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Latest revision as of 03:51, 16 February 2011

Overflow from Lee's Main Page

Pre-Grid and Hookup Timeline

2505 Jan 31 - Seven months pregnant Maura Weaving books passage on Firefly Class Transport "Esperanto" from Osiris, bound for Bernadette. Five days into the journey, the Esperanto is intercepted and boarded by Dragonfly Class "Forthright", whereupon Maura is transferred without contest. The Forthright plots a course to Persephone.
2505 Feb 16 - Maura gives premature birth to a boy en-route to Persephone, delivered by ship medic Dr. Soon Lee.
2505 Feb 27 - A week after landing in Persephone, Maura and her baby disappear from custody of Forthright security. No public inquiries are made to pursue the matter.
2505 Jun 15 - A woman and her infant going by the names Mary and Lee Corsuca arrive at a plantation on Whitefall. Mary becomes an indentured servant of Jeoford and Genie Harper and responsibility for raising Lee is split between her and the household.
2511 Apr 11 - Mary passes away after a lingering illness. Lee, six years old, joins the servant ranks.
2517 Apr 01 - Lee, twelve years old, tries to get away from Whitefall by sneaking onto a space vessel. He is caught and returned to the Harper Estate.
2517 May 27 - A Reaver hunting party lands in the town. Amidst the chaos and panic, Lee sneaks aboard a departing Firefly Class and escapes into space. After he is found, the Captain makes contact with a traveling carnival vessel, and Lee is transferred aboard the "Calliope", first of many ships he will tour the 'verse with for the next six years.
2518 Feb 09 - During a stopover on Paquin, Lee bonds platonically with a Companion named Ciara who encourages his artistic side. He develops a strong notion that his heritage lies within the civilized Core worlds.
2518 Apr 30 - The crew of the Calliope runs afoul of a smuggling operation on Beylix while scavenging materials. After a short-lived battle their ship is captured and many of the crew slaughtered. Lee manages to bargain with the criminals to spare his life and the lives of several other noncombat crew mates, who are taken prisoner and traded away on the black market. He remains on Beylix, under protection of the Madame of the local cathouse.
2518 Sep 15 - Lee becomes space-faring again, charming his way on board, but never stays on with the crew beyond two stops, and rarely journeys with the same ship twice.
2523 Mar 05 - After an incident on Ezra in which he is unable to save the medic of his current ship from being shanghaied by slavers, Lee, now eighteen years old, impulsively escapes repercussions by hopping the "G'gantik" bound for Persephone.

