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A RolePlay Log by


Shadow Box - Part 1


2011 May 17

IC Date

2528 October 24




Suzi, English, Calira, Stilcho, Rhonwen

Following the request to ascertain the whereabouts of a specific crate that was stolen from a BlueSun facility, and as a result of weeks of work and research on behalf of Brenn and with legal support from Rhonwen, a team of specialists head to Shadow under the guise of holding a memorial for a lost comrade.

Zang Fu - Common Area


     Central to the room is a large table with a set of eight mis-matched chairs around it. Most of them are empty and able to be sat upon, but sometimes pulling one out reveals a short stack of boxed rations or other foodstuffs. One of the side walls has a pair of couches pushed against it, both comfortable, and one having a folded up blanket draped over the back of it. The wall opposite has a small bookshelf as well as some other means of entertainment available. On the wall farthest from the medbay, a plasma stove and a sink that runs on sonics are placed, as well as other items that would serve for a kitchen to the ship. There are counters and cupboards here to hold foodstuffs and the means of preparing them in order to feed the crew.

     So there are people here. Those people happen to be currently gathering amongst the Zang Fu's common area. This is where the scene opens, the atmosphere sedate as the world beyond viewports and windows slumbers under a perpetual nuclear winter. This is no lethal area on the planet that the ship has landed to thanks to coordinates given but the washed out colors beyond, monochrome at best, do little to brighten the mood; at least for Charles Beardsley as he looks upon a silver pocket watch with knitted brows and a furrowed expression. It's not as if he would gain superpowers if he stepped out and found an area dense in radiation. So he watches the second hand tick, tick, tick the early morning away. <English>

     Kim sits curled up at one end of a sofa, hunched over with her elbow resting on the sofa's arm and her chin resting upon her uplifted palm. Her fingertips drum idly against her cheek. Bored, much? She watches the goings on--or lack thereof--around her, just kind of waiting for marching orders. It's hard to make small talk with a bunch of people all pretending to be other people. It seems so.. pointless. So she waits. Watches. And waits. <English>

     With the cargo safely loaded, cinched down and secured and the ship safely in the air, Illy made sure that everyone had found either a place to rest their tail feathers or a room to bunk down in while the ship was in transit, and arrival upon the planet in the dead of night was the ideal time to NOT sally forth and take a stroll on a planet in perpetual nuclear winter. Now that the sun has arisen, and the absolute lack of anything resembling warmth to thaw the outside of the ship, Illy makes her way into the commons with the intent to rustle up some grub and make a pop of brain juice: aka - Coffee. <English>

     Kirsten, at least, has had the forethought to bring a deck of cards. Outstanding. Right now she's playing solitaire with herself, occasionally cheating to keep the game moving faster for herself. She's found a corner wedged between a couple of crates, the cards laid out on the deckplates before her, and occasionally she stifles a yawn. Now the ship is still, that is; she was braced miserably in the heads for planetfall. <English>

     Rhonwen Jones as the crew here know her by, steps into the common area. In on hand she is carrying an empty coffee cup and underneath her arm she a book. Her long thick auburn hair has been bulled back into a single braid and layered strands that had not been imprisoned in said braid frame her face. In her free hand she is using a can, it looks to be nothing more than a beat up piece of metal that has seen better days. Her green eyes seem to take in everything. Today she is dressed in a long patch work skirt and old tennis shoes. Along sleeved blouse that is properly buttoned up completes the outfit. The only jewelry she is wearing is a long necklace that has been tuck into her blouse. "Good day!" She says. Her voice is a low soft whiskey contralto that seems to purr out the words, that are colored with accent that could be from either Shadow or Regnia. <English>

     There's only so long that Beardsley can take in watching his watch; if anything, the watching as time ticks along makes him feel as if it is going slower than what it should. He's soon looking up and elsewhere, particularly when more of the women begin entering the room. There's something of a smile offered, politely, but not particularly in high spirits leads into quietly walking off from lingering about the central table. "So... is it really a good day? I can't tell." That makes him sour his expression momentarily, just before haphazardly plopping down onto the other sofa. <English>

     There is, in fact, a pot of coffee already on. Minus a few cups. One of which is balanced on Kim's knee, where she's holding it loosely with one hand. This is probably why she's sitting still rather than pacing like a restless caged animal. As it is, she appears pretty serene. "Good as they get around these parts, I suppose." she speculates, lifting her mug for a sip. As Illy and Rhonwen appear, she straightens a bit in her seat and tries not to look so bored. "G'morning." she offers the two of them, flashing a small smile. <English>

