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Spread it!
Full name Baltimore Flannigan
Parents They took Baltimore?
Spouse She took Baltimore?
Specialization Being LUUUVVED
Gender Male
Status LUV
Employment History
  • Hiding from Freaks (Feb 2524-Present)

Yes, We Miss Baltimore.. Why Do You Ask?


This is a tribute page for Player Baltimore, who had to take a hiatus from SerenityMUSH back in January, with hopes of returning in May. But five months is a long time for anyone to spend away, enough time to perhaps begin to doubt the longevity of one's impact on the site. Balt, let the following OOC and IC spam stand as slightly unnerving proof that you are still well thought of, and missed dearly by the gang at Serenity. We luvs you and wants you to come back soon!

<MWC> Leutrim finds and reads the 'Baltimore Luvs' Wiki page and LAUGHS at sneaky Dale getting customized candy hearts to pummel Carmichael with, "BRILLANT!"
<MWC> Janessa says, "I literally LOL'd at that"
<MWC> Lee says, "Oh oh, if you have anything logged where you talked about Baltimore in the past four months, add it to the page, Leu. :)"
<MWC> Leutrim says, "Shit, that's a funny page."
<MWC> Leutrim says, "I'm sure I do but ... I probably won't be able to find it in my mess of logs. You got the good one of Leu slamming on Balt's futon."
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale laughs, reading.
<MWC> Lee nods. That was great. "Geeze what a dump." XD
<MWC> Lee says, "If that won't bring him back, nothing will."
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale says, "You did @mail him the link I hope-:)"
<MWC> Lee will once it looks a little better.
<MWC> Lee says, "And has more from other contributors so I don't look like a creepy stalker. >:E"
<MWC> Leutrim says, "Lee, you are a creepy Balt stalker. ;]"
<MWC> Lee shimmies guiltily.
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale pets Lee.
<MWC> Lee will put this org conversation in too. >:D
<MWC> Lee <---- stalkz0rz!!21!
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale snickers.

Grammar Fail FTW
<OOC> Dale says, "gene's kiss is much less intimate ;0;0"
<OOC> Eugene says, "Geez, I hope so. ;)"
<OOC> Lee says, "Now Dale, is you out of control, or isn't you?"
<OOC> Dale says, "it's still gene :)"
<OOC> Dale says, "hush young baltman"

Balt looks good on your resume
Long distance to Dale: Lee hasn't RPed directly with her, but has been in 2 or 3 scenes with her. Friend of Baltimore's, would have been with us on Ezra leg of Higgins' TP but she vanished. That's about all I know.
From afar, Dale (DK) nods, Balt friend is good enough for me.

Don't make a filthy liar out of the Dalicorn
<MWC> Lee pounds on the door of Baltimore's alternate residence. "I hate you! Why did you leave! Why!"
<MWC> Maggie knows someone else that wants to know that, too.
<MWC> Lee says, "Well, we could start a Hate Club."
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale says, "I'm sure he'll be back in May.-:)"
<MWC> Lee rides the Dalicorn. "Pwomise!"
<MWC> Kiss the Chief Dale says, "Promise!"

Needs to happen STAT
<OOC> Carmichael says, "You know, that would be disasterous and I dare say it's going to happen one day. I'll either get bitten by Nysacire's mutt, or yours Leutrim, or horror of horrors... *groans* Baltimore's little Pompom"

The Staff Think So Too
You paged Corsair with 'Dear Sir, may I have a heart labeled: "You Took Baltimore Away!" for I must drive this point home to Carmichael. Thank you.'
Corsair gives you a candy heart that says: <3 You Took Baltimore Away!.
Long distance to Corsair: Lee yayys!
You have 4 candy heart(s).
You give Carmichael a candy heart that says: <3 You Took Baltimore Away!.
From afar (to Lee and Dale), Carmichael (Carm) CRACKS! Okay, somoene's rewriting your candies for you!
Long distance to Carmichael and Dale: Lee had to trade in 5 - 8===)~ for them.

