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Recent Events


>Dale is sold at the auction.
>Dale enters the Galactic Gypsy Arms Shootoff.
>Dale is present when Frost is ambushed in the Evesdown Docks.
>Dale signs up to help on the Manor Case

SEPT 2523

>Dale and Ivy begin work on the Clinic
>Dale signs up to help with the Higgins Moon Case
>Dale talks with Odell about his missing wife and accepts that case.
>Dale goes to Ezra and Dyton on the Higgins Moon Case.
>Dale gets shot. One wound. Left Leg.

OCT 2523

>Dale goes to St Albans to look into what's happening in Sleepy Hollow.
>Dale has a great idea to con the headless horseman into thinking he's a priest which ends up making people think he was going to con God and things went downhill from there.
>Epic Failure.
>Two wounds. Left shoulder puncture by wood, back: sword wound.

NOV 2523

>Helped save 84 mudders from being held hostage & 1 Fess Higgins.
>Got shot at again. (two wounds) Right shoulder left leg.(unlucky leg)
>Met Anastasiya
>made a roll at 308 to convince Lee that Marc has a Heart of Gold.
>Created Chaos on Tienlong.

DEC 2523

>Helped finish up the Manors Stalker Case. >Helped finish up Morgan's Missing Uncle Case. >May have been involved in something involving Christmas Gifts in Higgins Moon >Put on a play "How the grinch stole Christmas" to raise money for the orphan children and MWC. Got Baltimore to play the Grinch, Lee to play Max and Anya to play Cindy Lou Who!
>Moves in to Evesdown Flats with Eugene and Marc.
>Kurt Standish Returns.


JAN 2524

>Kurt Standish threatens Dale with LEVERAGE, giving him 3 days to make a decision.[1]
>Tienlong requires assistance from Balt, Lee and Dale. Hence, back on Tienlong. God help them all.
>Enounter with Kurt Standish provides Dale with 2 more weeks. [2]
>Dale, Lee and Marc find out what Dale Nearly Did.[3]
>Sleuthing and Planning. [4]

FEB 2524

>Baltimore, Lee and Dale head the operation Find Anastasiya who went missing.
>Anya is found.
>The group manages to defeat Kurt.

MAR 2524

>Lee goes off with his evil step-mother. Sad Dale.
>Dale doesn't deal well with Lee's jaunt across the stars with the shadowy lady Allegria whom he doesn't trust.
>Dale focuses on the clinic renovations and two cases come across his lap.
>His friend Leutrim is badly wounded and he goes to Hera.

APR 2524

>Lee returns to Persephone. Happy Dale.
>Dale's got construction underway.
>Aleksandr enters his life.

May 2524

>Dale's relationship with Lee develops and is more visual to the world around them.
>The MSD re-construction is complete. >The Mystery of the Singing Walls begins. >Dale begins work in earnest on The High Profile Man case.
>Mallory one of the missing persons in the Singing Walls case is discovered by the "Scooby Gang" in a safe room at the MWC and treatment begins to stabilize the woman. >Dale learns that love truly can change a man.

June 2524

>Construction of the MWC is complete.
>Investigation into the Night Charade begins. The “sciarada di note”

July 2524

>Investigation continues.
>Various medical emergencies hit Eavesdown, keep MWC busy.
>Soccer practice begins for the MWC Lambs.
>Evalyn is found dead.
>Kathryn is found dead.

August 2524

>Dale and Lee go to the Jade Fox Asylum in Paquin for the Singing Walls Case.
>Various medical emergencies in Eavesdown keep MWC busy.
>Autumn dies in a fiery accident in Eavesdown.
>Eugene, Lee and Dale investigate the Nurse at Perse General and end up finding one of the missing girls. >Dale is the victim of a near MULE accident that was an attempt on his life witnessed by Mary-Soleil Pringle and Lee Weaving. It thankfully did not succeed.

Sept 2524

>Nearly a year has passed since he came out of the black.
>The Singing Walls Case is solved.
>Dale and Lee go on vacation in Paquin for a week.

Oct 2524

>The First part of the month is quiet at least.
>The Scooby Gang plots to help with the final showdown of the Femme Fatale.
>His younger brother Neil Stinson is the star of a Reality TV Show.
>The Lambseys band together to help.

Nov 2524

>The rivalry with Perse general heats up.
>The Bachelor continues.
>New docs at the clinic oversee a special delivery of four frightened young people.
>Ivy adopts Yeller to be a therapy dog at the clinic.
>Marc finds out finally that Dale had a thing for him.
>Lee has dentistry which results in a high speed ambulance chance leads to misunderstandings between Perse gen and MWC.

DEC 2524

>Great Christmas Eve.
>Bad Christmas Day. Lee Injured badly. Dale is upset.


JAN 2525

>BTX toxin causes havoc. Clinic overwhelmed.

FEB 2525

>Cure developed.
>Plot thickens.
>Dale and Lee find refuge in a wonderful new club on Santos. "The Capital"

MAR 2525

>Lee's birthday. He's official 20!
>Iorwerth Jones is kidnapped apparently by Independents.
>John Dere finds a connection to the 'lower city foundations' while working on renovations to the MWC.
>Eugene Soh is shot and nearly killed.

APR 2525

Became an Uncle to Babies Lily and Logan, Ivy's children.

Lily-Bug Augusta Lambsey

Logan Lee Lambsey

Learned to Fly

MAY 2525

Time: May 09, 2525 - 15:41:42

rescued Ashcrofts with Scooby gang tactics with group of people: Michiba, Lee, Jade, Cal, Marc, Eugene and Leutrim.

Learned to Land