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Camp Metal King Race - 2529 - Race for the Cure Challenge

The Contestants: Prince(ss) Cesium (Moira), Prince Copper (Emerald), Prince Iron (Jade), Prince Mercury (Babbage), Prince Platinum (Sybella), Prince Titanium (Athini)

The Judges:

The Host: Miss Goldie Clover

The Guests:

The Setting: Foyer - Bachelor Estate - Bernadette - Challenge 1 Race for the Cure

Alot of renovations will be done at the end of the day, but for now...the elegant and extravagant entrance to the mansion has all be decorated to resemble the interior of a castle, roughly, with the stones and the velvet drapes. People bustle about, dressed like groomsmen...but they are all women for the most part, carrying trays and boxes, securing cushions to a series of six small thrones, each one with a small envelope placed on each throne. As people enter, groomsmen offer them liquid refreshments in huge pewter goblets as well.

Moira knocks nervously upon the door, then peeks her head inside. Noticing the busy bustle and hubub in the large entryway she lets herself in, carrying a large quilted duffle bag over her shoulder. She's dressed casually, showing an easy femininity in both her style and her ease of movements as she enters the room and watches the commotion in silence for a while. She forgoes the offered refreshments for now, but does greet the servers who don the trays with polite smiles and nods. Her eyes scan the room for familiar faces, trying to spot someone she knows, or at least recognizes.

Babbage comes in behind Moira, actually wearing her costume. She's got a backpack slung over her shoulders, and grabs some a quick snack from one of the groomsmen.

This is quite interesting, first the clothes were sent and the invite. Well at least Nic can't see her. Emma (Emerald) walks into the house and has to just pause. Well she certainly hasn't seen anything like this before. A 'groomsman' comes by and offers her a pewter goblet. With a nods of her head and a soft "Thank you" she accepts the goblet while adjusting the crown on her head. It was definately interesting walking here in this getup but when in rome... She glances around again and sees Moira with her duffle. She chuckles softly and smiles at her, "Well, now I feel like a fool." Seeing Babbage makes her feel slightly better though.

Jade would enter the... well, the court yard of a castle after the others, a duffel bag over her shoulders. Stoic and steely violet blue eyes scan the decorations and people walking around, her pretty pink lips set in a strait line. She wasn't going to wear those tights, a warrior never took of their armor, and hell if anything she was some kind of night. However, a costume was in order so on top of the white haori are two Iron Sode, Ancient samurai armor shoulder pads. They're fitting with the katana through her gun belt. The warrioress places a hand on the hilt and herms, "The things I do for charity..."

"Well well well...the first have arrived...now if you haven't gotten dressed yet, just head right this way past the curtain and get your kit on, the rest can have a seat on a throne, pick one, anyone...doesn't really matter. I tink it is beautiful you've all volunteered for this...anything to make the verse a better place I suppose. Welcome to Camp Once Upon a Time..." This is drawled in that soft Irish voice, the wicked witch of the strip pole - that is the wicked witch of the clover...that is, Miss Clover. The tiny monkey in his basket, peeking out and those shoes are mighty sparkly. "Get comfy, we've got ever so much to discuss...after all, you all are the heroes. I'm just the bitch who makes things hard for you." A wink and cackle.

Moira blushes brightly as the other women start to wander in, many already in their costumes. When she realizes that they've worn their outfits to look like princes, her cheeks color with a faint blush and it dawns on her why the white tunic she'd received was so plain. It had nothing to do with a want for artistic creativity at all. She just shakes her head in response to the redhead's comment of foolishness as she sits her duffle onto the ground and unzips it, pulling out the provided tunic. She shakes her head, her dark curls tumbling around her face as she says softly, "No, I'm afraid the fool tonight will most likely be me. I'm not sure I quite understood what the purpose of tonight's event was to have been about..." It seems the Companion has hand-embroidered rows of flowers around the hem and neckline of her simple garment, making the simple tunic into a beautiful dress more fit for a princess than a prince.

As Aubrey arrives with his, make that Miss Clover with her, instructions to go get dressed, she turns to give her friend an apologetic shrug as she holds up her tunic to him before draping it over her arm to pick her bag back up before she disappears through the curtain he mentioned to get herself changed and dressed.