Because the truth never gets old
OOC Announcement: Mr. Universe shouts, "New channel: "Trading Cards" for people looking for trades and whatnot"
<OOC> Dale dangles Baltimore in front of Lee
<OOC> Lee spins a Carmichael at it, knocking it out of reach. Damn you, Carmichael!

And now a word from Genie
<MWC> Eugene says, "Woot! I got an Ivy Lambsey AND a Baltimore!! :D"

You're such a card
<TRADE> You complete your trade with Dale. To view your updated list, type +cards.
Baltimore Flannigan
The picture on the card is of Baltimore.
Driven by an unflagging sense of duty and a bloodhound instinct for justice, Baltimore Flannigan vaulted into minor celebrity on the Cortex news feeds in 2523 due to his good works as Captain of the Persephone Police Department (now known as Alliance Legal Persephone Division), and later as Chief Inspector for Red Lion Industries. Equally as impressive is his popularity through word-of-mouth, the man having garnered contacts in various factions throughout the 'Verse, from the standoffish Romany to the Mudderfolk of Higgins' Moon. Not all fame is positive, of course, as evidenced by the animosity of some crime syndicates towards him, and the small trail of broken-hearted maidens left behind from his adventures. Despite his gruff manner and acerbic humor, Baltimore is a natural leader and looked upon for guidance by his friends and associates.

Amber's got your goat
<OOC> Lee is going to make an ass out of Balt and me, and assume that Balt left Lee a key before running off to wherever he ran off to, which I will assume once more is Verbena, but in reality could be somewhere else entirely.
<OOC> Amber nods. "Works for me.
<OOC> Amber says, "Amber is ... extremely concered about Balt."
<OOC> Lee says, "Do you know something the rest of us do not?"
<OOC> Amber says, "Not really. Amber's afraid he's had a nervous breakdown and is paying for imaginary sins as well as real ones."
<OOC> Amber says, "not so much a few thing he said, as the way he said them."

40 days, 40 nights
Eugene (gene) pages: Ugh. No. Enough kidnapping. :) When is Balt due to return?
You paged Eugene with 'He wrote End of May, which is wayyy far in the future. :/'

<OOC> Dale says, "You're almost over balt!"

And the fans go wild
<OOC> Lee says, "Oh oh oh, Baltimore come back! He can be our Spacesick Captain!"
<OOC> Dale says, "he did!!!!!"
<OOC> Dale says, "hayyyyyyyyy"
<OOC> Dale says, "yes!"
<OOC> Lee says, "He did what?"
<OOC> Dale says, "he came back?? I mean"
<OOC> Dale says, "Baltimroe!!!!!"
<OOC> Eugene says, "Nono, come back, not came back."
<OOC> Dale says, "Oh drat.:P"
<OOC> Lee got all hopeful there that Dale knew something.

<OOC> Dale says, "Carm and I were just talkin a couple of days ago about how great it would be if Balt came back"
<OOC> Lee yeahs.
<OOC> Eugene returns for a minute, "I hope he does."

<OOC> Dale says, "Yeah the PD was really cool."
<OOC> Eugene says, "It was. So, it of course had to die."
<OOC> Eugene says, "But of course Balt was a big reason it worked as well as it did."
<OOC> Eugene wishes she could learn to master such pow-ahs!

We've got you surrounded
Dale (DK) pages: You got above balt!-:)
Long distance to Dale: Lee looks sad at this !
Dale (DK) pages Eugene, Lee, and Leutrim: Lee, balt, marc and gene all neck and neck
Leutrim (Leu) pages Eugene, Dale, and Lee: Who's necking with Gene??? I'll moider'm!

AKA Scene One: The Imprintenating
Eugene (gene) pages Lee and Dale: Aww! First time running into Lee! And with Kiki. She was so good.
Eugene (gene) pages Lee and Dale: Gosh that feels like a million years ago.
Dale (DK) pages Eugene and Lee: awwwwe
You paged Dale and Eugene with 'It wassss.. back when I knew nobodies. :C'
Dale (DK) pages Eugene and Lee: Nolan was the first person Ivy and dale scened with
Dale (DK) pages Eugene and Lee: he impressed them because while in the supply store they watched him buy huge amounts of ammo LOL
You paged Dale with 'Balt was my first. :E'

How 2:1 time flies
<OOC> Lee does some quick look-ups. This is just about exactly one year ago that Lee hooked up with Baltimore on the Mudder case.
<OOC> Lee says, "So Lee and Dale have known each other for more than a year now."
<OOC> Dale says, "Wee! but didn't really start talking until the mudder case"
Dale says, "Remind me to send Baltimore a thank you note." <English>
<OOC> Lee laughs. Baltimooooore!

