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Full name Jason M Davis
Date of Birth Aug 25,2491
Assignment Engineer/Mechanic
Gender Male


The first thing you notice about Parts is his eyes. What grabs you first is the color. A piercing blue that seems to look right through you. Most disconcerting is that they might just be. It doesn't seem that he ever actually looks at a person, instead either focusing on their equipment or what's beyond them. Facially, he appears to be of mixed blood, the epicanthic fold of an Asian, combigned with what used to be called a Roman nose. His black hair is cropped short, but not short enough to conceal the tight curls it would have if it was longer. Standing at about 5'4", he's shorter than the average man; and at 128# he's also thinner. Dressed in his customary tight fitting ships coveralls and a pair of combat boots, he tends to look like an anorexic stowaway. His hands are never still, usually there's some part or gadget in his hands that he turns over while he's thinking, but even if they're empty his hands are still twitching like he's manipulating some obscure piece of hardware that only he can see.



Born Jason M Davis to a family of asteroid miners, Parts earned his nickname at the age of 8 when he dismantled one of the control boards of the family shuttle overnight. While he doesn't have much in the way of formal education, he has several engineering certificates as well as a valid Pilot's license.

Parts joined the Independence Navy on his 17th birthday, because he felt the Alliance had crossed the line in demanding obedience to their rules, while providing people like him and his family with none of the benefits offered to the Core worlds. During his tenure with the Browncoats, Parts worked principally on repairing and retrofitting the fleet of small transports used for everything from medical evacuations to combat drops. He's probably fixed more combat damage than any half dozen Alliance techs out there - simply because the Alliance would have scrapped half the ships the Independents needed to put back into the Black.

From things he's said, he had something rough happen to him during the war. A check with his military records shows 3 commendations for valor dated at the same time as his medical discharge. A date that coincides with the blackrocking of Shadow.

Given his history, he prefers to interact with Alliance personnel as little as possible when they can't be outright avoided. He can hold his tongue when needed, but he's still quick to share his opinion of the Alliance.

Since the War, Parts has worked a half dozen ships as an engineer, as well as at several of the shipyards. His recently left his last ship after a disagreement with the Captain over the need to replace the containment baffles on the reactor and rebuild the life support system. Latest word is that ship never made it's next port of call.


Parts has joined Meretrix Industries as an engineer on the Evening Star. In addition to the standard maintenance work, he's been polishing his piloting skills making cargo runs while re-tuning the engines. Cateogry:Character