Babbage smirks at Moira, "Hey, you're not the only one who didn't get the memo that everything was gonna be boyish. Most of the clothes I brought are tight enough to show off some non-boy things." She goes over to flop into throne number two.

Jade would move towards one of the thrones, looking to Moira, "Hey don't worry bout it none. I certainly ant..." It was a passing comment as she took out her sword to lay it across her lap as she sat at throne five. Trying to get comfortable, she wiggles around a bit.

Emerald has to smile and chuckle softly at Moira's words, "It's alright. At least your costume is more creative than mine." She chuckles again, "I'm more of a boy at heart. Can't really run and shoot thin's if'n yer to confined. It's why I've got a /man/ callin' up a companion ta take me shoppin'. Left ta my own devices I end up buyin' for comfort not fer style." She gives a grin to miss clover and chooses a throne at random and sits down after removing the envelope first, then adjusting her sword. She takes a slight sip from her goblet as she surveys the room.

"Hmmm..." Miss Clover just watches quietly, arms folding over her chest. "Oh pish posh, don't get all hung up on if yer parts are hanging, dangling, puffed out or bulging or bound up or not...it was French Aristocratic menfolk that were making make-up and heels before all the women were anyways so..." She just rolls her eyes, coming further into the area as people get settled down, shaking her head slowly. "Hmm...Prince Mercury...Prince Iron, Prince Copper...and Prince Cesium will be coming soon I'm sure as will the others, go ahead and open up your envelopes will you..." She gestures around vaguely. "I'm sure you're all wondering why you're all here...it is to help raise money and awareness towards your causes as well as gain more support for the Hope Gardens project as well. You will allll be putting your Princely talents to the test, so if you open your envelope...you'll see what lucky princess you're...legendary for saving, go on now."

Moira returns to the area with the thrones where most of the other women have already settled. Looking like quite the soft and delicate princess in her hand decorated outfit, and with none of the swords or obvious weaponry of many of the others, she heads for one of the only seats remaining, throne number four. She sits down upon it, curling her legs up onto the rather large and comfortable cushion beneath her as she gives Emerald a sweet smile, asking coyly, "You wouldn't know Coug, by any chance, dear?" She picks up the envelope on the arm of her throne, holding it in her lap though she doesn't yet slip her finger beneath its seal to open it until Aubrey as Miss Clover bids her to do so. She slips the piece of paper out of the envelope just far enough to read the name of the princess written inside before slipping it back in again, saying nothing in case things are meant to be secret.

Babbage opens up her envelope, then arches an eyebrow. "I'm sure I could re-write the fairy tale so that mercury rescues the princess..."

Jade would raise an eyebrow at clover before reaching under her rump and pulling out the envelope which she had sat on. Opening it and reading the card, she would herm to herself. "Well ant that a doozy." Violet blue orbs would move to Moira next to her at the mention of the XO of the Aces. "Cougar? Doc's first mate?" She would ask, "Wait, you're that lass who was having a fit at the carnival with all those paparazzi." Jade had been wearing that weird helmet of hers but the Haori she wore would give away her identity.

Emerald looks at Moira and nods, "Indeed, he was doctorin' me out on jiangyin. He's the one that settin' me up for shoppin' and some girly pamperin with a companion he knows. Seemed like a good idea ta me, a girl needs ta be treated like a girl once in a while." She sets her goblet on the arm of her throne carefully and opens the envelope at miss clovers bidding. She blinks as she reads the name and then looks at miss clover and says plainly, "I can't swim. I really hope that I am not expected to swim to save my princess."

"Sooooo now you've all got your Princess's in mind..." Miss Clover walks slowly along, sauntering along and cackling softly. "It will ah...probably please you to know, everything you do, will put you one step closer or further away from the princess. I want you to ah...consider the reasons you're here. Your causes, picture that cause as your Princess and tell me. Are you willing to work to win the right to air it to the verse? Get change started?" She pauses and stares at Emerald. "Ah...that's okay...I'm sure she'll have legs by the time you get to her..."

