day. Started having prayer vigils at our home, praying for her 'lost son' as she labeled me, well mom, I wouldn't have been lost if you'd fucking put food on the table. Still, I learned to be strong, learned that I didn't need you, that I could provide for myself and that's what I did. I bounced around, one group to the next. It was easy to manipulate the young ones, they were so idealistic and next thing you knew, I had my own little gang of cutpurses. I didn't even have to steal anymore, just told them that the dark gods wanted them to prove their devotion. I quit going hungry almost overnight, at least until a few of them got pinched by the local feds. They didn't know my real name, as we all went by some stupid monicker or whatever, so I hopped on the first shuttle off planet. That was a few years ago, back when I was still a teen, but now I've gotta move on.

Revision as of 08:54, 6 January 2013

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Conrad Oberhauer
Full name Conrad Sebastien Oberhauer
Date of Birth 01.Nov.2510
Siblings none
Spouse none
Assignment Praemia
Specialization Shady Stuff
Gender Male
Eyes and Hair Brown/Brown
Height and Weight 5'11"/150 lbs
Status Active

I was young when dad left, good riddance. Mom was a bit overbearring, believing in the almighty and all his bullshit, well fuck God and fuck the priesthood. It was go hungry or steal, so I stole. First time I got caught, it was some little thing and I wasn't but eight or so, my mom beat my ass with a belt, but worse off, she crammed the bible in my face. Made me read chapter after chapter every night, every morning, every gorram time she thought I might have what she called her idle-hand syndrome. Weren't idle hands, it was an empty belly that motivated me. Didn't take long though that I started rebelling against that. Found all kinds of shit on the cortex, stuff that I knew would piss her off to no end if she knew I was reading it, but I did what any good son would do and did it behind her back. After all, last thing I wanted was her cramming the 'good book' down my throat. The 'good book' ruined our lives, she was just too damned stupid to see it.

When I was a teen, I fell in with some other teens that were rebelling against their folks, not a difficult thing to do when you grow up amongst the lower-class on Bernadette. We called ourselves a coven, practiced our witchcraft straight out of the books we found, well that didn't work. It took me a while, and while the sex was great, it was empty. To them, it was just an excuse to dye their hair black, wear too much eyeliner and stay out of the sun. It didn't draw power, and I moved on.

Mom started visiting church damn near every day. Started having prayer vigils at our home, praying for her 'lost son' as she labeled me, well mom, I wouldn't have been lost if you'd fucking put food on the table. Still, I learned to be strong, learned that I didn't need you, that I could provide for myself and that's what I did. I bounced around, one group to the next. It was easy to manipulate the young ones, they were so idealistic and next thing you knew, I had my own little gang of cutpurses. I didn't even have to steal anymore, just told them that the dark gods wanted them to prove their devotion. I quit going hungry almost overnight, at least until a few of them got pinched by the local feds. They didn't know my real name, as we all went by some stupid monicker or whatever, so I hopped on the first shuttle off planet. That was a few years ago, back when I was still a teen, but now I've gotta move on.