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Winchester Estate Landing Pad - Hera ->Hera<-

The landing pad is a smaller one, but one that can accommodate even the largest of ships, it's a circular area cut out of a clearing surrounded by beautiful greeneries to give things a more simplistic look. From the landing pad there is two old cobble stone paths leading through a spiraling hedge that twists round and round until one goes northwest, ending at the front door of a rugged frontier estate home, while the other goes northeast leading up to a large warehouse complex.

Winchester                             Leutrim                                
Aelfred                                Weapon Check - 18879                   
Environment Analyzer - 13351           Security System - 18862               
<NE>     Lounge                        <NW>     Estate                        
<SV>     Serenity View               

Current Serenity MUSH time: [ Fri Jan 23 20:56:34 2009 ]

IC Time: Mar 19, 2524 - 06:27:46

Winchester tests his Gather_Information against a 65 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-9).

Morning on Hera at this hour with winter not yet having released her grip, but warmer air seeping in as spring flirtatiously pokes her nose about, causes a thick mist to rise over the rolling land. It is almost time for his shift. Having arisen early as is his custom when working, Leutrim brings Aelfred out for his canine morning business and a leisurely walk around the perimeter of the estate grounds. Almost the mist gives everything a mystical, almost magical feeling that could lull a person into thinking they were all alone in the world. Certainly it muffles sound and makes for a peaceful outting as the sun's rising light casts a diffused, soft glow in the east. Aelfred himself is not the least disuaded from his doggy duties. He scampers off leash sniffing trails in the dewy, lightly frosted grass seeking scents, tail up. The dog runs ahead of Leu and seems very content to pee and mark every little thing that catches his interest, even stopping to dig and throw bits of earth now and then to mark his territory along the boundaries of the estate.<English>

Amber arrives from Winchester Repeating Arms - Hera. Amber has arrived.

Eugene arrives from Winchester Repeating Arms - Hera. Eugene has arrived.

Amber, in turn, is taking her morning hot chocolate while walking along the garden paths the clear her head for the day - smelling, as usual, of that light vanilla scent she wears, but not (yet) of the cloves she chews. <English>

It would seem that Lord Winchester desired a walk about the front gardens that doubled as a landing pad on his Estate this morning, and it would seem that he is not alone as Mashall Purdee, dressed in a brown and dark green wool suit and gentleman's hat, walks beside his Lord as they move towards the Winchester Repeating Arms section. It would seem that the prodigle buttler has returned home, and given the mutual expression shared by both Lord and Major Domo, the search on Persephone didn't yeald much. <English>

Out for her morning jog, Eugene had followed along the garden, looped around just to explore and now found herself down by the stables. Pausing to catch her breath, she stops to lean on the wooden fence surrounding one of the paddocks, watching the horses. <English>

Aelfred is ignoring him, but Leutrim doesn't wish to quite call the dog back to make him heel either. From his jacket pocket he draws out their play ball and gives it a few squeezes to flex his hands, a common exercise for him as well as for making the dog retrieve it. A low whistle to get the German Shepherd's attention, the mist t hin enough to see a short distance before things are softened, "Here boy! Come here, Aelfred." Leutrim's baritone carries a little in the morning light. Aelfred lifts his muzzle from the wet grass and pricks his attention before loping back towards Leutrim. Once the dog comes up looking expectant and sees the ball, Leu grins and throws it as hard and as far as he can with his right arm, "Get it!" Off like a shot the dog turns and shoots off through the higher grass of the lower slope below the firing range. Not, incidently, very far from Eugene's paused location, though not close either. <English>

Amber catches sigh of Gene, waves, and heads down to join her, laughing athe sight of Aelfred-faster-than-a-speeding butllet dog! <English>

"So... It seems that the Hunters have a handle on it so far on Persephone..." William comments softly as he begins his ascent up towards the automated door into the Lounge, a bit of relief in his voice, but also a bit of concern as well.