2523 Mar 15 - Lee arrives on Persephone, intending to try and make a life for himself planetside. (goes IC on Serenity MUSH) The next two weeks are a blur of new friendships, business contacts, and even a pirate abduction.
2523 April - A month for personal sabotage, Lee abandons tedious work and challenging relationships on Persephone to arse around on Paquin and Ezra. His promising romance with Celise Porter goes kablooie.
2523 May - Hanging around Paquin results in some inevitable meetings with figures from his troubled past. An incident at the Cirque Noir between business contact Baltimore Flannigan, friend Von, and a faith healer from the Church of God With Signs Following sets into motion an insidious chain of events around the unaware youth.
2523 June - Lee is apprised of the fatal consequences which befell a fellow survivor of the Calliope, and decides to return to Persephone to take part in the investigation led by ALPD Captain Baltimore and Officer Leutrim Donnchadh.
2523 July - While trying to help the investigation unit of Alliance Legal without exposing himself unduly, Lee becomes a presence in the bar scene, both positive and negative, and cultivates a friendship with Autumn Reeser. That relationship becomes strained with an accident at the Docks that results in some major losses, and puts them on the Guan-Yin II hospital ship bound for the Black.
2523 August - Finding himself unintentionally stranded on Higgins' Moon, he stays with the Mudder families and becomes embroiled in their plight when people start disappearing and the administration takes drastic measures. Teaming up with Baltimore Flannigan on the investigation necessitates his return to Persephone, where there is also a standing job offer from the Medical Wellness Center's new manager, Ivy Lambsey.
2523 September - While preparing to take the Mudder mystery to Ezra with Baltimore, Lee makes some major (for him) investments into his relationships with Autumn and Leutrim. One step forward, two steps back, however, as bad things happen on both fronts. He departs for Ezra and the bad things escalate exponentially, including a forced engagement to an unholy sisterhood for himself and Baltimore. Lee finds solace in his strengthening friendship with fellow investigator and Ivy's brother, Dale Lambsey.
2523 October - Ezra Moon kicks his team's ass hard, but a single solid lead has Lee boarding the Red Deuce to Dyton, where lies epic failure due to a confusion in ranks. A sidetrip to St. Albans with Dale and Ivy plunges them into a surreal nightmare, from which they manage to escape with scars both mental and physical. Lee returns to Persephone to a threatening message that further breaks his spirit. With Autumn's and Aelfred's help, he makes a recovery and accepts Baltimore's invitation of protection by moving into his flat. The comfort is short-lived when the next leg of the investigation goes from bleak to horrifying when his friends Leutrim and Eugene are ambushed on Verbena while he and Baltimore are following-up on Higgins' Moon.
2523 November - The breakneck rescue effort has the team catching the Bonaventure Express to Beylix, where Lee revisits his old demons. The bloody aftermath of their raid on the lair sees the safe return of friends, Fess Higgins, and numerous kidnapped Mudders. When the Tienlong answers their distress call, the weeks spent aboard the vessel result in a little mission enlightenment, and a lot of awkward chaos, sexual tension on more than one front, and failure to communicate. After bidding farewell to Fess, the group disperses, with Lee attempting to play catch-up on a normal life and work on Persephone, exploding Thanksgiveful Turkeys notwithstanding.
2523 December - The stress and sleepless nights continue, abating slightly after sharing a moment with the enigmatic Amber Wu, then building again when Lee is powerless to stop Balt's flat from being sacked by armed bandits. Feeling himself close to giving up and going back to being a ship-hopping spacer, he comes up with a daring plan to reconnect and heal. The mission succeeds, except for one fatal setback, which leads to vulnerability in the face of a dangerous suggestion made by a dodgy figure. It's not all bad news though: brighter highlights of the season include the role of Max in a stage production of How The Grinch Stole Christmas, coming to a personal understanding with Dale Lambsey, reuniting briefly with Autumn Reeser, and a kick-ass New Year's Eve rooftop party.
2524 January - Spending more of his free time with Dale Lambsey and therefore Dale's work, Lee finds himself at an Ethereal Investigations dinner party on Hera, and feeling out of place amongst all the camaraderie leads him to seek out Allegria, that shadowy player promising answers to his past. Returning to Perse, he moves out of Baltimore's flat and prepares to undertake a journey with Allegria, but the departure is stalled when Dale becomes victimized by a sinister figure from his own past. Staying with Dale while plotting a solution forces Lee to face the reality of their romantic involvement.
2524 February - Pitting intellects, confidence trickery, and intimidation tactics against Standish, the gang manages to buy almost a full month of reprieve before the final confrontation in a thieves' den within the Eavesdown Slums. In between, Lee becomes embroiled in the plight of another ally, Captain Anastasiya of the Tienlong, going up against a German crime syndicate. With both ends concluding as well as could be expected, Lee finally departs Persephone on an unknown vessel, keeping in contact with Dale and various friends through encrypted letters.
2524 March - With the shadowy Allegria as his tour guide, Lee's quest for a family connection in the 'Verse leads him to the Weaving estate on Ezra and Freehold Skyplex, with discoveries both surprising and disturbing along the way. He receives another brief respite from the stress and uncertainty in the form of a clandestine tete-a-tete with Amber Wu, then it's off to Shadow to seal his fate. A Bounty Hunter's Guild-focused assassination strike on Leutrim brings Lee back out of the Black to Hera and the bedside of his critically wounded friend, where he is reunited with a few of the Gang temporarily. Continued attacks on various allies however, compel Lee to compromise with Allegria in order to return to Persephone by the end of the month.
2524 April - In between tending to the recovery of those (Leutrim, Amber, Josephine, Akila) attacked by the Anti-BHG hit squads: Mysterious and spooky happenings in the MWC sublevel continue, as clinic expansion is delayed. The LRS Ming Yunn is entered in the Persephone Ship Show and takes second prize! MWC is challenged by its first DOTW (Disaster of the Week), a ship crash full of flaming mattresses, and Lee begins a campaign of broody animosity towards Lord Carmichael when the man and his entourage come to bestow favours upon the clinic. A label representative approaches Lee and his sometime-fronted band 'Jealous?' with a tour deal, but Lee turns it down. Next DOTW is a COWtastrophe, and Lee makes the acquaintance of victim David Bell. The Quest for FISH commences. After staying overnight aboard the Tienlong, Lee wakes up to find that the ship has since taken off and landed on Osiris, where he meets the charming Bastien, who gives him a tour of the grounds of Bubastis, the HQ of Red Lion Industries. After conducting other investigations on Osiris, Lee returns to Persephone and days later is ambushed by EMT bullies from uptown mega-hospital Persephone General, as a prelude to the annual Charity Futbol Tournament.
2524 May - Half the Scoobs investigate a local soothsayer for answers to the clinic's mysterious squatter problem, and Lee discovers a fanbase amongst the 'Tweenies of Eavesdown. Meanwhile, conflict with the other clinic Interns builds up due to speculations on the arrangements surrounding his special position and being obviously involved with the Chief. Much drunken prancing in the new mascot Lambsuit commences. A clandestine meeting puts the Scoobs on one aspect of the bizarre Lulabelle murders case. A naughty prank on Lee goes awry and lands the Interns in hot water with Dale. Lee begins to study in earnest for his GED. Lee and Eugene crawl into the old walls of the clinic and encounter the mad daughter of the fortune teller, whom they manage to lure out to receive proper care. The latter half of the month is full of personal significance. Lee falls hopelessly in love with Dale! Intimate friendship bonds are strengthened with Eugene and Amber, as they hang out and scheme over various projects (corsets and ass-kicking boots and good drugs, oh my!). Autumn Reeser returns for to touch base.
2524 June - If May was triumphant, June is tragic. Lee's friend/coworker Kathryn miscarries while they're alone on the roof of the Flats. Lee discovers that Allegria has acted on their bargain and his new official surname, Weaving, has been registered in the Federal database. An info-gathering mission to a Paquin insane asylum becomes traumatic when Lee's psyche is assailed by images born from a truly twisted and tortured mind. He and Dale return to Persephone to discover that two friends have died, one suicide (Evalyn) and one accidental (Kathryn), while another goes to jail for murder. Lee goes to Southdown Abbey to visit his alleged half-brother and try to come to grips with the montth's insanity, and the monks Cut His Hair! A troupe of Circus Sideshow Freaks attack the clinic, necessitating his early return. The bright spots are few and far between, the most notable being when the gang somehow manages to enjoy a birthday bash for Dale at the Helios Lounge.

