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Scene continued from 2526 Oct 17 - And a fun time

Cast of Characters - Saffron, Desmond, Aubrey, Chas, Maggie, Makenzie, Cal, Trevor, Sink, Remington, Nicoli, Carmichael, walker, Tatyana, Nike, Danni, Jerico, Nova

< Makenzie > The door is shoved open again, forcefully enough to slap that hard, laden wood against the wall that closes behind it. She's entering, and she's entering with purpose. Long, intentful strides draw red and legs across the tavern until she meets the body of Desmond. "Get up, before I humiliate you right now." GROWLING. -Growling-, without remorse or any other purpose than challenging the alpha male sitting. "RIGHT. NOW." <English>

< Nike > Nike stares up at Makenzie from her position near-or-next-to Desmond, and innocently smiles. "Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. on't you care t'join us fer a drink?" she offers. <English>

< Sink > Sink takes the tea from Chas, blows on it, but doesn't actually drink, but raises it in a salute, "Thank you Chas. My crew is dear to me. We've been through a awful lot together, and we are close, and we all trust each other. There's no were else I would be but on my ship. So to them. And may you find a crew like that some day. Cheers." To this salute he drinks, then grins at Trevor, "Oh your a speed freak alright. Remember when you took the Duke's", Sink nods towards Carm, "upgraded Yellowjacket to test those Drive upgrades? There's the definition of lust." He then turns his head and nods, "I think you are right... well, were you on the crew before Tam?" His watchful eye returns to looking over the Dregs, and he can't help but notice Carm watching Cal's leaving, and grins and chuckles, rolls his eyes quickly, then he smiles at Cal, "Well, we didn't know what to order you, so... well we just waited. What can we get for you?" Sink turns his head as someone barges into the Dregs, and his hand moves towards the opening in his duster... only slightly. <English>

< Maggie > Maggie, in the midst of taking plates back to the bar, ignores the squelching sounds underfoot like a dental suction machine gone haywire, and suggests "bread roll filled with mix og chopped sausage, cheese, yesterdays cooked potatio, pepper, salt, spices or herbs if you like, all beaten with an egg. Wrap in foil and put in oven for about 15 mins until the cheese melts and glues it all back together. Much nicer! Goes well with beer, too." <English>

[ROLL] Carmichael rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is successful (56).

< Nova > On the bounceback from slamming the wall, the door meets the interposed grip of another, much less hostile woman with a 'slap!' which is easily lost amongst the din. A hand rises to slide her hat up to dangle at her back as she steps away from the door, eyes drawn to the woman who'd entered before her. <English>

< Danni > Danni shakes her head, "Uh, no thanks Nic. I think I will pass on that." She smiles and laughs softly. She murmurs, "I think I should buy more peanut butter..." This was an odd statement considering it wasn't really aimed at Nic. <English>

< Carmichael > Carmichael's lean back has him by chance looking toward the door, rather than listening to the conversation regarding speed-freaking and joyriding a yellowjacket behind him. NOt that that would be much of a surprise, but the entrance of Nova sure as heck is -- OOoh, action! It's written all over his face and Walker probably has about ten seconds to spare, to do something regarding making sure the DUke doesn't get up, before it's an uphill struggle. <English>

< Nicoli > Nicoli chuckles and shrugs. "jYour loss, ees good." he smirks, then reaches out and ruffles Danniella's hair ever so gently with his free hand. "Either vay, try more creative foods, hmm? might help." <English>

Walker tests his Perception against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (7).

< Desmond > "It's not so much rude as it is typical. People hear doctor, they think hospital." Desmond is relaxed there in the booth with Nike "I can work under most any conditions .." The doctor then trails off as the door slams open and the firey redhead comes sauntering through the door. Those ghostly blue eyes shift from Nike to Makenzie at this point and as casually as he can he motions to the place beside him taking motion from Nike's offer, "There's a place here, if you want." Her temper is only met is an almost genteel offer. <English>

< chas > Chas matches Sink's toast and smiles as Cal nears "Speaking of crew..." he turns to Cal "What ever you have, first one's on me?" As he waits for Cal's order he listens to the tale of the Yellowjacket and smiles. "Sounds like a good time to me. What pilot isn't a bit of a speed junkie?"

< Aubrey > Aubrey pushes away from the bar, looking around with wide eyes, thoughtful expression and he narrows his eyes, distractedly drifting towards where Makenzie is making a scene. He clears his throat. "Excuse me Mac..." He repeats it over and over...and over and over again. He does nod politely to Desmond but goes back to peering at the woman. <English>

< Walker > Walker does move swiftly. He scoots around the table and plops himself on Carmichael's lap. That should buy him a few more seconds. "What do you think you're doing?" he asks drolly, "And why didn't I get an invite first? And don't you think we should find out who the bad guys are first?"

< Trevor > Trevor considers and nods "Tam and Rylos both." he smiles briefly and sips his drink again. He considers "Well yes I had forgotten about that one, so 4 ships really." he nods briefly "Besides what I flew for and with my father." he nods "Those were msotly fireflies and such though sometimes smaller." he shrugs. <English>

< Danni > Danni swats at Nic's hand, "You know, I am going to hit you for doing that one of these days." She shakes her head, "Yeah I suppose I need to be creative.... I want something spicy!" She says rather firmly and with a nod of her head. <English>

< Cal > "Ooh, drinks /and/ a show," Cal remarks with a grin at Sink, Chas and Trevor as the door is shoved open and a force of nature sweeps in. "Eh, I don't believe that's tea and I can get plenty of that at home. What ever are you drinking?" she asks of Chas, curiously eyeing the glass he's holding and grins briefly. <English>

< Maggie > Catching sight of Nova, Maggie gives her a wave. "Nova!" she calls out as the woman enters behind cover of general excitement "Buy you a beer? <English>

< Nicoli > Nicoli laughs a little and rubs the bridge of his nose, murmuring, "Don say spicy please.. Think I nearly killed the tvins vith my stuffed peppers few nights ago." The memory of two younger boys fighting over access to the sink for water creeps into his mind and he cant help but snicker. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana blinks as another redhead storms in. She picks up her glass to take a drink, finding it empty. While watching the...wahtever it is....develop she pours another and takes a long drink before feeling Walker take off. She looks over to see him on the Dukes lap and just stares. "Night just got strange." She picks up her glass, thinks twice, sets it down and just goes straight for the damn bottle. <English>

< Makenzie > "I've had plenty of drinks, -girl-. He's getting up now, or he will not function in the manner he wishes with you or anyone ... in any sort of way." Really? The chances of there not being any sort of brawl right now? Is challenged in the worst way. The -non-fighting- machine is ready to throw punches. Makenzie is at Desmond's side, one palm cupping his chin, and if no resistance? Bringing his eyes to her. "Get up. Now. You need to explain and so do I. And if you keep me here, I am ready to leave this world. Y'ken?" Serious words, but somehow they mean much, MUCH more than she's letting on. <English>

< Danni > Danni tips her head the side, "Stuffed peppers?" She has a slight smile on her face. "Hey if my scream didn't kill one of 'em how can peppers nearly kill 'em?" <English>

< Sink > Sink looks between Cal and Chas, then chuckles, "Oh, Cal isn't part of my crew. She's family, and a friend. I would trust her with my life, but I wouldn't risk my life giving her an order." He gives Cal a wink, and raises his mug, "And yes, this is tea. Generic, no name, black, bitter, and quite close to undrinkable, which is why I'm not drinking it, except for proper salutes." His eyes go from the interesting to the strange, then back to his sane little group, "How is the Duke? I would head over there myself and give my respects, but he seems, rather occupied now." <English>

< Nike > "Well t'be fair," Nike idly remarks to Desmond, "I guess it's just assumin' in -general- that can be construed as rude. But-- speaking of rude..." She slides a little further into the booth, offers Makenzie a disarming smile, and holds out her hand to the woman. "Nike Nikita. Grab a seat, hostility ain't needed, miss." Her expression seems to take on an almost infitesimely subtle coldness-- or, at least, does so until Aubrey's arrival, wherein that warm and friendly facade once more takes hold. "Aubs! So nice of you to join us. The three of us were about to order drinks," she smiles, completely brushing off Makenzie's outburst as though this were all /tea and cookies/. "Grab a seat, hon!" <English>

< Chas > "Whiskey," Chas answers Cal "Figured it was safe and surely the alcohol would kill anything living in the glass." About to say more his attention is drawn to the rucus over in the corner as his right hand falls to his side. Not threatening, just cautious. Then as Sink talks his attention is dragged from the scene back to the three around him. "Oh!" then he busts out laughing "I see."

