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Storms and Weapons
Date of scene ~ November 6, 2526
Location ~ Kal's Custom Weapons - Persephone
Cast of Characters ~ Kallahan, Tristan, Bolt, Cal, Chas Rykin and Makenzie

Kal's Custom Weapons - Persephone'
The shop is simple, yet elegant. As you walk into the space, there are two glass sided display cases on either side, taking up the bulk of the floorspace within. Each case holds various modified weapons and weapon components. The one to the right holds a modified Winchester M1894 with a scope and a silencer on it, a pair of what look like specialty katanas, for the engraving of snarling tigers done on each blade, and several handguns and rifles with different designs engraved or painted onto them.
The case to the left holds equipment to modify guns with. Different types of scopes and silencers. The floor is tiled, each tile white with a deep, royal blue border. The border swirls in a pointed loop at each corner, leading to a slightly more sophistiacted air. The entire back of the shop is one solid set of counterspace, with glass faced display cases set beneath. Within the cabinets are more modified weapons, each with a display card in front giving details on the weapon itself and the modifications that have been done to it.
The counterspace is topped with well polished mahogany, and is broken only in the middle with a hinged piece of countertop that can be swung up and out of the way. On the left side of the counter, away from the folding section's hinges, is a cash drawer set up in front of a black computer/cortex monitor, and a compact printer for printing receipts and quotes. Atop the cash drawer's case sits a black keyboard. Directly behind the counter are two doors, cut off from access of the rest of the store by the counter itself. One is slightly to the right of center, the other is at the far left end of the wall, both are behind the counter.
Upon opening the door to this shop, a loud sonorous bell tolls from somewhere not in the main room.

Kallahan nods, "Ahhh. Yeah, people do that," he says. "Please tell His Grace congratulations for me." And then it's on to business, and he listens carefully. He inputs the items into his computer, and then looks up to her again. "What sort of custom grip would you like? I have pretty close to everything ranging from rubber to grown ivory. And what sort of zoom on the sight? Price before the sight and before the sap gloves will be four-hundred fifty credits." He pauses and glances up, "For the gloves, I'll need to take measurements, and those will run you about a hundred credits. And what sort of custom bladework? As you can see, I do quite a bit with blades, ranging from knives to spears. I can custom make arrows as well if need be." He glances back to Alexander, and nods in complete agreement. "I'm not overly fond of politics myself." Though, considering the shop he runs, obviously he can play the game when he has to. Then he has to laugh, though he doesn't say anything to it. Outside, the weather is grey, cloudy, and ominous, with the clouds getting darker by the minute, it seems. Thunder booms frequently, and lighting can be seen flashing and flaring off to the west. Still, the rain hasn't started falling just yet. It likely will, and soon. Especially now that the wind has picked up and is blowing pretty good. Thankfully, due to Kal's forge, it's nice and warm inside the shop. A nice contrast to the stormy November weather outside. <English>

Cal is one of those slightly crazy sorts who enjoy a good lightning and thunder storm. In fact, if this were on Paquin, she'd be standing out on the beach to watch it roll in. There's also a rather good chance she'd have her surfing gear on and board in hand - because we only live once and getting hit by lightning while riding her surf board would be THE ULTIMATE way to go. But, until the rain starts she's meandering in the area, probably aiming for Sink's restaurant but steps into Kal's shop first. <French>

Tristan nods to Kallahan. "I'll pass that along, thank you." Tristan grins at Xander when he makes his comment. "Oh, *I'm* very small people. But then no one's been saying anything about /me/, just making a lot of insinuations about His Grace's moral character, which naturally I find quite objectionable. But some pundit comes on to a cortex news show and starts stirring up muck about my employer...well, only natural I would object. Just because he's young and good-looking doesn't mean he's morally bankrupt or some kind of spendthrift playboy." She shakes her head, then looks a bit abashed and laughs. "Hm...I suppose I can be a bit defensive, can't I?" She looks down at the weapons. "Oh, well." A sideways grin and then: "Apples and oranges comparison, Sir. You might be /very/ pretty, but a good sidearm is a girl's best friend." A pause. "What's your name, anyway?" Then she looks back to Kallahan. "A katana and some shinai for kendo work. Also want a stiletto that I can hide as a hair ornament." She shrugs. "My job calls me to go out in a dress too tight for obvious weapons, but I do find myself standing next to a man who has suffered more than his fair share of assassination and kidnapping attempts, so I'd like to start taking precautions. Then for the gun itself..." She purses her lips. "Ivory stains. I'm thinking low key, dark washing of some sort, metal grip with a medusa's head on it. What's the difference between the standard and deluxe sights?" She looks up as someone else enters the shop. <English>

The bell catches Xander's attention briefly, but the conversation keeps his focus on the pair with him at the counter. "Inner thigh, compact sidearm. Depending on how tight you walk, perfect concealment from the naked eye." He unfolds both arms away from his chest and extends a hand towards Tristan, taking his time as not to fully disrupt the business deal. "Alexander Bolt - known as Archangel in the Corp, you can call me Xander." His voice is a bit charming, strange coming from a man in his attire, but he's rather confident. "Katana work hmm? Suppose if we ever get a chance, I'd love an opportunity to spar." <English>

There's nothing at all wrong with a slightly crazy sort. Nothing at all. Truth, if Kallahan wasn't working, he'd probably be right out in it with Cal. Minus the in the ocean part. The bell tolls, and Kallahan is distracted by Cal for a few seconds as she comes in, and he smile sat her. Obviously, he knows her. "Evenin' Cal. How you doing?" His attention is pulled back to Tristan as she sstarts speaking again, and he nods. "I've met His Grace. He seems a nice enough sort of fellow." And then, back to business. "How many shinai? And would you prefer a single stilleto, or a pair done up as hair clips?" He nods in agreement with the precautions. "Mmmm. On the medusa, would you prefer something colorful and enamelled, or simply etched? The difference between deluxe and standard sights is this. With standard sights, you get a choice of Infrared, Holographic, Thermal, or Digital. With a deluxe sight, you get all of those with settings for all or none or any combination thereof." He looks to his other customer and smiles, and nods. "Yeah. You name it, I have experience with it. I prefer hand to hand, but I'm decent with a blade. And I'd love to spar on one of my good days." <English>

Cal hears just the tail end of what Tristan is saying and her mind immediately leaps to fill in some of the answers. "I didn't mean to over-hear, but if I may offer some advice in the art of concealed carry and formal attire?" She tugs the door shut behind her before the wind can tug it open again, smiling at Kal where he stands in his shop, "Hey Stranger," is called out with a smile, though her eyes light up at the notion of sparring, giving Kal one of those arch looks that reminds him that she's going to drag him out jogging with her - and soon. <English>

Tristan gives the Xander a thoughtful look as she stands by the counter at Kallahan's shop with two weapons in front of her. She nods. "Also right under the breasts," She puts her hand to her upper midriff, underneath her bosom, which does indeed look like it could hide a fair bit. "But it does delay drawing a weapon by a few seconds which may be crucial. I like to keep my options open." She then moves forward to shake his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mister Bolt." She pauses. "Xander." Then she cocks her head a little. "I wouldn't mind the sparring at all either. I've let myself get a little rusty since school. I thought it was time I started to pick it up again." She turns back to Kallahan. "I'll take the Deluxe sight then, with the x5 zoom. I never was any good at just settling for one option." She ponders his questions for a long moment. "Etched, I think. Enamel can be lovely, but it can also look gaudy. And a pair of the hair clips." She turns as Cal asks her question and smiles at the woman. "By all means, I would love a little advice."