Moira gives Emerald a warm smile and a small nod, she'd already returned Cougar's wave about the shopping trip, though she doesn't make mention of that fact at the moment. Instead, she turns her head to the woman at her other side, her stormy eyes narrowing. She indeed remembers the doctor's oddly strange 'sister' from those weeks spent on Paquin, as well as her lack of concern about how he comported himself regarding his lack of discretion with the paparazzi and his affair with the director of the Alliance Interpol. But that too is not a matter to be discussed her and now. So the Companion continues to bite her tongue and hold her silence. She clutches her envelope a little more tightly in her hands as Aubrey's words call to mind the exact reasons she's here, letting the irksome nature of the woman to her left fade away, as well as the future camaraderie of the woman to her right as her eyes close for a moment as she pictures instead the good that can be accomplished by all of them.

Babbage quietly closes her eyes; and if you look at her, you can almost see the gears turning in her head. She's already figuring out how to relate her princess to her cause.

Jade would raise an eyebrow, "I suppose I am not of enough social standing for a companion to talk to, sorry then, won't bother you any more, ma'am, my apologies." The women would smirk and simply chuckle before putting her elbow on the side of the chair, chin in her hand. Violet blue orbs go to Mrs Clover, "I'm here I figure that enough of a reason to continue, don't you?" She would glance around at the other Princes, not sure what to make of them. Apparently she was irksome, that was to bad it was entirely likely she could kill everyone in the room and that settled her mind.

Emerald nods and smiles at miss clover, "That's good. Wouldn't do to have a prince be rescued by his princess." Then her mind turns to her 'cause and a soft sad smile plays on her face. The hand holding the envelope moves to cover her heart as she pictures the cause in her princess. No need to close her eyes to picture her cause, it's so close to her hear that she can see it with her eyes open. Now what jade says gets her attention, she looks at Moira and says, "Wait companion? So are you the one Cougar waved?" She looks jade over for a moment and gives a soft smile, one of chalenge. In her mind Jade would definately be a good challenge, and one outside the brotherhood at that.

Miss clover points a finger between Jade and Moira and then lets it travel to point at the other 'Princes'. "Well now...none of that! Yer all 'ere to be all brave knightly Princely types aren't ye?" Her hands go to her hips as she tips her head back and looks around. "Leave yer issues and your histories at the door, it doesn't count now, your majesties, save the ass wooping and death glarin' for the other events. Now!" Hands clap together. "Got your causes and your princesses in mind? Good! Who's ready to start?"

Moira has said and done absolutely nothing to the woman beside her in response to her rude commentary to earn the remark Jade chose to make. As such, she merely nods when Miss Clover calls for decorum, agreeing that it would be called for. In response to Emerald's question about Cougar's wave, she gives the redhead a quick wink, but her focus stays mostly on Aubrey as she tries to remember why it is that they're gathered, and despite the fact that it's a drag competition, it has nothing to do with silly machismo.

Babbage nods to Clover, "I'm ready." For now she keeps her nose out of the other princes' drama.

Jade doesn't have the time to teach children to breath, as she so often says to others who think they are somehow better then her. "Oh, I'm ready." She would say in her deep rim accented voice, violet blue eyes cold and steel filled with a determination that can not be described by any other means than inhuman.

Emerald chuckles and grins, "Well, as there are princesses awaiting their... er handsome? princes... We can' let them wait for to long now can we. Let us go and save the fair maidens!" She is apperantly trying to enjoy herself while she goes along with this. "For the cause!" She grabs her goblet and raises it in the air in a salute.

Sybella arrives from Residential Quarter - Bernadette.

Moira gives a soft squeal as one of her oldest and dearest friends comes through the door, better late than never. She hops from her throne to hug the warrior wo"man" quickly before Sybella can take the throne on the side opposite Jade from her own as she whispers a heartfelt, "It is SO good to see you!" She whispers something else to her in a voice that is too soft to be heard to anyone else before she slips back into throne four, her envelope clutched tightly in her hand at all time.