< Nova > Nova is yanked from the rubberneck reflex by the sudden cry of her name. The relatively tranquil woman turns with a start and her expression brightens on sight of, "Maggie!" She trots over her friend's way, affording the fiery redhead and her crew as wide a berth as possible. "How ya doin, shugah? Ain't seen you in f'ever!" There's a glance back at the ultimatum, though with all the conversations going all all she's likely getting as an indication of the FUBAR is Red's posture. <English>

< Carmichael > Carmichael is sat on. On dear lord. "Augh!" Smack, smack, pinch, smack. "Get off of me, you twit... look who's over there, in between red and dead..." is muttered up at Walker. "You want I should explain to Aiden, or do you suppose you ought to stop me by doing something?" That's hissed, more or less, up at Walker's ear. <English>

< Nicoli > Nicoli smirks and explains, "Large banana peppers stuffed vith mixture of beef, ricotta, minced habanero peppers and seeds." he gives a sort of thin grin, then stretches a bit and murmurs something under his breath in Russian. <English>

< Trevor > Trevor chuckles and smiles "Just don't trust her or Lirin either one, with flying." he smiles briefly and amusedly."Unless you're looking to have a ship end up in the boneyard." he chuckles again and takes another sip of his drink perhaps the reason Chas gave is why he went with the drink he did. <English>

< Desmond > It's entirely possible that the doctor knows the look that is lingering there in Kenzie's furious glare. Desmond seems entirely unmoved until the bit about explanation comes to the redhead's lips. Rather than respond immediately he turns his attention to Nike and offers a smile, "Maybe I'll take a raincheck for that drink?" Collecting himself he presses up from the booth and motions to Aubrey for the now available seat. The man tilts the brim of his hat to them both and reaches for the small of Mak's back as if to lead her out of the pub.

< Danni > Danni pokes Nic, "What did I say about the Russian?" She smiles brightly, "It doesn't sound that bad." No she isn't joking and yes she is very serious. <English>

< Walker > Walker whispers something quietly to Carmichael and then gets up. "Fine. We'll hold in reserve. Let's go." He makes his way over towards the Desmond-Makenzie-Nike-Aubrey kerfluffle, pausing momentarily behind the angry redhead before moving over to Aubrey. "Hey monkey, how's it going?"

< Nicoli > Nicoli smirks and murmurs a long string in Russian, followed by the massive russian sticking his tongue out at Danniella.He apologises with a chuckle a moment later then adds, "jYou know, eventually jyou vill likely decide to learn instead of vondering." <English>

< Nike > Disarming? Nike is talented, to be certain, to draw the hesitant, and suddenly unsure gaze from Makenzie to that offered hand, and the woman behind it. In fact, she hesitates for several seconds, especially since the 'uniform' of Aubrey joins therein. But still? A finger points at Desmond. Almost accusingly, but certainly differentiating between him and any other around. "You DIC-.... The rest is .. well, ok, so it falls free, not recorded or vocalized or anything in between. Especially when his hand touches the small of her back. "You... You should go back to your friends." Apologetic. Acknowledging she's a total jackass. "I uh... You can... Don't... You are better than..." Words. They come, but make absolutely no sense. Crap. <English>

< Cal > "You're either confident that the alcohol in that is high enough to kill germs, or you're confident that the stuff sticking to the glass isn't going to kill you," Cal suggests aloud with a grin at Chas. She aims the same general look of amusement at Sink with the words, "Sink here is the best wingman I've ever taken into combat with me. Solid, smart and married to my favorite sister," only sister - but who's to quibble? "Seems like the Duke's in good form," she adds with a glance back and sorta around and is in time to see Walker sitting in Carmichael's laugh and nearly chokes laughing as the fun begins on the main floor. "Seriously, drinks and a show, I'm impressed." She elbows Trevor lightly, "So when are the wedding invitations going out? I'm getting pretty good at coming up with wedding gifts, so be warned - you and Rys are next," is said as she moves to take a seat where ever the open one is beside Sink, Trevor & Chas. <English>

< Danni > Just to get back at him, Danni switches to speaking Chinese. "Oh yeah? And maybe you will learn chinese too." She smirks at Nic and folds her arms over her chest. <Chinese>

< Aubrey > Aubrey looks ever so confused at Nike, just eyeing the woman warily and then looking back to Makenzie. "She is doing something extremely risky and not very logical at the moment." He gestures towards Mac. "I bought her a drink, this makes me responsible for her does it not?" A pause and he just stares at Nike and then he narrows his eyes. "You..." He trails off and then shakes his head, looking at Desmond apologetically and then he watches after them with a hint of relief and he has to turn smoothly to peer at Walker. "Horny. Confused. A tad Violent. But I don't know if that is a direction, so I'm not sure what's going on or how anything is going..." He eyes after Mac with concern. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana watches the exchange between Walker and the Duke while drinking from the bottle of gin. She opens her mouth to speak, and just like that Walker's off playing hero. She shrugs and and scoots her stool back, clears a spot on the table, crossing her legs up on it. She fixes her dress afterward to make sure restriced area 2 is not in view and just watches. <English>

< Maggie > "Doing good," Answers Maggie to Nova's questions, a trifle bemused when Aubrey distracted her attention. "What've you been upto? Thrown anyone out of airlocks this week? OR still working on the perfect way to implode the Ethereal's engines?" <English>

< Nicoli > Nicoli chuckles and eyes Danniella, then smirks and murmurs, "Touche, ees one of many languages I can no understand." he chuckles, then sets the bottle down on an empty tableand murmurs, "Sadly, I should get going. Go things to check on." he ruffles Danniella'shair again gently and snickers. "Don be stranger, eh?" <English>

Nike tests her Computer_Programming against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (42).

