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*[[Anya]] - Like a sister, and not because she's dating my brother
*[[Anya]] - Like a sister, and not because she's dating my brother
*[[Emilian]] - A man that is more than he seems, and that is interesting.
*[[Emilian]] - A man that is more than he seems, and that is interesting.
*[[Phelan]] - My old Captain, a good man and a good husband and father
*[[Phelan Daniels]] - My old Captain, a good man and a good husband and father
*[[Mia]] - Strong willed, that's to be admired
*[[Mia Daniels]] - Strong willed, that's to be admired
*[[Summer]] - A friend in an unlikely place, one of the few (other than Axel) that can seem to see into me..
*[[Summer]] - A friend in an unlikely place, one of the few (other than Axel) that can seem to see into me..
*[[Hal]] - To big for his britches but, well, can be a good time. And will make an interesting business partner
*[[Hal]] - To big for his britches but, well, can be a good time. And will make an interesting business partner

Revision as of 16:44, 25 May 2013

Tara O'Keith

Character blurb here.

Tara O'Keith
Full name Tara Caer O'Keith
Date of Birth
  • October 18 2511
  • Father: Gerald O'Keith.
  • Mother: Bethany O'Keith.
  • Drew O'Keith (Oldest)
  • Ronald O'Keith (Second)
  • Elijah O'Keith (Third)
  • Breck O'Keith (forth)
  • Ellis
  • Bethany O'Keith (Sixth)
  • None
  • Mustang
  • Female
Eyes and Hair
  • Red, Bright blue
Education Information



If you want to know her history, well, meet her and ask...

Recent Events

There was a series of bad events that caused Tara to leave her mansion home on Ariel. It involved her family, who are arrogant and snobbish, along with a ex-fiance that just wouldn't stop harassing her.

Not being the type to follow others, even though she is shy, she had enough backbone to leave that negative life and strike out on her own. She wanted to live for a change, wanted to stop having people try to control her, and tell her what to do and who to be.

When she left she came across Ellis, a man she considers a brother and had from the moment they met, which was odd. He then helped her along to the Mustang, where she was hired by Phelan and Mia to help watch their children and teach them. She took the job happily, given that she loves kids it seemed like the perfect fit.

Through her travels with the Mustang, Tara had met her boyfriend Axel. It was as unexpected as a sudden storm, but in a wonderful way. The two seem beyond happy together. He brings out a more confident and secure side of her, a true space of comfort. With this, she seems to spend most of her time in RA if she isn't busy working and can often be seen wondering Paquin, often on the beach and can be seen and heard, playing her violin.


Tara is a soft natured, soft souled type of person. She doesn't seem to rush to any conclusion, nor judge a person upon first meeting. And rarely is she quick to anger, but if she is, watch out (because that pretty much never happens to people outside of her family). She is very polite, and as respectful as could be. A product of her rich upbringing. However, though she comes across as such, the typical arrogant attitude of a rich kid doesn't accompany her.


<space for rent>

The People

  • Axel - My husband my best friend my everything
  • Ellis - My brother from another mother. A family member that cares..
  • Anya - Like a sister, and not because she's dating my brother
  • Emilian - A man that is more than he seems, and that is interesting.
  • Phelan Daniels - My old Captain, a good man and a good husband and father
  • Mia Daniels - Strong willed, that's to be admired
  • Summer - A friend in an unlikely place, one of the few (other than Axel) that can seem to see into me..
  • Hal - To big for his britches but, well, can be a good time. And will make an interesting business partner

RP Hooks

  • Is colourblind, yet an artist.
  • Loves to dance, is in fact, trained. From Ballet to various other types.
  • Also sings, and draws.
  • Likes to be bare foot as much as she possibly can.
  • Loves spicy food
  • Is left handed
  • Double jointed
  • Is a health fanatic. Exercises, does yoga, and runs every day
  • Epic violionist



A picture is worth a thousand words.