The evening is low, and grey, and dreary. Outside, thunder rolls and lighting flashes and flares off to the west. The thunder comes every few minutes now, close enough to rattle the huge windows at the front of the shop. The wind is gusting, and blowing, and huge, fat raindrops have just started falling from the sky to splatter on the ground of Eavesdown docks. Within minutes, the rain is coming down in a pouring blast of fierce, almost howling wind. The time is roughly eight o'clock in the evening. Maybe half past that. <English>

"The art of concealed carry while wearing formal attire is all about compromise. But," Cal says, hands settling comfortably in her hip pockets as she moves forward, toward the counter and where everyone else is standing. "For instance, if you're wearing a gown that has light boning in the bodice, you can have slender sheaths inserted along the sides and you can fit throwing blades in there - tiny little darts that can take out the eye of your enemy, if need be. Secondly, into the upper edge of the bodice, in the lining, you can conceal a garotte," she pauses and smiles faintly. "Which is a little psychos-r-us, I know, but if it's down to hand to hand, you need as many concealed options as possible. Secondly, a thigh sheath chafes, period, and you'll get a bruise from it, so know that up front if you don't already. It can make you walk funny so you might want to consider wearing something on your other thigh to cut down the friction. Ankle holsters are out, unless you're wearing boots - and if you're wearing boots you get all sorts of additional hiding places. Hair," she nods to Tristan, "You can hide a wealth of weapons in your hair, from sharp edged stilletos to really strong pins with ornamental tips that look lovely when positioned right. " <English>

Xander is male, ex-military, and has a weakness for gorgeous women - of course he watches the demenstration with his full attention before firmly taking the hand within his gloved mitt and brushing his lips against her knuckles. He releases the hand, taking a few steps back for Cal before speaking to Kallahan, "Wave me even if the weapon isn't finished, never hurt to converse about weapons. I should be going, I believe we have everything squared away? I'll be keeping the Eagle on me til the modifications are complete." He turns back to Tristan, "Will be at the Helios Grand Hotel Lounge, if you'd like to accompany me for a drink and a conversation." <English>

Dashing into Kal's Custom Weapons, the wind whips into the place as the door is opened and then struggled closed, is Chas. "Whew," he says to no one in particular as he brushes off the rain from his shoulders and fingers comb through his now drenched hair. A stomp of his feet as his eyes rise and that hand shakes sending droplets just about everywhere. He hears a familiar voice and nods first to those he doesn't know and then settles on Cal. "There you are," he states the obvious "Pouring outside. Not fit for man or beast." <English>

Struggled closed? Well, it isn't just the wind that's pushing against Chas Rykin's attempts. There is a - albeit puny - woman shoving her way into the shop. That she doesn't even take the moment to scan the area, find a proprietor, spot her ship mates, -or- wipe the smeared mascara and wet cheeks away isn't here nor there. "I want a gun. Right now. And you're going to.... You..." A finger finds who is likely the proprietor - good guess - "Are going to teach me and I am going to pay you." A large, angry sniff - angry that emotion is showing - and her occupied hand tips the full bottle, from which she drinks a good few large gulps of vodka. <English>

Kallahan smiles easily at Cal, and returns that arch look, remembering perfectly well. As the storm intensifies, Kallahan looks to the windows, and chuckels. "Cal, you're missing one helluva storm out there, looks like," he says. He enters some more information into the computer, and then looks up again. "Any designs or colors you'd prefer on the katana? And enamel can be good if you don't go overboard." He smiles, then glances to the storm raging outside again. He looks to Cal as she speaks, and nods agreement. "On occasion, I carry ornaments like that in my hair when I can't have weapons on me." He glances over to Xander, and nods. "Will do, yeah, on the Wave." As the door opens again the tolling bell accompanies the storm blowing inside, and rain winds up five feet into the interior, nearly over to where Cal is. And then enters angry woman. Kallahan blinks, and looks to Cal helplessly, then steps out from behind the counter. "Who is it you're wanting to kill, ma'am?" His tone is soft, calm, voice deep like velvet, with an accent to die for (compries of a mix of australian and scottish). It's a perfect recipe for soothing someone. <English>

Tristan listen's to Cal's explanation of concealed weapons with a thoughtful look. There is a sense that she is taking point for point notes in her head. "Very true," she finally murmurs. "And all excellent advice, thank you." She smiles at Cal. "Did you enjoy the Halloween party? Now there was a situation where it would have been difficult for me to have a concealed weapon on me. At least not without cavity searches." She muses for a moment, blue eyes twinkling at the memory before a clap of thunder captures her attention. "In my wig, I suppose." Tristan murmurs as she looks out side. "It's going to be hell getting back home," she says. To Bolt's parting invitation, she responds: "You're not shy, are you?" She doesn't look angry or unpleased, however. Presumably she, like fortune, favors the bold. "And I absolutely would accept, but I'm reasonably sure my boyfriend would take it the wrong way." She gives him an appraising look with a raised eyebrow. "Or the right way, really." Then she turns back to Kallahan and nods. "If you think it could be done right, I'll trust you to go with the enamel. I think I'll wait on decorating the katana until I'm a little better with one. It would seem extremely pretentious at this stage." Then the door opens and a little red spitfire comes in. She watches Makenzie for a moment, sees Kallahan's response, and raises an eyebrow at Chas. Seems Makenzie /hasn't/ calmed down since she was at the Duke's Halloween party. <English>

"You know what they say 'recon leads the way'," Cal answers to Chas as he arrives, grinning at the captain of the Fenrir. "Plus, I couldn't lead the way here until I remembered the path on foot, and my sense of direction in city isn't the best," she admits in a lower voice, even a hint of chagrin at the admission. She turns as the door opens and Makenzie - a now water splashed and clearly upset and alcohol carrying Makenzie - storms into the weapons shop. "Oh dear," she murmurs before Tristan's words register and while she is old enough to not blush, but she does it anyway, a faint color that even turns the tips of her ears pink before she's laughing softly and nodding at Tristan, "It was unique, I only wish I'd been part of a team that ultimately won the day," she replies. But as Kal steps forward she actually moves to follow suit, hoping to be some sort of calming presence as well, if possible. <English>

