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Adysnyxine is the name of a medicine dr. Anise Seymour started to work on in December 17, 2524, by means of contacting medical professionals througout the 'verse for assistance. Its name is explained as "without" (a-), "bad" (-dys-), "night" (-nyx), plus the well-known -ine suffix.


A pamphlet, originally found on the Londinium Medical Campus and from there spreading to Med Acads and hospitals on other core planets, eventually even reaching clinics on border worlds.

My dear collegues,
In our line of work we often see how people try to be their own pharmacists. All too often they are a danger for their own health. Have you not met the insomniac who "solved" their problem with the hideous combination of alcohol and commercially available sleeping pills? I know I have.
I would like to research the possibilites of creating a medicine that should help out even the most hardened insomniac, working name "adysnyxine."
Unfortunately I lack a lot of things that are required for this project:
  • access to a suitable laboratory;
  • the required knowledge and skill;
  • a research team;
  • funding;
I seek out everybody who can assist me with this. My gratitute if you contact me cannot be expressed in words or on this paper.