     "It's morning," Illy declares as she makes a bee-line toward the coffee pot, "haven't decided as of yet if it's good. Too early to say for sure," she clarifies as she pours herself a cup of coffee and drinks about half of it right there - glad that it's cool enough to not scald her tongue - then tops off the mug and sets the pot back on the burner to keep it warm. Wandering toward one of the view ports she eyes the terrain, gives it a brief but disgusted glare, "I'm glad I brought the hostile weather gear. We're going to need it." <English>

     "Good morning," 'Bernadette' dutifully echoes in the chorus line, scooping up her broken hand of cards and shuffling them back into the pack. "When do we start, m'am?" She's eager, this one, impatient to be off the ship and doing something. Doing what is another matter entirely. Doing anything would be better than waiting. <English>

     "You are alive are you alive and you are not attached to life support, that is a good day in my book. " She moves with ease and not the stiffness she has been showing the crew as she goes to pour herself a cup of coffee. Hanging the cane on the counter she takes out a small pillbox from a hidden pocket. Dutifully she pops the pills and takes a sip of the coffee. Putting the pill box away she takes another sip of her coffee. "When are you ready for us to head out?" Her accent is all but gone now, but that whiskey contralto is still in place. <English>

     "I meant-," then again, it's not all that important what Beardsley means when half of everyone gathered is sharp enough to deduce what he meant; yeah, they're better detectives than he is. So the man gets to run a hand over his shaved head with his left while slipping his antique watch into a pocket with his right. He ends up sitting there with legs parted and arms folded over the breadth of his chest, listening. He may or may not be a restless caged animal. "I don't know. I think Shadow missed that 'be a good day' memo a couple years back," woe, and he glances briefly aside, "But, sure, good morning." He'll otherwise be quiet though, there is planning afoot. <English>

     Kim can't help but chuckle at Rhonwen's pragmatic approach to the morning's status. "Fair enough." she offers, her gaze following the woman as she makes her way to the counter. Illy's comment about the gear draws her eyes in her direction, and then she looks over at Rhonwen again. "Did you bring a pair of pants, ma'a---er, Rhonwen?" Indeed a skirt might be awkward with the sort of gear they're going to be setting off in. Flicking a glance toward Beardsley, she covers a smile with another sip of her coffee. <English>

     Calira is making serious headway on the contents of the coffee mug while fishing out a high protein ration bar and consuming it with the focused attitude of someone who knows how to live on these things - and enjoy it! "As soon as everyone has had something to eat and drink, lets get into gear and saddle up," she says in reply to Bernadette. A wry smile is aimed at Rhonwen, "Every day above ground is a good day? That's the attitude," she says, a tone of approval in her voice. She takes another sip from the cup she's holding, washing down more of the ration bar while aiming the same wry smile at Beardsley, "I think the option for 'a good day' was blasted off of the menu a few years back." At Kim's question she looks back at Rhonwen and seems to realize, "That is a good question, do you need something to change into before you get into gear with us?" <English>

     "Of course I brought pants they are hidden under the skirt; got to love stretch pants. Actually I think part of me is dying inside because of this outfit." Rhonwen half teases as she chuckles. "So boss what would you like for us to do. I am here for the ride." She half teases again as she puts that black cloth bound book down. "I have herd of children, I am prepared for almost anything, you should see what I carry in my purse." From her tone, she is not kidding on that comment. She makes a move to pick up a protein bar. Taking a bite out of it she chews slowly most likely because she is a slow eater. <English>

     "I'm fed and watered, m'am," Bernadette reassures, and pops a stick of gum into her mouth to chew. Flavored gum, this particular variety tasting either like steak and eggs (if you believe the advertising) or slightly mouldy cardboard (if you're honest). She stows away her deck of cards and starts to pull on her share of the heavy-weather gear, not entirely used to it and having to figure out some of the fastenings and clasps. "Gorramit..." she mutters, wrestling with a zipper. <English>

     "I ate." It's a quick and nonchalant response, Beardsley still a touch antsy altogether. Considering this isn't his particular expertise and he's off-planet, from Persephone, he feels it only natural when outside is a walking tomb of cancer; or something. "There's no menu left, just radiation," is sourly noted but he offers a smile nonetheless. He starts to speak up further but then merely unfolds his arms and points a finger in the general direction of Bernadette. "So," he starts vaguely amiably, "Am I to close my eyes like a proper gentleman? Because- Well- If all of you are going to do that..." <English>