The storm and doors commotion literally grab the ex-soldier's attention as he turns his back towards the counter and faces the pair entering from the pouring rain. The livid, soaked, and raccoon-looking woman entering in a hellfire of barked orders actually gets Xander to start laughing. He casually pulls the rim of the boonie down to the bridge of his nose. "Not shy, but when you spend a good portion of your adult life in recon, active and...hysterical people tend to draw a lot of attention." He finishes with a slight tug of a smirk at the corner of his lip, head gesturing towards the woman - bottle in hand. "We can leave it at that - the right way." He turns his attention to Cal, bowing his head briefly, "Pleasure" before stepping towards the door, passing by the first of the pair to enter the shop. <English>

"Ev-er-y -FRIK-KIN- MAN WHO EVER WAS-" A pause and brain finally registers. Cal. Chas. "NOT HIM. NOT BAT. NOT YOU. BUT every OTHER FRIK-KIN MAN WHO WAS..." A pause again, red hair sloping forward as she tips down to put the bottle to her mouth, and she bends backwards almost a second later, beginning to gulp at the vodka. A seventh of a bottle down she bothers to stop, Makenzie stating more clearly now, "Anyone who FRICKS with ME." A sigh, shoulders deflating. "No." Rump leans against the wall with a thud. "Just... Don't like being vulnerable. Want a gun. Want to use it. Maybe put some buckshot into some asshole. That requires perfect aim, I'm told." Wait, is she being witty or serious? Pun? Hells only know. Another sip of her bottle, and she hands it out to the room. "Anyone wanna celebrate?" Sniff. A final glance at Kallahan, and she mentions, "You're damned handsome. Are you at least honest?" Another sniff, and while she isn't outright balling, salty water dripdripdrips down her cheeks. "Here. Have some. You need some. It makes everything better." Sniff. "I didn't mean to be hysterical. Here... here just..." Do something. <English>

A hands juts out to clasp Makenzie on the shoulder "Mak, what's the matter," Chas asks as he spots the bottle "Here, why don't you be giving me that there. Seems that you've had just about enough." Concern rests on Chas as he watches his mechanic as he holds out his other hand for the bottle. Only when Cal speaks to him does he look up, "Well, took me a bit too, but the storm kind of blew up right at the proper time, I just dove for the nearest doorway." He gives Tristan and Bolt a nod in greeting, along with Kallahan. But as Makenzie starts up again "Mak, that's enough." He says flatly. <English>

One hand reaches out - the empty one, thank the walls - and Makenzie offers, "Sir, please do not leave on my account. My invasion. I should leave. Don't feel alienated. I really am sorry." She actually -really is-. <English>

The presence of Cal materializing at his side brings a measure of comfort to Kallahan, a comfort that shows clearly in his expression as he looks to her. Then back to the redhead. He's not even noticing Xander or Tristan's comments right now, nor Cal's toward the man who'd come to see her. "I think I'm pretty honest, I guess," he says. "And I'll teach you if you'd like, but when you haven't been drinking." Wait. Is Kallahan blushing? Oh yes. Yes he is. The red suffusing is normally pale skin is obvious to behold, because, well, he's usually really pale in color. He glances to the newcomer at his flat town, and then back to the woman apparently named Mak. As the bottle is handed out toward the room, Kallahan steps forward and accepts it, then passes it back toward Cal. Then he offers his hand to Mak. "I'm Kallahan. And you're not invading." <English>

Tristan tips her head to Xander Bolt. "Indeed Mister Bolt, it's been a pleasure. I'm sure we'll run into each other again, especially if you're staying on Osiris." She turns back to the others and gives Cal a grin. "I had a chance to take a ride on that hover bike. I want one of my own now. I only wish I'd been allowed to compete myself." But then she simply shrugs and props an elbow on the table. "Makenzie dear, there are honest men and honest women, and lying men and lying women. I promise they aren't all bad." Her voice sounds soothing and she does look like she is genuinely unhappy to see the woman in this sort of mental anguish. "But I guarantee that the drinking isn't a solution, nor is shooting the man who caused you grief. That really does just make things worse in the long run." She gives a slightly apologetic look to Cal and Chas; this isn't strictly any of her business, but she can't help herself from saying something. <English>

The well armored ex-soldier turns to Cal, assuming she is the one with a leash on the livid woman in front of him then back to Makenzie, "There's a decent dinner around here with some good coffee or anything without alcohol if you need to vent - celebrate with someone who has enough armor to withstand any flailing fists or bottles." He offers the lithe woman now leaning against the wall. "Even let you wear the boonie to keep some of the rain from your face." The mercenary pulls the boonie from his head, lifting the bandana off his head and offering only the bandana towards Makenzie, "Can clean up a bit if you want?" The boonie remains in his left hand, idly resting for an answer to his inquiry. <English>

Cal tilts her head back slightly to glance up at the man who is also known as Xander, offering a quick glimpse of a smile as she also realizes she's standing between the man and the door. "Oh, sorry," she says at first and steps to the side, "pleasure to meet you as well," and one hand lifts to tip her hat - then realizes she hasn't worn it - and makes this vague sort of gesture then pushes a bit of hair back from her face and scoots out of the way entirely. She reaches out that same hand and rests it upon one of Mak's shoulder as Chas steps in as well, trying to help - they all are, at this point. She accepts the bottle of alcohol once it's passed safely out of the way and thriftily tucks it behind her back for the moment. <English>

Chas nods to Tristan "Yea, what she said. We ain't all bad," as he defends his honor. Hands rest on his hips as he looks around to everyone. "She ain't talking about me," he says in that flat tone once again as his eyes cut to Mak. <English>

"Handling a gun now? Oh, I know better. Seen people shot for less." Eyebrows have llliiiIIIFFFTTED! Makenzie? Ok, so she's a little expressive when she's tipsy, but she's honest to a fault. "You?" She reaches forward with her empty hand, and patpatpats against Kal's shoulder, if so he allows. "Mak, and hush. I'm invading. I know it. A street rat knows it, y'know? But thanks. You're kind." Another patpat. But if her bottle is away? It's away. All good. For Bolt? Her eyes widen... and then widen again. He's offering kindness and a kerchief.... what's wrong with the man. "I..." He's going to clean her up? She can't even remember once handling a vodka bottle. "I... you do not... I..." Oh hell. Giving up on any attempt at pretense - which, let's face it, Makenzie's terrible at - leaves her staring, a fourth suspicious, three fourths astounded at the man's offer. Let's just forget stumbling over the words. "I want?" Wait, what? "You..." Stuttering? "I should... I should leave and let those at peace. Yes. You... are very kind." A almost-touch at Bolt's arm, but it rescinds and but quickly. To those in the room? "Forgive me. No combination with anyone here. Go along. Poppied." Step, step, step backwards. Almost running in slow speed, until she's pushing against the door, out into the wild wind beyond. <English>

Kallahan glances over to Tristan as she comes up, then to Xander and Cal. Finally to the flat toned man he doesn't know. He smiles, and nods. "She already exempted you from that." He doesn't move back from Mak's touch, though he does glance over at Bolt at his words. And then with the woman suddenly running away, Kallahan blinks. He looks over to Cal and blinks again. "One of yours?" He sounds curious, but not accusing or anything of the sort. Just... curious. <English>

