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Latest revision as of 21:18, 18 February 2011

IC - In Character. You are talking or acting as the character, not as the player.

OOC - Out of character. You are talking or acting as the player and not as the character.

ICC - In character consequences.

ICA - In character actions.

TP - A TP is short for 'Tiny Plot'. A tiny plot is a coordinated roleplay event, where typically there is a preset theme or storyline, to be played out and directed by a storyteller. A TP tends to be ran by an Admin (Staff) though also can be 'Player Ran'.

Timestop - A timestop is an object that an Admin (Judge) places down that creates a 'pose order'. By looking at the timestop (look timestop) it will tell you the pose order of the scene. These tend to be placed down during 'TPs' and violent scenes where a judge is present.

Scene - Interaction through the means of RP between two or more characters.

BBL - Be back later.

BRB - Be right back.

LOL - Laugh out loud.

LMFAO - Laugh my f*cking ass off.

AFK - Away from keyboard.

BBIB - Be back in a bit.

ATM - At the moment.

FYI - For your information.

TTFN - Ta ta for now.

TTYL - Talk to you later.

TITC - Take it to Chat channel, not appropriate for the channel it is on.

MAV/MIS - A message or pose sent to the wrong person, wrong window, wrong board, wrong channel, etc.

No Consent - This is a flag that you can set on your character meaning that you will abide by whatever happens. In short, if someone becomes angry and wishes to harm your character, you agree to not be upset if something negative (character death) happens.

Consent - For the most part, Serenity MUSH is a Non-Consent game except for when it concerns character death. Typically, unless you consent to it, your character will not be killed.

Retcon - A Retcon is when for whatever reason an admin decides that an event did not happen. Perhaps a code glitch caused your ship to explode when it took off. In the event of a Retcon, players should pretend the retconned event never occurred.

TS - Tiny-Sex. A RP session that is involves a sexual nature.

NPC - Non-Player Character.

PC - Player Character. A character that belongs to a character.

FC - Feature Character. A character that is often from the Episodes. Ex: Niska, Fess Higgins, Badger, Mal, River, etc.

Char - Player Character.

H-space - H-Space is the coded space system used by SerenityMUSH

DSS - DSS is short for Dahan's Skill System. DSS is the skill and combat system used on Serenity MUSH. For information on this system, type '+sinfo' in-game.

Bit - A bit is what designates a staffer. There are essentially three types of bit that can be given to a player. The first is a Judge. Judges have the least ability to make changes to characters and systems but they are still to be respected as members of staff. Second are Royalty. Royalty have a little more power in regards to code, changing things, and seeing things in the game. The top tier is the Wizard bit. A Wizard character has the ability to see and change anything on the game.

Admin - Admin are those with a royalty or wizard flag. They are the ones who oversee the code of the game as well as ensuring that the game runs smoothly. Further, in the event it is needed, they are also the ones able to take action against a character that is in violation of the game's rules.

Judge - A judge is an admin that typically is responsible for overseeing certain scenes such as combat or plots. They ensure that proper rules are being followed in these situations.

Staff - The players who run this game. See Judge and Admin above.

+finger - Similar to the *NIX command, +finger allows you to view information on a character such as their alias, faction, etc.

+wave - +WAVE is a method of in-character communication. It is essentially in-character e-mail for all intents and purposes. Usage is as follows: +wave Person=Subject/Message

@mail - @mail is used for out of character communication. It is essentially an in-game, out of character e-mail. Usage is: @mail Person=Subject/Message.

Page -Page is a very useful tool for talking to any player on the mush, no matter where they are in-game. You literally don't even have to be on the same world. Generally speaking, pages are considered OOC. They're for helping you hook up with friends, schedule RP sessions, and generally just jabber amongst yourselves. Sometimes the person you want to talk to is on the MUSH, but not in the same room as you are. The page command lets you talk to someone else no matter where else they are on the MUSH. This is especially useful when you're starting out and you need to ask someone for help.

Channel - Channels are a method of out of character communication used in the game. Some common channels are Public, Chat, Newbie, Recruiting, and RP. Most factions in the game also have their own channels. For more information on channel usage, see 'help chat' in-game.

Credits - Money in SerenityMUSH is broken up into two types. The most commonly used currency is the credit. One credit is worth twenty-five dollars.

Dollars - Dollars are primarily used for cargo purchases and little else. There are twenty-five dollars per credit.

Inv - The 'Inv' command allows a player to see what their character is carrying.

RP - RP, roleplay, is ultimately what we are all here to do. Roleplaying, to describe it simply, is the creation of and portrayal of a character. You create a character and interact with others in the game as that character.