Stepping into the room with gentle footsteps, although trying not to be so gentle, another woman arrives. Long flowing black hair cascades down her back and tucks up under her Platinum crown and her walk of grace and elegance is hard to mistake for anything other than that of a companion. Sybella's ocean blue eyes search the room for any familiar faces, while she holds herself upright and dignified. the corners of her mouth are upturned in a gentle and ever present smile as she continues on into the room, clearing her throat slightly to announce her presence in a not so rude manner. Platinum body paint is spread over her body in different places and the light bounces off of the many multifaceted jewels present in her chain link tunic. It makes a gently jingling sound as she moves with both of her hands tucked in front of her body. She laughs softly and hugs Moira tightly and nods. "I have missed you so, darling. I am very glad to see you here!" She states to her friend in a melodic voice and takes a deep breath. "Right then." She nods at the whisper and grins as she looks to the other....men in the room and nods in greeting. "Hello."

Athini hmmms and blinks, turning around as she is adressed by the 'witch'. Athi offers her still a friendly smile and even nod of her head as she hmms again, "Um... I am not sure." she honestly confesses and just sorries, "I am a Prince?" she wonders and finally gets her attention on the armored woman, not recognizing her again, but offering her a warm smile and fingerwave, "Um Hi!" she says to Jade before she turns back to the witch, "Just in hat did I run here?"

Emerald tucks her envelope between herself and the arm of the throne. A slight nod of the head and smile is given to Sybella. She shifts slightly in the throne, so as to look like she's lounging but not, and takes a sip from her goblet. She adjust her copper crown on her head as it is loose and seems to slip to the side slightly every so often.

Jade would look over at the new comer and the reaction of the women sitting next to her. She payed no mind to the hugging and what not but would nod in greeting as this warrior women is at least acknowledged by someone. Not that she cared as to whether or not anyone was privy to her presence, one of them already made that clear. Either way, violet blue orbs would look back to Mrs. Clover for further instructions.

Miss Clover watches all the interaction and such, cackling softly and calling out as her monkey screeches. "Alright my Handsome Princes, take another good look at your envelope of goodness, find out who your Princess is again...submit it to mind because guess what? Iiiiiiiii have poisoned your Princesses and /yoooooou/ only have so much time to get the cure from the tower." She laughs again and turns, running out of the room, straddling a broom towards a backyard that's made up with an obstacle course.

Moira lets her eyes scan the obstacle course, then looks to Miss Clover, her newly acquainted friend in disguise. She's not so certain she's up for such a physical challenge, she'd had no idea what was in store for her when she'd sent off a wave about admired metals to him a few weeks back. She swallows hard as she watches him, and her hands start to tremble a bit. The petite woman has probably never looked more fragile, nor more like the soft and malleable metal she represents than she does in this very moment as she faces the challenge ahead.

Sybella walks out and moves up to stand next to Moira, whispering something into her ear as she cluthes the envelope in her hand. With a smile she winks at her fellow companion and turns to face Miss Clover again, her fellow employee with a bright smile as her own eyes take in every detail of the course, waiting for the rules and what not to be given. She was pretty lost right now but that's what you get for showing up late because you were locked inside an apartment and had to wait for the owner to come back and let you out.

Emerald blinks at miss clover and then sets her goblet down, as she gets up from her throne. Hopeing that no one was really poisoned, she rushes after the 'witch' out to the backyard. After all even if no one is really poisoned this is all for her cause and there for she should take it seriously. She looks over the obstacle course and chuckles, "This should be fun." She looks at Moira and gives her an encouraging smile, "You can do this. No fear, we are princes after all." She bounces on her toes and looks at Miss clover, "How long we got and what are the rules?" She looks eager and ready to go as she pushes the crown more firmly on her head.

Babbage comes running down the stairs. "I'm here, I'm here! Minor wardrobe catastrophe, but I'm here now. Time to rescue the princess and save the Mushroom King-- wait-- wrong fairy tale."

Athini blinks and really believes now she is still sleeing, and this is all a dream, by her anti-spacesickness medication. Athi quickly pinches into the soft skin of the downside of her left arm. "OUCH!" she yelps and looks around. But since she is still here, its not a dream, its for really, even if there is a 'green' Robin running down the stairs" I... I. think I must have not read the stuff in the fine print." she explains and since nobody seems to try to harm her, she doesn't flees loud running away but simply nods to the witch, forcing a weak smile on her thin lips, "ahh... okay.. I save my princess?"

