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"WHAT?" Kit didn't quite catch that, her attention was focused elsewhere. She peers over Riley's shoulder and watches as the bartender mixes their drinks. The revolting neon pink colour has her giving Riley a funny look. "IT'S VERY PINK." <English>
"WHAT?" Kit didn't quite catch that, her attention was focused elsewhere. She peers over Riley's shoulder and watches as the bartender mixes their drinks. The revolting neon pink colour has her giving Riley a funny look. "IT'S VERY PINK." <English>
It doesn't stay pink very long. The bartender drops in two cubes of something and starts to muddle. The drink turns a vibrant green, and then a cool blue phosphorescent blue. "IT'S INCREDIBLE. I PROMISE." Riley shouts.  
It doesn't stay pink very long. The bartender drops in two cubes of something and starts to muddle. The drink turns a vibrant green, and then a cool phosphorescent blue. "IT'S INCREDIBLE. I PROMISE." Riley shouts.  
About this time two very blond, very well endowed, very scantily clad, and very identical girls sneak up behind the pilot as he's shouting about how great this place used to be. "RILEY!" they both squeal in unison, and in an instant they each latch their arms around him and begin kissing his neck. Riley looks very surprised, but also may be kind of enjoying it. <English>
About this time two very blond, very well endowed, very scantily clad, and very identical girls sneak up behind the pilot as he's shouting about how great this place used to be. "RILEY!" they both squeal in unison, and in an instant they each latch their arms around him and begin kissing his neck. Riley looks very surprised, but also may be kind of enjoying it. <English>

Revision as of 22:44, 8 September 2014

The Misadventures of Riley & Kit: Double Vision
Location: Log_Location::Dyton IC Date: Log_IC_Date::2535/06/17 OOC Date: Log_OOC_Date::2014/09/08
Characters: Has Characters in Scene::Riley, Has Characters in Scene::Kit
Summary: Log_Short_Summary::In which our daring heroes discover that blondes really do have more fun.
Log_Characters::Riley, Kit

  Jeckyl's Hydeaway - Dyton =>Dyton<=
        A pair of windowless double doors lead down a short hallway. It ends with a sophisticated metal detector and a revolving storage cabinet where visitors can place their weapons or equipment. Each cabinet is numbered and comes with a magnetic key lock, making it easy to find your gun or gear.
        The hallway opens up to reveal a converted observation deck which can only be described as classy. Five tables with three chairs each rest upon the metallic platform, allowing patrons a place to sit. Each table has a lamp that can be adjusted to provide different levels of light. The glass windows have been removed from the observation deck and replaced with configurable holographic displays, allowing patrons to enjoy scenes from nature, various works of art, or even simple video broadcasts. A small bar and grill has been built into the wall near the hallway to offer food and drink, while speakers let loose soft tunes to help set the atmosphere.
        Stairs flank the observation deck and lead down to the bottom floor of the room, and here is where Jeckyl's Hydeaway truly earns its name. A long faux-oak bar has been installed along with a broad shelving unit which houses an impressive display of various alcoholic drinks. Wide video screens display a stream of advertisements, music videos, sports and the latest news which serves only to add to the sensory overload. Broad fabric curtains in deep red and black hues line the walls of the bottom floor and help to absorb some of the glare from the video displays. There are no stools present, nor are there any seats to be found on the bottom floor at all, encouraging patrons to mesh together as they dance to the blaring music pumped through speakers in the room.
        The majority of the action seems to center around the single dancing pole set under the observation deck. Lighting has been arranged to highlight patrons who are daring enough to climb on stage and make use of the pole.

