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Revision as of 13:01, 16 June 2015

Tammy Mae Foster

If at first you don't succeed, try until they die. Or live. Whichever.

Full name
  • Tammy Mae Foster
Date of Birth
  • Nobody's quite sure
  • Father: Wilhelm Foster
  • Mother: Unknown
  • Unknown
  • None
  • None
  • None yet!
  • Female
Eyes and Hair
  • Strawberry blonde, Blueish eyes
Education Information

She has papers stating that she graduated from univ as a medical doctor.


Tammy Mae was born sometime in 2506. She was just a wee bit when the war ended, so she has very little memory of that time. Her first memories are of meeting her father for the first time at around the age of five, and being taken aboard "The Audacity", his ship. She spent her formative years reading books and helping her father wheedle, barter, and steal medicines and illicit drugs to either distribute to the needy or sell, depending on the current size of their pocketbooks.

After several years of patching up and mother-henning her father's crew, she unfortunately became prettified. As her lack of desire to hitch herself to any one man started to cause a problem amongst the crew, he father decided to dump her off on Ezra for her own safety (so he said). After half a decade of peddling "herbal remedies" and slightly altered illegals to the locals, Tammy earned enough money to purchase some fake papers declaring her a practitioner of nursing and she hitched a ride to Greenleaf. Little did she know that she'd garnered the attention of Niska, who was not pleased to have her peddling her wares in his territory.

That could have been a great job, if only she had kept her nose down. But nary a year later, her loud mouth and lack of practical experience tipped someone off, and Tammy found a need to leave her job in a hurry. This was fine with her, because nursing was getting boring anyway. What she really wanted to be was a doctor. Luckily, you can buy anything with enough creds, so with her fancy new certification, she hopped the first ship to Persephone with Niska still on her trail.

Recent Events

Before arriving on Persephone, Tammy sent out a hail to an old friend by the name of Beau. The gallant rescue of her personage went awry when Beau arrived and noticed that Tammy was being hounded by Niska. Consequently, he made her leave her things and set fire to the place. Tammy thinks this was totally overkill, but he did manage to get her back to a ship with his hired hand, Tilly. Not that she's grateful about it.


Half abrasive, half sweetness and light. Anyone who spends time with her may notice that the sweetness tends to emerge when she wants something, but the abrasive state is far more natural.


You test your Medicine against a 69 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-28).

<OOC> Corin says, "He's dead Jim!"

<Syndicate> Bitches get Stitches Tilly says, "Wow, she IS going to kill you."

<Syndicate> They dressed me up like this Tammy says, "What arm?"

The People

  • Beau - Beuregard Compton. Tammy is extremely grateful for her rescue, extremely annoyed by his gung-ho attitude towards life life, and extremely guilty about what she may have unintentionally dropped in his lap. And how in hell does he surround himself with scary women?
  • Belle - The scariest woman in the verse if her brother is involved.
  • Liz - The scariest woman in the verse if her husband is involved.
  • Abbey - Lots of giggles, but knows how to buckle down and be serious.
  • Angela - Girlfriend of Abbey. She cusses in hospitals, but she's always ready to stick her finger in your bullet hole if you need her to.
  • Tilly - The man Tammy hates. Or loves. Or hates. Or loves. Why does it gotta be one or the other?
  • Jordan - Boobs. Tammy wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, but those boobs always keep coming back.
  • Hal - Handsome man. Perhaps that's why he's the only person Tammy will obey. Kind of a dandy, but Tammy can look past that.

RP Hooks

  • You like drugs? Tammy's got your fix. She may even have something new for you, 'cause she's been experimenting quite a lot.
  • You sick? Tammy's got a cure for what ails ya! No guarantee that it will work though. But it just might work even better than expected.