Jade would be the last one out, her eyes looking to Mrs. Clover as she gives instructions, then to that of the obstacle course. One glance at the thing and she's off at a brisk run, very fast, deadly elegance and grace in every step as her white haori and long raven black hair flow behind her in the wake of her speed. Her expression does not change nor does she just sit around and stare at the course. Her breathing is controlled and regulated as she moves.

Miss Clover just cackles and rolls her shoulders, pointing to the obstacle course. "The first task will be clearing the-" Then Jade takes off running and she stares for a moments. "Well I was going to say you have to crawl through the tubes, find the scissors in the tube, crawl out of the tube and cut the ribbon that'll let you through the little fences you have to get by...alll starting, now!"

Moira can't help but wonder if that's an automatic disqualification for the one who bypassed the first task and just went running, but doesn't have the nerve to ask. However, she does squeeze Sy's hand tightly and then pulls her friend along with her into the tunnel as they wriggle their way in, helping one another find the scissors they need. It seems that where one girl is weak, the other is strong as they reach the fences. Moira is small and able to wriggle below the higher pieces where as the darker skinned woman's graceful height allows her to scale and boost the petite woman over the larger parts with ease. Soon enough, the two old friends have made their way through the tubes and fences, their scissors allowing them to cut their way past the snags of ribbons when and where required.

Sybella watches Jade dash off before full instructions are given and blinks a few times, her mind thinking exactly along the same lines as her friend-but that is how companions think. Once it is made fully aware what they must do, she whispers something to Moira, nods and takes off running towards her tube- hand in hand with her. She pushes her shoulders forward and lies on her stomach, to ease herself gracefully through the space. Carefully she looks around and spots the scissors. "Yours are over there!" she communicates in an easily heard language so that it isn't mixed up with any other speaking. It's true team-work between the two of them, the smile on Sybella's face growing as she smiles and cuts her ribbon too. Lifting her hand she tips her crown back into place, crosses left foot over right and waits to hear what is next. "This is fun!" <Gaelic>

And she's off with a fierce laugh. Emma throws herself into the tube, sliding somewhat into an army crawl. Her head is kept low enough so that she doesn't hit the crown on the tube. Scissors, that's what she's looking for. And there they are! She grabs the scissors and is army crawling out of the tube aiming for the ribbons that miss clover had spoke of. Snip snip snip, the ribbons fall to her scissors and on she moves.

Jade dives into the tube ad starts to crawl, fast, like a person with proper military training would do on an advanced course in boot camp or ranger training or something of that nature. A glint of metal catches her eye and she spots the scissors not far from the exit, picking them up as she goes. Popping out of the other side, she cuts the ribbon with the scissors found, which would open the gate that she has to get by. She may be disqualified but when you find out your princes is poisoned and time is of the essence, you don't stand around like a sub comity and debate the matter.

An agility challenge! This makes Babbage happy. She sprints toward the tube and shimmies her way through, quickly finding the scissors. When she crawls out of the tube, her first priority is pulling up the tights that had sagged a little bit -- this is not the time to be giving everybody a good look at your ass. Second priority, snip the ribbon and open the fence. Easily done.

Athini was never and is never used to wear high heels, something she lets her boss to do, but is very rare to be seen on. So as she looks at the clothes of the other princes, Athi finally understands that she totally misread the complete event and _she_ is the princes herself. "Geee... at least I dont wear any fancy crown." she tries to give herself any courage as she first steps out of her heels and and runs over to the tube, waiting for Robin, to let her enter first, not feeling to start any competition to the other woman. So she conquers the tube after her and eeeks as Robin gets the scissors first. As Athi can't find any other pair she quickly follows after the other women. Athini is just a _real_ Surgeon and therefore she quickly produces on surgeon scissor out of some pocket, holding it in a a strange way with thumb and middle finger as she easily cuts the ribbons which block her own way.

