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Recent History

August 2525

  • Suzanne Teresa becomes the latest addition to the Morgan family line, arriving at the Morgan Ranch on Londinium a little earlier than planned for. This is why you should never sneak a surprise weekend visit to the in-laws... something always happens! Maggie and Tash take time off from work on the Ethereal Embrace for an extra couple of weeks on Persephone to get to know her after their return. The other hazard of in-laws and new babies: sometimes they don't want to wave them goodbye...

December 2524

  • Maggie and Tash finally wed. The ceremony is held under temporary pavilions at the Eavesdown Racetrack rose gardens, where she and Tash first spent time talking and eating take-out. Officiated over by Tacitus and observed by friends (most of whom are members of Ethereal Embrace and Ethereal Investigations, it is disturbed by the arrival of Ponygirl jumping the rails (literally). One of Tashes of unit in the war, now 'respectable' and a sheriff, she's shown up to make sure Tash does things right. A somewhat surprised Gene finds herself holding the reins of a tidy little Morgan mare while Ponygirl, aka Tiffany, steps up next to Nova, Maggies maid of honour, and declares herself 'best man'. Leutrim grabs this wonderful distraction and the wedding continues while he escapes to walk and rub-down the mare instead of enduring the purgatory or sitting still through all the talk. Passe shows up unexpectedly and goes into shock at the sight of Nova in a very tasty formal dress. Lee is blindsided by the brides bouquet which gets caught by his recording gear before he can dodge, and the day finishes with a grand bbq. One could not accuse the event of being boring!

October 2524

  • Maggie leaves the Redemption and after an interview, she and Tash find a welcome on the Ethereal Embrace. Warily optimistic, despite being frazzled and exhausted, the pair wonder just what this new berth will be like, and for how long.
  • A lovely meal cooked by Tacitus and followed by a light dessert made my Maggie almost results in the death of her new boss. Oops! Leutrim is given first aid by Elliot and Tash and rushed to the medical Wellness Clinic. He is released 48 hours hours later with no ill-effects. Elliot and Tash dispose of the fresh strawberries responsible by eating them.

May 2524

  • A run with the MWC shuttle to deliver medical supplies to Lilac turns into a nasty little stopover for Maggie and Tash, involving a shuttle shot down over the landing pad, and an impromptu quarantine to control 'Silent Death' (as the infection is known on the street) when one of the passengers infects the small hospital there.
  • A second Medic is found for the ship - Penelope.
  • End of May, Maggie finally decides Tash is serious, and Crow gives them matching ink. Even if it doesn't last, it will be a reminder of an unexpected friendship that seemed meant.

April 2524

  • Caught in the mess on Persephone as an overloaded transport lightens itself by dropping a hundred head of live cattle on the spaceport. Resigned but annoyed that all the cortex 'news' shows are Alliance troops 'responding' to the emergency after everything but the fires were dealt with.
  • Responsible for the 'pussyfying' of Murph, Crow's pup. Said pussyfying consisting of a pound of beef jerky treats as bribes to reduce the animal to a state of somnolent bliss, washing, fluffing, and a red bow. Crow was ... impressed.
  • Victim, along with Tash of the infamous Panda Ambush launched by Crow and Pixie. Worse yet, the Captain Alabaster Smith takes pictures!
  • A replacement pilot for Passe is trialled, one Janus. Looks like Remus might finally get some sleep!

March 2524

  • Meets Tash at the Dregs Bar & Grill during an extended layover on Persephone. Takes a liking to him and suggests he check out the Redemption for hiring.

February 2524

  • Passe vanishes. Maggie worries, but hopes he's merely hopped ship.

January 2524

December 2523

  • Gives Pix a unique Christmas present: a scar. Nothing like emergency surgery for appendicitis to enliven a holiday.

October 2523

  • Wheee! Mass taserings in the shower as Crow returns from the dead. Pix takes immediate action against the zombie in her shower - Thunderdome Shower Style.

August 2523

  • Thanks to circumstances, Maggie meets Higgins Moon and is unimpressed as Pixie & crew get involved in the mysterious Mudder disappearances.
  • Makes the aquaintence of the folks (Lee and Dale who also do the docterin' thing) helping out with the dissappearances, and promises to look them up if she makes it to Persephone.