"Now THIS is a bar." Riley heads to the lockers to drop his weapons. Even at this hour the place is alive. Well as alive as a seedy club ever is at 10 in the morning. The music is blaring and there are two tired looking women dancing on the pole in their underwear. One is topless...and probably shouldn't be. Here and there men and a few women mill about drinking and carrying on. The dance floor is actually pretty vacant right now though. "C'mon lets go get some drinks." <English>

Kit takes a bit longer to unload her weapons, parting with her knives reluctantly. She looks around with a bit of a resigned aire, though it could be worse they could be down the road. The pendulous orbs of the rather tired looking dancers don't interest her so much as their faces. Kit follows Riley towards the bar, keeping an ever present eye on their surroundings. "It certainly is very different down here than up above." <English>

"Oh it's usually a lot crazier. You should see this place on a friday night." Once they've made there way to the bar Riley orders two drinks with a gesture. "The usual?" the bartender asks him, and he replies with a nod. "Your gonna like these. Military grade uppers mixed with 60 proof alcohol. It tastes like strawberries and will keep you dancing all night long."

         The song changes to something even louder somehow. Any conversation now will have to be in shouts. <English>

"WHAT?" Kit didn't quite catch that, her attention was focused elsewhere. She peers over Riley's shoulder and watches as the bartender mixes their drinks. The revolting neon pink colour has her giving Riley a funny look. "IT'S VERY PINK." <English>

It doesn't stay pink very long. The bartender drops in two cubes of something and starts to muddle. The drink turns a vibrant green, and then a cool phosphorescent blue. "IT'S INCREDIBLE. I PROMISE." Riley shouts.
About this time two very blond, very well endowed, very scantily clad, and very identical girls sneak up behind the pilot as he's shouting about how great this place used to be. "RILEY!" they both squeal in unison, and in an instant they each latch their arms around him and begin kissing his neck. Riley looks very surprised, but also may be kind of enjoying it. <English>

Kit picks up the drink which she is still eyeing dubiously. A bit of it sloshes over onto her hand as she gets jostled from behind by Riley's eager twin fan club. Licking the spilt alcohol from her hand she sends the pair of jiggling wonders a glare in what is clearly a non-verbal, 'Fuck off.' As the drink doesn't taste bad Kit drinks some of it then wipes her hand on the side of her leg. <English>

The music changes to a song thats quiet enough to actually talk over again, and Riley stammers a greeting at the girls "Oh h..hey ladies. It's been a..uh. It's been while. This. um. This is my umm. My wife. Kitrina." The girls show about as much reaction to meeting his wife as they would any one else at the bar. They still cling to him, and the one on the right even gropes his chest a little. Riley grabs his drink off the bar and chugs it, getting almost halfway through before coming up for air. "Honey. This is...um..Venus, and Starla." He manages to stammer out an introduction, gesturing with his head first to the right then to the left. "I'm Venus!" the girl on the left shouts. "And I'm Starla! See..." she lets go of the blushing pilot long enough to pull her shirt collar down, and reveal a star tattoo over her nipple. Riley just shrugs, and looks like he's feeling about 2 inches tall right now. <English>

Kit just smiles. Cooly. "And do you two tag team anything that walks through the door and has enough dosh, or was my Riley special?" Her voice raises on the last word and her shoulders pull forward too, giving it a higher level of emphasis, though clearly she is making fun of the two women. Down goes the rest of her drink and the glass is given to the bartender. Kit looks at Starla's name-tag as it were and nods, "Easier to remember your name if you have a hint tattooed on your person." <English>

Venus looks at her sister and bites her lip in seductive playfulness. Starla puts her ID away (as away as it can be with that little fabric) and replies with a sinful smile. "Oh Riley is VERY special. My sister and I don't usually share very well, but if your looking for some fun I think we can certainly add Mrs Riley to the special list."
Riley chugs the rest of his drink and orders two more, and a few shots to hold him over while the bartender mixes. He slams back two of the shots the second they hit the bar. He never would have thought being stuck between three incredibly hot women could be so terrifying. Right now he'd rather be anywhere else in the world. <English>

