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Latest revision as of 12:16, 16 February 2011

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.

Special Note

  • Chastian O'Connor: : Perhaps odd as he has only recently met Chastian through sheer chance while playing his Violin on Paquin he is quickly finding himself falling quickly in love with the young woman even though their relationship is rather new.
  • C: L

  • C: L

  • C: L


  • Chovian: L
  • Danee: L
  • Mccain: L
  • Vanya(NPC): L
  • Pappa Esteban(npc): L


  • : L
  • Terra: L
  • C: L
  • C: L
  • C: L
  • C: L
  • C: L


  • Beau: Having met during the actions on Paquin the week of feb.10.2526 Pali is quickly coming to enjoy the company of this in his eyes promising and compassionate Corsair. A respect is growing for him as well as possibly a friendship as he grows to understand the man more. He hopes to one day be allowed to call the man Friend
  • Roberto: The Crown Minister and Pali met on Paquin during the initial arrival of the Pirate Armada, Though the first meeting was tense he has since come to respect the man as well as seek to handle things diplomatically with him. Even though they are on diffrent sides he fosters a hope that they will be able to continue their talks as he has come to enjoy them. All talks since their initial meeting having been rather calm and peaceful
  • Frost: Though he has only met the Admiral once at this juncture he feels a certain ammount of respect for the man and what he has done. As well as has been honoured by words exchanged in a message from the Admiral, Causing his initial fear and dislike of the commonwealth to fade.
  • Trahaym: '
  • Copper: L
  • Sawyer: L
  • Charly: L


  • Feria: L
  • Zachary: L
  • Donna: L
  • Anise: L
  • Sparrow: L
  • Mariette: L
  • Deverion: L
  • Iza: L
  • Prudence: L
  • Mei Gao: L
  • McManus: L
  • Leutrim: L
  •  : L
  •  : L
  •  : L