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==='''''<span style="color:#B22222">RP Hooks</span>'''''===
==='''''<span style="color:#B22222">RP Hooks</span>'''''===
*List hooks here.
*Is colourblind, yet an artist.
*Another hook here.
*Loves to dance, is in fact, trained. From Ballet to various other types.
*Also sings, and draws.
*Likes to be bare foot as much as she possibly can.
*'Only a ginger, can call another ginger ginger'... keep that in mind, heh..

Revision as of 00:19, 17 March 2013

Your page title here.

Character blurb here.

Tara O'Keith
Full name Tara O'Keith
  • Your name here
Date of Birth
  • Your DOB here
  • Father: Mom goes here.
  • Mother: Dad goes here.
  • List your siblings here
  • ..and here.
  • ...and here.
  • Your spouse here.
  • Your kids here.
  • Your assignment here.
  • Male or Female?
Eyes and Hair
  • Hair color, Eye Color
Education Information

Your education here.


If you want to know her history, well, meet her and ask...

Recent Events

Recent event info goes here.


Tara is a soft natured, soft souled type of person. She doesn't seem to rush to any conclusion, nor judge a person upon first meeting. And rarely is she quick to anger, but if she is, watch out (because that pretty much never happens to people outside of her family). She is very polite, and as respectful as could be. A product of her rich upbringing. However, though she comes across as such, the typical arrogant attitude of a rich kid doesn't accompany her.


<space for rent>

The People

  • Tristen ~ Double brackets are how you link a name to another page.

RP Hooks

  • Is colourblind, yet an artist.
  • Loves to dance, is in fact, trained. From Ballet to various other types.
  • Also sings, and draws.
  • Likes to be bare foot as much as she possibly can.
  • 'Only a ginger, can call another ginger ginger'... keep that in mind, heh..



"Mal's Song" by Michelle Dockery, Sample Video

A picture is worth a thousand words.