Kit rolls her eyes. "I don't pay for it and I certainly don't share." She looks around, paying more attention to the clientele than she did when they came in. "I'm going to go find someone with a dick to dance with. Have fun with your slags, Ri." She picks up the odd fizzy green drink and slams it back in anger then starts to stalk off, heading towards a group of men who're watching some kind of sporting event. <English>

         "Trina wait!" Riley shouts and tries to struggle free of the blonde death trap. "It was a long time ago! They're not hookers! It didn't meant anything!" unfortunately another ridiculously loud song starts up and drowns out his defense. Not that it would have helped much.
         "C'mon Riley, lets dance!" Venus yells as the girls attempt to drag him to the dance floor. One by his arm, the other by his waistband. <English>

Tall women are one of the elusive sacred four cows that most men want to score with before they die; the rest are in descending order: twins, midgets and someone from another race or a redhead. It is in part why the slavers were so relectant to part with Kit and also why she can easily attract attention now, even with the pounding baseline and the strange sport being showcased on the Intergalactic Sports Network. Whatever his name is, her chosen dance partner is a cocky bastard with a bit of a swagger and a jack-the-lad smirk as he eyes Kit up and follows her to the dancefloor.

Kit has to lean in so she can hear what he is trying to say to her, but it is too difficult and she gives up in the end, focusing instead on trying not to be annoyed as the man decides to put on a show and dance around her. It's no different to how the twins were behaving, but it looks even more ridiculous to see a man doing it to a woman; it is as if Kit were the pole he were dancing around. <English>

         Riley is finally dragged onto the dance floor, and the show ensues. Given that the only people dancing there are Kit, Riley and their respective partners, it looks a bit ridiculous. Especially since Riley is just more or less standing there with a with a 'help me' expression as two bimbos grind all over him. He /is/ still a man though, and having two young, tight bodied women rubbing on him raises a natural response. One that he is now desperately trying to hide from his wife. <English>

Because she's not protesting it must mean she likes it, such is the logic of man. As if he were some teenager progressing from head and shoulders to more interesting locales the man Kit is dancing with is drawn to her bosom like a big to a zapper on a summer night. Money exchanges hands as his friends bet on how far he will go before she tries to break his wrist. He gets a free grope because she's distracted by the sight of Riley shuffling his hands in his pockets, but her head quickly snaps around and the man is given a bit of a shove. <English>

If Riley wasn't so distracted with his own problems he would have been on that guy in seconds, and would have another bar to add to his list of places he can never return. As it is he didn't see the stranger grope his wife. He is distracted, you see, because it seems Starla has discovered his not so little dilemma, and is doing her level best to make it even bigger as she reaches around from her spot dancing behind him. When Kit shoves her douche of a partner, he stumbles back into Venus's ample rear and sends her tumbling forward, taking the hapless pilot in front of her and her sister with them to the floor. The girls don't seem to mind too much as they roll around on the ground, and take advantage of the situation. <English>

Hapless pilot he might be, but he's also a clear source of entertainment. Hoots and hollers can be heard just over the music as people start to point. The unnamed bad male dancer's friends are in fits of laughter as they watch. It's at this point that the drink hits Kit, giving her an inkling that Riley bought laced drinks. Oh, it's not enough to knock her back - few things are with her level of tolerance but it is enough to make her just that bit more...everything. She leans over and pulls on a high heel clad foot and drags whomever it is from the writing pile of flesh. <English>

Venus is dragged from the top of the little pile of sin without much resistance. Her little skirt rides up her waist as she is pulled across the floor, revealing...well everything as she's clearly not wearing anything beneath it. Classy. She manages to right herself and fix her skirt before she turns her attention to Kit with a piercing gaze. "A dominant one huh?" she purrs. or maybe growls. Before Kit can respond, however, the girl grabs her by the hips, pulls herself in and kisses her hungrily.
Meanwhile Riley has finally managed to untangle himself from Starla's wandering hands, and sits up in time to see the busty blonde making out with his wife. <English>

