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The Wonder Triplets

Three of Osiris MedAcad's brightest hard-luck students, hired by Lord Damian Carmichael, these three medical interns at Red Lion Industries have been nicknamed The Wonder Triplets by their direct superior, Iorwerth Jones. The three are taught and tortured by the middle aged doctor, who takes an oddly sadistic delight in making their lives far more 'interesting' than they were ever hoping it could be. One day, they'll all be better doctors for it. Sometimes Jones has been known to call them Das Wunderkin.

Charles Weng


Full name: Weng Charles (or Charles Weng, anglosised)
Date of Birth: 3 January, 2503
Gender: Male
Born On: Verbena
Eyes: dk. Brown
Hair: Black
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 140 lbs
Handedness: Left
Parents: Weng Mao Joseph and Li Quan Mei
Siblings: 3 older brothers, 1 younger sister
Spouse: Single
Children: None
Assignment: Surgical Intern, Red Lion Industries
Specialization: Trauma Surgery
License Number: Osiris 884-137-9655-Probationary
Status: NPC-Intern/Student
Nicknames: Wang, Wing, Wong, Wrong, Woogy and Chuck


  • Graduated Cholla Bay Comprehensive School, Verbena 22 May, 2518
  • Graduated Thebes University, Osiris - Baccalaureate Degree in Human Biology 2518-2523) 27 May, 2523
  • Entered Osiris MedAcad, Osiris - Doctor of Medicine, Trauma Surgery 25 September, 2523

Additional Specialized Training

  • Internship: Surgical - Red Lion Industries (2523-present)


  • No Military Service to date.

Background: Born on Verbena, Weng grew up in an air of Anti-Browncoat sentiment and bought into it hook, line and sinker, due in large part to his father who is a veteran of the war who fought on the side of the Alliance. When the factory exploded, it took an arm and a leg from his father, literally. The family struggled to survive at all, much less put the five children through any kind of school.

The fourth son, Charles relly didn't hold much in the way of hope for managing to get picked up by any Uni in the 'Verse at all, but when he got accepted by Thebes Uni on Osiris, he quickly learned that it wasn't always so keen to get what you wish for - it's a lot more work than you ever imagine.

Personality Extremely driven, Weng is well aware that he's the youngest of the three and is probably the most like his mentor in spite of the fact that he has already come to hate Dr. Jones with a flurid plum passion. He feels like he constantly has to keep up, study twice as much and thrice as hard as everyone else due to younger age and that it took him nearly five years for his BA. Never mind the fact that he was one of the youngest graduates that year, or that it's because he changed majors his sophmore year.

He feels a deep responsiblity to his family, since his training will make him the most educated man in the family. Though, his baby sister will be competition for that spot when she completes her Companion training with House Madrassa in 2526. Naturally, Weng is proud of the honour this brings to the family and doesn't understand Jones' more puritanical views on the matter.

Weng is also the most likely to have a confrontation with Jones, as much to prove his own worth, as to prove the old Browncoat wrong. He's just as tactless and ascerbic as Iorwerth, but far more naive do to not having had a full life yet. Something, oddly enough that he's all too aware of, being the youngest son who never really seemed 'old enough' for half the stuff he was doing at any point in time.

Camille Stenkowski


Full name: Camille Marika Stenkowski
Date of Birth: 19 July, 2500
Gender: Female
Born On: Athens
Eyes: Blue
Hair: dk. Blonde
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125 lbs
Handedness: Right
Parents: Ivor Stenkowski (deceased)and Margritte (Baum-Stenkowski) Novak, Urban Novak (stepfather)
Siblings: 2 younger brothers, 1 much younger half sister
Spouse: Single
Children: None
Assignment: Virological Intern, Red Lion Industries
Specialization: Virology and Immunology
License Number: Osiris 824-030-1138-Probationary
Status: NPC-Intern/Student
Nicknames: Stinky, Stingy, Stinklehoppfer, Steingalheimier, Any derivation of Sten-whatever-comes-to-mind


  • Graduated Ionia Primary School, Athens 15 June, 2514
  • Graduated Carlyle Secondary School, Athens 19 June, 2518
  • Graduated Thebes University, Osiris - Baccalaureate Degree in Human Anatomy and Art (2518-2522) 22 May, 2522
  • Entered Osiris MedAcad, Osiris - Doctor of Medicine, Virology 24 September, 2522

Additional Specialized Training

  • Internship: Red Lion Industries (2523-present)


  • No Military Service to date

Background: Camille was born on the bucolic world of Athens, where her parents grew varieties of corn, hay, rye and wheat on a huge farm. Being the oldest child, she grew up with the heavier weight of responcablity on her shoulders helping to raise her two younger brothers. This became especially true after the death of their father when Camille was ten, leaving the family with a stack of bills and a great deal more work to do.