     "I suppose a to go cup is out of the question." Kim remarks, glancing down into her mug for a moment before shrugging, lifting it, and chugging the remainder of its contents. Lowering the cup, she gets a brief queer look, belches softly, excuses herself, and rises to walk the mug over to the sink so she can rinse it out. Always good to be a tidy guest, even if you *are* paying for passage. Well. Even if *someone* is paying for passage. Kim sure isn't. Once the mug has been placed on the rack for drying, Kim turns to wander in the direction of the stairs. "I ate.. might be a good idea to bring a couple of those ration bars each in case we're out a while." She lifts the flap on her overalls' chest pocket and partially extracts one such item, demonstratively. Beardsley gets an amused look. "Don't look at me, I've got my thermals on already. The rest is going over top." <English>

     "You have a herd of children?" Calira asks of Rhonwen in a faintly surprised tone of voice, frowning after she speaks. "I didn't realize that. Are you sure you want to disembark then? I mean, the radiation isn't specifically hazardous in this exact quadrant but the potential is always there. This nuclear winter is supposed to last for several decades, if not into some uncountable point in the future." She glances to Bernadette next, "Just how high is the threat of radiation exposure on planet? I made sure to order several sets of radiation badges, but you're going to have to give us a crash course on what's 'safe' what's 'borderline' and what's 'get your ass back on the ship you're going to die'." She sets the coffee mug down and rubs both hands lightly over her face, clearly more awake now than she was a minute ago then aims an odd look of faint amusement at Beardsley. "We're all soldiers," then shifts her attention back to Rhonwen, "present company excluded of course," added with a quick but quiet laugh, "I don't think any of us have anything that hasn't ever been seen before. It's just a body, we all have one to walk around in. But none of us should need to strip, just pull one the thermal layer before getting into the suits." <English>

     "I am also married, and when we get back we will be most likely going through decontamination for the radiation. It is a risk I am willing to take. Especially with Pax out on the loose, besides, I may not be a combat person but you need someone like me out there to cover you if things get down dirty later on if things do not go as planned. Especially, if they point fingers! There is a reason I am surprised I got this job. One, because I do not play that finger pointing game! I am not two years old. Also, because I have kids I am a good choice. Some of you do not and if you are wanting them in the future there is a chance you may not be able to, if we get exposed to a good dosage of radiation." Rhonwen points out as she smiles and shows of her dimples in a charming manner. "Like she said." She adds as she tosses that same smile in Bernadette direction. <English>

     "In another light, I'd say my medical benefits would love to cover my broken fingers and otherwise." The smile is returned in kind by Beardsley and though he does momentarily linger in looking - he is a guy, obviously - he does politely look away and to Illy and Rhonwen. "That's rather commendable. But, me a soldier - well, thank you kindly, ma'am," and though he would like to say he is otherwise he will keep his trap shut for the time being. Well, he isn't wholly silent. "I wouldn't be adverse to people stripping. It'd be a highlight of this trip." Kim gets looked to probably because she told him not to, but this detective though is standing up from his seat in order to fetch his own protective equipment. <English>

     Kim raises a hand. "Not a soldier." she remarks, just to set the record straight. Then she tilts her head and looks over at Bernadette in preparation for an impromptu radiation safety seminar. "Hmm. All good to know." Lifting a hand again, this time she rubs her chin. "At some point, I hope to find out what we're really doing on this rock. As it is, well, I'll just get suited up and get my gear ready. Wasn't sure what I'd need so I brought... all sorts of things." She pauses, as Rhonwen speaks, and blinks a bit. Pax. Combat. Infertility? "Just what in the sam hell have I been signed up for?" she seems more bewilered than upset, but either way she lingers as though her feet have suddenly put down roots rather than heading downstairs to suit up. <English>

     "Amber, bad. Got it," Calira replies then frowns around, "No one is color blind, I trust?" is asked before she again falls silent and studies Rhonwen with the look of someone who keeps re-evaluating the situation -or, more aptly, the person - before she nods slowly. "To be fair? I asked you to come along so that you would be able to stand as a fair witness for what ever we find, and should we also find something that's blatantly illegal - or illegal in a way that none of us are versed in spotting, technicality wise - it'd help to have your counsel." She is unrolling the sleeves of her thermal tunic as she speaks, tucking it into the thermal pants that she's wearing OVER her khaki's. Casting a sidelong glance at first Beardsley then Kim, "For the sake of what's left of my sanity, I'm going to call you both soldiers, even though I know you're both technically not marines or special Ops soldiers, but for this particular exercise? We're all soldiers." She finishes her coffee then nods toward the door, "Alright, e