Whut. I always channel Balt before I try to kill someone.
Hold shaken off, jacket falling. This leaves Lee's hands by his sides, one still holding a throwing knife and the other, his precious gifted icomm from Baltimore (because no event is complete without a thought spared to that gent). The boy turns away from the look in Marc's eyes, and waits through Kurt's accusations, his own gaze focused and pure. Pure what, though. Should've left when you could've, Kurt. The boy might start rocking out again..! "Got it backwards," he tells the man quietly, studying the various injuries with a medically trained eye. "You're nothin'. You loved him, didn't you," he states rather than questions. "He could've made /you/ good, but you fucked up. You never knew him. He's comin' now, Kurt." Gentle pressure in his voice, to help Kurt make a choice. "You want to face him like this?" He lifts an arm, gesturing to the bathroom again. "You don't have to.... I'll help you. I'll help you end this. Like I said I would." <English>

So does this make you hook-handed and afraid of crocs?
A couple of wrinkles appear stubbornly between Lee's brows, as the boy listens to the man's response, and shakes his head slightly towards the end of it, somewhat at a loss for words. He thinks a few seconds, then his left hand slides out across the burnt orange tablecloth to find and grasp Dale's, and Lee smiles. "Thank you." And that might have been the end of it.. but. "But that wasn't why I got the earrin', Dale. I'm not wearin' this to let you make the decision about what's good or bad for me when I'm out there. If somethin' happens. If I haven't written. That's what you said." Damn his crystal memory! Lee trails his fingers down Dale's hand and retreats back to his side of the table, as he insists soberly, "I am alone, Dale. This is about family. You dunno what it's like to be that kind of alone. You don't.." He drops his head, reluctant and a little embarrassed, brings it back up. "You dunno how I've envied you and Ivy. You have a.. a placeholder in the 'Verse. That's what family is. The big anchor. An' when you don't have that.." Lee shakes his head again. "...There'll always be.. drift." His eyes aren't on Dale's anymore, instead off several degrees to the side, spending time in that intangible middle distance where his unresolved issues lie in wait for his visits. Baltimore spends time in the back of Dale's mind, but for Lee the gent's hangout is the second star to the right and straight on 'til morning.

Nothing says dysfunctional like a gift-wrapped box of dead fish
After a short salad course, the dinner plates arrive, taking up the bulk real estate of the table. Lee's back from Never Land to liven the table back up with small talk between bites. He knew the General and Maite were a flaming shuttle crash waiting to happen, but he didn't think he would be instrumental in said crash by getting VonDye into a shooting situation. Now he's sorry he ever bet against the General and Maite Shuttle. The General needs a break from being mad-ass stir crazy. He'd tried to compare them to the General's actual shuttle The Ming Yunn, how it was basically a /real/ fiery shuttle crash waiting to happen, but it was still (space)worthy. But Maite wasn't the type to appreciate a good metaphor, it seemed. Speaking of shuttles and metaphors, when he was trying to get Kathryn away from her secret admirer and into the shuttle, he'd had to cut through that Eavesdown Tats place and told some lady he had the words 'Redhead Magnet' inked on his ass. Dunno, good idea? Bad idea? Oh, bad idea - the goldfish raffle was won by a guy who mentioned he had three cats. Lee was thinking of hiring Ethereal and the General again to embark on Operation Save My Fish. He should have given them to Balt after all. Instead, he spliced a bunch of photos together to create a group portrait of the folks who cracked the Missing Mudders Case, to give to Balt. It was sort of arranged like a Family Portrait. <--- Lee did not say this last bit, though. Lee did not even think this.

