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RP Log            Ethical Decisions

Characters           Xian Nu Ashcroft, Grey C. Ashcroft, Artesia Hunter & Calira Dumont

When           2525 Apr 12      (2009 Aug 6)

Where            Jia - Medical Bay

Summary         In the aftermath of the rescue on Whittier two members of the Jia crew are wounded, Bmal Enyad and Danee, leaving the doctors Ashcroft to tend to them. The discussion of treatment options leads to a dialogue about medical ethics and the question of what the definition of family means in the black.

          With tiled floor, and whitewashed walls, this space gives the feeling of being antiseptic and cold. Three of the walls of the compartment are dominated by cabinetry and storage, while the fourth wall has a long waist high bench with power, compressed gas, and cortex connections interspersed at regular intervals along it.
          Outfitted as a medical bay, the long bench is almost cluttered with a variety of diagnostic equipment, and a couple of cortex terminals to serve multiple people working simultaneously. The open expanse of the central floor is occupied by a high tech automated doctor's bed, and a smaller exam table. It is a functional space, laid out to be as utilitarian as possible, using the space as efficiently as could be managed.

          Grey looks back to Xian after checking on the victims and then looks to Danee and Enyad. " I am fine, I may look bad but can go for a bit longer. someone needs to look after the kids, food and all what is needed with to make them survive longer." now moving to Enyad and lightly touching his body and then Danee, feeling by touch and the back of his hand. " Well, they feel better, the both of them." <English>

          "Please tell me you did not feed them your famous brownies Doctor Ashcroft." There is a slight teasing tone to her voice. Xian is sitting on a stool between the two beds and Grey is standing over Danee's bed reading the computer read outs. <English>

          Grey is standing now and he chuckles lightly towards Xian. " Oh no, would not put them through that horror and they possible sense or whatever they do to know it be a bad idea to eat them>" he walks on over after checking on Danee and looks at Xian. " You my dear should be in bed, sleeping, you are to be resting." <English>

          The medbay is quite possibly the least-visited place on the ship, in Cal's list of places to visit, tour, spend time, linger, etcetera. Very few good things happen in medbays, in her opinion, other than getting patched up and sent back out again. she's always in favor of the 'sent back out again' portion of the show, of course. But with Danee and the captain in the medbay she turns her steps often in this direction, pausing between the two beds, studying the forms resting - or not resting - upon them with a look of intense worry. This is one of those times, and she is approaching the medbay quietly after having followed instructions to change into sterile attire, securing her hair back from her face and stuffing it up in one of those knit caps to keep it out of the way before stepping inside. <English>

Xian tests her Listen against a 80 difficulty. The result is successful (29).

          "I have had more rest that I can even dream of in the past few weeks and months than I have had in many years dear Doctor." She offers him a warm loving smile, the formality between them seems to melt as they think they are alone. But the sound footsteps brings Xian to her feet and she waits, for a second her dark eyes becoming unreadable. "Sounds like we have a visitor." <English>

          Grey looks to Xian and raises a brow with a chuckle. " even with my snoring dear doctor?" as he arches a brow and then chuckles. Now looking towards Danee, which really perplexes him, he can't do much for her but the captain, he knows what to do with easily enough. Then his head snaps up to look who is the visitor. <English>

          Cal steels herself and firmly schools her expression into one of bland neutrality, trying to get the look to enter her eyes but not quite capable of chasing the look of worry into concealment. The hatch open and she steps inside, sweeping the area with a quick gaze around and back to first Xian and then Grey, both of whom are given firm nods of greeting before she moves another pair of footsteps inside so that the hatch can close again. "Doctors Grey," she says in a quiet voice. "How fares Danee and the captain?" <English>

          "Even with you snoring, in fact in an odd way it is comforting to hear at night." Xian follows his gaze. "Call me crazy but I have been thinking, what if we tried to have one of the children try to find her, or what kept telling her that it is alright, we love her and miss her, I am out of traditional ways, this is all I can think of, either that or start to recite the heart sutra in hopes she hears it." She looks over at Cal and offers her a bow. "Enyad is sleeping, but healing, and Danee's condition has not changed." <English>

          Grey chuckles some at Xian. " Comforting, now that is..different." then as Cal enters he nods to her and as she asks her question he looks to both Danee and Enyad as Xian answers Cal's question. " The captain will heal, he is a strong man, mentally and physically. if he was not, what happened to him would have killed him." then looking back to Xian. " I am not sure if I am comfortable with that, though they seem to know more than usual. Still think if her friends and family come and talk to Danee, maybe one will ..maybe break through that barrier or that mental state she is in." <English>