"So it would seem, Master William..." Marshall adds, following up just behind his patron. "But, never forget... The guild is exceptionally 'tight-lipped' when conducting internal investigations... Trust me on that..." the butler continues. <English>

Eugene now leans about halfway over the fence, arm outstretched as her fingertips wiggle in an attempt to coax a black gelding just a -little- closer. "C'mere, Steel. You remember me, right boy?" a click of her tongue and the horse's ears prick, he even goes so far as to stop foraging to wuffle her hand. It's empty though, and that's disappointing to a horse, so down that head goes, resuming his quest for anything of an edible grassy nature. "Mornin' Amber." Genie says, glancing over her shoulder as the woman approaches. <English>

Over the Repeating Arms Co. Security channel there is a few blips, and static then one of the other security guards starts talking. "We have an unidentified ship coming close to the estate, it looks like..." At that moment, the shadow of a ship passes overhead blocking out the morning sun for a short period of time... just as it looks like it's flying on it's way it turns around and starts coming back. "Lord Winchester we have a ship landing, or attempting to sir." <English>

Amber gives Gene a smile, the gelding a wary smile and a soft 'loves carrots, that one' before the crackle and shadow have her looking up for signs of a ship IN trouble - or one likely to CAUSE trouble. Over the iComm Amber's voice can be heard "inform spaceport/alliance? <English>

The dog has found the ball and is starting back with it. Leutrim pauses, hearing the communication over his icomm ear bud. He changes the pickup to activate it on his belt and speaks into his collar mike, "Are they requesting permission to land and are we expecting guests this early, Mr. Brennan?" Leutrim didn't recall anyone scheduled to come this early surely, but he hadn't yet stopped in to check with Penny or Amber for the morning schedule adjustments since last night's posting. Leu draws his wrist watch out of his left pant pocket to see... no, it's not yet 0800 so guests ideally shouldn't be arriving this early. He mutters under his breath, "Better not be Lord Orlin coming back already." A most annoying man. Aelfred comes back with the ball and drops it at Leutrim's feet. He stoops and bends over to pick it up so that he might throw it again, but maybe he should head back to the house instead! <English>

A ship!? That certainly catches both Lord Winchester and Butler Purdee's attention. The pair of men look up in enough time to watch the ship skip over the skyline right overhead of the estate property before turning about. A frown comes to William's face... Afterall, a business man can be rather... anal about knowing his schedule on his property... And there certainly wasn't an expected craft prepared to land at this hour. "Defender Brennan... This is Lord Winchester... Please send a communication towards the vessal that this is a private landing pad and, unless they advise they require an emergency landing immediately, redirect them to the Main Spaceport."

Marshal continues to watch the craft, his aged eyes narrowing as he follows it on the horizon. <English>

Eugene's face screws up in disappointment and she hops down off the fence, wiping her fingers on her sweatshirt. Dressed for jogging, zipped hoody sweatshirt, yoga pants and her cross-trainer sneaks are the ensemble of choice. "I'll have to bring some later, hard to run with carrots." she pauses, her head canting to the side curiously, "Inform Alliance? Somethin' up?" A hand goes to her brow, shielding her eyes to peer at the ship passing over. <English>

Amber mutters, swallows the last of the hot chocolate and turns to Eugene. "Ship landing we don't know. You bring weapons? If needed?" Hopefully not.... but... <English>

Oh, what a happy dog! Aelfred dances in place and even before Leutrim might throw the ball again, the dog leaps off a short distance, eager to run again. But his job comes first and Leu's thinking he should head for the landing pad instead. He straightens and tucks the ball back into his jacket pocket, "Aelfred, heel." A sigh, "Come on, buddy." Tilting his head back, Leu tries to get a look at the ship as he turns and starts to make his way back up towards the house. Just incase it's not something pleasant. Indeed, he breaks into a jog and starts to do an easy run to ascend the slope and circle around to the front. But it will take him a few minutes to cross that distance. The dog turns and falls into place with Leu, running easily along side as though loving every minute of it. <English>

Heading up towards the house and Lord Winchester, Amber might be heard muttering to Eugene if anyone was close enough. 'my room.. passcode if needed ... locker - backpack.... glock with beanbag rounds ... sword, throwing knives & medpack...' <English>

Eugene quirks a brow, "Weapons? Jogging? Oh, or you just mean, in general?" she nods, "Yeah, I always got weapons..." Hand dropping from her eyes, it reflexively clenches into a fist at her side, "My bag's up at the house though." Then nodding, she follows back up toward the manor. Spotting her fiance a little ways ahead of them, she touches Amber's arm lightly and points, "Oh, there's Leu, c'mon." Picking up her pace to a jog, she hurries to catch up with the man and dog. <English>

