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Latest revision as of 17:10, 15 February 2011

The commons is empty for the moment, until a young girl quietly walks in. She's wearing a pair of bluejeans and a grey, sleeveless top. Her hair is blond, short, and curled. But the thing people are most likely to notice about her is that her face is covered in bruises, like someone who'd just ben through a rather nasty fistfight. <English>

Danniella walks into the common area. She was going to get something sweet to drink, maybe some hot chocolate. She is smiling to herself as she walks in until she sees the young girl. She tips her head to the side in curiousity. She says softly, "Hi, You must be our stow away." She smiles nonthreateningly at the girl. "I'm the cook on the ship, so there will be no shortage of good food to eat. I was going to make some hot chocolate, would you like some?" As she says this she moves slowly to the kitchen and starts taking out things for hot chocolate. <English>

The girl offers Danni a shy smile. "I guess word on this ship travels fast?" She eyes Danni for a moment, then sits down on the couch. "You're a good cook. I've been eating your leftovers for a while." The girl closes her eyes and nods quietly at the offer of hot chocolate. <English>

Danniella smiles as she starts making hot chocolate for the two of them, "Something about ships is that it is a small area and a family. We tell each other everything so that when and if something happens that loyalty and family feeling will kick in to keep everyone alive. I'm glad you like my leftovers, they are even better when it first is done cooking. If you are staying on ship for a while I'm sure you will experience that for yourself." She makes hot chocolate from scratch, the best medicine for any kind of bad memories or just to escape into sweetness for a while. She smiles to herself at the memories of this hot chocolate consoleing her as a girl. She sighs softly as she smells the sweet smell of chocolate. <English>

The girl nods. "I don't know how long I'm staying here. The three that I've met so far just told me I could stay here until they talked to the captain." She lifts a hand to wave at Danni. "My name's Sam, by the way. Sam Malloc." <English>

Danniella nods as she pulls down two mugs and pours out hot chocolate into both cups. "My name is Danniella but everyone calls me Danni. As for the cap'n, I'm sure she will let you stay. Cap'n Usagi isn't heartless but we will have to figure out what to do with you." She brings both steaming mugs with her as she walks over to the couch where sam is sitting. She hands the mug to her. "We won't be able to keep you here forever. I, myself, will make sure you aren't put into a bad situation but we may have to find a safer place for you to be." Concern is clear in her eyes as she blows on her hot chocolate to cool it off a bit before takeing a careful sip. <English>

Sam smiles as that hot chocolate is brought to her. "I don't plan on staying long. You people were good to give me a place to stay, but I need to find a place of my own. Somewhere that I can do honest work and not be afraid when I'm home." She takes the mug and slowly sips on it. <English>

Danniella smiles and nods, "Well first, I know it may be painful but what was your home planet? Second, What kind of work would you like to do? and third..." She grins, "What kind of weapon have you always wanted to learn to use? Now answer my questions to the best of your abilities and based on your answers we can find you a home on a planet so you can persue your dreams." She sips her hot chocolate and waits for answers from Sam. <English>

Sam thinks for a little bit. She stares into her mug as she talks. "I like to read a lot, but I'm not really sure how that'll lead to a job. I guess I could do any kind of general labor thing." She looks up from her hot chocolate. "I don't know how to use any weapon. I really don't like violence." <English>

Danniella smiles softly, "Ok, well you don't have to know how to weild a weapon right now but if you want to stay safe then you have to learn to protect yourself. I would recomend some martial arts. They are all about teaching self disapline and protecting oneself. Since you like to read you could be a researcher or even a librarian. You also haven't answered my first question. We need to know which planet isn't safe for you to go back to. You can understand my concern." She is very concerned about the girl not answering one of her questions. <English>

Sam bites her lip for a moment as she ponders the question about planets. "I think I'd like to find something on a rim world." <English>

Danniella shrugs and thinks that this answer is the best she is going to get. "Well, My father on Hera could always use some temporary help and he would treet you just like a daughter." She smiles as she remembers her father, "He would teach you how to cook and plant, weed and harvest the crops each year. He would teach you how to protect yourself and you would get love and comfort. And I would know my father isn't alone. It is up to you, I'm just suggesting things but you can stay here until you feel ready to move on." She sips her hot chocolate silently while she watches Sam. <English>

Sam slowly sips on her hot chocolate and listens to Danni's words. "He sounds like a very nice man. I'd like to get a little farther from the core than that, though." <English>

