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This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


General Information

Ship Name

Roisin Dubh

  • The name of the ship would be the Roisin Dubh, or Black Rose once translated from Gaelic. A name for Ireland from the earth-that-was. And also a term used in alot of popular songs from the late 20th and early 21st century.



  • Nemo vir est qui mundum non reddat meliorem


  • What man is a man who does not make the world better?


The core group of people I have gotten together for this ship application are extremely active players. On daily and usually for 5-10 hours regularly when we are online. We remain actively rping with one another and do get out off the ship to RP with others regularly. Everyone assembled seems to get along well and we are here for what rp was meant to be. Something to have fun with, not something to stress out to much over. The chemistry of those within this group is great, We avoid conflict with one another and have yet to truly have any outbursts from within the crew ranks. We are ever growing and constantly finding other people who like us are here for the story and helping create it and give it better depth and dynamics that we have not seen as of yet. We are a combination of both old and new player alike and none of us really mind teaching and helping others out learn the codes of the game or even with general questions. One thing that I plan to eventually implement is actual times where crew members will be on the Newbie channel to assist with questions others may have about character creation, Stat use etc.

After all, we were all new to the game at one point and those of us who were lucky had others to help us with those same questions when we were going through the process. We just want to see the game thrive and the story to keep on going and become something truly amazing.


What type of crew we will be:

  • We are a Cargo/Black market crew. We deal with the underworld but keep it very hush hush and remain a respectable appearance for the most part. Also one that has plans to begin a business and expand what we do. We in time plan to be a full functioning corporation that deals in various needed area's that would help the grid. All in all we are a profit earning ship.

Regarding Outsiders:

  • The policy regarding outsiders is fairly simple as is how we will react to them. So long as they are friendly and do not seek to cause the ship and crew harm we will welcome them most of the time. The only exception would be if we are in the middle of underworld tp's or cargo runs as to reduce the risk of alliance trouble. Other then that we will be kind towards outsiders until given reason not to be.

Regarding New Players

  • We will be a new player friendly ship, We will remain kind to the new people to the grid and try to assist them in finding the right fit for them as well as give them a place to call home should we have the room to do so. Even if we do not we will try to do tp's that new and old players alike can get in on if they wish


  • Create a Facility with Landing Pad and Planet side crew accomadations.
  • Form a larger Company once profit margins are good enough to justify the expansion.
  • Form a consortium with like minded Captains and Ships. We have already began this step and have a agreement/pact with the Leviathan.
  • Obtain a side venture for added income to be used towards the ship/company's needs as well as expansion.
  • Form contracts with the current nobles of the grid, form working relationships with them to create another dynamic to the rp of the ship and crew.
  • Obtain a larger ship, Hopefully in time obtain a transu or likewise sized ship that has the greater cargo hold and crew size. Making it so we can hire on more crew members as well as better facilitate new player help icly.
  • Take the required steps to possibly get into business with Blue Sun doing runs for them as well as some search operations and information gathering for individuals requiring such things.
  • To meet the needs of the general public and nobles alike.
  • Try to obtain our own Factory/Shipyard/Warehouse or something of that nature.
  • To give back to the grid and help enrich the story of the MUSH.

Crew and their Positions

Saul Ennan

  • Owner
  • Captain
  • Cargo Master
  • Pilot
  • Full-Time Employee

Executive Officer

  • For the position of Executive Officer I am doing something a bit diffrent from the normal of most ships and crews. I will instead be giving each crew member 2 weeks rp time aka 1 week rl in the spot of Executive Officer. Who ever fulfills the duties and responsibilities best will then be given the position of Executive officer.

Chastian O'Conner:

  • Security
  • Information Gathering
  • Cargo Trainee
  • Command Trainee
  • Full-Time Employee

Elliot Hayes:

  • Security
  • Chief Pilot
  • Full-Time Employee

Janessa Renee Hayes:

  • Medical
  • Cargo - Trainee
  • Full-Time Employee


  • Security
  • Pilot
  • Part-Time Employee

Helena Byrne

  • Companion on board

Havelock Vetinari

  • Engineer
  • Full-Time Employee


  • Medical
  • Full-time Employee

Mengxia "Michelle" Xiao

  • Technical Support
  • Pilot
  • Full-Time Employee

Sample Ship Guidelines

Weapon Policy

  • Every crew member is allowed a maximum of 4 firearms without the express permission of the captain
  • While at Noble Compounds, Permission should first be obtained by the Noble's personal security to carry weapons on their grounds.
  • Weapons will be kept stored in a safe and locked location while not being carried
  • Employee's will have the correct Alliance issued licenses for their weapons. There are no exceptions.
  • More to follow....

Ship Policy

  • Crew members leaving the planet where the ship is currently resting on must inform another crew member or send a cortex wave informing crew of where they are going, who they are going with and how long they plan to be gone. Those who do not shall receive consequences.
  • Sexism, Age Discrimination, Racism and other forms of Prejudice shall not be tolerated.
  • Anyone who provokes violence, or raises a hand to any crew member is caught fighting aboard the ship without good reason shall be removed from the ship by force if necessary.
  • There are smoking area's on the ship. There is to be no smoking period in Medical or on the Bridge due to the sensitive nature of the computers as well as overall sanitary needs of medical.
  • All visitors must put their weapons in the weapons check at the entry point of the ship. The only exception is with the express permission of the Captain or the XO.
  • Anyone having extended guests stay aboard the ship should notify the Captain or XO for security reasons.
  • Anyone found attempting to sabotage the ship shall be dealt with quickly and harshly.
  • All new crew members will undergo a probationary period of one month.

  • These are just examples of what the ship policies will be. There will be a more complete and discussed and approved by the crew overall listing if we are given a ship



Tell me why must a man be of service
To his lord and the god seldom high
From the grave spring the name of our fathers
But there's no glint in a dead man's eye
Tell me why are our fields filled with hunger
And fruitless the crop bitter soil
So I say my farewell to a nation
As the leaf waves goodbye to it's son

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
I must leave what I left far behind
So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh
I say goodbye

Tell me why must our peace be this puzzle
That fractures the land, splinters war
The last nails cite the shame in our coffin
But in the end we must all die alone

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
Some must leave what they left far behind
So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh
I say goodbye

And the bark fell from tree
To the ground that they'll bleed
On the anguish that never learned to shout
With the clash of the drum
We'll surrender the gun
and on this sadness we shall no longer speak

Until time can live on our all forgotten songs
That's when I and we will sing again
So goodbye to my love, my sweet Roisin Dubh
Goodbye now until we meet again

Tell me why must our grief still be greiving
For a language that never spoke it's loss
But this tongue speak with fire will tear down the barb wire
And Rip the belly from the waxy ghost

So it's to youth I sing you this story
And it's of youth I sing it now
Like the train that derails without warning
We must leave what we left far behind

So goodbye, sweet Roisin Dubh, I say goodbye
Until we meet again
Until we meet again
Until we meet again, she arrives to beautify
But slumber now must rest
Oh my Roisin Dubh
I'll forever love
The youth you once possessed

Youtube Link