"Sir they are landing, the ship is landing. There has not been any communication from the ship at all, but they are landing." One of the security officers from the landing pad hollars out onto the communications channel. <English>

Amber doesn't jog. She gestures Gene on ahead and over the iComm says "Leu? set up snipers covering the ship? and send employees to quarters? And forward security recordings to offsite data storage?" <English>

That's enough to spur Leutrim on. He puts a bit more effort into getting up the slope and rounding the house to get over to the landing pad, stat. Once he is at the corner of the house he pauses to get his breath but keep what cover is offered by it just now. Over his com he asks, "Where is Lord Winchester? Sir, it may be nothing but I would advise to call for outside assistance and seek to put yourself in the vault, please. Do so now, sir." A few quick breaths, then Leu adds, "Security personal, code orange. You know the routine, do it." That'll get his folk where they need to be on the assumption that the ship may not be friendly and they may have unwelcome visitors to deal with repelling. It also means a backup call to the Alliance. Better safe than sorry, "If it's nothing, we'll at least have folk on hand to deal with any assistance they might need." <English>

Leutrim adds over the com, "Miss Wu, get Gene and yourself to the vault, please. Do it." <English>

Amber says in English, "On our way."

Eugene has no icomm, and even if she did she's not on the frequency for House Security anyway. So, uninformed and blithely unaware of anything being said now that she's been waved ahead of Amber she's running a little faster now, one eye on that approaching ship, instinctively keeping low and in a path to run under trees and any cover she finds. At least until she's at corner of the house, which is where she's pretty sure she saw Leu go. <English>

Amber yells "GENE! WITH ME!" and swiches direction to the side entry to the house. <English>

William lets out a huge sigh, his eyes widening as the ship comes about, drawing in closer to the Estate and slowing down. If it were not for Marshall placing his hand on William's arm, he might just continue to stand there entranced by the growing size of the vessal. "Sir! Best get you to safety..." Marshall advises staunchly, his Londinium accent deepening as he never once takes his eyes from the ship. When the words come through over the iComm from Leu, confirming Marshall's own words, William gives a nod of agreement and doesn't resist as the two of them quickly dart into the Lounge. <English>

The ship comes down, and actually touches the landing pad, the engines still on as the the turbines kick up wind everywhere. (Intel at 40 to tell what kind it is) The doors to the cargo hold open up, and from various points in the cargo hold, all behind cover is people, dressed in black. They open fire as soon as they can. (Intel at 70 to tell how many there are.) <English>

Holy shit! Gene's arrival is barely noticed as his attention is on the ship, drawing off his rifle case. Leutrim's job to try to be prepare and not have another Verbena on his hands. Nope. He turns his head to Eugene, "Get around back and get in the HOUSE!" He shouts the last, "Arm yourself, woman!" Because duh, she's not now, right? Presumably there isn't much in the way of anything for them to shoot at. They are behind cover as well, and not clear targets to shoot back at while those in the ship are also behind cover. Not much damage to be done unless they can breach the house. Keeping back, Leutrim informs Gene of this, "Go! The house is built to deal with this. Alliance will be on their way. Fall back! If you can't get in, go for the stables and grab a horse, Gene." A pause to lower his voice, "Please, don't argue. Just go." He should be in the house too but he's not, so Leu brings up a rifle to see if he can find a shot. <English>

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (44).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: rifles (50) against a 84 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-8).

The door is open to the ship, and a shot rings out this time they aren't trying to be quiet, expecially since the engines of the ship is covering up any noise that can be heard. This is noise that could silence a good clear horror movie scream from some blond bimbo. The shot goes stray, the wind factor from turbines causing it to go a bit to the left, but Leutrim could feel the wind from the bullet zing past his cheek, along with the heat from the metal. <English>

One thing is good about having a bit of shooting under his belt is that possible near misses don't warrant much thought. Leutrim ignores Gene at this point having said his piece for her to follow or ignore as she sees fit. No time for arguing. Bracing hismelf against the corner of the house, he says, "Aelfred, down!" The HK MSG rifle is raised, already loaded and ready to go. He takes a careful look through the scope without taking more than a breath in time to do so, squeezing that trigger softly the instant he has something in sight. It's a head he hopes but isn't as certain as he'd like... <English>

Leutrim's shot rings out but can he tell if he hit anything? <English>

Josephine tests an NPC's Dodge (40) against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (11).

