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Crime is an integral part of the setting of Firefly/Serenity. As a drama/adventure, this is good for story telling, but a little meaningless if there is no danger. From some directions (eg, Badger or Niska) the danger is real and bloody, but another aspect of danger are the forces of Law and Order. Without those risks being present, the triumph for the 'caper' is diminished.

At the same time, if the forces of law and order, or crime and disorder, are too powerful, or too efficient, then those risks stifle roleplay, as nobody wishes to take risks. This is bad for the game, but equally bad would be the Alliance (and presumably Organised Crime) being so inefficient as to be laughable. Therefore allowances need to be made to balance these two extremes.


What we, as the alliance propose as our list of penalties are (in increasing severity):

Removal of permits (weapon/pilot/captaining).
Community Service/electronic tagging.
Jailtime (minor).
Room 101/Behavioural modification.
Jailtime (major)/Execution (character loss with xp maintained/mostly maintained)

The last level, whilst obviously of BIG differences to the character, have little variation in effect- they are all character losing events. We want to avoid these if possible, but if they do occur, then at least the player does not massively lose in terms of character strength.

Room 101 (the psychological torture/re-education techniques from the novel 1984) is a touchy option, but the change in character play is, if viewed in the right light, a massive set of plot hooks (for change in relations, or even in crew trying to cure the conditioned person), and we're all here to roleplay!


At the end of the day, the Alliance don't want to make things unfun for anyone, so talk to us OOCly, if you have strong thoughts or beliefs about how your case should be dealt with, and we'll try and arrange things such that everyone's happy. It doesn't mean that In-character actions will escape In-character consequences, but the nature of those consequences could be 'tweaked', to make things more fun for everyone!