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Chapter 1

It is a busy afternoon at the Captain's Retreat on Persephone. One of the many tables is occupied by two men, both dressed in black business suits. One of the men has dark hair, combed in the boring style that is typical for federal special agents. The other man, looking like he has Mid-Eastern roots, wears large sunglasses of an expensive brand and several golden rings around his fingers. He probably didn't earn his money in an honest way, is what his jewelry says. They speak to each other in soft voices.

"Our informants tell us that he is on Persephone at the moment," the federal agent says. "Sources say that he will be headed for St. Albans next month."

Habib, the Persian man, nods, looking at the papers the agent gave him. It looks to be the official records of his newly assigned target. "Let me rephrase this," he says in his thick accent. "You don't know where he is and you have no clue where he is headed." His eyes are focussed on the agent.

The agent stares back at Habib, equally strong at first. Eventually, though, he must give in to the cold of Habib's eyes that have seen death and destruction from real close. The agent looks away. "No. The reason we need you to find Lord Alexon is..."

Abrubtly, Habib interrupts the agent. "I'm a bounty hunter. The reason does not concern me. Your money does. Double your pay and I will find him. Triple your pay and he will be dead." With those words he rises to his feet and makes his way to the Retreat's front door.

Chapter 2

The amazingly low temprature makes it almost undoable to move his fingers. Just a few minutes ago there has been a blizzard and Habib is rather happy the storm has calmed down now: it almost ruined his mission. Crawling out of the small cave he found to shelter in, he creeps forward to the edge of the rock he is hiding on. The rock is one of many surrounding a small valley on the southern hemisphere of St. Albans. Wearing thick clothing to offer some protection against the cold, Habib is busy setting up his sniper rifle. Down in the valley stands the Forgotten Obsession: Lord Alexon's ship.

Peering through his gun's scope Habib quickly spots the man who doubles as Alexon's guard and pilot. He walks down the ramp of the ship and is about to inspect the ship to see if they're all set for lift-off. Just when his right foot hits the snow on the ground, Habib pulls the trigger. The mechanisms inside his gun all jump to action. Gunpowder explodes, a bullet presses itself through the barrel of the rifle. The loud noise of the shot is muffled down to a silent hiss by an oversized silencer. Describing an arc-like curve according to ballistic laws, the bullet splits the air in front of it all the way until it penetrates the pilot right in his temple. Without a word he sinks to his knees. Habib doesn't even see how he falls over, face-down into the snow, as he is already disassembling his weapon. This was the hard part.

A few moments later, two men walk out of the Forgotten Obsessions. The first one has a black cotton bag pulled over his head and his hands are tied behind his back. The second one is Habib, firmly holding the other man's arm and keeping a small revolver aimed at the back of his head. Mission: completed.