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These are some fun little things that each ship class can be considered capable of.

For now, they're just ideas.

  • Cityship Cruisers - They can carry an entire aviation wing. Fighters, bombers, you name it.
  • Longbow Patrol Cruiser - Macross Missile Massacre; good for long-distance missile-spam attacks; 50% of their armament is meant for long-range.
  • Chimera Battlecruiser - Built for close in combat. Heavy-duty, low-mass armor, and heavy hitting cannon designed to tear the hell out of anything.
  • Trebuchet Battlecruiser - Nuclear Launch Detected. Actually a mass driver; a 30kg slug accelerated through various trickery to absolutely ridiculous speeds, say around.... 9000 km/s (3% of the speed of light). Requires special security clearance to work aboard, main cannon protected by permissive action links, it hits like a nuke, and can be targeted at least as accurately.
  • Orion Heavy Frigate - Multirole craft, usually set up for light patrols. Commonly used for Border patrols.
  • Hecate Heavy Frigate - New design, same profile as the Orion.
  • Aeolus Medium Frigate - Core and Border patrols. NEVER left sitting when heavy fighter activity is anticipated.
  • Avila Logistical Support Carrier - A supply ship by any other name. Carries fabrication and maintenance facilities for everything under the sun(s) that you can fit aboard a ship, plus all sorts of provisions. Lightly armed.
  • Scylla Intelligence Cruiser - Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to hide? Or jam our electronics? Sorry, you fail. Never goes anywhere alone, 'cause it's a) expensive as hell, and b) fragile enough that it explodes into several billion very expensive bits if someone so much as coughs in its general direction.
  • Hippocrates Medical Frigate - It's a military hospital ship. Got bigass red crosses on white backgrounds plastered on it in so many places, if you say you didn't see them, you were ignoring them, or you're blind. Lightly armored. Can barely cover itself with CIWS.