A house is not a home
"But we.." Lee starts to protest, then subsides with a slight sagging of his shoulders. A brief downward bat of his eyelashes glimpses the transaction between their bodies, and he looks back up to Anya's countenance, frowning even through her smiling change of subject. "I'm still kind of a... transient," he admits, with an obliging glance to the Tienlong. "I've been abroad just this past month.. Persephone's home base.." he hesitates, waiting, but it sticks, that conviction. Persephone /is/ home base. "But I don't actually live anywhere. Balt's gone off.. family thing on Verbena I heard.. an' the flat's left empty, but... dunno. Suppose I'll just bounce around for now.. crash on the Tien sometimes when it's in port?" he states with hardly a question in his tone. "The Ming Yunn. Dale's. Clinic durin' the graveyard shift. But yeh. I'll come inside for a look, Anya. But first, I gotta get back to the Yunn thing. Show's not over yet." Yes indeed, there is still plenty of running amok to be had for the evil masterminds behind the Greased Lightning. <English>

It starts...

Message: 25/6                      Posted        Author
The Man Who Took Baltimore...      Sun Feb 01    Leutrim
What can I say? It's classic Lee:
Lee arrives in the doorway of Recovery Room One to find things pretty much as he'd left them. Chief Lambsey, Amber, Eugene, Leutrim, and Man Who Took Baltimore Away. The anomaly doesn't quite register right away apparently, since the young Intern steps through and approaches Eugene, stacking the medical bladder-bags in one hand as he says, brightly, "Got a new prescription approved for Leu, it'll..." That's when he trails off, and tilts his gaze questioningly back thattaway, directing it first at Leutrim, then reluctantly, moving on to Man Who Took Baltimore Away. His eyes widen, watching him scribble away on the chart, watching him proceed to pharmack on poor Leu. He takes in a breath, holds it a moment in uncertainty, then turns to Eugene upon hearing her query, and then Dale. He affects a minute shrug of shoulders and brows. "Chief..? What gives? That's..." ..Man Who Took Baltimore Away.. "...isn't it?" <English> ==============================================================================

What's hiss problem?
Looking into Carmichael's searingly friendly grin, Lee feels the edge of his pouting mouth twitch, but that's not the infectious beginnings of a smile returned. That's him almost baring catfangs! The patented chemical formulae couched in authoritative directives are regarded with a studious look, however, and the revelation that the Noble has brought a batch of always-appreciated medical supplies serves to smooth out his hackles. Just a little. He couldn't possibly be expected to know that Highlander Hag from last November was a certain benefactor doing the same. The disguise wasn't that great, but then Lee probably wasn't paying too much attention to it at the time. Baltimore was there. Moving on though, Lee lingers over the cute gum factoids, then looks back at Dale attentively for the man's decision regarding switching over Leu's meds from beige standardY to red thetaX. "Chief..?" <English>

Balt would have ruffled her hair and called her a wuss
Dale looks relieved when Jessi gets into ambulance #1 and it rushes off to the clinic with other critically wounded. That'll get taken care of and it'll be back shortly. A small child tugs on his pant leg, "I can't find my mommy" the wee girl sobs. She's got some minor cuts and bruises and looks hurt and scared. Dale stares down at her, but Baltimore he is not. Kids? Ivy knows what to do with kids. He can nod and smile at them! Wait, isn't this the same guy opening the Children's ward?! Ok, so he likes kids, doesn't mean he knows how to deal with them. Kids are an alien species to Dale. "Uh-." He crouches down to check out her bruises and the small scrape. "You're gonna be ok. Come over here for a minute and we'll have the nice EMT get you fixed up. I'm sure your mommy is fine." That's right! When in doubt, give them to someone else. <English>

My other dump is a Porsche
"The.. baggin's," echoes the young visitor, with a somewhat wary glance back down at Rendolin's security accoutrements. "..Right," he agrees hesitantly to Bastien's odd descriptor, not realizing until a little later that Bastien was using the term facetiously. Oh.. durr, of course the term wasn't apt, but.. no need to imply chopped liver! His own eyes narrow in a faint, puzzled frown against that charming smile. "Thanks," he presently responds to the kind words and gracious promises, with a sharp lift of his chin as he takes note of something... was that... French? A single French word in a string of Standard. Lee takes a couple of nips at his inner lower lip to keep from smirking over that. "Thank you kindly, Mister Bastien. Was hopin' to take a short stroll past the grounds, maybe arse around the neighbourhood. Baltimore Flannigan's a friend of mine, like to take a look at where he lives when he's not livin' on Perse'. 'Course now, he's neither here nor there." <English>