< Nike > Nike gives a playful little salute to Desmond, a smile, and a nod. "Good luck dude. Looks like yer in for one helluva beating or some incredibly awesome sex. Maybe both, if you play yer cards right." She looks towards Makenzie, watches her for a moment-- and laughs. "No, don't be stammerin' now. C'mon. Siddown. Y'all got shit t' talk 'bout, I can walk 'way; but no reason you shouldn't take a load off and be in a seat, yeh?" she smiles. "And /you/," she points at Aubrey with a laugh, "/really/ need a drink. Maybe seven. Look like you done seen a ghost." She spits out a quick series of 1's and 0's (faltering only once!), before standing, moving towards the bar. <English>

< Carmichael > THe duke gets up, but doesn't approach. Whatever it was that Walker whispered to him though, makes him look like he's sucking a lemon. A particularly sour one at that - and observation is the key of the moment, vodka in hand. He looks sidelong down at Tatyana then, keeping half an eye in furtiveness, at the altercation that is perhaps about to pop like a bubble. "So, I suppose you met Adam on the Guan yin? Or soon afterwards?" <English>

< Danni > Danni nods, "I won't be as long as you stop that." She again swats at Nic's hand for touseling her hair. <English>

< Sink > Sink raises his mug in a salute to Cal, "Well, thank you. I'm glad to know that someone has respect for my skills. Hate for all that money the army put into my training to have gone to pot." Another chuckle for Trevor, "Aye, the Dumont sisters aren't know for their flying, but they have many other skills that make them well worth knowing, and well worth not ticking off. Now to get you all hitched up, so you have someone not to tick off, eh?" Looking back to Chas he nods, "Oh, the whiskey here is pretty safe... most of the time. I never caught much from it.. killed off all my sensible brain cells, but nothing else was harmed, as far as I can tell." Again he watches the show, then nods to Cal, "You can't pay for this sort of entertainment." <English>

< Nova > Nova frowns a little. Not funny. "I ain't got nothin' 'gainst the'thereal, shugah, y'know that." Nontheless, she leans in to give Maggie a little hug before, "Been a lot of new faces on th'Red, whole slew a'folks up an' gone. How's everybody doin at yer end?" <English>

< Nicoli > Nicoli chuckles and murmurs, "Aww, ees fun though." he smirks, then adds, getting a bit more serious too, "Oh, by the vay, sanctuary should be finished soon vith any luck." <English>

< Desmond > A kindly smile is offered to both Aubrey for his concern and Nike for the comment. All the same, Desmond turns his attention back to Makenzie directly and murmurs to her as he guides the both of them toward and out the door. <English>

< Danni > Danni smiles brightly, "That is great news. Let me know the day it is finished ok?" She is almost bouncing up and down with excitment. <English>

< Chas > Chas grins at Trevor "I will keep that in mind. Perhaps," he cuts his eyes to Cal momentarily "that is why Cal doesn't think to highly of pilots?" Brows raise questioningly as he looks back at Cal with a grin on his face. He smiles to Cal and shrugs "We got to live on the edge a few times, eh?" He holds up his glass and inspects it in the light and with a slight wrinkle of his nose "Yea, looks safe enough to me." Eyes dart to Sink and then back to Cal "Seems like a right good group. Maybe one day when I ain't helping Nika out might give me a shot to see the team in action?" The later said mostly to Sink. He looks to where the group has gone in the corner "The Duke huh, never heard of him. But this might get interesting for sure." He grins at Sink and shakes his head "never caught much, eh...well that's reassuring," and again Chas laughs. All the while his eyes are shifted between Cal and Sink and Trevor and the scene in the corner.

< Tatyana > Tatyana looks away from the fun and nods at Carmichael, taking a drink before she answers "Yes. I met him during my interview actually. Been kind of together ever since." she smiles looking down at the bottle. "He's the only person who's ever understood when I'm being a sarcastic." <English>

< Maggie > Maggie lifts a shoulder. "Tash got hauled off to Londinium on family business. I suspect its stage 2 on their plan to find someone more suitable for him. The only thing I'm worried about is if they find some way to make him sign up again..." She tcha's and hugs Nova back. "You mean you haven't rigged up a still yet? I'm shocked! I thought that was part of standard operating proceedure for ALL ships engineers!!"

< Walker > "Well," Walker smiles at Aubrey and the others still around, "We've got a table that's only moderately gross, a full bottle of vodka, a mostly full bottle of extraordinarly mediocre gin, and several spare glasses, if either of you two would like to join us for some boozahol." He gestures back to the table where Carm and Tatyana are now getting to know each other. Then he remembers his manners and extends a hand to Nike. "Nice to meet you mum. I'm Walker."

< Nicoli > Nicoli nods to Danniella and smiles. "I plan to. Anyhow, take care hmm? Vill look forvard to seeing jyou back on Jiangyin soon." With that and another nod, he starts towards the door. At this moment it becomes VERY apparent that the russian is drunk, since after his secondstep he nearly trips over just about everything between him and the door. <English>

< Trevor > Trevor chuckles and nods "That they do." he smiles and shrugs "Perhaps soon perhaps, not really depends on when my family can come and all and when Rys would like to have it as well." he smiles briefly "I Had a couple scenarios of dates in mind but who knows if it'll be either of them." he nods <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey eyes Nike for a moment and just shakes his head as he listens to the 0s and 1s. He doesn't comment, he just stares and then looks back to Walker. "This is Princess Blueberry Muffin." He gestures towards Nike and he nods slowly. "Princess Blueberry Muffin, Agent Cock-el, Cockel that is." <English>

< Nova > Nova shrugs a little and sighs before settling in proper beside Maggie in whatever space presents itself, "Like I said, lotta new faces. Can't up an' screw with m'girls engines when got some new wrenches toolin' around in her workin's. Been putting a lot o'wear on her lately. It's nice, but... I miss you, an' Tash an... w'hell, most everybody's gone, now. Pixie, Remy, Crow... Sam... Know she got hitched?"

< Aubrey >Aubrey says, "................................................" in Binary.

< Cal > Cal laughs at Sink, flat out laughs hard enough that her eyes water and manages to gasp out something about her sister - a scrape that's too deep to sand out that's on the hull of the ship - and ends up having to brush tears away from her eyes from the sheer mirth. "No more talking from Sink," she declares and laughs for a little longer. "We should shanghai Trevor and Rys and plot a priest down in front of them and frog march them forward, call it good," she suggests before leaning forward and saying, "Now now, that's not entirely accurate. I think highly of pilots. I think you're all crazy, to the last one standing, but I like pilots. I'm just not one, myself," she clarifies. "And.. if the Whiskey is good enough to keep drinking it, I'll take one as well," she says, taking Chas up on his offer of the drink. <English>

< Nike > Nike glances back in time to catch Desmond's retreat, sort of 'huh's under his breath. "Guess those're th' sorta ants-in-pants type sit'ation that y' jus' can't relax for. Whatev's; save me a drink." She grins at Walker's offer, approaches him with an easy laugh. "Now boozahol is most certainly somethin' I can get into. By yer offer," she takes the hand and squeezes it, "I'd be damned proud t'call y' friend." But really now: mum. Mum?! A better woman would have shot Walker by now. Nike just simmers somewhere deep inside, reminds herself that 29 isn't -that- old. "What?" she asks, abruptly looking at Aubrey as he jolts her from that.../simmering/. "A pleasure, misser Muffin," she smiles at Walker. And (at least, for the moment) doesn't respond to Aubrey's numerical linguistic shenanigans. <English>

< Danni > Now left alone Danni wanders around looking for familiar faces. Hey looks she notices one. "Aubrey!" She shouts as loud as she can with a huge smile and a wave to the man she was obviously shouting to. <English>

Nike tests her Computer_Programming against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (45).

< Nike > Nike adds, after a moments thought; "Jeezus, forgot how fast that shit leaks outta my brain." Though it might seem tangential, she shrugs, rubs at her nose, and says; "Been havin' my ass a grand old time workin' three jobs at once." To Mr. 'Muffin,' she winks. "Y'ever try that shit, brah?" <English>

< Maggie > Maggie nods to Nova. "yeah, Tash and I made her wediing - thats the last time I saw him." She grins a bit "I thought enginees *loved* to fiddle with their wrenches?" <English>

< Walker > "Oh hey," Walker grins, "I have a new nickname. How...festive." He makes one more 'the boozahol's over there' sort of gesture, and begins walking back to the table taking exaggerated steps to indicate intent. "No, you're muffin, I'm Cock-el. Son of Kal-el, Son of Jor-El. I derive my magic powers from the yellow sun.... to bad we don't /have one!/" the last is said in a comical snarl. "What shit?" he then asks innocently.