You test your Firearms:rifle against a 71 difficulty. The result is successful (7).

Amber talks on the iComm as she hurries. Ship type, people visible, their cover, markings on the ship, modifications to it ... weapons... anything she noticed. Scurrying inside, swearing as she realises Gene didn't follow - not stupid enough to head into a firefight, instead informing Leutrim the Eugene didn't hear the message and was heading his way. Then its inside, and heading to the vault... with a look back for Lord Winchester and Marshall. <English>

Amber has disconnected.

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (48).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (50) against a 88 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-21).

Eugene flattens herself against the house next to Leu, as gunshots ring out, "Sekkya! What in the gorram.." Cooly ignoring Leutrim's shouting for a moment she peeks around, sharp eyes taking in any details she can. "Hornet class, one..two.. three behind the crates. Five. Think you've got six. Gimme your sidearm." Then, before he does anymore screaming or telling her to do silly things like ride off into the sunset, she unzips the hoody an inch, revealing the velites bodysuit underneath. Yeah, she'd been training in the damn thing, getting used to the slightly restrictive feel of the suit. Plus it was kinda warm. "Happy? And thanks." she states calmly, freeing the HK VPN from the holster at Leu's hip and flipping off the safety. <English>

[ROLL] Josephine rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (45).

Another shot comes out from the ship, though again it can't be heard over the stupid engines of the Hornet, it still comes this time landing right there into the cement at Gene's shoe, a couple pinches there and it would have hit her big toe. <English>

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (27).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (45) against a 67 difficulty. The result is successful (16).

When the shot lands at Gene's feet, another one comes just a split second behind, this one hitting Leutrim in the meaty flesh of his upper left arm, it pushes in through the armor, though the armor does slow it own a bit, but the arm is just not the most protected part of the body, hell it's gonna leave a scar. <English>

- Leutrim has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

Winchester tests his Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (3).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (45) against a 43 difficulty. The result is successful (9).

Marshall of course, steps to the side to let William into the house first... Noble before Butler it seems. As he's stepping to the side, looking twords the ship, in comes the bullet. It hits him square in the chest over his right pec muscle, pushing through the armor to bite into his skin. The man winces, but beyond that there is no other facial expression. <English>

Winchester takes PDA - 8450 out of hiding.

A look of complete concern appears on William's face as Marshall is thrown into the door by the impact of the round plugged square into the man's breast. "Marshall!" he can't help but call out... Like a frightened child calling for their parent in the middle of a noisy mall. But, that concern turns to that immediate secondary feeling... anger! Turning to look back out towards the Hornet while maintaining his position of cover, William slides his right hand beneath the interior breast pocket for his PDA, and with a touch to the interactive screen, begins accessing the cortex relaies throughout the Winchester Estate. It would seem, while not a soldier, the Firearms Magnate of Hera is up to something else... <English>

Marshall grunts as he is thrown to the floor from the force of the impact of the round. He shakes his head, slowly fighting off the disorientation that the impact sent vibrating through his sixty-five year old frame. Slowly, Marshall crawls on the floor of the Lounge, and off towards the Museum. <English>

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (39).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms:Rifles (45) against a 79 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-31).

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (36).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms:Rifles (45) against a 76 difficulty. The result is successful (17).

[ROLL] Josephine rolls for a 50/50 chance. The result is failure (5).

- Leutrim has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

When Marshall goes into the house, that leaves Leu to take all the heat now, their second target gone. One lands in the dirt of the flower bed beside him, the other pegging him in the right shoulder this time bitting into the armor, and burning into his skin. <English>

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (31).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (50) against a 71 difficulty. The result is successful (13).