Xander just watches the woman's reaction, then her quick burst out into the pouring rain. He glances back over his shoulder at the other patrons within Kallahan's shop. "Which ship? Is she always like this? Does she have rabies?" Is all he asks in a serious tone before fitting the bandana and boonie back atop his head. "I can make sure she gets back to the ship, track her through hell 'n back to find her if I need to." His shoulder lifts briefly, "Unless one of you wants to be the knight in shining armor for her?" Bolt glances between everyone again, waiting for a response before heading out into driving rains. <English>

"She certainly makes an impression," Tristan adds. She looks over to Chas and says, "Don't mean to tell you what do you about yours, of course, and I remember you telling His Grace that she's a really fine mechanic, but I do hope she can find someone to fix what's hurting /her/ and soon. She seems like a nice woman. I hate to see people in pain like that." Then she shrugs and turns back to Kallahan. "Would it be better if I came back another time for fittings or do you have enough to start?" <English>

Chas all but chuckles as Mak bolts out nearly as fast as she entered. Looking to Kallahan he shakes his head and taps his own chest "She's my mechanic, actually." He waves a hand to the soldier "No need, she will get back. I am sure, maybe, hopefully." A shrug of his shoulders "And yea, she is mostly like this. But not so much when working on the ship, damned fine mechanic., really." Again he looks out the door into the driving rain but Mak is not to be seen. As Tristen talks he nods "Yea, well, that's true. Maybe I can find someone that can do that. I ain't none to good on them kind of things." <English>

Cal looks confused for a moment, having tried to make sense of what Mak is saying to Kal but only understanding that Mak is upset about something. Which may be related to men, in general, or one - in specific - but she doesn't quite sort it out before Mak is on the move again. When Xander offers to track Mak through the rain and make sure she gets back to the boat, Cal bites her lower lip, worried about this as well. "You sure she'll be back to the ship alright? It's storming out there and she's pretty upset," and she nods to Kal, "yeah, she's crew of the Fenrir. Great mechanic from what Chas has said already, and she's really nice too. No," she shakes her head at Xander, "she doesn't have rabies." Around to Tristan she grins wryly, "That she does indeed. Though seeing her storm into the bar and threaten Desmond.. that was so worth seeing," she admits. Once more her gaze swings back to Xander and a slightly puzzled look forms on her face, "I think we've met before, maybe? Or just.. in passing?" <English>

Kallahan looks from Cal to Tristan, and shakes his head. "You don't need to come back another time. I have enough to start. Did you want one or two shinais?" Now the blush has faded from Kal's skin, leaving it just as pale, or paler, as before. He nods to Chas. "Good mechanics are worth putting up with quirks for." He glances over to Cal again, and moves back toward the counter to finish up putting in some info on that computer. Is he leaning on the conter just a little more than before? <English>

"Two shinai, please," Tristan says to Kallahan. "Oh, And do you sell armor by any chance?" She is now looking at her PDA and looking like she's probably reading to tally out the final order before weathering the storm outside, which she occasionally gives a glaring look to out the windows. <English>

"In passing, on Paquin - though less dramatic, you stormed off like the little one just did at our first meeting." He admits to Cal as he nods to both members of the Fenrir, "I'll at least tracker her and make sure she gets on the ship without hurting any males, most of which probably won't be as armored as I am." A hand raises in farewell to the company within the warm walls. "She'll get to the Fenrir, if not she's small enough to fit into a sack and light enough to be thrown over a shoulder. Either way, she'll be unhurt and safely aboard your ship." He tugs the front rim of the boonie down further and rolls his shoulder, a charming smirk flashing along his lips. He opens the door cautiously, keeping the wind from opening it too much and allowing the rain to soak the shop's floor. <English>

With a bow of his head "I'd be much obliged...sir," Chas responds as the soldier speaks and heads out into the storm. He studies the fellow as he all but gets swallowed up by the storm before turning back to the here and now. He looks to Cal "So, I be guessing," he looks over the shop and grins "this is the place you was tell'n me 'bout?" He moves a bit closer to the counter, waiting a bit while Tristan talks with Kallahan. An elbow rests on it and he looks at the weapons there in. <English>

Cal nods slowly at Xander, trying to recall the last time she was mad enough (other than lately as this doesn't count) to have.. "Oh no," she actually groans these two words. "Oh no, really? I'm.. mortified," she says in a lower voice and turns a rather bright shade of red, so instead of Kal blushing - this Cal is blushing. "That, trust me, not normal. For me. I was, just," she stops stammering, "just embarrassed and upset about something. But thank you for following her, and getting her safely back to the ship." She runs one hand over her hair, a nervous gesture that she's developed again now that she's let it grow and nods to Chas, "This is, yes. He's the best weapons modifier I've ever known. He made the daggers that I carry all the time," she explains before a glance across the room is in time to spot Kal leaning against the counter a bit and his color change. She aims for nonchalant but she does get to Kal's side rather faster than would be normal pace and rests a hand on one of his arms, "Are you alright?" she asks in a low tone. <English>

Xander tosses a hand back dismissively at Cal, "Either we'll meet again or I'll track you down..either way we'll see eachother again. Farewell all." He disappears through the door into the storm, his black armor soaking almost instantly. <English>

Kallahan glances up from the computer, and nods, notes down the two, and then shakes his head. "I can upgrade armor, and on occasion I'll make armor, but normally I don't sell it unless it's custom made. And it's less expensive for you to buy mass manufactured armor than it is for me to make it. Same quality." He glances over at Cal, and smiles at the compliment. Someone complimenting him physically, gets him blushing, but his work? Oh no, he knows he does good work. And then Cal is right there. He nods. "Yeah. You know how the excitement gets to me," he admits to her. And he really does seem to be okay. He's not getting any more color back, but at least he's not getting any paler either. <English>

Tristan nods, "That seems perfectly reasonable. Thank you for your candor." She smiles at the man. She does appreciate it when a craftsman doesn't beat around the bush or try to sell her a line. "An estimate on the damage? Then I'll be off to try to weather this storm..." <English>

As Tristan continues with her business he waits his time and when he thinks a free moment presents it's self he clears his throat before saying to Cal "Well that be good to know," as he looks up from the many different weapons. He can't help but chuckle at Kallahan "Don't worry, Mak does make me get some what flustered just about daily. Chas, Chas Rykin, captain of the Fenrir." he says as an introduction to the shop owner. "Cal has been telling me all 'bout your fine work. Even showed me those," he winks at Cal "fine daggers she is so fond of." <English>

Cal eyes Kal for a careful moment, checking his color more than anything else but, "I do," she says quietly and steps back, not wanting to interfere with business. She tucks her hands back into her pockets and looks a little sheepish, "With all the 'Wizard of Oz' moments happening I didn't get a chance to make proper introductions, I'm sorry," she apologizes. "Kallahan, this is Chas, and Chas this is Tristan who, I'm guessing, is majordomo or some chief schedule chaos manager for Duke Carmichael, she was keeping things moving along smartly at the party," is added for further linking of who's who. <English>