< Carmichael > "Seriously? My goodness. I can smell sarcasm a mile away, it has that distinctive aroma, rather like cinnamon..." Carmichael offers to Tatyana, keeping half an eye on what's going on over there. With Desmond leaving along with Makenzie, it seems rather less like things are going to explode around the little techie. "And there's shit leakage. You know, in some situations, that could be considered embarassing..." the duke offers this in a droll tone, lashes half lidded at the return of mister Cock-el, deliberately and rebelliously lighting up a cigarette as the man approaches. <English>

< Nova > Nova gives Maggie a little squeeze and nods, "Sorry, shugah... must miss'm like crazy." She sighs a little then, "I couldn't get to't.... felt real bad about it, too." There's a pause, then, "How's the girls doin?" <English>

< Maggie > "Fine...." Maggies voice trails off, and she sips her beer. "hey, you seen Gene's baby yet? If you're not doing anything one week, she'd love to see you!" Yes, recklessly dumping that decision in Eugene's lap! "I reckon for all the attractiosn a certain planet has, Gene would welcome a visitor or three for a few days." <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana laughs, nodding as she takes another long drink. "Well, you Grace, you know my life. Sarcasm wasn't viewed as a particularly wonderful trait" She says and then nods. "But he spits it back at me which makes it fun. And you always have to watch out for shit-leakage. You loose a lot of panties that way" She grins over the rim of the bottle, twitching her feet atop the table. <English>

< Sink > Sink raises an eyebrow at Chas and nods, "Well, you see, there's a little problem with that, we are just your average, friendly, neighbourhood, cargo running sort of crew. Rather boring. Boring, boring boring. We go to church, we go to work, we pay our taxes, and pass every Alliance inspection." He says this with a odd smile. Then says quietly, letting some of the noise of the Dregs hid his words, "So, seeing us in action would amount to... watching me fill out piles of paper work, or seeing the Dragon haul some cargo... nothing exciting, except for odd times... and those are hard to schedule... those odd moments... when Fate puts us too close to the fire... them maybe there is something to watch... 'cause you know, the best way to put out a fire is deprivation of oxygen...", then even more quietly, "boom." He then smiles, "Fate... sometimes has a helping hand... and if I feel Fate's hand being forced, I'll try to let you know." He pauses, and raises an eyebrow, "You haven't heard of Duke Carmichael? He almost owns Osiris... good person to get to know, if you are able to." He then chuckles along with Cal, "Alright, no more talking from me.... no wait, I love the sound of my own voice too much... sorry can't do that, but as far as shanghai-ing Rys and Trevor, I would be up for it, given how much grief Trevor gave me and Lirin." <English>

< Nova > Nova hmmm's softly, then lets it slide for the moment, "Well, I passed Gene on th'way in, said she had a lil'n, but she seemed in a bit of a hurry. Hope to catch her a'fore too much longer." As the bartender drifts by, she flags him down for a, "Bourbon, please." <English>

< Trevor > Trevor considers and blinks "Think I'm going back to the ship." he nods briefly Was good being here though." he nods briefly "We'll be married soon I'm sure." he shrugs and smiles briefly. "Nice meeting you again Chas." he says and leaves the rest of the drink he got there, some was drank but nothing to get him drunk enough to fail any checks anyone may do. <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey eyes Walker and then looks over to Nike as he gestures towards Walker. "You should follow him." He offers softly before blinking and just staring at Walker with a quirk of an eyebrow. He has nothing to say! Honestly he has nothing to say! For once he is just shaking his head slowly. <English>

< Nike > Nike laughs, touches her chest briefly, and starts to follow Walker. "I -do- like muffins more than cockles, truth be told-- but I was never much'a' seafood girl." 'That shit' goes unlabeled, and disappears into the air -mysteriously- reminiscent of topics best left untouched. Or, alternately, topics one is too lazy to address. "Hey," she abruptly calls out to Carmichael, holding up the 'two fingered salute' recognized by smokers everywhere; "Don't suppose you can bum one, can'yah?" <English>

< Danni > Thinking that she hadn't been heard, Danni cups her hands over her mouth and shouts as loud as she can, "AUUUUUBREEEEEEY!" Maybe this will get his attention as she tries to make her way to him carefully without getting fallen over or shoved. <English>

< Chas > A nod of his head, credits put on the bar as Chas calls for another whiskey. When it arrives he hands it over to Cal "Crazy huh, been called a lot of things but never that." A chuckle comes from him. "Actually never thought myself as being crazy either." As Sink talks, Chas leans on the bar listening and nods as the words flow. When Sink finishes he smiles "I am just learning what you have said. But it never hurts to learn from those that are doing it and," he smiles "doing it successfully." When Sink talks about the Duke, Chas looks to the fellow and nods "Yea, didn't know him. Thanks for that, I will make the effort to talk to him some time soon then." He nods his head to Trevor "Good to meet you too, hope to see you real soon."

Carmichael tests his Thrown_Weapon against a 60 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-18).
Carmichael tests his Thrown_Weapon against a 78 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

< Walker > "Yeah, come on over," Walker grins to Nike, and then heads off. He returns to the table, all Cock-El of the walk, glancing back over his shoulder. "So should you, little monkey." He stops dead as Carm lights up right in front of him like a pouty 12 year old. "Really?" he asks "That's how you want to play it? Ok..." He continues walking , right out the door. A second later there is the sound of a slap and a man's angry yelp. Walker comes back in shaking his hand and his head. He takes his seat at the table again and holds up a glass he presumes might have been his before he got up, wiggling it at Tatyana to share her boozaholic bounty.

< Carmichael > "Oh yes, then you have that embarassment of having to hand them in because of skid-marks. Or washing them yourself and if it's a public laundry, my word is that enough to turn the face pink. Bums and leaking are not good combinations, that's for sure. AS to your life and sarcasm, I wouldn't pretend to guess," Carmichael's ears really ought to be burning and perhaps that's why he glances over toward Cal, Trevor, Chas and Sink. It doesn't last more than to lift his vodka bottle in a quiet toast, looking back to Tatyana and the encroaching Walker. Wait a second. There's a little light going off in the brain: CIGARETTE BUMMING ALARM! AWOOGA! Searching, the man's hazel eyes settle on Nike, recognizing that universal signal for what it is, he nods. First cigarette? WHEEEEEEEEEE! Not the most aerodynmic of things, lands in a nearby punter's pint. "Shit, sorry!" Called over the music, the second actually gets to bounce itself off of Nike's shoulder. Whether she catches it or not, is up to her and her reflexes. And he drags on his own smoke, watching Walker with both eyebrows up at the display. "You know, smacking yourself is not terribly productive." <English>

< Nike > Nike muffins her way on towards Carmichael, right behind the cocky Cock-El. "What, you don't like..." She starts-- trailing off as Walker plays musical chairs with his location in (and out of) the building. "...just share some boozahol, dammit," she commands Walker, -bursting- into peals of laughter before the words have fully left her mouth. It takes the moment a woman or two to realize that there were -flying cigarettes- to be had! She shoots her hand out, quick as some jeans-wearing ninja, and manages to grab the second cigarette (and, in the process, Walkers ear. She doesn't let go of either, initially, until sure the ciggy won't be flying again anytime soon). <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana stares at Walker while she fills his glass, looking at both his hand and his head. "What did you do?" She frowns and reaches for his hand and sighs. "You slapped yourself? Why? didn't we talk about this sweetheart? Pain does not equal pleasure all the time." She shakes her head and adjusts her legs on the table. "Having fun?" She asks and then looks over at the other woman who's approached and proceeds to pour a glass, sliding it over near the woman playing bounce the cigarette with Carm. <English>