- Leutrim has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

Another shot comes firing from inside, this time hitting his hip. <English>

Goodness, he knew there was a reason he loved Eugene. Gal even jogs in her Velites. Damn, that's just sexy. Warmer, too. A nod and certainly no objection to her grabbing his side arm from his hip holster in that case, "L1A1's in the rifle case!" It may be a better choice or not, for her. He's rather too occupied to pay more attention than that at the moment. He got his shot off and others miss him but something slams into his left upper arm, jerking his body back at an angle and causing Leutrim to step to try and keep his balance. Pain registers and he hisses, going to need to brace that arm somehow or his shots will be off, damnit. Before he can do more than start to shift back to see if he can get a clear line of sight if he goes belly down, a second shot hits him, and then a third in quick succession! It's too much for balance and Leu is knocked off his feet to fall on his left side and back, breath knocked from him. <English>

Aelfred leaps up as Leutrim about falls on the dog! A yelp from the Shepherd and a scramble, then the dog is back down in the grass, confused and given no commands other than down.

Josephine tests an NPC's Dodge (50) against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (44).

Eugene tests her Firearms:sidearms against a 84 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-13).

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is successful (24).

Eugene whistles low, flinching as the shot sends chips of cement shrapnel pinging off her leg. "Boots would be nice though." she mutters under her breath. Another flinch as Leu is hit the first time; "Le.." she starts, but the man is slammed with two more shots too fast. Jaw tensing, Eugene drops to a knee as she fires from around the corner of the house, giving him some cover to get the hell up. "Y'alright?" she calls out as she fires at one of the culprits. With the man's advantage of having a -ship- to take cover in, the shot pings harmlessly into the Hornet's metal ramp. "Feh. There anywhere we can fall back to?" Genie hisses. <English>

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (50) against a 64 difficulty. The result is successful (37).

As Eugene lets out her shot, providing some cover or atleast trying for Leutrim while he moves positions, another one comes from the ship, hitting Leu just as he's going down onto the ground... hitting him right in the ass, going through the butt cheek and comeing out at the plumpest part of his butt. <English>

- Leutrim has taken 17 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-18).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (45) against a 22 difficulty. The result is successful (37).

When the Leutrim hits the ground, after the shot to his ass another one lands in his calf blowing through the muscle and hitting the ground on the otherside. <English>

- Leutrim has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

Winchester tests his Computer_Programming against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (19).

William's fingers move with all the precision deftness that someone with a Core world background would have when weilding a PDA. If the pen is mighter than the sword, than a PDA could be mighter than a rifle... If used right. This was one of those instances... Lord Winchester, with the might of his Estate cortex relays behind him, begins to send a barrage of decryption algerythms through the Hornet's own cortex network. And, wouldn't you know it... William has found one to be they key! A smile crosses the noble's face as he turns his attention towards his backdoor into the assilant's network. <English>

You test your Dodge against a 40 difficulty. The result is unsuccessful (-19).

Josephine tests an NPC's Firearms: Rifles (45) against a 21 difficulty. The result is successful (39).

Another shot hits Leu, pegging him square in the chest right where the ribcage meets in the center. <English>

William's PDA chirps, it seems it got into their transmissions for the ship, hearing words spoken in another language (page me if you speak german) "Hauptziel Unten Missionserfolg. Heben Sie Das Schiff." <English>

- Leutrim has taken 5 points of wound damage. He is currently Injured.

Status: Injured (13% Healthy)

Stun Points: 0

Constitution: 48

Wound Points: 42

Everything happens so fast. One minute he was returning fire partly behind the edge of the house, the next thing he knows he's down. And not much else, because Leutrim's hit several more times before an undoubtedly horrified Eugene's very eyes! His body involuntarily jerks and thrashes with the quick succession of hits impacting him, others perhaps missing and throwing up clods of earth all around him. His rifle is thrown from his hands but there's no sound to escape him, too dazed and battered to cry out with the engine noise and firing sounds so loud anyway. Parts of his leg, buttock and armor errupt with hits but it's too fast for blood or reaction otherwise. Alas, there is no atttempt whatsoever by Leu to try and get to cover. He gets shot to hell in a little more than a breath or two. Aelfred cowers in the grass still on the down command and both whing and snarling in fright. As he's not been hit himself, the dog stays pressed flat in the grass. <English>

The loading doors start to close as the ship starts to go upwards into the air, it turning slightly now angled 45 degree's from where it was at it continues to start climbing up into the sky. <English>

Eugene tests her Perception against a 50 difficulty. The result is successful (44).