That wasn't too obvious, was it?
Lee spends a minute in the kitchen entrance, emptying the box into a neat pile on the counter. "Whassat, a prescription?" he prompts, leaning over to direct his inquiring gaze Kathryn-wards. "Should've lemme know, could have gotten that refilled an' delivered with the groceries. Doc Alaren, heard she was a new recruit. Think she's chummy with a friend of mine, Baltimore." Lee pauses for a long moment, looking at nothing in particular while he gathers enough air to let out a quiet sigh. <English>

Baltimore Impression
Lee paces. "Well.. Doctor P. wouldn't say, dunno how hard it would be to pull her file from the Paquin clinic. Good thought on Baynard takin' a new ID though," he Baltimores. "Any rate, it's sorta the Clinic's business.. our mission statement's all about not turnin' away anyone who needs medical attentions, an' we did kinda chase the nutjob outta the clinic's sublevel, accidental-like, and if anybody needed a good check-up, it's...." the intern trails off as the ward doors swing to admit Eugene. He barely notices the nifty tech hanging from her shoulder, gaze instead riveting with alarm to the woman's facial bruising. "...Genie," he greets/concludes, faintly. It's obvious she's hoping nobody says anything about her convincing Joe Louis impersonation, but Lee can't seem to take the social clue and look away. At least, until he pulls his eyes over to Dale to check the Chief's reaction. <English>

No pressure or anything
With Lee's one question answered off-hand, the boy nods faintly and goes back into passive listening mode, drawing his knees up so he can fold his arms over them and cradle his head while he continues to gaze at nothing but the tan paint on the wall, interrupting his concentration once to track Marc's movements across the office space. The conclusion of Carmichael's exposition is met with a pause on Lee's own part, while the boy waits to hear Dale's response to this, the restated request for Dale's, and presumably through him, Ethereal Investigation's, services. When the man tacitly accepts the case, the intern lets his head sink down further beyond the stack of his forearms to absorb the details of Dale's sleuthing agenda. He doesn't appear to have anything more to remark himself, until addressed directly by Dale, whereupon he shakes his head. "Leutrim wasn't involved in this at all, though he grilled me about the break-in durin' one visit to the Winchester Estate. We'd be bedda off checkin' with Balt, but he's not likely to return our waves any time soon." <English>

in UR flat freshenin UR airs
He doesn't look at her at first, as she speaks, but he nods as if in agreement. That's it. Lee, who used to have the name 'Balt' waiting on the edge of every other sentence, has nothing to say now. Moved on perhaps. Going over to one of the two windows of the living area, he turns the latch and hefts it open half a foot, then goes and repeats the same with the other window. The stillness is invaded by the dull roar of the spaceport mecca. They'll have to shut them again after clearing the air if there's to be any peace. "Middle shelf, left of the fridge," he raises his voice to reach through to the kitchen. "Yeh.. no, I'm still on with my loner gigs but the gals still aren't speakin' to me. Gotta go see 'em at some point." He shrugs to himself as he takes another glance around the room, eyes cool blue and steady. Just the teeniest flinch at his throat, perhaps witnessed by no one, betrays the don't-care poise. Lee heads over to the kitchen and looks in through the doorway, hand on the frame. "I did bring an audio recorder, on the off-chance you wanted the record, but we'll just remove the card and leave it in the bag. No one will find out anythin' you don't tell 'em yourself, Amber. I told you before nothin' sticks for me when I get spinnin' drunk or high." <English>

Party at Balt's!
Having had a moment to look around, Leutrim muses, "So this is Balt's flat. Geeze, what a dump." <English>