     Those green eyes of Rhonwen go to look at Kim as she too goes to wash her coffee cup and she puts it back where it should go. "Did we mention that we live in interesting times?" Her eyes then moves to Beardsely. "Anyways it is a pleasure to meet you. I like to at least be able to say that before folks get to see me in my bra." She teases. "Potty first everyone, I will be out there in a jiffy." With that said she walks and she takes the cane and the book with her. <English>

     "Not I." That's said when color blindness is brought up. He's fairly certain he can read those Geiger counter-type tools, too. Beardsley places himself somewhere in the near proximity of Kim, since they're both headed in the same direction. He pauses though, not just because he doesn't want to run her over or anything, but also with Calira speaking up to the both of them. The detective gives a slow nod of his head in mute understanding. He smiles to Rhonwen. "Indeed, a pleasure to meet you in turn, ma'am. They're interesting times, indeed," though he should stop saying 'indeed' so much. "So..." He trails off while pocketing his hands, nodding more noticeably and quicker than moments prior. His attention drifts off in the direction of Kim. "What kind of all sorts of things you bring?" <English>

     Kim's bewilderment turns into concern as her question goes totally unaddressed. She glances around at the others, but seems to be the only one finding something *wrong* with this situation. She glances toward the exits before offering in a lower voice, "Look, I don't want to be the cat shit in your sandbox, but... I am really not comfortable stepping off this boat into the total unknown. I know there's a time and a place for a briefing and that should probably not be here and now, but... can we have a little pow-wow downstairs? You may consider me a soldier but I'm not going to blindly march out into Radiationville and get shot and/or sterilized. I didn't even bring a gun." <English>

     "Everyone else," she nods at Rhonwen's remark about using the head first, "head to the cargo bay. I'd advise following Rhonwen's example and using the facilities before getting suited up. I have the mission briefing ready as well, lets get to the cargo bay and I'll lay it on the table." <English>

     Zang Fu - Cargo Bay

     Large enough to fit a few shuttles inside, the cargo bay holds a tidy array of cargo containers and other boxes. A large cargo crane sets off to one side, and backed up against the forward bulkhead is parked a M.U.L.E. used for loading and unloading the cargo and transporting it to the correct location. A set of stairs leads up and to the upper catwalk.

     Once everyone is gathered in the cargo bay and the crates are open, the gear neatly separated so that each 'set' is complete from head to toe. "So the mission, on the surface, is rather straight forward. A crate went missing from a BlueSun facility or warehouse and we'd been asked to help track it down, retrieve it, and determine who took it and why. Brenn did a lot of the ground work to figure out the where and the why and the how. His sources, which are credible and reliable or we wouldn't be here today, tracked the crate to this planet. Apparently there's a compound here, though in this instance 'compound' should really be interpreted as a hole in the wall facility with what we're guessing is either a research team or some black market fence outpost. But," and she pauses subtly, "this compound/outpost has gone dark and has been for the last week. None of Brenn's sources have heard any word from this group here so that's where we enter, as a group. We need to get in, retrieve this crate, determine what's potentially caused these folk to stop reporting back to who ever is paying /their/ bills. If we're lucky they just cut their losses and deserted the station." She glances around, making sure to speak to each person - not just /at/ them - as she explains. "Now, Rhonwen can give us some more intel on what is actually IN the crate or simply what made it worthy of all of this. " <English>

     Dressed more appropriately Rhonwen stands there in the back, in her hand she now carries a PDA. On her face she is wearing a very neutral expression, which though one could consider pleasant is a pretty good poker face. When it is her turn to speak she does so. Her voice is rich and warm, like she is used to making her living off her oratory skills. "Indeed, the information I have received came from a source inside of the Blue Sun, in fact they are the ones that came in search of us. Only after the crates had been missing for a few weeks, apparently the crate had been stolen one of their more secure warehouses." She pauses. "But first I want to explain a few things to you all. Everything you are about to learn is top secret despite the fact it was plastered all over the cortex. Many of you know that we as a government strives to create chemicals and biological agents that can both harm and help our general population." She pauses again as she mulls over her words looking for the right ones. "Many of you I am sure have heard of Miranda. You will also know that our government went to great lengths to create almost instant antiquity of that news. The news was true, Miranda does exists but is a ghost planet. The contents in that crate a chemical agent called G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate, also known as PAX. We need to make sure it does not get in the wrong hands. Personally I would rather it be destroyed but that is neither here nor there. The folks we are dealing with are quiet cunning; I also want you to be careful. Wear a mask, and pray to all that is holy that they did not open Pandora's Box. But with those songs that the children were singing on the streets, I am thinking that they may have." <English>