This is not going to work, this is just NOT going to work. The calculations are almost visible as they flash over Eugene's face. They're here for him, and they could care less about her. Forgetting any return fire, she runs for Leu, she can't drag him, best bet is to roll him out of the line of fire to the side of the house; push him up against the brick. Diving to his side, she gives a frantic check over his injuries, too many to take care of at once, but he's breathing. Grabbing the icomm from his ear she practically yells into it, "This is Eugene. We need medical help here NOW. South side of the house, by the landing pad." her tone isn't frantic, but -furious-, her dark brown eyes dry and angry as she watches the ship start to take to the air. "Todlicher Kojote... " she murmurs to herself, then, "Hang on Leu. Don't you even think of dying on me." <English>

Backpack - 17728 drops Medpac - 18588. You drop Medpac - 18588. Eugene takes Medpac - 18588.

Winchester tests his Computer_Programming against a 70 difficulty. The result is successful (32).

William grits his teeth as he listens to the sound of the ship start its ascent, his frustration only mounting as the reports come in regarding the need for medical attention. Pride and personal injured... On /his/ home property no less. Unforgiveable! Striding quickly and with a purpose towards the nearest Cortex terminal, William's left hand withdraws an adapter cable from the base of the PDA unit and with one smooth action, connects it into the terminal with a soft click. Immediately, the cortex monitor lights up, taking all the data of the hack thus far directly into the longer reaching arm of the Winchester Cortex Network. It is then that Lord Winchester resumes his digital warfare... This time deliving deeper into the Main Computer of that Hornet... And begins to download. <English>

The ship rises higher an higher in the sky, going way way up now, where it's just a blimp in the sky as it makes a break for The Great Black. <English>

Leutrim's eyes are wide open, but he's too dazed to see or register anything. Or at least to react. Breaths are short, shallow and fast, laboured. Gene's hands on him can feel and even see his body shudder, a convulsive jerk. Though there is damage to his armor, any wounds inflicted to those hits can't be seen or reached without opening it up and removing it first. Blood though has errupted to soak his lower backside and his lower right leg - which may not be readily visible depending on how he lays. Mouth partly open, he pants but is barely conscious and loosing that quickly... As the ship draws up and receeds, Aelfred's pitiful whining and snarling becomes more audible to at least Eugene's ears. The dog keeps his place but is nigh paniced and certainly shouldn't be approached. <English>

Giving her fiance a quick kiss on his cooling forehead, Eugene unclips the rest of the icomm, attaching the unit to herself as she leaves Leu's side to go rifle through his rifle case. "Please tell me you still carry... ah hah." Pulling free the medpak and hurrying back, she continues to talk, as if there were any chance Leu could even hear her at this point. "Glad we're at least prepared for something huh?" a sigh, and a hard swallow as she starts to turn him enough to tend to most obvious source of bleeding, trying to keep him from dying of shock on the spot. Aelf's distress can't come anywhere near Eugene's at the moment, and though she knows the dog won't listen, she tries anyway, the talking seems to help keep her going. "Aelf. Easy. S'okay boy." then into the icomm, "Someone calling for medical transport?! Leu needs a hospital, now!" <English>

Eugene tends to Leutrim's injuries. You feel better.

Aelfred seems to snap out of his down command at the sound of Eugene's voice. At least enough that the dog springs up and runs a short sprint in a random direction with his tail tucked between his legs, then goes down again, shivering, coat all a bristle with hackles raised.

William continues to do his digital work for a long as the connection is stable and active... Taking their computer for all he can before the ship is just too far out of orbit for even the Cortex signal. William lets out a sigh as that ever dreaded window appears on the screen telling him so, and with a final touch to the interactive screen, saves and copies what information was obtained directly into his PDA. It would be of great use in the days ahead, to be sure. But... For now. "This is Lord Winchester to all Defenders... I want a damage accessment and medical dispatch immediately. Prepare to transport all wounded personal to Serenity Memorial for immediate treatment... And I want this place locked down! There is to be no media permitted within the grounds of the Estate until after everything else has been assessed!" There is a pause as Gene's voice comes through over the iComm, and William's heart sinks into the pit of his stomach. Quickly, he bolts out of the Lounge, leaving the PDA on the Receptionist Desk, and makes his way to the last location Gene transmitted. "You heard the Madamouselle, Defenders! Prepare an emergency medical Evac of Master Defender Donnachad to Serenity Memorial!" <English>