< Cal > Cal is close to laughing herself silly and it's at this point that she has to just shake her head and rubs her fingertips lightly against her forehead where lack of sufficient oxygen due to excessive laughing has given her a faint headrush. "I so needed a laugh, thank you guys," she says and waves to Trevor as he heads out. She accepts the drink from Chas with a smile, "Thank you," is said even before she glances past him at Sink and grins yet again. "We shall have to plot adequate revenge. This plan must include three essential ingredients. Booze, Rope and crickets. Don't ask why the cricket's, as I don't have a reason for them yet, but I figure they'll end up in a jar that goes in Trevor's suit case when they take off on their honeymoon. It'll drive someone nuts," she promises. She can see Carmichael from where she sits and shakes her head at the clownlike antics he's pulling this evening, "Why don't we come here more often?" she asks. <English>

< Walker > "Wasn't me," Walker grins. "Some drunk outside. I left him your card though, with 'Compliments of' on it." Suddenly his ear is being grabbed and he gasps, "Ow! Oi, leggo wench!" His accent in that moment goes from respectable middle-class Londinium to lower-class. He reaches up and swats away the hand. "Cor and blimey and other things," he says, accent back safely in white-collar territory. Then he shakes his head. "No, see the trick is you slap someone else, and tell them on whose behalf and why they are being slapped. You guilt the person you're really targetting," he jerks a thumb at Carmichael, "into stopping what ever. Stupid. Self-destructive. behavior it is that's annoying you." He shrugs a little and says "I think It's working on Terra. Or maybe I just havn't seen her around much lately."

< Aubrey > Aubrey hears his name and turns around in a circle quickly, before he sees Danni and he lifts a hand to wave with wide eyes. His eyes are going to fall out and take flight one of these days based on how fast his lashes flutter. <English>

< Danni > Danni finally makes it to where Bree is sitting or standing (I don't know which in all this mess) with a smile. "Hey there Aubrey." She grins at him before looking around at the room. She looks back at Bree, "How are the gardens going?" She tips her head to the side.

< Carmichael > "Oh I /see/," Carmichael once more takes a long, satisfying drag of his cigarette, cheeks hollowing in as the smoke trails up to join the rest in the dregs, shaking his head gently from side to side. "Anyone ever tell you that you're sometimes a tremendous jackass, Walker? I mean really. You're giving me shit for smoking, then saying such things, which if they're true, are a recipe for my person being assaulted at a later date, by some random person you've smacked in my stead. Do as you say and not as you do?" Brows arch up high on his face, the vodka bottle returned to his lips to chase away the taste of clove, but Nike? Ohhhh, SHE gets a monumental cheese-eating grin, she does. "Nice catch," This is not a cigar, but that brow-action combined with that grin is altogether Groucho Marx. <English>

< Nike > Nike draws the proffered glass closer and, before even considering a sip, sort of faux-salutes Tatyana, rakish grin splitting her features. "For that I owe yah m'heart, dearie." At Walker's outburst, she sloooooowly pulls her hand from the man's ear-- prized cylinder clutched gently betwixt two fingers. "Wha's self-destructive?" she asks the man, voice muffled b-- holy shit, she's /already/ got the thing lit and in her mouth?! If her habits have progressed to that sort of speed, I shudder to imagine what black lumps of tar her lungs are. "Th'nk'oo," is all Carmichael gets, as the woman starts sucking down the nicotine like...some sort of metaphor that will destroy any shred of respect I have, were it to be printed. <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey scratches his cheek and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Um. Not so good really but they will one day." A loooooooooong pause as he stares at the woman for a moment, staring at her stomach and then arching an eyebrow slowly. He scratches his cheek and shakes his head. "I told you..." <English>

< Chas > Chas's grin remains wide as he watches Cal laugh. But as she talks he too laughs "Poor Trevor, I feel for him." He says with a hint in his voice that he really doesn't "But if you do this, I would like to see it happen, all the same," he says with a conspiratorial wink. As the scene around the Duke continues, Chas pauses momentarily to watch, the grin remains and even a chuckle escapes him.

< Sink > Sink gives Chas a nod, "Thanks. I have to confess the rise of the Dragon took years, almost a decade, and half of that was under another captain." He pauses and raises his mug in a silent salute, before continuing, "And we weren't all that successful to start, but we learned how to work in the system. Don't get me wrong, the system is flawed, fundamentally flawed, and I might go so far to say it's broken, rotting, and not the good sort of rot that makes those awesome stinky cheeses..., but despite it's brokenness, it's what we have, and one has to learn to work inside of it... until you can't. If you need tips, well just ask. As for the Duke...", Sink pauses and watches the evening's antics across the room then chuckles, "He's not always like this, he's actually a very shrewd business man, believe it or not. So if you have the chance...". He then looks over to Cal and chuckles, "Well I'll leave the booze to you, rope I can do, and I know a bait shop where I can get crickets... and I agree they are critical." His eyes go across the room again, "Oh, because the Dregs usually isn't this much fun... but we'll have to check the schedule and make this a regular event, for sure." <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana looks between Walker and the Duke, keeping her ever loving mouth shut for once. She goes back to her bottle and again adjusts the dress, pulling it down over her knees. She nods towards the smoking woman and raisea a hand as to say 'no problemo' before dropping that hand to Walkers knee again. She hums softly to herself and starts looking around the place again. Nope. No one else she knows.

< Danni > Danni smiles as she looks down at her stomach, "Yeah I know you did. Actually we were safe but this sorta just happened and well... to be honest I couldn't be happier." She grins as she places a hand on her stomach. She looks at Bree and asks a very strange question, "Wanna rub my belly?" <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey looks a bit uncertain. "Well. A-as long as he's good to you a-and sticks around." He nods slowly and then he eyes the stomach and then eyes the woman and then eyes the stomach before nodding emphatically and edging closer to reach towards the woman's stomach, crouching down a bit and murmuring softly in binary towards the tummy in question. <English>

< Walker > "I can punch out an Eavesdown drunk," Walker shakes his head at Carm. "I can't beat up the entire tobacco and clove industry." He muses on that for a second and then say "Ok, maybe I /could/ but it would take a /really/ long time and I'd probably get arrested somewhere around the middle of the shipping department." He sips his drink and grins, "And all you'd have to do to win at that point is just refuse to bail me out." He smiles sweetly and says "And we can discuss the recipricol nature of Equidae Equus Asinus at another time." He waves a hand, maybe to disperse smoke or the topic and looks at Nike. "Smoking is. Ruins the lungs. He can't run as fast once the badguys turn me to swiss cheese again."