     Kim's attention settles on Illy first, she having found a spot to stand near one of the lined-up sets of gear after dragging her suitcase and messenger bag over to sit next to it. "Okay, that gives me a better idea of what I need to bring. Do we know anything about the compound's security?" she asks, before Rhonwen takes over. Somewhere during Rhonwen's revelations she sits down, hard, on a nearby crate. "Dear God... that was *true*?" She blinks a few times, a hand lifting to cover her mouth as she looks down toward the deck plates underfoot. Like most people, she hadn't wanted to believe it. Wanted to write it off as a hoax, a prank, as so many did. But now, faced with a very somber Rhonwen just laying out out for them... she doesn't have much choice. Her ordered mind is just too logical. Too rational. She doesn't say anything for a long moment, then draws a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "So, this compound went dark. Best case scenario.. they just left. Worse case.. something happened to the package and they turned into Reavers." Possibly irradiated Reavers. Which might make them easier to see in the dark but... that's about it. <English>

     Now that he has changed into the proper gear, Beardsley is busying himself in checking the chamber of a sidearm with having drawn the slide back. He nods here and there in general understanding and then the detective is looking up and to the women. "You won't see me being in love with the Alliance any time soon," except that he works for them. He's not above deepening the passion involved in his love-hate relationship with his higher-ups though, so as it stands he is finishing with the gun and settling it into an underarm holster. "You know this is just like in the movies, right? I'm voting for a lady's first initiative," because the black guy always dies first in these movies: and he's the black guy. "On a more serious note, is there any particular reason why it's just us out here given the gravity of the situation? I think I'm going to need a bigger gun." <English>

     Holding to her silence while Rhonwen explained the actual gravity of the situation, that being the potential contents of the box, it's not all that difficult for Calira to read the expressions of everyone else in this team as the reality of it impacts deep down where it counts. "i know that it's a lot to take in," she says quietly. "All of it, I mean. Miranda. The PAX. Who's responsible. The sheer, staggering, loss of life. Reavers. All of it." She searches each face as she looks from person to person, "And I don't plan for best case scenario, I plan for worst case. Which is why I'm point on this little expedition and you will all follow only when I've cleared the facility and signal. If we're wrong, even a faction of a percentage on all of this, then we're going to have a hell of a time getting out without nightmares. But..." and she shakes her head subtly, "this isn't the sort of thing I can or will order anyone to do. This mission is a volunteer op - and only volunteer - at this point." She shifts her attention to Beardsley for a moment and into the silence she says: "Because I'm the director of the Alliance's intelligence gathering division and I picked a team with the best brains and the ability to think past the dogma, the politics, past the .. the apathy that can set in after too many years of service. You all have the skills that I need. Investigator. Lawyer. Technical specialist - whom I know knows more about computers in one hand - handicapped - than I do if I bend all of my focus on it. Medical doctor. With Stilcho and I to handle the actual security of this expedition." <English>

     "Someone knew it was there and someone either wants to expose this or use it against the Alliance. I will remind you all that despite what has happened and what our government has been part of that throughout our history there has been no government that has their fair share of skeletons in the closet. But, right now what is important is that we get our hands on it, to protect everyone else. I agree whole heartily." Rhonwen flashes Cal a warm smile and then her eyes goes to each and everyone of them. "Director you may count me in." <English>

     "I'm in." is Kim's eventual reply. "I just need a minute. Maybe several." And perhaps one of O'Dowd's leftover barf bags. At least she's not looking green, though she is a little paler than usual. Which isn't saying much, since her skin is naturally rather pale. She's quiet for a time, then looks back over at Calira. "I am going to need a gun. I hope you brought spares." Drawing a deep breath, she rises from her seat on the crate and sets to donning her protective gear with quiet efficiency. She's experienced with clean room suits, and these aren't a whole lot different so she manages well enough on her own. Beardsley's request for a bigger gun earns him a glance and a tiny smile despite the gravity of the situation. <English>

     Beardsley is under the impression that he should get a bigger gun. He should. In the meantime, he settles for nodding definitively and quipping in reply with a gruff, "I'm in." He also didn't mean to question Calira's ability to pick and choose how to handle things, so in a moment of being relatively sheepish he clears his throat and sits on a crate. He reaches for his pack of gear and promptly shuts up though catches Kim's glance and lightly smiles in reply. <English>


Shadow Box - Part 2