          Cal nods before she ventures another step or two, glancing from Danee to the captain and back. She turns her steps towards Danee first, making her way around so that she can study Danee's face, trying to read something - some sense - into all of this. "I don't know anything about comas or stuff like this, and I know even less about the extra squick of a talent that makes her have to do what she has to do, but if those kids can reach her in a way that we can't, my vote would be to give it a try." She glances up, from one doc Grey to the next, "What exactly happened?" <English>

          Xian grows quiet and waits for Grey to Answer Cal, on that one. She goes back to contemplating treatment options. <English>

          Sia returns to medbay after departing several hours earlier for a nearly forced four-hour nap. She does not look very rested. "How are they?" she asks, softly, giving Cal a weak smile. "Any change for the better? Hopefully none for the worse..." <English>

          Grey shrugs about the kids trying to communicate with Danee, he has no clue about what they have, could make it worse . " We shall see but it is a decision that she can answer or who anyone that is family to her and or protectors." yeah he is not sure about that but for the moment he is thinking. " We got a little from the captain, stating that he found Danee on the floor and three or two others around dead and the one child that had been experimented on was also dead, thinking that Danee had killed them." he lets that rest in the air for now, the impact of it hit him good that Danee has that potential. Then as he see's Sia walk into the medbay he smiles. " They are the same, other than the captain looking a little better." <English>

          Cal pivots slightly and aims her best attempt at a smile at Sia, but the attempt doesn't last long and she's once again solemn. "Hey Sia," she offers in return then looks down at Danee for a silent moment. She draws a slow deep breath, exhales it just as slowly and says, "Sia, the Doc's need permission from Danee's family to try some unorthodox treatment. Who can sign off on that sort of thing?" She glances now to the other biobed and the resting form of the captain face down on the medical bed. She curls her hands slightly and resists the impulse to cram her hands into pockets that don't exist. "I'm sure whatever was done was done because it had to be. How did the captain get hurt though?" <English>

          "There was a blast." Xian finally chimes in as she then looks over a Sia with a warm smile. Her mannerism go back to being formal, yet very polite and there is undercurrent of kindness to her soft voice. <English>

          Sia manages to summon another smile for Grey and Xian, but it's as weak as the first. She isn't in a smiling mood, and isn't likely to be. "Killing is so far beyond Danee's essential nature that she would do nothing of the sort unless she were very deeply motivated toward her own survival, or the survival of someone she cared about very deeply. So if she even /hurt/ anyone, she was quite well motivated to do so. And if it is my permission you are asking, you have it. If it's her family's permission, I can get it when we're back in civilization, and if you tell me what you have in mind I may be able to give it to you by proxy. And if they disagree with me, I give far less than a cheap plastic damn right now." <English>

          "Frankly, if they object - or if we think they'll object - then we go to rule 15. Rule fifteen," Cal explains, "states that it's easier to beg for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission." <English>

          Grey listens to Cal for a moment and then nods to Xian as she explains. " yes and explosion and it seems to have got shrapnel in his back, luckily for armor or it would have torn him there and he would not be here now." then he looks to Sia and listens to her words and he shakes his head. " I wish I could say, let’s try it but I cannot, it is something I do not do without consent of family." looking to Danee, not much change and her brain activity the same. " She will live like this fine for now, we do need to have her arms and legs moving , to keep the circulation going though." he is concerned. " If she has a father or mother or even a sibling, that would be alright. Though I do not have anyone listed in her medical records, other than another man on there as guardian." <English>

          "Doctor this is one of the few times where I will have to agree, with others. If it works it works if it does not I do not think it will drive her further than she has already gone, I do not think she is ready to die, I am guessing that those that she loves is what keeps her hear. A few young soldiers sometimes retreat into a catatonic state when faced with the harsh realities of war, especially if they think or have killed someone, when they have high moral standards and deep regard for all living things. I do not know how correct I am in this assessment, for I do not know Danee that well, and I am drawing my conclusions from pervious conversations." Xian says softly as she rises from her stool to allow others to sit between the two beds. "I say let’s try the treatment." <English>

          "It's either try to reach her on a channel that she can understand, or risk letting her lay there until her muscles seize," Cal says grimly. She rests one hand lightly upon Danee's shoulder before she walk to the other bed and gazes down at the Captain. <English>

          Sia frowns a little. "At least there's that. He'll live, and recover, and that's what counts." As Grey continues, she frowns a little more. "I understand your objections, Doctor, but there are a few critical facts I'm either curious about, or feel you should be aware of. One, who is the person cited in the records? Two, if she has any family, she's never introduced us to them, beyond her Romany family in general. Three, I /am/ family to her by adoption, and if going against an unknown family member gets me outcast, I am willing to live with that. Especially if it saves her far-more-valuable-than-mine life here and now." She meets Grey's eyes, her own bleak but resolute. "Do it. Unless I'm needed to fly the ship, I'll be here with her." <English>