< Cal > "You sound like a good solid guy, which makes you a shoe in for this sort of caper," Cal remarks with a solemn wink at Chas before she lifts her glass of Whiskey, eyes it for a slightly skeptical moment then takes a small taste of it. She sighs afterward, "Well, it's not paint thinner, that's a step in the right direction." She continues to keep an eye on the entertainment in the half clean half murky mirror behind the bar as Sink speaks, explaining the reality of the challenges ahead. "I'll handle the booze and the crickets are essential. Every madcap scheme requires a crazy element that makes the story worth telling later," she explains with another quick grin that makes her eyes sparkle. Probably a warning sign that she's cooking up other madcap schemes. "Hm.. you know, you're right. It normally isn't this much fun. And he is a level headed sort of guy," a nod toward the Duke, "probably why I think he had serious nerves saying what he did on the cortex. That sort of ballsy attitude ought to be rewarded." <English>

< Sink > His attention is taken from the Duke and the 'party' as Sink explains. He nods now and then as if understanding but the blank expresion on his face perhaps shows that he really doesn't. At last he says "Well I appreciate that. And don't think I won't be taking you up on the offer cause I will. Not so much for myself but for Nika giving me the chance when she didn't know me from any stranger." His gaze follows Sink's across the room and he just grins and nods "Well he be having fun this evening, that's for sure." Then to Cal he bows his head "Well thanks, that means a lot, Cal." He sips his drink and watches once again the party "What did he say, Cal?" <English>

< Danni > Danni smiles down at Bree, "He is and he said he would marry me, I just have to meet his family first." She watches Bree talk to and rub her belly. She laughs softly and seems to be enjoying the attention being given to her stomach. <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey ahhs softly and nods as he continues to murmur to the stomach and then he straightens up and tucks his hands behind his back as he clears his throat and tears up a bit, shifting his weight from foot to foot. "W-well, I...well I hope you two will be happy." He might be tearing up at the moment and fanning his face with a hand to keep his eyeliner from running. <English>

< Carmichael > The duke gives Nike a grin that says volumes; yeah, been there, done that, having to have that smoke lit, in your gob and puffing in two microseconds or it'll go out, someone'll nick it or ... (insert familiar situation that engenders empathy and solidarity in this space) - eyes sliiiiiiiide like they're on a coaster to Tatyana at Walker's words, a little jerk of his head says 'Get him, eh?' as he looks back to his bodyguard, resting an elbow on the table, chin plonked on his palm. Mistake, as that'll get his sleeve stuck, but! "I can still run bloody fast, Adam. /And/ I can juggle kittens and once, I did chainsaws. Whilst running blindfold through a minefield. Backwards. In high heels." <English>

< Cal > Cal grins faintly and nods at Chas, "I'll remember that, when the time comes for the shenanigans to commence. Someone has to help wrangle the crickets into the luggage, after all," is said with a solemn wink. "As to what he said, well. Back when Hera was hit the hardest with the blight, I think that's what they were calling it at any rate, the Commonwealth was prattling on the Cortex about this and that and how they were going to help out when no one else was brave enough to do so. Only the Duke there and his company had been helping out from day one, looking into all the clues and the stuff and helping feed the people and whatnot. So when the Commonwealth came on Cortex and blathered about this and that, the Duke there punched back on the Cortex. One of those frank sort of 'in your face, up yours' maneuvers that pointed out to those who were really paying attention that the Commonwealth can say all it wants. But it made the Commonwealth look like they were all hat, no herd." She pauses then clears her throat, "That is, sorry, euphemism. Ahh, all talk and no show." <English>

< Nike > "Yeah," Nike remarks, talking that last third of the cigarette from her mouth for a brief moment. "But y' don't really need th' lungs now do you? More likely t'be killed takin' a piss in a bush, than takin' a stoke," she points out with a demure smile. "I been smokin' twelve years, and--" She coughs. It's a wet, violent cough. "--I'm jus' doin' fine." The woman reaches out for her drink, and takes a little sip, as though any excesses in the way of alchohol might be unhealthy. "High heels? Now /that's/ tricky," she idly remarks. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana puts the now empty bottle down on the table and removes her legs from it. She rubs them softly for a minute before qiuetly getting up. She tugs the dress down and heads to the bar for another bottle. She smiles politely as she makes her way through the crowd to get there, leaning against it and waiting for the bottle to be given to her after asking. <English>

< Danni > Danni hugs Bree emediatly as soon as she sees the tearing up. "Oh Bree. What is wrong?" She sounds very conserned as she hugs him tight, even considering the pregnant belly. <English>

< Walker > "Uh huh," Walker nods at the Duke's bragging. "I'm sure you did. But what if you need to do something /difficult/?" He shrugs and sighs. "Fine, you win. I'll not mention it again." He finishes off his drink, realizes that Tatyana has now outconsumed him something like 24 shots to one, and he blinks. "Red? You ok?"

< Aubrey > Touching Touching! Aubrey squeaks and sniffles as he shakes his head slowly, taking a deep breath and then another deep breath and awkwardly patting the woman's back. "I-I'm okay." He sniffles. He'll be okay. Ignore the pretty boy who's voice raises in volume a little bit. "I'm so sick of my sperm going to waste but I fear for the world if one ever did manage to find an egg." Okay...now he can sob and cover his face with his hands. Let's pretend he's drunk. He offers in very sage...sober advice, lowering a hand and sniffling once more. "...t-there is a quote. A reproductive organ is a terrible thing to waste." A pause. "...or is that a mind? I have forgotten. T-there's another quote, you don't use it you lose it." He sobs. "Well I'm WAITING fate! Time to lose already!" Maybe the vodka was bad? Or maybe he took his meds? Who the heck knows. <English>

< Sink > Sink raises an eyebrow at Cal, "Oh, I said he was shrewd at business, and not usually this crazy, but there is a... zone... a..., space-time bubble around the Duke,, that always contains some level of crazy, of . It's some times skims zero, sometimes gets really really close, but never does it goes away. He might be the manifestation of entropy in the Verse... and right now it's rather a fun show." He looks over to Chas, "Well, I do like your loyalty and your work ethic, those are fine qualities, and very rare in the Verse these days." <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana returns to the table with another bottle and sets it down before returning to her seat. She blinks at Abury's little emotinal outpouring and then looks at Walker. "Huh?" she says and then nods. "Oh, yeah I'm fine Marv. Why?" She asks and sitd back again, resting her arms across her lower stomach. <English>

< Danni > Danni stares and blinks at Bree for a moment before hugging Aubrey again. "Oh darling. Don't worry, I know that you will find someone." She starts patting Aubrey's back gently. "You just let it all out, it's ok." She can't help but feel a little guilty for Aubrey's outburst. <English>

< Chas > Chas grins "Count me in, not sure how good of a wrangler I will be but it will be fun trying," he says. Then as Cal continues to talk about the Duke, he turns his gaze from Cal and studies the man that is the object of the conversation. He shakes his head as he listens to the feats by the fellow and the antics this evening "Well he sounds like a right good sort to me. Anyone that holds up that kind of sign in the face of the Commonwealth and backs it up is alright in my book." He nods to Sink "Thanks, that means a lot. I learned it the hard way. A merchant caught me stealing from him, he could have have me done away with, but instead he took me in and taught me what I know now. So it was a good lesson to learn." <English>

< Carmichael > "Ginger Rogers did it all the time," Carmichael comments to Nike. Which might promote a whole lot of 'who, what, huh?' on the woman's face. However, he's derailed by that extraordinarily wet cough and can but blink, looking over at Walker for a moment. "You know, I'd be really interested to know what you consider difficult, Laddiebuck..." is murmured quietly as the man turns attention on his lady, earning Tatyana another look and an arch of both eyebrows. Looking away, he finishes his cigarette, stubs it out on the table top with a sizzle and a frown, then realises the error of having put an elbow on the surface. First attempt at yanking his arm off, fails. Second attempt succeeds, but that leaves him simply wrinkling his nose and lifting the arm up, to peer at the spot he was resting on. "Ew, good lord, what /is/ that? Decades of Alcoholic tar??" -- shudder -- Aubrey's little breakdown is merely catalogued as a result, not wishing to draw further attention. "Anywhoo..." and just to prove that he's not been completely deaf, he looks over toward Sink, Cal and Chas, lifting his vodka bottle in toast, to doff an exaggerated stage bow. "Chaos theory in action. One day, I'm going to normalize and the universe will implode. Thankfully, the odds of that happening are more than a million to one, so..." <English>