Cleanliness is next to Studliness
OK, now Leutrim looks really confused. But, he found a glass that doesn't look too dirty. Wipes it out to be sure but at least Scotch will be going into it if Baltimore has left germs behind with lack of sufficient washing. Knowing Baltimore, that's a given. The sink seems like a good idea so Leu takes a moment to wash it out with hot water and soap. Then he's carefully heading back around to collect the bottle and set himself down on the ... futon. Wow, Balt really needs to upgrade or he'll go the rest of his life without getting laid by anything clean or pretty. Ugh. <English>

o/` I'll do the cooking honey, I'll pay the rent o/`
If Lee had known what Leu was thinking about the level of decor in the flat, he might have been able to helpfully state the origin of most of it - both sources beginning with a P and D. Police Department. And, you guessed it, Public Dumpster! Baltimore, you cheap hobo, you. (please come home baby) After giving Amber's exposed back and shoulder a close scrutiny that lasts perhaps a dozen seconds longer than strictly necessary for a fellow gifted with eidetic powerz, Lee straightens up again, pushes to his feet. "This might take some lookin' through star chart databases. Wager it means somethin'," he mutters, while regarding the space between Amber and Leutrim while the man fills her in on his observation of her memory 'reboot'. "I think that's why we're here.. isn't it? You're tryin' passive means of slippin' past whatever's blockin' your path to those hidden memories." There's another tap at the door then, and Lee quickly adds, "/Before/ you need to try a shrink."
After Eugene identifies herself through the door, Lee disarms the security system, which is a bit more of a big deal than the one currently protecting Flat 309. Balt at least has not skimped on tech to assuage his paranoia. Fully justified paranoia, given that strange break-in late last year. Once the woman has cleared the door and his friendly if somewhat dopey-eyed greeting, Lee goes about rearming the code, out of a slowly returning habit. Next thing you know he'll be washing the windows and dusting under the book stacks. <English>

Yeah, I wonder...
Lee straightens up from the fridge door to see the woman hounding up to him and gives her a sunny little smile. "Just gotta geddim onna plates an' you'll see. Place is called Station 'A' Creperie." The discs were a good twelve inches across to start out, and now in a stuffed quarter fold, each fills out a dinner plate nicely, with garnishing of salad items on the side. There's a spinach, egg-white, and ricotta crepe, for Marc, because he's such a smooth hulk. For Dale, the ultra-safe Crepe a la Reine - a creamy mushroom and chicken filling with no suspicious herbs to choke on. Eugene's is the Royal Crepe, lobster and shrimp and shallots shredded into a light hollandaise sauce because when he asked for something with cute staring eyes they looked at him funny. And for himself, crab and mushrooms in wine sauce, for no particular reason, although one of his wiseass friends would have pointed out the whiney crabby nature of the typical teen. Which is why Balt hasn't been invited to this little crepe party. Wonder how things are going for him and his particular offworld mission, anyway. After settling the plates down on the breakfast bar, for transfer to the Kotatsu, Lee steps back and diffidently points out the one he'd picked out for Eugene, while quickly suggesting, "Dunno if cream sauce is your thing though.. you could take Marc's instead if you wanna, that's spinach, egg, ricotta cheese." <English>

Two girls overdosed on drugs at Haven, 2520-21. "The autopsy for the gal who didn't make must've been done at Perse Gen too. Wanna get the details on which drug and how much of it was pumped inna her - seein's how there was a media lockdown, it's probably filed under a Jane Doe. That'd still prob'ly be easier than askin' the Feds for the Perse Police case file featurin' the raid. Hm, Balt has hundreds of folders 'n' binders at the Flat, like he took years worth of caseload before quittin' the Force. Maybe there'd be somethin' 'bout it in there." Not that Lee wants to store reams of old policework on his brain before actually hitting upon something relevant. <English>

Brass in pocket
By strange coincidence, Lee and the security system are having A Moment together, as the boy jiggles the key halfway in the lock, removes it as the wired mechanism goes *wee?*, then mutters as he tries again. It still won't go. *bwee?* asks the system in its 'what's wrong baby?' tone. Lee headbutts the door lightly a couple of times, as his arms are too occupied holding parcels against his body to raise high enough to knock. "Dale, have you been messin' with the locks..?" At this point, it occurs to him to peer down at the key he's been using - ahh. #110, Balt's. "Nevvamind," he hastily calls through the door, delving back into his pockets to fumble the right one out, all the while being warned intermittently by the system to back off because he's obviously a mad-ass pirate first mate come to wreak mischief. "Wrong key, hold on.." He starts to jam the key into the lock, hoping it's not gearing up to set him on fire now. <English>