The request for an estimate has Kallahan looking to his computer screen again. "Three thousand, one hundred and fifty credits for the whole thing." He pauses and looks up. "Would you like a printout?" He pauses as Cal backs off, and takes a step closer so he can bring his hand up to rest on her shoulder briefly if she allows him to. "Thank you," he says to her, and then lets his hand drop to his side and steps back to the computer and register. "Pleasure to meet you, Chas," he says. He looks back to Cal and Chas, and offers a nod to the man, and then his hand. "Kallahan Shamaria, at your service," he says. "I'm glad she likes those daggers." Then he pauses again. "Wait. What party?" <English>

Tristan turns and offers her hand to Chas. "Personal assistant," She says brightly. "But I like the sound of major domo. Makes it sound like I deserve a raise." She grins at the joke. "Which I just might at that." She turns back at the total and nods. "That sounds very reasonable, Mr. Shamaria. Thank you. And yes, I'd like a printout for the purchase order. Makes the accounting department less fussy when I do the paperwork in advance." She pauses. "Oh, the Halloween party. It was a small RLI affair." She grins then, looking a little mischievous. "I could always put you down on our invitation list, if you like. RLI parties tend to be somewhat memorable. First time I've ever been in charge of planning one, but I'm told it was pretty par for the course." She flashes a grin at Cal that says she absolutely /is/ thinking about Cal and Damian during the egg race. <English>

Taking the offered hand, Chas smiles"Tristan, yes I do remember you from the party. It was a great time, sadly I had to see to my ship and didn't get to stick about for the fun and games part. But," he bows his head "I was mighty thankful for the time I did get to have there." Chas smiles at the woman "I got bits and pieces of what went on after I left from Cal here and even Mak told me a touch." He turns to Cal and Kallahan "The pleasure be all mine, Mister Shamaria. "I think she does more than like them, the daggers that is. I ain't never seen her with out them. She said you were the best, so that's why we be here." When Kallahan asks about the party he chuckles and holds out a hand first to Tristan and then to Cal "I be sure the ladies could tell you better'n I." <English>

Cal doesn't move all that far away, enough to respect personal space, but she's close enough for Kal to put his hand on her shoulder. The worried look remains in her eyes, and something else she sees puts the worried look rather firmly in her eyes. "These daggers are the best balanced most perfect daggers I've ever had, and nothing short of being told that I had to give them over," she smiles faintly at Tristan, "separates me from them." The worried look is off-set a bit by the faint grin on her face, "I really wanted to win. And by all means," she glances from Kal to Chas, "you should get your names on the list for RLI parties. Even if they're tough to remember entirely afterward, they're memorable all the same." That grin is aimed at Chas, "Next time, you stay at the party and ride it out. I could use a partner who doesn't slip and fall a few inches from the finish line!" <English>

Kallahan listens quietly until the party is mentioned again. "Ah, yes. I'd love to be on the list. From your reactions, it sounds like it was a blast." He smiles. And then he thinks of something. "Oh, I'll need you to leave me the gun you want modified," he comments. Maybe he had just now thought of that. Silly Kal. He turns his eyes to Chas again. "Please, just Kal. Or Kallahan if you prefer more formal. Mister Shamaria is my father." He looks to Cal again, and smiles. The expression would be somewhat reassuring, were he less pale than he is. Ah well. Can't have everything, can we? He turns back to the computer and touches a few keys on the screen, and then a page begins to print out. <English>

Tristan tisks, "Aw, I'll tell his grace you said that..." But she quickly shakes her head. "Well to be fair, next time you probably want a partner less intent on being fair. I don't suspect his grace felt it would have been appropriate for him to win his own contest." She shrugs. "But the Christmas party is coming up soon enough." She looks at the group. "I'll make sure you're all on the invite list." She slides the colt over the counter towards Kallahan, and then puts the other gun back inside her trenchcoat. "It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Kallahan, but I should be on my way. Just send me a wave whenever it's ready and I'll fly right over and pick it up." She smiles and waves as she starts to head towards the door. <English>

A slight turn of his head and a grin is Chas's first response to Cal "We might see 'bout that. Maybe the next time I can stick around. But as the Fen is my livelihood," he shrugs, the grin remaining. "I promise you, Kal," he says with a bow of his head "you won't be displeased." Chas doesn't miss the worried look on Cal, but says nothing about it. He just gives glances between Cal and Kal. "I look forward to it, Tristan. Tell the Duke that I send my thanks." <English>

"It was, yes," Cal confirms with another wry and slightly sheepish smile. "This is a reason I never drink in public, for the record. I'm way too competitive and there are way too many drinking games," is said in a quieter voice. With another quiet laugh of amusement, "That's a very good point, Tristan," she says and nods. "I'll see you then, if not before," she adds with a smile. "And this is why you give Pilots a good rep, Chas," she suggests. "Didn't I tell you, when we met, that I seem to run into pilots a lot? But all of you keep proving to be of the good and smart kind." Okay her eyes shift a little and that small frown forms for a moment, but what ever it is she doesn't remark on it. <English>

Kallahan smiles. "Awesome," he says. "I look forward to it. And it's been a pleasure dong business with you as well. Have a good evening, and try not to get too wet," he says. For the storm still rages on outside, wind blowing and gusting the rain even harder than it would be falling without the wind. Thunder still booms, lightning still flashes. He looks between Chas and Cal again, still smiling. He turns to lean against the counter again, seeming to be at ease. "'course, I know that can be confusing," he says. "With a Kal with a 'k' and a Cal with a 'c' hanging about..." He smiles again and looks to Cal. "What've you been up to lately? Besides having fun at Halloween parties." <English>

Tristan pulls out the collar of her trenchcoat and slips out the door with a wave. <English>

Chas chuckles a bit "I think the only confusing part will be if I call out Kal with a C or a K and you both answer...now that I think of it it might be down right ammuseing." Arms cross across his chest and he shrugs that typical shrug of his "Told you, Cal, that be with a C, that we pilots are a breed apart, now didn't I?" <English>

Cal tucks her hands back into her pockets and glances from Kal to Chas and back, "On one condition," she begins slowly, "that neither of you make fun of it! You guys can call me by my whole middle name so we don't get muddled up." She glances between them, pointedly, "promise?" She's briefly sidestepped the question about what she's been up to, getting to this detail first. <English>

A soft chuckle comes to the comments about C and K. "All else fails, you can call me Kalla, and her Cal. Though, I may still wind up responding to the called out 'Cal'." He smiles, and looks toward Cal. "Mmmm. Why would I make fun of your middle name? I promise, I won't," says Kallahan. "Won't make fun, that is." If he notices that sidestepping, Kallahan isn't saying anything. Might be that he didn't notice it. <English>