< Nike > A barely audible 'blip!' echoes tinnily from Nike's jacket. She pulls out a small device, stares at it for a moment or three...and smirks, stands up, splayfully salutes Carmine, and bobs her head to both Tatyana and Walker in turn. "Adieu, my good compatriots for the night. I must be off-- my job just checked in, and in this sort of economy, these sorts of things don't last. Have a wonderful evening, and stay happy." She pauses, and glances towards Aubrey for a moment...before swiftly and silently departing. <English>

< Cal > "That does have a nice ring to it, maybe you ought to suggest it as an additional title? Sir Carmichael, Manifestation of Entropy," Cal intones with another one of those grins that indicates she might get that engraved on something and deliver it to Carm.. with Sink's name on the tag. She lifts her glass of whiskey to salute Carmichael and calls over, "Either that or the 'verse will just capitulate in awed defeat in the face of your awesome fashion sense and impeccable style," and grins. She takes another taste of the alcohol in the glass she's holding, resolves not to think about what the smudges on the glass might be, and makes a quiet 'hmm' sound before agreeing with Chas and nodding. "Failure is one hell of a way to learn. So is getting shot at. But, of the two, I'd prefer the latter to the former. It should be less painful." <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey clears his throat and just pats Danni's back. Well! That wasn't embarassing at all, he just pats her back and pulls back a bit, clearing his throat and blinking as he worries his bottom lip. "I-I will send you some baby clothing." <English>

< Walker > "I'll explain it," Walker nods to Carmichael, "Right after you /actually/ juggle chainsaws while running backwards blindfolded through a minefield in heels." He raises a hand in farewell to Nike, but his attention is on Tatyana. He reaches over and pulls the bottle away from her. "You just downed almost an entire fifth of gin, by yourself, in about fifteen minutes. You poured out what, three small glasses from that thing?" He shakes his head and then cocks it curiously. "Something wrong, love? This is the sort of drinking I do when I'm trying to forget how..." the sentance doesn't finish, because this time he /does/ slap himself. "But you're like, half my mass...." he finishes off.

< Danni > Danni eyes Aubrey, "Alright." She isn't sure Aubrey is ok and watches him closely. She is even tempted to don the matchmaking hat. Although that thought passed rather quickly considering the woman she knows are either married or lesbian. <English>

< Carmichael > The duke eyes Walker after Nike departs, looking at Tatyana and back. There's a cough, a small one albeit - and in a very quiet voice, he offers: "Genetics on her side. Tatyana. Russian. Quinn. Irish. If she can't hold her liquor, that's saying something sad. Plus, she's a doctor." <English>

< Aubrey > Aubrey shudders and takes a deep breath. "I'll use gender neutral colors and m-make little hats and little blankets and things like that." He promises. "I make things like that for people often. Babies, toddlers, small children...i-if you need anything, just wave me."

< Sink > Sink looks over at Chas, "Loyalty and an ability to learn, your attributes keep on getting better and better. A man who can learn is worth ten who cannot." He then pauses when he hears Carmichael's words, and he blinks several times, until a shadow passes and then he smiles again, and he says loud enough for the Duke to hear, "Well, here's to keep you as random as possible, for I like being alive." He raises his tea mug in a salute, then grins at Cal, "That would be the most awesome title... maybe I need a coat of arms, or something... I wonder if there is anyone left who knows Latin...". <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana looks at the empty bottle and cants her head slightly before giggling "Did I drink that all on my own?" She asks and then shrugs. "Huh. Well I guess the Duke is right. Genetics. That" She ponders and looks at his face where he'd slapped it. "Or It just hasn't caught up to me yet." She smiles and nods, resintg her head on Walkers shoulder, then biting it. "He's the Duke. I'm supposed to hurt you for something. I can't ignore a noble request!" <English>

< Danni > Danni frowns at Aubrey and nods, "Alright I will wave you if I need anything." She sighs and hugs Bree again. "Thank you Aubrey. You are a good guy and someone will see that eventually." <English>

< Chas > Chas laughs and bows his head to the Duke when he turns to the small group he is a part of "Good hearing too," and the chuckle resumes. He doesnt' finish his drink, instead the one he has been sipping on is put on the bar just below half full. "Indeed, Cal. Getting shot is definitely not on my list of things to do." He laughs at Sink and shakes his head "I ain't no saint, that's for sure. But I do try to do the best I can, Captain." Hands wipe on his pants "Well I need to get back to my ship, see if the cargo load out is complete. Good to see you," Chas looks to Sink and then to Cal "once again. If'n you ever need anything, again, feel free to give a shout." <English>

< Walker > "Ow!" Walker grumbles at the biting. "And since when are you from Osiris, huh Ariel?" he snickers at Tatyana, poking her nose gently. "He's only your leige if you're from his fief or swear allegiance to him." He pauses and grins, "Although you did phrase it as 'request' so I guess you win this round, Doctor Bitey McBiterperson." He looks at Carm and shrugs. "Genetics only goes so far. I don't care if you're Ivan the Terrible, an entire fifth in fifteen minutes is a mite bit fast to be putting the boozahol away, even by my standards."

< Cal > "I'll remember," Cal says with a nod and another smile at Chas, "and thanks for the drink, conversation and laughs." <English>

< Carmichael > Plucking lint off of his elbow, Carmichael slips a look sidelong at Walker's reply, grimacing as he picks at the gunk there along with it. "It is, I would suppose..." there's general activity there that ought to more than likely, be ignored. Biting doctors on bodyguards can be looked /away/ from; lucky for Sink and Cal, eh? He doesn't interrupt them this time, merely smiles and lets the expression fade away to a quietude of contemplation that creates a tiny little steeple between his eyebrows. Uh-oh, he's thinking again. <English>

< Cal > "I don't know enough latin to speak it, but I'm positive we have a reference book in the library that should be able to parse enough words that are comparable to convey the gist of it," Cal muses in a quiet aside to Sink. She sets her glass down, having only had about a quarter of it at this point. "As for a coat of arms.. Hmmm.." and again there's that gleam of pending madcap goofiness. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana nods at Walkers explination and then grins. "Ha, see I can win once in awhile" She sticks her tongue out at him before looking at the bottles and glasses on the table shaking her head. "No more for me. I've had enough." She looks over at Carmichael and nudges Walker. "Psst. Why does he have that look on his face?" <English>

< Walker > Walker follows Tatyana's gaze to Carmichael. "Oh. That. He's either thinking about something, trying to figure out where the Little Duke's room is, or mad at me. Again." He contemplates for a second and adds, "Or any combination of two or three of those." He looks at the fresh bottle and shrugs. "For some reason, I don't much feel like opening that either." He shoots a glance across the room at Aubrey and Daniella, a slightly worried frown on his own brow. Then he reverts attention to his own table. "I'm not sure science has a classification for that," he points at the stuff on Damian's sleeve. "In layman's terms, it's called 'yuck.'"

