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In order to raise funds for relief efforts on Hera, and in response to the Ladies of the Alliance calendar, Olops of Londinium Press is proud to present:

The Men of Science and Medicine Calendar, 2526

Photo gallery


Every model was interviewed, and asked for things like turn-ons, turn-offs, favorite fantasies, and that kind of thing. These are included in a blurb in the corner of each calendar page.

January, Amakaze Aleksandrovich

  1. Turn-ons: Glasses
  2. Turn-offs: Muscles
  3. Fantasy: To be the last man on Earth-that-Was
  4. Our Thoughts: A fine chef who loves to cook, but hates muscles? We're not sure that's a good combination.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Legion

February, Aubrey Everson

  1. Turn-ons: Technology, blue eyes, nice hair. But mostly Technology.
  2. Turn-offs: Body odor and malfunctioning code.
  3. Fantasy: To be loved.
  4. Our Thoughts: Very cute, but he has a tendency to talk strangely. We think maybe English isn't his primary language.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Miss-ter FeBREEary

March, Elric Ratius

  1. Turn-ons: Intelligent conversation.
  2. Turn-offs: Most idiots.
  3. Fantasies: Finding out what 'normal' is.
  4. Our Thoughts: Quiet and intense, Captain Ratius seems an odd sort to be involved in the medical profession. Maybe his job is to create the demand.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Rat (we're too afraid of him to come up with a 'funny' nickname)

April, Adam Walker

  1. Turn-ons: Intelligent, perceptive people who care about others deeply. Also, hawtness.
  2. Turn-offs: Unjustified arrogance, mass murdering nutjobs.
  3. Fantasies: To be the king of Londinium, obviously. Failing that, a three-way with... hmm. No. Might get sued. Never mind.
  4. Our Thoughts: To be honest, we're not entirely sure how this guy made it into the lineup. He's not a scientist or a doctor, and he doesn't seem all that bright. We would suspect he bribed our editor, but we like our jobs.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Who?

May, Jeffrey Spencer

  1. Turn-ons: Vodka. And chicks with really big tatas.
  2. Turn-offs: You know that laugh some people have where it sounds like a donkey braying, and then they sort of snort at the end? That.
  3. Fantasies: Three-way with me, that hot blond chick from Days of Ariel General, and Vice Admiral Havoc. What? He's hot.
  4. Our Thoughts: We set our notes down when we went to watch Duke Damian Carmichael's photoshoot. We're not sure, but we /thought/ Mr. Spencer's answers were a little different before we left. He probably amended his answers after some careful consideration.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Jeffscer

June, Dale Lambsey

  1. Turn-ons: Form fitting clothing.
  2. Turn-offs: Simpering.
  3. Fantasies: I'm an optimist, I wish everyone could live in the moment and be excellent to each other.
  4. Our Thoughts: He's rather brawny in a hunky sort of way, and we dearly wish we could have gotten his 'friend' Lee Weaving who was not available at the time this shoot took place.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Lambykins

July, Alex Becker

  1. Turn-ons: Literate women who challenge my mind as well as please my eyes.
  2. Turn-offs: People who use abbreviations like 'Lol' and 'u' when sending text 'waves.
  3. Fantasies: Sitting before a fire, reading a good mystery novel, and sipping tea while the rain patters on the awning outside.
  4. Our Thoughts: After watching Dr. Becker for a little while, we are forced to wonder if that bit about 'literate women' might have just been a beard?
  5. Olops Press Nickname: The Tightness

August, Damian Carmichael

  1. Turn-ons: Intelligence and a sense of humor
  2. Turn-offs: Idiocy and being nauseous
  3. Fantasies: To be able to ride the wings of pegasus. It makes sense, in a bizarre way.
  4. Our Thoughts: "Bizarre way?" Um... yes Your Grace.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Lulu

September, Zachary MacAbrams

  1. Turn-ons: Women with a trim figure, long auburn hair, and expressive gray eyes.
  2. Turn-offs: Bowling balls.
  3. Fantasies: Making out with the Pirate Princess on the steps of Parliament.
  4. Our Thoughts: We're not sure about the 'bowling balls' thing.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: ZachMac

October, Aiden Nox

  1. Turn-ons: Hair pulling
  2. Turn-offs: Stupidity
  3. Fantasies: None of your business
  4. Our Thoughts: Quite the cranky type. We sure hope he's good at his job, and that his job isn't Public Relations. Still, he's prettier than most female models, so that must make up for something.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Grumpy Gus

November, Sebastien Rhys

  1. Turn-ons: Intelligence. In the right package of course. I won't pretend looks don't matter.
  2. Turn-offs: Mundanity
  3. Fantasies: well...they're all pretty great. But really, I have to say it's the life I live every day and night. My life now is the greatest fantasy, beyond my wildest imaginings. Well, not /beyond/ them, but! You get the idea.
  4. Our Thoughts: Thoughtful, modest, and tasteful at all times, it is surprise that Mr. Rhys has not been hired out from under the Duke yet.
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Maurice

December, Leo

  1. Turn-ons: (He yawned at us when we asked him this)
  2. Turn-offs: (He chuffed when we asked him this)
  3. Fantasies: (He stood up, turned around, lay back down, and went to sleep when we asked him this)
  4. Our Thoughts: That's one big cat!
  5. Olops Press Nickname: Leo