          Grey looks to all three females, yes Xian, Cal and Sia. Even his wife is going against his own better judgment, he eyes Danee for a long time, he does not move. He is still not sure, maybe if he can talk to the children, maybe see somehow , see how they. " I will not agree to it, no until I have talked to the children more. and Miss Cal, she will not her muscles seize, plenty of people around and utilities that can be used in this kind of condition." then he starts to think of a hospital but no, they would say something to the wrong people. He is stuck in a moral code and medical code that he has followed for years, maybe he is to much military. Then Sia speaks and he looks to her, raising a brow at her words and he frowns some. " Miss Sia, I am not sure how you are related but in her records it states that her guardian been a Mr. Yaw and a Mr. O'Donald. Unless I am mistaken, they be the ones to contact for permission, AM I right or am I wrong?" yes he is not going to be pushed and if they want to do so, they can do so without his consent. He is a man of fact and a humans brain is his specialty, very delicate. " Now , if you will excuse me." as he can see he is possibly going to lose something soon. <English>

          "The muscles will not seize but she will develop bedsore, or ulcers of the skin if you will, and her muscles will instead atrophy, and lose mass, her bones will become brittle." Xian looks at the three of them. "She could even develop a yeast infection in her mouth despite our best efforts, the list can go on, I personally would rather have her not face that fate. Doctor Ashcroft, I understand what you are saying but I do not agree with it, this is what I would classify as a medical emergency, the patient is unresponsive and is unable to communicate her wishes with us and her guardians are miles away and we are unable at this time to break silence, perhaps she signed a waiver of some sort that states that she gives consent to her shipmates, to help choose the right treatment for her if she is not able to do so herself." Xian responds back. "But I also respect you and your wisdom as a Neurologist and Neurosurgeon, I am just stating mine." <English>

          Leaving the medical babble debate between the doctors, where it firmly belongs, Cal reaches out now and rests one hand carefully - lightly - upon the captain's shoulder. She looks to Sia for a moment and ventures, "It's Yaw the name of the Romany elder? And Mr. O'Donald.." she tilts her head slightly, "ah yes. Hase?" <English>

          "As for the children I am charmed by them and I am worried about them, they have been experimented on, they have visible and not visible scars from their ordeal. But right now I think we can help them and they can help us." Xian adds. "I do not know exactly what they did to them, but I will find out...but I am going to move slowly and carefully with them like they are patients with PTSD." <English>

          Grey stops before moving away from the medbay, he is obviously tired as he is not really in the mood to explain but he turns and looks to Xian for a long moment. " Doctor Ashcroft, you may be right for years ago, there are medical beds that keep that going for us, the fluids we provide, the physical activities required can be done on this expertly done medical bed. I constant look to make sure things are done properly and it will take us a day or two to get to Paquin or where ever it is needed." he takes in a long breath and lets it out slowly. " as for the children, how stable are their minds, do we really know, without the medical procedures and knowhow of what they have done, no one knows." he shakes his head, looking at them all. "You go ahead with it, and it is against my consent on this, at least at this time, I will speak to the children and if we had all the proper equipment, things would go smoother but we do not, this is my knowledge in this, can we really say that in that precise moment that one of them will not snap and ...anyways, I go to rest and think on this, good day..or night." <English>

          Sia shakes her head. "Sometimes I really hate my job..." she murmurs. Continuing in a more normal volume, she nods to Cal. "Yes to both. Yaw I'm deadly certain of, Hase almost so... he was until relatively recently her husband. Both are many, many miles from here. As for the children, I'll support you fully on that, Xi. I know at least a little of what they can do, from personal experience. Danee seems to be the only one who can communicate with them on all levels. At least they trust us, for the most part. Regrettably, we've never operated on the basis of wavers. Only words. But she trusts me with her life."

          Sia looks to Ashcroft. "I am her adopted cousin, Doctor, and her only other relation aboard this ship, by marriage and adoption, is filling our other medbay bed, to my vast regret. Hase quit over a year ago, and quit the marriage as well, also to my vast regret. Knowing at least a little about who and what we're dealing with, I believe I can safely say we're operating in waters you've never seen before in all your years as a neurosurgeon." Her eyes move to Enyad, then to Danee, both unmoving. "As much as I may understand your position, I cannot agree with it." <English>

          "Doctor Ashcroft, I am not incorrect in my assessments, or if I am perhaps it is time that I retire." Xian offers him a deep bow respect, her voice is calm cool and collected, her eyes dark eyes are unreadable. "This is your ship and your patients, I am just merely giving you another option, your ruling in her treatment will stand." She offers him another bow. <English>

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