Dear Lee Departed

Lee's 'Verse seems to have fallen out of favour with these fine folks, who've wandered off out of daily contact. Lee still thinks about them a lot, as do I, his Player. Keep it shiny, wherever you are!

Amber - Observant and given to spouting blurbs of trivia and/or wisdom at the oddest moment, this girl assistant to the Winchester Office continues to baffle poor Lee. He's already misread so many of her cues that they've gone beyond Mars and Venus, and now inhabit different galaxies altogether. In spite of this, a sort of kindred spirit connection keeps them consistently within each other's social periphery. Most recently they have been working together more closely on uncovering the mysteries of their pasts, but due to busy schedules have fallen out of contact again.

Anastasiya - Elle Capitano Russo! When the Tienlong responded to a call for medical assistance from the "Scooby Gang" on Beylix, the Lady Captain's reception was frosty indeed, but it wasn't long before she and Lee were inexplicably caught up in each other's spell. Due to a mutual inability to trust, amongst other psychological demons, they've been dancing around the touchy idea of continued intimacy ever since. Lee has obtained permission to 'crash' in one of the Tienlong's guest quarters whenever it is docked on Persephone.

Autumn - When the well-traveled young woman came to study at the University of Persephone, they would run into each other a lot around town, developing a natural, casual friendship between peers. An 'accident' at the Docks set into motion a series of experiences that caused Lee to look at Autumn in a different light, and he had undertaken, in his own unique way, to royally screw things up between them. Neither his, hers, nor their mutual 'Antics' or absences hurt the bond they shared, however. On July 23rd 2524, Autumn perished in a fire during her breakthrough concert, and Lee went through grief counseling at Persephone General to try and get past it. And to all outward appearances, he has.