A sly grin comes to Chas as he looks to Cal with a slight cock to his head "I ain't never one to make promises that I can't keep, Cal. Surely you know that by now." He does chuckle as his own thoughts before dropping his arms to his side and turning to Kal. "I was talking to Cal, with the C, about a Desert Eagle. But I would like to know the modifications that can be made to one and about how much it would cost. Well at least the mods that I be wanting." Chas shrugs "Or there abouts as to the cost. Won't hold you to it till we get firm on one. Oh," Chas adds as an after thought "can you get hold on a Desert Eagle too?" <English>

Cal makes one of those expressions that's half embarrassed and half resigned, "Just.. humor me, okay? I was saddled with a mostly silly, and entirely fluffy, name. Iliana Calira," she explains. "I mean, the name should be assigned to someone who wears pink, fluffy dresses, silks and has some ridiculous hair style and freaks if she breaks a nail. I never," she emphasizes the next word, "ever," there's a separation to make the words distinct, "wear pink. Even Lirin can't make me do it. And she has the ultimate trump card, being my kid sister. But, you guys can call me Calira, I can handle that." She has her hands crammed kinda firmly into her pockets know, shoulders managing not to hunch a bit and she latches on to the conversation with joy, "About the DE, that is, it's shiney," as though this is news. "Can it be blackened so that it's not so bloody reflective - without gumming up the works? And I know where we can buy one, actually," she says, "though I brought mine with." <English>

Kallahan chuckles at the other man's reply to Cal's desire for a promise. And then on to Desert Eagles. "All depends on what you want. Here, there's a list of mods I currently offer on that stand over there on the counter," he says, nodding toward the list. "And I don't usually sell guns themselves, just modify guns people bring to me." He pauses. "However, I can likely contact Winchester Arms or the Outfitter place here in the city and get hold of one for you." He looks back to Cal. "You know, the last time you told me your name, I told you it was beautiful. I still feel the same way about it." He sounds completely serious, too. He probably is. He shifts a little there against the counter, moving his weight from his left foot to his right. "Calira it is," he says. "I like that name anyway." And then Cal comes to the rescue with the Desert Eagle stuff. Kallahan nods. "Oh yeah. It can be blackened easily enough." <English>

"You know, I might pay to see you all frilly and in pink, Illiana Calira, but that can be talked about later," Chas tells Cal with a wink "I won't be hold'n my breath though." He stifles a chuckle "Well if you know where to get one...As you can see," Chas opens his duster "I don't have a weapon right now. Be need'n one though, sooner rather than later." Where Chas was joking with Cal, he now shifts and listens intently to what Kal has to say. He nods and picks up one of the lists and scan's it over as Kal continues talking. "How long to do the mods, about?" Again he falls silent, as he studies the list, nodding a bit here, shrugging a bit there. But as for speaking any more, he holds his tongue as he listens and reads. <English>

Cal ducks her head slightly at Kal's compliment, even living with the silliness of her name this long still makes her a little.. well, silly about it. "Thank you," she says quietly then aims an elbow calmly at Chas and digs it into his side. "Don't make me hurt you," she warns with a grin, clearly feeling better once she's able to issue a threat. She keeps glancing at Kal with that worried look, not entirely convinced he's feeling fine but not pressing it. Yet. "Oh good. Because the shiney gun is nice and all, I like the way it fits in my hand, but it's too damned reflective - by half. It's the same reason that I blacken belt buckles if I'm going to be wearing it on assignment." <English>

The mention of seeing Cal all frilly in pink has Kallahan edging back away from the pair with a wince. Out of smacking range, as it were. Then talk turns back out of the danger zone.... for now at least... and Kallahan relaxes again. "Always handy to have a weapon on hand. I might just have something on hand that you could use.." He looks to Cal and nods. "You blacken guns much the same way as belt buckles. Same sort of process, though in this case, it's a matte enamel that I fire so it doesn't chip or fade later on. If you want, you can leave it here and I'll blacken your Eagle for you." He pauses. "I'll even show you how I do the process." This directed at Cal. <English>

With a satisfied nod Chas folds the list and stuffs it into an inner pocket of his duster which is closed up again. As he does, the elbow strikes home and Chas jumps a bit and grins. "Now now, Cal. Sure would hate to hit the wrong switch when we be out in space an me taking you somewhere. Elbows in the side tend to through me off." Again he winks as he turns to Kal "Don't worry none, Kal with a K. Cal with a C and I have an understanding. I don't do nothing stupid, she don't kill me. Works right finely for me I figure." He gives the weapon smith a grin "What kind of weapon would that be, Kal? Interest peeked he looks about as if it were to jump out all on it's own. <English>

Cal notes that Kal edges back - to what probably IS a safe distance - and makes a small sound that's part laugh part snicker. "I can't imagine going anywhere unarmed, it really unsettles me to have to do that," she admits. "See? That's what I'm talking about. The matte enamel, though I wouldn't have thought of the term. I usually just paint a belt buckle with a water proof resin that won't rub or sweat off on first contact." She eyes Chas, again, "There are no break down lanes in the sky, remember?" she teases with a grin. "Yeah, we have an understanding," is said with a laugh. "I'm going to help teach the crew some basic safety and security procedures to make sure they're up to snuff when they're out in the black. And vet some security officer applicants before they're hired. And really?" she asks, turning back to Kal, "I can watch you do the work?" <English>

Kallahan remains at that safe distance, though likely he knows he doesn't need to worry about Cal. He grins at Chas. "Sounds like a perfect understanding to me," he agrees. Then he nods to Cal. "I agree with you. Though you and I, we're never really unarmed, even when we don't have weapons on us. And teaching them safety and security is a good idea. I'm pleased with how well my little ship is getting along. We don't run a whole lot of cargo, she's only got about fifty tons capacity. But I have a forge ready for when I need to move around." And then that question, and he nods. "Of course you can. That's an open invitation. I'll even teach you how whatever you want to learn." <English>

"Well, I will let you two talk shop, I need to be get'n back to the ship." He smiles at Kal "It was good meet'n ya Kal. As soon as I get that weapon I will be back to get some mods done." Another smile and a dip of his head before he turns to Cal "I'll be seeing you sooner rather than later, Cal, hopefully." A slight wave and Chas makes his way to the door to leave. <English>

Cal's eyes have a decided gleam in them at Kal's words but she holds back from replying until nodding to Chas and saying, "I'll be aboard again by tomorrow afternoon," she promises and waves to Chas as he heads out. Now, that decided gleam. "You're not feeling well, even though your color is better. So.. now that it's just us, can you let me get you something? even if it's just a cup of water?" <English>

As the other man makes to leave, Kallahan steps away from the counter and says, "Let me get..." And then he's gone, before Kal can even really get the words out. "Ah well. Come on back to the back, I'll show you what I have in stock." Now that he's not leaning, that improved color goes back to being not improved anymore, back to that pale, almost pasty color. "Lemme lock the door and put up the closed sign real quick.." He moves easily enough for the door, though as he passes Cal, she'd be able to hear that his breathing is a little more audible than normal. Normally, his breathing can't really be heard at all. Now, his breaths are deeper than usual, thus can be heard. He pauses as he gets to the door and flips the lock closed, and the open/closed sign over so that closed faces out, then looks back to Cal. He nods. "You're right. I'm not. I'll be okay," he says, tone hopeful, like he's trying to convince not just her, but himself as well. He turns and leans briefly against the door and then moves to join Cal again so they can go into the back. <English>