< Aubrey > Aubrey has to rub a hand over his face and sigh, scratching his wrists and scanning the room thoughtfully before he lowers his head and skitters out of the bar quick as a flash, really, now you see him...now you don't. Because he's left. <English>

< Sink > Sink looks over at Cal, "Oh, no... I'm not leaving a task as important as a coat of arms to someone with a mind like yours... oh, to catch a thief you must think like one... right? Well, now... that means you can think in ways of great evil, and though that comes in handy with Trevor, it excludes you from important tasks like awesomeness in coat of arms sayings." He shakes his finger in mock anger, "Oh, if I left you in charge I would get 'Quando omni flunkus moritati', or something else only a devious mind would come up with." <English>

< Carmichael > "I'm not mad at you, Walker. I'm just... thinking. But yes, contemplating using the john in here and thinking twice about it..." Carmichael responds with a dreamy kind of quality to his tone, snapping attention back to the vodka bottle in his hand and the patch of nasty he was still plucking on his elbow. Aubrey's followed out with his eyes, the two at his table considered with a blink. "Think that vanload of chickens and the noodle jam has dispersed for now? We could go get the video footage and head back. I'll leave you two be, once I'm safe on Osirian soil again..." offered with a half-wink. <English>

< Sink > Cal narrows her eyes at Sink for a moment as she works the quotation through her mind, "Hah!" she finally declares. "When in doubt play dead," she translates and laughs again. "And.. yes. I am greatly ashamed. Deeply ashamed," said with almost a straight face. "And you don't thin I'd come up with something outrageous and offensive? Like a stylized great cat in drag with red shoes?" she asks with a barely smothered snicker. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana nods to both Walker and Carmichael. "No more boozahol. Been a long day and this little mermaid is getting sleepy." she states and stretches her arms up, cracking her neck. "Heading home sounds like a plan to me, now that the funs done" She directs at Carmichael and then turns to Walker, smiling softly at him. "What do you say, Cowboy? Ready to head out? The thought of using the bathroom here also firghtens me." <English>

< Walker > "We're still pretending that's why we came out here?" Walker chuckles at Damian. "I had that stuff uploaded to my sourcebox in my room at Bubastis before the shuttle touched down here." He snickers slightly. "There's this thing Aubrey showed me, called the Cortex, it's really neat. You can send information over it and oooookay. I think I've officially beat that joke and that point to death. Ahem." He looks away sheepishly and then lowers his head and says softly "Yeah, we can go any time." He looks up, back and forth between Duke and Doctor. "You're both kidding right? The bathrooms here? Your Grace, come one... if you /want/ me to die heroicially sacrificing myself to save you, at least let me go out with some dignity. I never did like Hentai."

< Carmichael > The duke just gives Walker a very, very long and staid look as he stands, risen from his chair. "You know that point when I asked about the security on the Guan-yin and you mentioned only that there was that big hephalump that might have to be shot at some point and then I mentioned image software and having the techies look at it... /before/ we got on the shuttle to persephone that is... when in all of that did you not suppose to mention that we didn't have to drag ourselves out here and tackle chicken-selling vietnamese farmers and slide into the dregs for a drink? Could've mentioned that before we even left Osiris -- would've left me nice and safe and sound..." Carmichael looks around the bar a moment and back. "Not that I didn't enjoy the moment and the entertainment, along with the getting my elbow stuck to god knows what... I think that might even have been some long-dead plum sauce... but Seriously. Like. Seriously. Dude." -- And then there's the cuff upside the head, albeit a light one -- "And you give me /shit/ for putting myself in danger." <English>

< Sink > Sink eyes Cal, "Now that's not evil... it's just not truthful. I was thinking something really evil, like a coat of arms where their is a dinner setting but the forks are in the wrong order, or a giant turkey, being carved with a spoon. Those are the sort of evil I was expecting from you... now", Sink sighs, "I have to do all the evil myself." He turns his back on Gus and rests against the bar with his lower back and both elbows. <English>

< Tatyana > Tatyana cracks up laughins at Walker, her hand having replaced her head and she's now rubbing where she bit his shoulder. "Adam" she says and shakes her head. She blinks while listening to the rant come from the Duke and ducks out of the way as aims for his head and hides herself under Walkers suit jacket. Hey it's better then under the table of yuck. "Someone tell me when it's over or I'm hoppin a shuttle back before they start slap-fighting." <English>

< Cal > Cal chuckles, again, and in the doing spots Carmichael and his little dialogue which doesn't quite turn into a rant or flouncing, though that would probably make her fall down - laughing. She holds her hands up in mock surrender, "What ever was I thinking? My deepest apologies. I must be nefarious, madcap and evil. I'll get right on that. But I still say that cricket's are essential to my plot to get Trevor and Rys safely hitched." <English>

< Walker > Walker blinks at the tirade. He holds his tongue until he's /sure/ the Duke has stopped speaking. The cuff on the head is accepted amiably. Once he's positive, /positive/ that the blonde man is done berating and cuffing and flouncing, only then does he say "So, is this a bad time to remind you I said I already looked over some of that footage, and that I was shooting Snuffalufagus just for fun?" He stands and helps Taty to her feet, but shakes his head at her. "Oh lord no. If His Grace wanted to really slap me silly, we'd get on the mat and he'd school me in the 599 forms of martial arts I /don't/ know." He holds up a finger to Carm and adds, "Yet!"

< Carmichael > "Yet!" Carmichael raises a fist and shakes it mockingly at Walker. "You neglected to mention you'd done so /at home/. Small, tiny, eenie-weenie detail that. Given that you're still working for the Guan and that makes you security there." He clucks his tongue, rolls his eyes. "Oh no, silly me, I should have asked the obvious questions and shot myself into psychic mode. My bad." ONe boot is lifted then, to mock kick the air around Walker's butt, toward the door with a jerk of his head, throws both hands in the air and gives a loud, very over-the-top: "Augh!" Then? Well, then he's making on his own route to the exit, giving a little fingerwave as he walks with a lot /less/ flounce, panache or dare we say it... campness, toward the exit. He walks in a stalk, does the duke. Not like a nance. <English>

Carmichael tests his Dance against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (43).

< Tatyana > Tatyana rolls her eyes at the two of them and their little pissing contest. She takes Walkers hand as he helps her up, resting her free hand on his lower arm. "I don't see what the big deal is. Nothing is going to show up on that footage." She shakes her head and sighs. "But that won't stop you from being up all night looking at it, will it?" She smirks and leans her head on his arm again. "Need to stop by the Guan. I need to grab clothes." <English>

< Walker > Walker chuckles and offers his arm to Tatyana. Together they hurry off after the not-at-a-flouncing nobleman. "Wait," Walker calls out, "Does that mean there's something you /can't/ do?" He grins at Tatyana and says "Quick, give me drugs to make me psychic! Then I won't be totally superfluous!" And out they all scurry or dance or whatever. Walker doesn't even try to dance. You think you've found his weakness, but he has more!

< Sink > Sink watches the RLI show a bit with Cal, and then says to his peanut gallery confidant quietly, "Wow, had no idea... none. I must confess this is the most entertainment I've had in ages. Really, we have to ask the lord when he and his troop plan to put on another performance. Absolutely first rate." He grins at Cal, then adds, "No rush... be nefarious when you can, for now, relax and be entertained. Crickets and coats of arms can wait." <English>

Tatyana tests her Dance against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (5).

< Cal > "You know, cricket's as a coat of arms would actually just do it," Cal suggests as she watches Carmichael & Co. prance, sashay, saunter, gallivant and in other forms exit - stage left - and chuckles again before grinning. "This was fun. This was great fun. I laughed myself silly. And this Chas guy, he sounds pretty solid." <English>

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