April 2523

  • Newly graduated, Maggie used up most of her stored luck by scoring a place on the Redemption
  • ... But was it good luck, or bad? Pix introduces Passe's nose to a boot. Misfortune.

decorative line



Maggie's family comes from the rural harvesting hub of Adamstown, the capital of the temperate archipelago of Whitestone Isles on Greenleaf. A descendant of first-generation terraforming crew, her parents (John and Denise Wolfe) own a pharma-farm on one of Whitestone Isles as well as shares in a local co-op and stakes in their sons' landholdings. Two older brothers, Michael and Tony Wolfe, own farms near her parents place. Both are married with children. All are investing in the Co-op's project to explore, classify, preserve and (eventually) develop sections of the Southern Highlands area - the next zone planned for release by planetary authorities - to add to the family acreage.
She has three stepsons, Hiroshi, James, and Akira Anders, all older than Maggie, from her marriage to Nathan Anders. The relationship is cordial, but cool - Maggie had little to do with them or their families except on formal occasions or monthly family meals.
Sona and Burem Dhekale, siblings and some of the numerous fostered/sponsored children from Nathan Anders charitable interests. War-orphans, Burem is a year younger than Maggie, but Sona is the closest thing Maggie has to a sister, despite the decade or so difference in their ages. Burem has appointed Maggie to be Sona's official guardian in the event of his death or disability.

OOC Uncommon Knowledge / Pre-IC

Maggie grew up on Greenleaf, one of those children afflicted by the barely acknowledged problem that grows with each generation - allergies. Pollen, sap, dried fibres... her immune system freaked almost every time the wind chanced. Protective, caring but not loving, Maggies parents and family raised her in the expectation that she'd be married off as early as possible. With brothers to take over the family business, the best contribution she could make (given her grades) was to keep out of it. Unfortunately, her grades were bad not because she wasn't smart, but because school was, to be frank, boring. So she played around as much as they let her, and pretended to be just another little sister waiting her turn.
Because of her allergies, playing around was restricted to things at home, like writing and drawing. Girl in a bubble, until she was about 10 and the doctors came up with drugs to help control it. She's learned to live with it but never learned to life it - and while she still needs to take the drugs to control the itching, sneezing, and watery eyes offworld, its controllable. She hasn't turned into a twitching ball of weeping and inflamed flesh since she left Greenleaf.
Nathan Anders, a trader out of New Melbourne looking to make it good in the core worlds, married her as soon as it was legal. He got his 'in' with the notables (not nobles) on Greenleaf, and they were allowed to buy shares in his company. Maggie didn't mind. She wasn't the only kid in the family, she sure wasn't the smartest when it came to schooling, and it got here away from her over-protective family. When her husband died a few years later, she felt no need to go home and put up with attempts at remarriage, and took off instead - with the blessing of several board members, who had always regarded the marriage with startled and bemused eyes.
Sketch of Maggie.
At first she travelled planetside, then spread her wings - discovering her vids and writing had an audience both in the Core and the Rim worlds, and that she could also _help_ people, just as she'd helped persuade her husband to make conditions for his workers that little better, and accidentally given the company a boost when the government brought in penalty taxes to cover compensation to injured workers. The lawyers put this down to more proof of a level of unexpected cunning in the trophy-wife, and started treating her with a degree of respect they hadn't before. They got her into med school, and she studied hard. Never top of the class, but she passed, and that is what counts. No hospital on Ariel will ever offer her a job, but if you're dying there are worse docs to hold your hand and make sure you don't go alone.
Anders Fisheries - itself owners of and part owner in a number of ventures - runs under the care and control of its board of directors whose interest in her is minimal, and who pay her regularly because of the shares her husband owned. It has a sizable sideline in aquaculture-based pharma - everything from the latest skincare cream to bandages for burn treatment probably contains some of their products in them. Respected, they do also have their shady side, since a number of the algae and seaweed-derived items can, and have been, used in the manufacture of illegals. One drug, street name Glo, is purified from a noxious little fish which is covered in slime as a protective coating. Used medicinally, the drug is invaluable in the treament of some medical conditions. Abused, it acts as a carrier which heightens the impact of anything taken with it. Nominally the company has the only licence to produce it as they developed the fish in the first place and illegals are sourced from wild escapees, but in truth its an open secret that more comes onto the market than wild stocks could account for.
Maggie had so far hopped and worked her way around, deadheading on company owned ships if they're in port, paying her way otherwise, selling her vids and stories or the 'verse to avid readers in the core. The factual tales are under her own name. The others - aren't. They also sell better. Its no exactly a secret who the writer is, but she never admits to it is asked. Ever. So far, she manages to write 1-2 travel books or vids a year, and a couple of erotic adventures/romance as well while traveling. How much of the latter is wishful thinking and how much is experience is also something she never tells.

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