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The Magniloquent Seven of Persephone

we iz in ur mushes, winnin ur tinyplotz

Leutrim . . . . . . . . . . Eugene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evalyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marc

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


The Scooby Gang is an OOC title and running joke used to describe an IC group of friends who have shared in some memorable adventures together. Any similarities to persons, situations, or sound effects from the Earth-That-Was television cartoon series Scooby Doo, Where Are You? is entirely coincidental. No money has been, or will be made.

Gorramit Lee!

It All Began When . . . (a timeline of events)

The Case of the Disappearing Mudders

The Hunt for Elle Capitano Russo

The Return of the Evil Gay Man

The Mystery of the Singing Wall

The Usual Suspects

Baltimore Flannigan - He sights a fresh thug with one shot at the head, and another shot at the chest. Balt's a mediocre shot, so only one hits. Balt's also a romantic, so the shot that hits goes through the heart. Thugs slumps to the ground having died a poet's death: broken-hearted in a garbage dump. Where Is You Balt!?

Dale Kane Lambsey - Through the stinging pain, it suddenly occurs to Dale that he's much better with the Bersa than with this Colt that he really needs to learn more about. See, this is what happens when you are fixated on cool shit and don't have the smarts to figure out you're better with something else. Who can blame him though, he fell in love with the Colt when he saw it. Guns are pretty. Perhaps someone should teach him how to use it.

Eugene Soh - Eugene doesn't even bother to curse, she's just scanning the room, find the closest target that's *not* a friend and fire. Guns, guns... who's got the, there. Settling on one poor fellow with an HK, she might almost feel bad for him, but they started it. Not into fancy head shots, probably wouldn't hit it if she tried, so she aims for the body instead, a squeeze of the trigger and bullets are ripping through the man's chest. Yeah. That works. One more down.

Evalyn Brevviax - This was one of these silly little 'reactionary' type things, an almost entropic relationship between bullets fired and Evalyn's pathos: if a gun goes off, she'll shoot someone. Of course, seeing her own gun go off will further loop that reaction back upon itself; this would be repeated ad nauseum 'til not a single target remained standing.

Lee Corsuca - Lee's throwing arm comes back on follow through, to abruptly clap his hand over his eyes at the sight of his own widdle knife sticking out of the hostage. "The sun was in my eyes?" he offers to anyone listening, which is no one. The hangar has exploded with staccato blasts.

Leutrim Donnchadh - Adrenalin is your friend, dumping into the blood stream. Leu isn't even aware that he's still barefoot, there's hot brass ejecting all over the place! All he is aware of is that somebody is raising a gun that is pointed in Eugene's direction and two loud **BLAM!** **BLAM!** shots are fired from the shotgun that Marc had thrown him earlier, right at the stranger's torso! Goodness, what a mess that makes.

Marc Orrell - Marc couldn't tell if any of their number got injured or not, in the throes of being cranked on adrenaline it was hard to keep tunnel vision at bay and keep aware of your enemies and allies...Combat, what a god damn chore.

Beneficent Allies

Befriended by most if not all of the Scooby Gang:

Amber Wu -

Anastasiya Mihailov -

Lord Damian Carmichael -

Elric Ratius -

Ivy Lambsey -

Josephine Bovie -

Maggie Anders -

Reilly Kelly -

Zachary Von Dyetrich -

Lord William Winchester -

Theme Crossover

Star Wars -

Star Trek -


Marc and Lee, Same Coin - Lee doesn't venture into the medbay for a little while after the second run is made, picking up himself, Baltimore, a bonafide safe, a crate of loose gear and various bits of evidence that Balt thought might be useful to sift through. As for Marc, who knew - he was probably off planting charges or rigging traps involving large, sharpened logs on swings. You know.. the anti-social kind of stuff. Lee, however, is anti-social in a mostly harmless kind of way, keeping off by himself when he's not yapping after Balt's heels. Finally someone manages to scruff him and haul him over to get his ass tossed into the medbay. So. Here he is. <English>

Lee Figures Dale Out - Lee offers Dale a nod and a smile, humouring the man's wild fixation on the marauding gunman lurking around outside the Tienlong somewhere. Probably out there performing some kind of post-massacre face-painting ritual, is Marc. "I'll geddim, Dale. I'll geddeverythin' you need," he hushes soothingly to the now drifting man. He pushes a little on the leg, to see if he's like, faking unconsciousness. Dale's a consummate performer, ya know. "They're always so innocent lookin' when they sleep," he informs Milli across from him. <English>