Where is you, Baltimooooore!
Player Baltimore Tribute Page - An authoritative figure, and Lee's first contact on Persephone, he is instinctively admired and trusted by the boy. Baltimore's investigation into a mystery tied up in Lee's past, and generally sarcastic/indifferent treatment has done little to diffuse Lee's puppy love. Their partnering in various mystery-sleuthings had shown some cracks in his idol's coffee glaze, but Lee's faith remained intact up until almost the cusp of the New Year 2524, when it shattered one frozen afternoon on Hera. Since then the relationship is functional but, with the odd moment of regression, lacking in the old mentor-pupil dynamic. Balt departed Persephone on a personal mission in February 2524 and his whereabouts are currently unknown.

Celise - A perky young woman met on Persephone, with subsequent meetings cementing a bond between them. The comfortable companionship was sometimes strained by sexual tension between them, but mostly it was all sorts of amusing. Currently they appear to be on the outs due to a misunderstanding during the charity event on Ezra and he hasn't seen her since.

Marc - Lee first met Marc in a bar, appropriately enough. And that was probably the last time they ever held a friendly conversation that didn't involve contemptuous taunting and painful kicking. Even so, they've found themselves thrown together in so many missions, mishaps, and social events, not to mention working together at the clinic, that if they could not technically be called friends, they are at the very least comrades who help one another out in dire circumstances. And perhaps that's even better. Marc's business adventures have taken him off-world more frequently and now Lee hardly sees him around.

Nolan/Nysacire - A mysterious man who tends to speak in double-meanings, Nolan was met on the Eavesdown Docks, and through him a chain of events led to Lee coming in direct contact with the scourge of the 'verse. No, the other scourge. Yeah, that one. Nysacire once abducted Lee off Persephone at dual-gunpoint just so he and Nolan could have a "little chat", but they have recently come to terms with that negative experience. While Lee still runs into these two now and then, he perhaps incorrectly believes their direct involvement in his life has come to an end.

Definitive Lee

Lee: What am I gonna do with /two/ Chihua-wraps?
Alliance Marine Ortiz: Give one of them to me. Yes, you, boy. Over here with the wrap.
Lee: Kidding, right? This is for my date, who, y'know, might kiss me for't, maybe let me juggle her fun stuff. You don't have any fun stuff. This had better be some big damn kiss.
Kirsten: Ortiz, you take your gorram mind off food for five minutes? Move out.
Lee: But seriously now. What'm I gonna do with /two/ Chihua-wraps?
Lee is a smart-ass, especially in the face of danger. It's a defense mechanism.


Lee: Which one of these ladies takes you where you wanna go?
Nolan: I'd be inclined to say that all depends on how far you want to go.
Lee: Uhhh.. I've been out to the rim more than a few times, if that's what you mean. Answer is I don't so much care where they go, just that they /do/ go. And there's always a way back.
He is committed to non-commitment. While he has grown social, learned to work well in a team, and discovered a close network of folks for whom he feels something greater than casual friendship, his essential aloof independence is unchanged.


Lee: Buffalo Wilderness Knife.. figures it'd be the most pricey of the lot. Be a waste to hide it... not wear it, I mean. Though I'd always figured wearin' a threat in plain view is pretty well an invitation to get in a hurtin' situation... d'you find that? Like you threw away your choice of abstainin' from the fray.
He's a pacifist, and perhaps a wuss, at least when it comes to physical violence.


Lee: All that ambition in one crew... buncha go-getters, hmn? They sicken me.
While industrious, he is unabashedly unambitious and unmoved by The Almighty Credit. He has trouble processing values over 1000 credits.


Lee: Is there call to lie, right off the cuff like that? Why would a couple of seminary boys want to know about the doin's in that shop? ... If we must have a cover then we're pals of Fess Higgins. It's near 'nough to the truth, it makes sense to be lookin' for his old man's sweetheart. Well?
As an accomplished trickster, Lee favours performances with a truthful and/or personal element. This becomes a problem when even he cannot distinguish between truth and reality.