Well you don't see that everyday, or maybe the regulars around here do. Kit's pretty sure these two are friendly with just about everybody. She barely gives Venus and her man-trap a look before she is moving forward to offer a hand to those remaining on the floor. Spun about she expects to be hit not...mauled with a tongue and squashed by someone else's boobs. She tears her mouth away and placing her hands on Venus' shoulders holds the other woman still while she takes a step back. "Fuck, what is wrong with you? Do I look like I wanted that?" She ignores the obvious puerile interest of the onlookers and just shoves Venus down onto the bad dancer. "Have him. He likes to put on a show." Shaking her head she tries to step around them, clearly intent on heading back to the bar. <English>

The place is in an uproar now. Not much gets a sleazy bar rowdy like two girls kissing. Regardless of mutual consent. The dancer catches the little tart, but she's clearly not interested. She's having too much fun making a new friend. "Now I see why he likes you so much." she hollers as Kit walks away. "Now theres an ass I'd like to eat off of." Her tone is flirty but her expression is a determined challenge. Like she's TRYing to piss her off. Riley, meanwhile, just watches in disbelief from his seat on the floor. Why on earth did he think this would be a good idea. His eyes go wide as a hand is once again somewhere it shouldn't be, and he quickly struggles to escape and stand back up. Shouts, cat-calls and laughter practically drown out the booming kick-beat. <English>

Knowingly the bartender sets a drink down in front of Kit. No questions asked. Just a simple, straight up beer. She nods her thanks and pays for her drink then looks up, indicating the higher floor. After being given directions she starts to walk that way. This is the haughty Kit, the one who knows her value and has expectations for herself, ambition. She might have ended up in some of the worse hell holes in the Verse but she bore it with as much dignity as she could and still does so now. Riley is given a rather pointed look. <English>

"Girls...GIRLS!" Riley shouts as he gets to his feet. "ENOUGH!" He's angry now. It's not funny anymore. He stares daggers at the twins and stalks back to the bar to get something a LOT stronger than beer. He hasn't looked at Kit yet. He's actually to scared to. He needs a drink before he even thinks about how he's going to explain this one. The twins seem to have gotten the point. They've disappeared somewhere through a door next to the stage. <English>

Of course haughty Kit still kicks back in her new chair and puts her booted feet on one of the railings over looking the dance floor. She nurses her beer and watches the aftermath left in her wake with something akin to amusement. <English>

Riley finishes some mysterious looking, apparently super strong drink, and shuffles over toward Kit with a sheepish look. "Is I'm sorry gonna cut it?" <English>

"Did you mean to bring me here so I could watch women grope you and then be groped by them in return?" asks Kit. She looks up at him, beer poised near her mouth. <English>

Riley orders another drink. The bartender brings it, and he chugs it before answering. "I swear, I just meant to have a good time. I didn't know they would even still be hanging around here." He signals the bartender again and tells him to keep them coming. "I definitely didn't expect any of that." <English>

"Well then sorry is good enough." Kit drinks another mouthful of beer and looks down at the dancefloor below. "I know you have a past, Riley. I have one too. I also know you didn't bring me here to embarass me." She flashes him a grin, "You value your balls too much for that." <English>

Riley Smiles after he finishes another full drink. "Welll thenn. What do you say to a rreal dance?" He extends his hand and attempts to stand up from the stool he's on. He mostly succeeds but stumbles back a few paces into something hard. There is a VERY large black man behind him dressed in a bouncers uniform. He doesn't look happy. As Riley begins to mutter an apology a fist the size of MULE fills his entire field of vision. After the bouncer has laid him out cold he looks to Kit. A booming voice deeper than the bass in this song and just as loud proceeds from his mouth. It's felt in the chest more than heard. "You need to remove this puddle of piss. We don't take kindly to strangers feeling up our patrons around here." Behind him the twins are openly giggling with glee. <English>