Danniella nods, "Ok, well I'm sure we can find a planet for you when you decide to move on. Just be careful and if ou want to learn martial arts to protect yourself I'm sure one of us on board can either teach you or find someone else to teach you." She smiles at Sam, "If there is anything you may ever want just let me know and I will do my best to get it." <English>

Sam grins at Danni. "Thank you. You all are so nice to me. When your security guy found me, I was afraid he was gonna shoot me. Instead, you all give me a place to sleep and offer me food." She sips on her drink. "Thank you." <English>

Danniella smiles and nods, "Of course. It's no problem, an innocent young girl hiding to find safety is understandable. Just be careful though. SOme of our crew might not be so friendly at first and then there is Kat. It's just a good idea to avoide her." She smiles and shakes her head. <English>

Sam nods softly. "I really appreciate it. So Kat's not a friendly person? I'll be sure to keep my distance." <English>

Danniella laughs and shakes her head, "No she is very nice but she has a habit of trying to convert straight woman to go to other woman, specifically her." <English>

Sam takes a sip of her hot chocolate and slowly nods. "Oh. Maybe I'd better be cautious around her, then. Not that I think there's too much of a danger." She turns on the Cortex screen and starts flipping through the news stations. <English>

Danniella nods to the girl and says, "Are you hungry? I can make something for you to eat." She walks to the kitchen and starts rummaging throught the cupboards. <English>

"Don't go to any extra effort for me. I'm happy to just eat whatever's left when you cook for the rest of the crew." Sam says with a shrug. Her eyes don't leave the screen as she talks. <English>

Danniella smiles, "Nonsence. Besides I love to cook and that is my job." She pulls out a pie tin and covers the most of the counter with ingredients and a bowl and a rolling pin. She pours in ingredients to make dough for a crust. She stirs it together until it is blended well. She sprinckles the counter with flour and plops half of the dough on the counter. She begins rolling out the dough. She starts humming softly as she works. <English>

Sam shrugs. If Danni really wants to cook for her, she's not gonna argue with the woman. Instead she just continues to flip through all the news stations, giving each one a glance before she moves on to the next. <English>

Danniella once the dough is flat enough she gently picks it up and transfers it to the pie tin. She carefully and gently presses the crust into the tin. She uses a knife to cut away the excess dough from around the edges. She cuts up some apples and puts them into the tin. She pours three different berries into into the tin. She seasons the filling with sugar and cinnamon. She then rolls out the rest of the crust for the top of the pie. <English>

Sam turns off the Cortex screen once she's been through all the news channels. She stands up and walks into the kitchen. "Anything I can help with?" <English>

Danniella shakes her head and turns on the oven, "Nope I'm almost done." SHe places the top crust on top of the pie. She gently presses the dough into the bottom crust of dough. She gets rid of the excess pie crust and cuts small holes in the top of the pie so that it looks pretty. She opens the oven and pops the pie in the oven. She sets a timer and starts cleaning up. She puts away the ingredients and starts washing the bowl and things she used. <English>

"At least let me help with the cleaning." Sam says as she starts picking up whatever needs to be washed and bringing it to the sink.

Around this time, Babbage comes walking into the commons from the fore hall. He smiles at both of the women in the room, and just stands in the doorway for now. <English>

Danniella smiles at B and nods, "Ok you can wash, I will dry and put them away." She picks up the towel as she moves aside so Sam can get to the sink. <English>

Sam smiles and gets to work washing the dishes. She washes the items one at a time and makes sure they're thoroughly clean before handing them to Danni.

Babbage walks into the room and moves to the coffee pot and gets it started. He grins at Danni and Sam. "Seems you two are getting along nicely." <English>

Danniella nods, "Yes we are. Nothing like hot chocolate and cooking to bring to woman together." She smiles brightly as she dries off the dishes and puts them back were they belong. "I'm making my triple berry apple pie." <English>

Sam continues washing dishes and handing them to Danni. "Yeah. So far everyone I've met on this ship is absolutely wonderful." When she hands the last of the dishes to Danni, she dries her hands and heads toward the bookshelf. "I'm gonna go lie down for a bit. Let me know when the pie's done." She grabs something from the book shelf and glances between Babbage and Danni. "Mind if I borrow this?"

Babbage smiles at Sam. "Go right ahead." He sits down at the kitchen table and leans back in his chair. <English>

Danniella nods to Sam as she puts away the last dish, "Certanly. The books are free reign and you will smell when the pie is doen." She grins proudly at that admission. She looks at B, "So what's up B?" <English>

Sam smiles and scurries off with the book in hand.