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This is a list of what can be found in Liliya's medpack -

Fluid Resuscitation -

IV fluids and tubing. The amount will depend on the length of mission. Normal Saline/Sodium Chloride, Hetastarch/Hextend, and Lactated Ringers(LR) are usually carried.
18, 16, and 14 gauge IV catheters.
FAST 1 intra-osseous fluid administration kit. The FAST 1 is a quick way to administer fluids when peripheral and external jugular venous access is unavailable due to massive blood loss, burns, or loss of limbs.
Hemorrhage (Blood Loss) Control
CAT, SOFT-T or improvised tourniquets. Tourniquets are used for the care under fire phase of tactical combat casualty care, to stop massive life threatening hemorrhage.
Israeli Dressings, or Emergency Trauma Bandages, a newer version of the first aid pressure dressing.
Kerlix guaze, for stopping hemorrhage, or creating a bulky dressing.
Hemostatic agents, such as QuikClot, QuikClot ACS+, QuikClot Combat Gauze, WoundStat, Celox, Celox Applicator, Celox-D, Celox Gauze, Hemcon bandages, and others. Some hemostatic agents (QuikClot and QuikClot ACS+) are controversial due to their thermodynamic nature, which can cause collateral damage if the user is not properly trained.
Airway Management
14 gauge catheter, at least 3.25 inches long, for needle chest decompression.
Asherman chest seal, or Hyphin chest seal, as an occlusive dressing for sucking chest wounds.
Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)w/surgilube or "nasal trumpet." This flexible tube secures a nasal airway when the casualty does not have, or may lose their ability to keep their own airway open. Contraindicated by signs of skull fracture.
Oropharyngeal Airway, a hard "J" shaped plastic device that secures an oral airway, and can also be used to keep the teeth open for a more permanent airway device.
King LTD, a simple tube airway with an inflatable cuff to create a sealed airway.
Combitube, like a King LTD, but designed to be able to function almost no matter how the tube is placed due to the dual lumen tube design.
Surgical Cricothryroidotomy kit. Many different styles and kits exist, the choice is up to the individual medic's supply or preference. The most simple is a scalpel to open an airway, and to use an NPA to keep the airway patent.
Assorted Equipment
Nitrile gloves
Alcohol or Providine/Iodine swabs
Crevats (muslin bandages, Triangular bandages)
Assorted gauze bandages
Adhesive Bandage Strips (Band Aid)
Assorted sizes of tape
Coban, a stretchy, self clinging wrap
Ace Bandages
Assorted hypodermic needles and syringes
Field Medical Card
SAM Splint, a flexible, reusable splint with a metal core covered in closed cell foam.
Water Jel burn dressing
Small sharps shuttle
Trauma Shears
Safety pins
Battlefield Medicine
First Line antibiotics
Narcan, a narcotic antagonist, to counter morphine's respiratory depressing effects in case of overdose.
Phenergan, an anti-emetic treatment, which also increases the pain reducing effects of morphine.
Epi-Pen, epinephrine in an auto injecting "pen" to counter anaphylactic (severe allergic) reactions.
A combat medic is generally expected to care for the needs of the soldiers in his group, including their every-day ailments. A medic will usually carry a small amount of what are referred to as "sick call meds."
Tylenol, anti-pyretic and analgesic.
Naproxen, Motrin, different NSAIDS which reduce pain and inflammation.
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl), an antihistamine with a sedative side effect.
Sudogest (Pseudoephedrine), a nasal decongestant.
Mucinex, a cough expectorant.
Loperamide (Imodium AD) an antidiarrheal.
Pepto-Bismol tablets, to settle upset stomachs, treat diarrhea, and heartburn.
Colace (ducosate sodium), a medium strength stool softener.
A Combat Medic may also carry other supplies as the mission dictates. A stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, pulse oximeter, otoscope, ophthalmoscope, and thermometer may help the medic treat his/her soldiers or civilians on the battlefield (COBs) while on an extended mission, as space dictates.


OOC Note

This information was obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_medic

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