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Latest revision as of 21:03, 18 February 2011

This woman stands five feet and seven inches tall. Her head is covered in large dark mahogany ringlets. The soft curls flow past her shoulders to the middle of her back. The curls are very subtle and controlled. The mahogany in also graced with colors of gold, black and white. Her face is soft but angled. She has high cheek bones. Her eyes are inward slanted. Her right eye is cerulean blue and her left eye is dark green. Her nose is small. Her plump, rose petal lips are tinted peach. Her teeth white and perfectly straight. Her jaw line soft and rounded. Her neck is pale and thin. The soft flesh unmarked. Her neck softly angles into her shoulders.

Her shoulders are pale and thin. They are covered in a black fitted shirt. The sleeves are cupped and the black is pure. Her collar bones are defined and sharp. Her chest is muscled and her breasts small. They are rounded and move as she breathes. Her arms are thin and toned into defined muscles. In standing they look firm but soft. In combat the muscles become obvious though they still fit her body perfectly. Her wrist are thin and have a two inch leather band on each wrist. Her hands are soft and bony. They also are slightly calloused. Their bony and veiny look make them seem weak but they are stronger then they look. Down to the outline of her rib cage and then the soft cotton holds to her flat and toned stomach. The muscled stomach flexing with her every breath. As her hips curve outwards your eyes naturally follow along the muscled V.

Her hips soft and rounded. Each side leading to a toned leg. Her backside is rounded and dimples are clearly evident and yet they are a nice compliment to her thin and toned figure. The black cotton pants start midway down her hips and are fitted down her legs. Her legs are strong but still thin. The dark fitted pants flow over her thighs and down to crinkle at her knees before continuing down her long calves to her feet. Her feet are about a size eight and are covered in a thick leather combat boot. Most of the boot is covered by the fitted pants. The part you can see has a strap of leather across the top that ties itself off in a belt lock. The thick soles of the boots heavily treaded.