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Latest revision as of 10:28, 20 February 2011

Captain Jade Tycho
Class Scarab Mk. I Transport
Crew Capacity 10
Cargo Capacity 700 tons + MULE
Top Speed 840 (1680 afterburn)
Command Crew
Piloting Crew
  • Justin, Chief Pilot
Engineering Crew
Security Crew
Medical Crew
  • Unassigned, Chief Medical Officer
  • Ru Sycorax, Field Medic
  • Liam, Doctor
General Crew

Traveller, Scarab Mk. I Transport. This vessel is sleek and low, with a keel of approximately 150 feet, and an overall length of about 210 feet. The ship is wide, with a 100 foot beam, and spanning nearly a 150 feet from wingtip to wingtip. At about 40 feet high, the hull is smooth, set in long arching segments like plates of armor over the dorsal section, with thruster pods under each stubby wing, and the bulge of a grav drive pod at the aft. The cockpit is slung under the forward section of the upper deck, and the wide loading bay opens forward. Along the top of the craft, a low rotating pod has been added with a clear bubble for it's occupant to see out of. The entire ship is painted a brilliant gold color, with the wings painted a deep blackish green to match the accents around the shuttle hatch above, and the beam demarkation on the ventral hull. On either side of the arch over the grav drive at the aft is painted in flowing script, the legend 'Traveller' in stylish black script letters.