Kit finishes her beer and gets to her feet in time to watch Riley go down with all the subtelty of the Titanic. She looks up at the bouncer and then at the twins, then back at the bouncer. "That puddle of piss happens to be my husband those iyarashii hekkoki yariman grabbed him and then me. And frankly if they're the kind of patrons you want then I'll tell the rest of our crew and our nice friends the Dumont-Fists not to mention those on the Gypsy council to avoid doing business with you." She lowers her voice just for the bouncer, "I hope they didn't give you a veneral disease when they tag-teamed over you. What kind of decent woman doesn't care when her chibichi is flashed?" Shaking her head she leans down to help Riley up. <English>

The giant stone wall of a man looks unconvinced. He stands there menacingly as Kit gathers up her mess of a husband. He clearly wants them out. Before she can leave the bartender pipes up. "His tabs at 468 credits. He partied pretty hard and skipped out last time he was here." He obviously expects someone to pay it before they are escorted out. <English>

"Well what kind of idiot let an alcoholic have a tab? I mean seriously?" Kit grouses as she none-too-gently yanks Riley to his feet. "Don't ever let him have a tab again. Frankly, given the size of you I'm surprised he - ah, the last time he was here he left with Tweeddle Bitch and Tweedle Show-Her-Wee-Wee, gotcha." Kit nods, thinking she has figured it all out. <English>

The girls wave. The bouncer growls. Riley doesn't do much of anything besides be heavy. The bartender is still waiting for his money. <English>

Kit looks at the bouncer as she tries to hold Riley up. "So what happens if I don't pay? You gonna throw us both out?" Because she figures there is nothing wrong with Riley ended up banned from the bar. "I can tell you now that he ain't good for it." She holds up her empty left hand, "Look, bastard even hocked my wedding ring to pay off a bookie over on Persephone." <English>

The man behind the bar rolls his eyes and sighs. "Well he at least needs to pay for tonights drinks. 64 credits. You don't cough it up, and I'll have to have Martin here escort you to the sheriff's office." The bruiser doesn't look much like a Martin, but he does look okay with the idea of hauling everyone to the clink. <English>

"Fine, I'll pay for the drinks tonight and in good faith I'll pay half, so long as you promise those two," she nods towards the twins, "stay well the fuck away from him should he return." Kit has learned to haggle in her years on her own. <English>

The man nods and takes her money. "A word of advice to you though." he says as Martin starts to shuffle them out. "You seem like a decent girl. He ain't worth it. Find yourself a real man." Martin helps her carry the still unconscious Riley out of the bar. <English>

"I'll take it under advisement," says Kit they depart. She waits until they're outside before she slaps Riley's face to try and get him to wake up. <English>

The slaps and the blinding sunlight bring Riley out of it. "You girls sure now how to show a guy a good time." Well mostly out of it. <English>

With a grunt of frustration Kit pulls his wallet from his coat and then walks off, leaving Riley to sink into the filth on the ground or follow her. She managed, with Martin's help, to claim Riley's gun and has it tucked into her belt. <English>

"Hey." He reaches after his wallet as she snatches it, and collapses back into the dirt. He just lays in the street staring at the sun. He'll probably get arrested for public intoxication if he doesn't get up soon, but he doesn't seem to care. <English>

"At least if you pass out now nobody will be able to steal anything important...except maybe your boots," Kit calls back as she keeps on walking. She might be willing to save his ass in front of people, and help Riley overcome some of his problems but she'll be damned if he weighs her down with them when they're alone. <English>

Riley sits up to look at his always bare feet. "Sommmebody alllready stoooole my boots!" He looks worried. Either that punch damaged his brain or the alcohol has finally caught up with him. <English>

Kit turns and looks back at him, smirking as he falls for it. "Come on, dumbass. Let's get you back before someone tries to take your belt too. Or even worse...I hear tried testes go for good money on Three Hills." <English>

Riley scrambles to his feet, only falling back down two or three times. He shuffles down the road trying to catch up. "You're tall" is the most intelligent thing he can say right now. <English>