Cal has her arms folded across her chest, giving Kal a long look that promises that she's both tenacious and stubborn. "Look," she says bluntly, "you're one of the few real friends I have, and one of the very few that I trust. So you," and as he walks closer she actually unfolds her arms and pokes one fingertip against his side, "are not allowed to . . well you're just not allowed to get really sick and stuff. Understood?" she says and damn if she doesn't put look as though she's ready to put an arm around him - just in case. <English>

Kallahan pauses and tilts his head at the woman. He actually comes to a stop beside her, and his expression softens. "You're one of my few real friends too, you know," he says. He takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly before gathering up the three guns he'd gotten orders on this day. "Come on," he says. "Come to the back and we'll talk. Well. I'll talk..." He swallows and looks away from Cal at that moment, as though ashamed. Now that, in and of itself, is unusual for Kal. <English>

Workshop - Kal's Custom Weapons - Persephone

This workspace is about the same size as the shoppe on the other side of the door. The difference is, the floorspace itself is cluttered with workbenches, as are the walls. Weapons in various dismantled states and tools of all kinds can be seen. The floor is plain, undressed concrete, and a couple of battered old stools are pushed under the work benches. One door leads to the shoppe, the other leads to the alley behind the shoppe. Both doors are reinforced steel. A staircase on the right leads to the storage room above.

Cal makes a small nod, studying Kal's face before saying, "Alright." She glances around the shop as well, as though checking it over, instinct, and follows Kal into the workshop. And, as always, when she steps into the workshop she is just fascinated with it. A weapon broken down into it's unique segments is like a toy - or a puzzle - to her point of view. Even if she doesn't want the gun or guns in question, just the pieces and the projects in motion fascinate her. But the fascination is set firmly on a back burner while she studies Kal and the set of his shoulders, trying to read into his body language, to discern what's amiss. <English>

To judge from the set of Kallahan's shoulders, tense and hunched in, it's almost as though he's afraid. Tenative at the best. He ignores all the projects sitting on the work benches, and heads for the huge walk-in safe. He taps in the combination and opens it up to reveal finished projects. "Lessee. I have a couple extra Colts, an extra HK, a katana, a survival knife, and my backup Eagles. Some other odds and ends. Nothing too fancy," he says, before turning back around. He leans back against the wall near the safe's door, and looks at Cal. Kallahan takes a deep breath. "I'm not any sicker, I promise. Just... wary, these days, around people where my health is concerned." That's definately not how he was before. <English>

Studying Kal is probably one of Cal's hobbies for the moment. Because she's worried now, even as she looks past him into the vault and smiles for a moment, "You have as many weapons in your vault as I do in my weapons locker," she admits. Her eyes lift to his and she walks forward and does something that's very un-Cal, because rule nine is all about personal space. "What happened?" she says even as she's invading the heck out of his personal space and hugs him. <English>

Kallahan smiles over at her as she comments on his vault. "Just need to put these in here and we'll be good to go," he says. And proceeds to start putting items in there. The HK first, then the Benelli, and finally the Colt. Then he turns back to Cal. Just in time for her to be walking toward him. He doesn't shrink away, quite the opposite. He relaxes, and his arms go around her too as he returns the hug. "Had a bad experience with a nurse. Had one of my episodes, you see. One of the nurses, Daisy, I think her name was, told one of the doctors there that I was 'just being a whiny male'." The words are soft, murmured, but audible, as close as Cal happens to be with that hug. <English>

As Kal relaxes, Cal actually rests her forehead against his chest, holding tight while he speaks. But when he's done she leans back, her expression full of indignation and fury on his behalf. "Daisy?" she demands, "What hospital? Or clinic?" she asks, "how dare she?" she also demands. "You are the.. least absolutely possibility of being a whiny male," she mutters. "What's she look like?" <English>

He's relaxed until the woman leans back again. Kallahan nods to the first question. "Mmhmm," he says. "She was on the Guan. Probably fired by now. Told Lydia and Daixa, and Anise at the time. Fairly certain she's no longer there." At least, he /hopes/ she's no longer there. He goes quiet for a time, and finally murmurs, "Really?" This is obviously in response to the least whiny male part. For the question of what she looks like, he says, "I don't recall. I was in the middle of an episode at the time, and, well, when she said that I sorta... shut down.." he sounds sheepish and ashamed at that. Then again, in fourty-odd years, it's the first time that anybody had ever accused him of such a thing. <English>

Cal does not at ALL look mollified by this data, "Well. I'll find out," she says anyway. "You're not the kind of guy who'd fake out an illness, to begin with. Let alone something like this," she adds and she's pretty close to stomping one foot on the floor in anger. "Look at me," she says firmly, poking him in the chest with one fingertip, "look at my face. You're not a faker, or a liar, or a .. whiney little.. well something. Look at my face," she repeats, "believe me." <English>

Kallahan really is sort of looking everywhere /but/ at Cal. He nods to her words with a murmured affirming sort of sound. "I know I'm not," he says quietly. "Who would want to fake feeling like this?" He shakes his head a little bit. Then she says to look at her, and he raises his eyes from the floor to her shoulder level. Then at the poking finger and the next order, he looks up to her face. "I..." He starts and then stops again, and looks away again. "In nearly twenty years of dealing with this.. nobody had ever said that to me before. What if I really was whining?" The question is spoken in a soft sort of tone. An ashamed tone. It's rather obvious that the whole incident has not only shaken his faith in other people where his medical issues are concerned, but also in himself. <English>

Cal reaches up both hands and rather firmly settles her hands against either side of Kal's face. "Look at me," she says yet again, tugging gently - yet firmly - at the same time to get him to meet her eyes this time. "So what? If you whine? It happens. I cried," she says rather abruptly. "I cried when i found out what Fao and Danee were doing, and that everyone had lied to me. I came here and you let me talk and I was feeling sorry for myself and I wanted to drink or fight or something. Anything. And you let me talk, you let me whine. So guess what?" She gives him the most subtle of shakes, "You're allowed to whine when you really really need to. Because you don't do it constantly. You're not the kind that does. You know how you feel, you know when things aren't right." <English>

The touch to the sides of his face get a small sort of reaction out of Kallahan: he jumps a little. He wasn't really expecting the touch. But once that little jump is done, Kallahan makes no move at all to pull away. He resists the tugging at his face, just a little at first, and then he looks up at her. "Crying isn't whining," he says softly, tone a touch wry. "You were hurting. They hurt you. That wasn't whining. Nor feeling sorry for yourself. And of course I let you talk. You needed to talk." He does nod to her words. "You're right, though... I know when things aren't right. And you're right... things aren't right.." Even as he says that, she might notice that the trembling has returned, and double what it was when Chas was still in the shop. "Help me over to the bench, please?" That's definately a sign that he doesn't think he can make it on his own. <English>