Eugene's voice and her rough hands trying to work fast make no visible registration upon Leu's consciousness, or lack thereof. The man lays limp, eye lids about half closed and not really showing any signs of being conscious at all. There is no resistance to her efforts, nor any assistance. If anything, the only noticiable change is his breathing becomes more shallow, less obvious. Somewhere over there his new HK MSG sniper rifle's lying in the grass. <English>

[999.11 MHZ] Winchester says, "This is Lord William Lockwood Winchester I to any medical personal within range of this transmission... We have an medical emergency... One of my Defenders has suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Request immidate assistance at Serenity Memorial Hospital on Hera." <English>

Eugene's jaw is set as she works, but seems a little less tense as Lord Winchester finally responds over the icomm; at least she knows someone heard her. "Jaki, I swear after this you're teaching Aelf to listen to me too. You should see your dog, scared to death." she fusses, undoing the clips on his armor as gently as she can manage under the circumstances, working from the top down, she applies the patches from the medpak, trying to stop the bleeding. Leu told her they were made of jellyfish toxin or something. Sounds horrible, but as long as they work, and she doesn't run out. With the injuries to his leg and rear she's not sure if she can elevate his legs at all, so she leaves him lying flat for now. <English>

Aelfred seems to have quieted, though he is pinned flat to the ground with about every hair on his body risen up and his ears very much flat against the back of his neck. Panting from stress but less paniced now at least.

William continues to speak into his iComm as he comes around the outside of the property to where the couple lay, and lets out a sigh as he sees Leutrim in the condition that he's in. He continues to speak out into his iComm, sending out warnings to medical personal planetside to be ready to render assistance to his friend and bodyguard. But, seeing this condition in Leu brings a thought back to mind... Marshall. "Marshall... This is William... What is your condition!?" he calls out frantic over the Winchester private channel. <English>

Amber has connected.

Leutrim isn't moving. Eugene's gotten his armor opened up and pulled off the front section at least to get to his bloodied uniform shirt beneath, and his bloodied upper left arm. Most of the blood though is lower where there hits didn't strike armor. She's got to get to bare skin and wipe as much of the blood clear to apply each medical patch, getting herself bloodied up in the process. God only knows if Leutrim's even still breathing as she works, but good gal. Gene's not lost her head and freaked. Leu's poor dog did. <English>

Aelfred finally gets up a second time, this time about belly crawling and starting to whine. The dog comes towards where Eugend and Leutrim are down, still scared and seeking something. Comfort maybe, still trembling with hackles up.

From who knows where, Amber walks up. She gives a terse 'Aelfred! Heel!' - hoping the dog will respond to, and find some comfort in, familiar commands from a familiar 'deputy'. And that way she can get a leash on, in case he tries defending Leu from the medics and gets himself shot. Again. A curt "Got a spare medpac from the security station on the way through - need it? Or a hand?" while her restless gaze skims those present. "Who else need help, and where? Marshall? Security staff? An of our 'visitors'? <English>

Aelfred cowers, shivering against Eugene's back for a moment, whining having stopped again for a moment. Amber's firm voice oddly enough gets a response. The dog slinks over to her and cowers down, still frightened but showing submission, not agression - at least towards her. She can clip a leash on him and it may be best to get him inside and crated where it's quiet.

Eugene doesn't seem to notice a little blood on her hands, or all over the rest of her for that matter, and none of it hers. Checking to make sure Leu is still in fact, breathing, no matter how shallowly, she spares Aelfred a glance, then Amber. "I just gotta.." she falters, wipes hair from her face with the back of her hand, smearing blood across her forehead in the process. Lovely. "When's the evac gettin' here? I can't -do- much else for him. I can't... it's too much Amber. They haveta get here, ruttin', -now-. Or he'll.." she doesn't finish the thought, and gives no response to the state of anyone else. Apparently, no one else is currently a concern for Eugene. <English>

--End of RP Log