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Latest revision as of 20:05, 18 February 2011

Recent History

April 2523

  • Newly graduated, Maggie used up most of her stored luck by scoring a place on the Redemption
  • ... But was it good luck, or bad? Pix introduces Passe's nose to a boot. Misfortune.

August 2523

  • Thanks to circumstances, Maggie meets Higgins Moon and is unimpressed as Pixie & crew get involved in the mysterious Mudder disappearances.
  • Makes the aquaintence of the folks (Lee and Dale who also do the docterin' thing) helping out with the dissappearances, and promises to look them up if she makes it to Persephone.

October 2523

  • Wheee! Mass taserings in the shower as Crow returns from the dead. Pix takes immediate action against the zombie in her shower - Thunderdome Shower Style.

December 2523

  • Gives Pix a unique Christmas present: a scar. Nothing like emergency surgery for appendicitis to enliven a holiday.

January 2524

February 2524

  • Passe vanishes. Maggie worries, but hopes he's merely hopped ship.

March 2524

  • Meets Tash at the Dregs Bar & Grill during an extended layover on Persephone. Takes a liking to him and suggests he check out the Redemption for hiring.

April 2524

  • Caught in the mess on Persephone as an overloaded transport lightens itself by dropping a hundred head of live cattle on the spaceport. Resigned but annoyed that all the cortex 'news' shows are Alliance troops 'responding' to the emergency after everything but the fires were dealt with.
  • Responsible for the 'pussyfying' of Murph, Crow's pup. Said pussyfying consisting of a pound of beef jerky treats as bribes to reduce the animal to a state of somnolent bliss, washing, fluffing, and a red bow. Crow was ... impressed.
  • Victim, along with Tash of the infamous Panda Ambush launched by Crow and Pixie. Worse yet, the Captain Alabaster Smith takes pictures!
  • A replacement pilot for Passe is trialled, one Janus. Looks like Remus might finally get some sleep!

May 2524

  • A run with the MWC shuttle to deliver medical supplies to Lilac turns into a nasty little stopover for Maggie and Tash, involving a shuttle shot down over the landing pad, and an impromptu quarantine to control 'Silent Death' (as the infection is known on the street) when one of the passengers infects the small hospital there.
  • A second Medic is found for the ship - Penelope.
  • End of May, Maggie finally decides Tash is serious, and Crow gives them matching ink. Even if it doesn't last, it will be a reminder of an unexpected friendship that seemed meant.

October 2524

  • Maggie leaves the Redemption and after an interview, she and Tash find a welcome on the Ethereal Embrace. Warily optimistic, despite being frazzled and exhausted, the pair wonder just what this new berth will be like, and for how long.
  • A lovely meal cooked by Tacitus and followed by a light dessert made my Maggie almost results in the death of her new boss. Oops! Leutrim is given first aid by Elliot and Tash and rushed to the medical Wellness Clinic. He is released 48 hours hours later with no ill-effects.

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