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What is Fookball? Fookball is a game that was developed by various players on a faithful evening of boredom. This was a group effort and couldn't have been done without all the players that came out to participate helping form the OOC and IC rules about it.

The special thanks go out to the following people for their role in making this game a reality: Sev, Itzal, Mantissa, Bastien, Ryder, David, O'Rourke, Rendolin, Kirsten, Nysacire, Carmichael, Terra

It's a mixture of all kinds of sports games and those that aren't even in existence.

It is played with any kind of ball (Though soccer ball was used in the first game due to its advantages of both being able to be kicked and carried). There are two goals on either side of the field manned by a goalie.

OOC Rules

How to kick the ball: +taskroll agility at 40 (Success means that it goes in the direction you want it to. Failure means it does not.)

How to throw the ball: +taskroll thrown weapon at 40 (Success means that it goes in the direction you want it to. Failure means it does not.)

How to catch the ball: +taskroll catch at 40 (If the ball is passed to no one in particular).

How to intercept the ball that is thrown to someone else: +taskroll catch at (). The () stands for the following: You must combine the difficulty of the Thrown Weapon taskroll that was performed by the person throwing the ball and the success that they made.

How to make a score: You are to do a +taskroll of the form of what you're attempting to get the ball into the goal. The Goalie has a change to block by doing a +taskroll agility at (). The () will be a combined of the difficulty of the taskrolll + the success. If the Goalie succeeds, then the goal is blocked. If not, the goal goes in.

How to tackle someone: +attack/nodamage NAME at 50 .. A success means you tackle the person, a failure means that you don't. If you miss the tackle, you must do a +taskroll agility at 50. A failure means you trip, a success means you do not trip.

How to get out of a tackle: Both people must roll a +taskroll strength at 50. The person with the higher success succeeds in either getting out of the pinned position or keeping the other person in the pin, depending on the position of the person who wins.


How to intercept the ball that is kicked to someone else: +taskroll agility at (). The () stands for the following: You must combine the difficulty of the Agility taskroll that was performed by the person kicking the ball and the success that they made.


How to get the ball out of someone else's hands: +taskroll Martial Arts at 50 vs. The other's +taskroll Martial Arts at 50. Whomever is higher is the winner.

IC Rules

There is no punching, kicking, elbowing (General purposeful attacks) on other people, excluding tackling and grappling.

No armour is allowed.

No weapons are allowed.

Once a goal is made, the goalie that was protecting that goal is able to throw the ball back into play.

How The Winner Is Picked

There is two ways in order to win Fookball.

1: The first team that gets 10 goals.

2: If all members of the game pass out, drop out, it is the team that has the most goals that wins the game.