The first cut is the manliest
Lee ambles along after Eugene, just another fella in the crowd except for the flashes of sunny yellow reflecting off his sleek tinted leather messenger bag. Various suited individuals mistake him for the courier bearing business files or messages they've been expecting, but he motors on past them without a glance. Disappointed! "But I barely wear that mesh one Balt gave me," the young man is saying to Eugene, lifting his hand at times as though to catch hold of her sleeve, however it's not so hard for him to keep up as she slips through gaps in the pedestrian flow. He glances over his shoulder however to see how Dale is faring. "One of the few times I /did/ wear it, someone shot right through it - I have a /scar/." Yes. Rawr! And a right manly scar it is too. <English>

Avuncular Fish
Aaand, Reason #8 why itty-bitty Medical Wellness Center is cooler than the behemoth Persephone General: the absence of exactly this. Lee pauses in mid-step, subsides, and looks quizzically thattaway in a 'who, me?' glance. He pulls his hands slowly from the uni-pocket, one of them holding the appointment (occurring in less than five minutes) card for Dr. Giger, Psych PhD., and the other bearing the flat matte black card-case that typically holds his official ID, Cortex pubic access ID, a couple MWC business cards, and a picture of Baltimore. Well, not really Baltimore. It's a tropical fish with a big frowny mouth. Must.. find.. Speckled Frowny Fish.. for the tank. Lee doesn't step any closer to the guard, merely producing the identification with the same slow and obvious movements, and then offering out both it and his appointment card on an easily-viewed angle. "Grief Counselling. Doctor's orders," he explains simply, the truth. He really is where he's supposed to be at this moment, which is rare enough. <English>

Even Carmichael agrees
"Belief is all that matters, funny thing or not. It's the only reason most of us still fly, right?" Is that a confession of sorts? From a /nobleman/? Either way, Carmichael takes the hand, his palm smooth but hardened beneath the surface; another peculiarity of the upper class fellow - it's not a hand that's afraid of hard work, that's for sure. No pudginess and not the least bit shy. "I hope I meet you again, Sebastian. Maybe our paths will cross some time... by happenstance or otherwise. I can always spot a soldier..." -- He smiles, again something genuine about it and the nod of respect cannot be faked as he releases the grip, shifting along the bar so that Lee doesn't collide with him... not that he would. That would give off Carm cooties or something. And he's the one that took Baltimore away, after all and then went and wore /vambracers/. He's very quiet though, as Gus does the informing that the entire tab was covered earlier, turning to his drink with what's almost humility. Or at the very least sheepishness. "Y'allo, you..." murmured sidelong. <English>

You'll be happy to know...
Dale has no problem acting like the nympho, or is he acting? He can't stop staring at Lidia. Focus man. Think of Hell, think of Vondye in his underwear! Erm. Bad choice. Hum. Baltimore in his underwear! There we go. Dash of cold water. Yay! <English>

A pay-per-view event
The restaurant Lee had spotted is 'Lombardi's', an intimately narrow affair on a long series of sardine-packed buildings, but the main floor goes deep, with natural brick interior walls hung with creeping vine. They're shown to a cozy corner booth which has an excellent, if somewhat slanted view down the Lane and the harbourfront. A yellow-tongued candle burns in the mouth of a pot-bellied earthen jug at the center of the white tablecloth, and flanked by a breadstick basket and a rack of peppers, parmesan, and lemon-dill spice pots. Off near the bar, a couple of lute and accordion-playing minstrels serenade a table of dining patrons. Oh dear, both musicians are singing through lovely dark and bushy soup-strainers that would kick the crap out of Marc's and Balt's 'staches in a tagteam match. The one with the lute notices Lee and Dale taking up space, and nudges his partner - look... fresh victims! They're so gonna creep up near the end of spaghetti dinner and inspire Dale to nudge the last meatball across the platter to Lee... with his nose! <English>