When she was thirteen, her mother remarried to Urban Novak, a younger man who encouraged his three step children to learn everything they could both in the classroom and out. It was Urban's urging that caused Camille to even apply for University in the first place. She did well enough with her BA studies that she spent her first graduate year in the Medical Forensics, wanting to become a coroner, but after having had too many nightmares about homeless kids from the Blackout Zones coming back to life during autopsy, she decided that Forensics was not for her. In the second semester that year she changed her major to Virology and Immunology.

In her sophamore graduate year, she's come to work for Red Lion Industries, under the sometimes quirky tutelage of Dr. Jones, often proving herself to be the most thoughtful and mature of the three.

Personality: Defiantly the Mother Goose of the three, she stands up to the gale force winds of Dr. Jones' rants and lectures with a hard-bitten nonplussed attitude. She won't argue with him directly, but will try to circumvent him when ever she needs to, to achieve what ever goal she has today. Without meaning to, she doubts how brilliant she actually is a lot of the time. Stubborn and creative, she's not going to take the most likely path. There's also a shyness and a lot of the innocent hick girl that left the farm at a young age when she's not doggedly defending the actions of her 'younger brothers'.

Jose Vargas


Full name: Jose Manuel Vargas
Date of Birth: 29 September, 2502
Gender: Male
Born On: Londinium, Capitol City
Eyes: dk. Brown
Hair: dk. Brown
Height: 5'10 1/2"
Weight: 170 lbs
Handedness: Right
Parents: Miguel Vargas and Shondra (nee Washington) Vargas
Siblings: 2 older (brother and sister), 3 younger (three sisters, 1 deceased)
Spouse: Single
Children: None
Assignment: Oncology Intern, Red Lion Industries
Specialization: Oncology
License Number: Osiris 821-957-8463-Probationary
Status: NPC-Intern/Student
Nicknames: Jesus, Josie, Joe-say, Verdigris, Jay-soo-sus


  • Graduated Black Friars Elementary School, Londinium 18 May, 2513
  • Graduated Port Royal Academy, New Chester Island, Newhall June 3, 2519
  • Graduated Thebes University, Osiris - Baccalaureate Degree in Chemistry (2519-2523) 26 May, 2501
  • Entered Osiris MedAcad, Osiris - Doctor of Medicine, Oncology (2523-present)

Additional Specialized Training

  • Internship: Red Lion Industries (2523-present)


  • No Military Service to date

Background: Though he was born on Londinium, Jose and his family moved to Newhall when he was twelve, so that his father could practice the art of fishing on the newly opened world. It seemed like a great idea, lots of room for the kids to roam around, not so busy a pace, friendly folk to live amongst.

Not long after that it was learned that one of his sisters had developed osteosarcoma - a bone cancer that had already metastisized by the time it was diagnosed. Isabella ( just sixteen months younger than Jose and his favourite sibling) lived for five and a half years with the disease and survived an amputation, passing away the summer between Jose's graduation from Port Royal Academy and his moving to Osiris for his collegiate education.

Jose struggled with her loss, and the first couple of years were great example of this. He all at once threw himself into his studies and into massive amounts of partying. Sadly, his grades were affected and he lost his scholarships. Since then he's gained some focus, choosing rather naturally oncology to be his specialization.

Personality: Flippant and sociable, he's the most likely suspect when there's trouble. He's got a hell of a sense of humour, and is often mistaken for not taking things seriously enough when below the surface he's actually having a panic attack. If Weng is the 'bad cop' and Stenkowski is the 'good cop', then Jose` is the 'funny/weird/crazy cop'. All of it's an act though, to hide his very tender heart. He plays the underachiever well, though truth be told he never wants to have to repeat the mistakes if his first couple of undergrad years. He's also the most witty and romantic of the three.