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This is OOC Information
This is a primarily NPC group behind an on-going TP. If you'd like to participate in the TP, or use the group for your own devices, contact Rose for any questions not answered by this wiki-page.

While fighting with many of the same end-goals in mind, the Sons Of Liberty should not be confused with Browncoats. The two groups respective names are not interchangeable.

Sons Of Liberty

"Revolution is not a dinner party, nor an essay, nor a painting, nor a piece of embroidery; it cannot be advanced softly, gradually, carefully, considerately, respectfully, politely, plainly, and modestly. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another." -- Mao Zedong

The Sons of Liberty, also known as SOL or The Royal Ex-Pats, is the collective name for anonymous and semi-autonomous individuals or covert cells who, according to the SOL doctrine, use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to force Tyranny to release its stranglehold on the individual." The intellectual underpinnings rationalizing such actions is known as Anarchism.

The Sons of Liberty were founded in Town on Saint Albans in 2501 and slowly spread to a few dozen rim planets by 2505-- most notably Ezra, Deadwood, and Ita's Moon. Its initial bloom in numbers could be explained by the frustration with Alliance affairs at the time and was, perhaps, an omen of the conflict to come.

Role in the Unification War

Though holding similar end-goals as the "Browncoats," the two groups should not be confused. While the Independents and Alliance fought according to long-standing "rules of war" (generally speaking), the SOL adhered to a looser dogma regarding conflict. It is this distinction that has left the Browncoats labeled as soldiers, while the SOL as terrorists.


The Sons of Liberty were too disorganized during the Unification war to be termed a formal fighting force, yet a considerable amount of resources on both sides of the conflict were spent trying to prevent many of their attacks from succeeding. The base purpose behind the SOL's tactics was this: intimidation or coercion of the public in order to effect social or political change. Their most common attacks involved an improvised explosive device secreted in an unwitting participants vehicle (usually a personal MULE, occasionally a shuttle or fuel tanker).

Compared to the grand scale of the Unification War itself, SOL's attacks inflicted barely a fraction of the casualties caused by the more standard naval and ground forces. The notable difference-- and what was perhaps their fatal mistake --was in targeting civilian's, and those otherwise considered "not involved" in the war. Random towns and villages would be attacked, suggesting both a larger sized force than SOL actually had (rough estimates placed their numbers between one and two hundred fighting personnel, by 2509), and implying their target was not necessarily the Alliance itself, so much as the people as a whole. The end result left many citizens fearing for their lives, despite the statistical improbability of being attacked (only twenty five such operations were attempted during the five years of the Unification War, with six of those uncovered and prevented in advance).

Current State

The SOL's campaign could never be considered truly successful, even when taking great liberties in interpreting their rather vague doctrine. While propaganda spread amongst the cell's described a level of unprecedented success, official accounts suggest-- barring those attacks made during the Unification War --the groups efforts were abysmal failures. In the fifteen years since peace was once more brought to the 'verse, only a single attack (a failed Shuttle-bombing, in 2513) could be definitively linked to the terrorists. The Sons of Liberty have faded away and fallen apart-- forgotten by most of society, and, soon enough, forgotten by history itself.

Recently, however, the reactivation of several "sleeper cells" implies the group is experiencing something of a revival (if, albeit, a small one). While not as public as the bombing of '13, a series of seemingly isolated events suggest that something big is planned by the organization.

Case Files

To be Updated

  • Extortion of Meretrix crew/Robbery of personel files