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Latest revision as of 17:55, 18 March 2011

Medical ethics says you can't give a cancer patient a life-saving drug until it's passed clinical trials
Medical ethics says that doctors, not patients, get to decide which procedures are worth the risk involved
Medical ethics says that those who can't pay for doctors with excessive training shouldn't receive care
We throw out those ethics. And we're proud of it
--Ginger Funke, founder

Who they are

The Utilist Doctors (Or The UD) are a loosely related group of medical professionals who seem to lack the ethics that most doctors abide by, and perform most of their work illegally. They'll allow doctors to work even if they don't have the proper credentials, and they'll provide treatments that other doctors might consider too risky.

Some of these doctors will even perform experiments on unwilling subjects -- the idea being that it's acceptable to harm one person in order to help several others.

OOC Contact

If you'd like to use this group in a plot or as part of your character background, please contact Babbage to work out some details.