Cal puts one arm around Kal's side and puts her shoulder beneath his arm, "Drape it across my shoulders," she suggests and she can feel his trembling. Her jaw sets, firmly, worry stamped on her face and apparently in the tense body language. "Where's your medicine?" she asks quietly. "I should've known better, Kal, that's all. I should've known better. And that nurse? Unprofessional and unacceptable and if I can find her, I will have a lengthy talk with her about that," and again she's indignant to the extreme as she helps him over to the bench. <English>

"Oh yeah. Braedyn was going to talk to her as well," Kallahan says. His thinking seems to be a little disjointed. "In my pocket," he answers as he draps his arm over her shoulders. He uses all the help he can get in moving over to the bench, and once there, he all but flops onto the bench. As much of a flop as Cal will allow, at least, and then he's digging into his pocket and forcing deep, even breaths. The breathing alone helps ease a lot of the trembling. Not all, but a lot. "The heart isn't rational, Cal," he says to her. "Should have known better or not, the heart loves and cares when it chooses, not when we want it to." <English>

"You fish out the bottle and I'll get you something to drink," Cal says firmly, "want me to find some cold water or will tap water be alright?" she asks next. "Which ever you prefer," she hastily adds, smiling for a moment, "Lirin can't even get me to take vitamins on a regular basis, so I can't say which is best." She rests one hand on his left shoulder, "It ought to be rational. But it isn't. And once I stopped being so.. embarrassed and mad? I haven't felt this good, this.. relieved in a long time. Now that I'm away I see things clearer and I'm happier for it. And thanks to you, letting me talk it out, I felt better. Still do. And you know, that nurse is no nurse. Because the first thing a nurse is supposed to do is care, and help. Instead she hurt you." <English>

Kallahan nods and finishes fishing the bottle out. "Don't need any water. This isn't a swallow pill. This is a dissolve it under the tongue sort of pill," he says, even as he's fiddling with the lid on the bottle. Thankfully, it's one of those kind that you just flip off and is attached by a thin piece of plastic. He shakes a pill onto his hand and then flips it up and into his mouth, manuevering it under his tongue where it's supposed to be. He closes the bottle and nods to her words, smiles at her. "Good. I'm glad you feel good." The words are somewhat muffled, by holding that pill under his tongue. Then the last words, and he nods his agreement. "She didn't think about how her words would sound to me at all." <English>

Cal watches intently at Kal takes the medicine, nodding slightly as he does so before she glances around then scuffs one foot across the floor and takes a seat right in front of him and rests her elbows on her knees. She tilts her head back so that she can meet his eyes easily, "No, she didn't. And anyone that .. badly trained to use those kind of words, well, i still say she isn't a nurse or trained enough to be one, let alone possessing of enough empathy to be a nurse." She quirks a small smile up at him, "Are you sure you're not thirsty?" <English>

Again comes the nod of agreement. "I haven't been back there since," he said. He makes a face as the pills continues to dissolve. "I'd love something to drink after this pill is done dissolving. It's kind of.. bitter." Judging from Kallahan's grimaced expression, 'bitter' is an understatement. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a few seconds, leaning back against the workbench behind the bench bench. Even now, his color is starting to improve, going from that pasty white color back to something resembling normal for him. Still pale, but no longer 'death warmed over' pale. <English>

Cal rises to her feet again, dusts her hands off on her pants then walks over to the sink and opens the cupboard and takes one out before turning the faucet and letting it run for a moment. She rinses her hands off then fills the cup, turns off the faucet, and carries it back to Kal. "I take it that 'bitter' is Kal-speak for 'awful on par with sucking a lemon' or worse?" <English>

Kallahan opens his eyes at the feel of Cal moving off the bench, and watches her move to the sink, and then watches what she does there. He chuckles softly at her words. "Mmm... 'bitter' is Kal-speak for way worse than lemons. Ever had an uncoated pain pill? About fifty times worse than that for bitter taste." The things one will do to remain in the land of the living... <English>

"I've choked down a few in my time," Cal admits as she takes a seat again, "usually exactly that. Choked - down. They taste awful and I don't like medicine." She again rests her elbows on her knees, looking rather comfortable in fact. "Those things can't be coated, though, because it would take longer to dissolve and you need a rapid acting medicine, right?" <English>

"I'm not overly fond of medicine either. But eh, gotta do what I gotta do, right?" Kallahan grimaces again. "Right. I'm ready for that water now," he says. "And right. Can't be coated, because they'd take longer to dissolve. Plus, once the coating was dissolved, they'd taste just as bad as before the coating was put on. And, needs to be rapid acting, yeah. Can't be in the middle of an angina attack and need something that will dissolve in thirty seconds take five minutes." He smiles. <English>

Cal looks a bit chagrined as she leans up and hands Kal the mug, "Exactly as I figured, and I'm no doc by a long shot. But having to choke down pain pills while being stitched up," she gives a small chuckle. "Yeah. You go through a lot just to be up and around still. See what I mean? A lesser person would've whimped out a long time ago." <English>

Kallahan gratefully accepts the mug, and takes a long drink from it. "I doubt I'm ever going to get used to those things. They're horrible. Pain pills aren't actually half bad, compared to the digi I take." He nods in agreement with going through alot. "Living is worth it, I figure," he says. Then chuckles softly and nods. "I suppose you're right." At least he's admitting it. "But I think I'm ready to whimp out for an hour or three at least right now. D'you mind postponing watching me work until tomorrow? I don't have the energy in me to work the forge tonight after having been through that episode just now. Not that it was much of an episode but.." He pauses a moment, a perplexed look coming over his face. "And now I'm babbling, aren't I?" <English>

"Like I'm going to stand over you and poke at you like some sort of barbarian and try to make you work on my gun? Let me think on this," Cal says, actually rolling her eyes up slightly to stare at the ceiling. "Oh, riiight. I'm not a crazy selfish nutjob?" She chuckles suddenly, "You are, officially, a mook. Which translates into silly and nonsensical - at times. So, mook, as long as you're sure you're fine, I'll head out and catch up with you tomorrow - stipulating that you're feeling well enough for me to duck out." <English>

He can't help a laugh that follows her words. "You might?" He grins, obviously not being serious. Kallahan chuckles. "Mook? I think I like that. And," he says, sobering a little bit. "I should be fine, but if you want to stay and watch over me, I won't argue to that either. I /should/ be alright now that it's settled again, but strange things have happened before." <English>

Cal makes a thoughtful sound as she stands up, "I'll stick around and make sure you settle in alright," she decides, dusting her hands off again and rubbing one hand against the back of her neck. "You've got a couch, I've seen it," she reminds and chuckles, "your reputation is safe, I assure you," is teased lightly. but it's clear from the worry in her eyes that she isnt' done being worried either. <English>

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