"Oh! My! Aren't you the fast frankies!" Another chillingly accurate cackle goes here as Miss Clover watches and calls out. "But can you balance on the balance beams across the ocean of alligators and sharks! - There are no real ones but you can pretend! Once you make it over the balance beam, you can hop on your horse and bounce to the next mark. You see the riding bouncy balls? That's your gallant steed! Hurry hurry now!" There are wolves of course to chase people, that is...groomsmen draped in black tossing stuffed animals in the shape of wolves at the women as they run. They really are quite cute.

Moira easily made her way over the balance beam, setting a fast pace as she flies along. Her years of ballet make her a natural as she flies across the thin bar. She calls out to Sybella in the language of her youth, "Careful, darling, it's slippery in some parts, don't fall!" The bouncing balls on the other hand, give her pause, as do the wolf-men. The first one nearly tumbles her from her 'noble steed' causing her to cry out as she tumbles over. She surveys the others around her, realizing she'll never make it through the linebacker sized blockers at this rate. She gives up on the general tactic and stands to run, picking up her bouncy ball, wielding it like a sorority girl in a pillow fight as she tells the next wolf-man she encounters, "Join me or eat rubber, wolfie!" Next thing she knows, the princess is getting a piggy-back ride across this section of field, making wonderful time as she whispers sweet nothings into his ear to persuade him into continuing to help. <Gaelic>

Sybella listens to the instructions and takes off again. Earlier /thoughts/ of other competitors are left behind, as she had never voiced them, only thought them...and the trains in her mind are worse than grand central station. To the balance beam she runs and only makes a slight miscalculation as she preps to do a cartwheel, and just in time to hear Moira's warning to her. Her hands slip, losing their grip on the ground. "Oh sugar muffins!" screams the woman of grace before correcting herself as she lands. The landing though, is impossible...one foot and the other boot is caught in her armor. It's a long road but she hops her way across the beam while trying to get that boot out of the armor at the same time. "Slippery is right, but GO! GO!" She yells and giggles, seeing Moira hop a ride. Eventually she just plain gives up and does a handspring off the end of the beam to land on the ball. One legged jumping ensues as she dodges the wolfmen with one fist in the air as if she were riding a horse really fast. "We're coming, princesses! Don't die yet!" then she points to Moira, and then herself...a subtle 'I'm with her' gesture as she passes to the end and with a RIiiiiiiiiiiip the boot finally comes loose with her standing next to her partner in crime to whom she gives a high five. <Gaelic>

Emerald laughs and rushes to the balance beams. She steps up onto the beams and darn near runs across them while perfectly balanced. Now when she gets to the 'stead' she grins as she takes a plushy to the head. "Hey can I keep one o' those little wolfies?" Without waiting for an answer she picks up the plushy that had hit her and wedges it into her crown so now she's wearing a wolf plushy on her head as well as the crown. She grabs her 'stead' and attempts to ride it to the next mark, she has a few issues with flying plushies and lands on something sharp a little to hard as she slips to one side, nearly unseating herself. She finally gets herself together and back on her steady and bouncing along even though her stead is slowly dieing from an air leak. At least the stead was noble enough to get her to her destination. Poor stead, you were so very faithful. No time to morn, onward! There is a princess to save!

Jade would have no trouble hopping up on the beam and running across it like some sort of Ninja, arms back, and fast, so very very fast. As she steps down, or rather jumps down from the beam into a run again, the stuffed animals come towards her as she makes her way to the jumpy ball thing. Her left hand would go to the sheath of her Katana, thumb pushing out the tsuba to unlock the blade and once the stuffed animals were close enough she would draw, whiles still running. The blade was a blur and the stuffed animals would fall before her in tiny pieces of stuffing and fake fur, the warrioress pushing the blade back into her Sheath. Once she reaches her ball, she starts to bounce, not much of a speed difference between her running and the bouncing.

Yet another easy task. So easy, in fact, that it takes Babbage almost no effort to bounce off the balance beam, and even less effort to fall face-first off her steed. When all is said and done, she's soaked, dirty from falling off her horse, and most likely way behind her other contestants. But on the bright side; she avoided the wolves! That's something.

Athini is no better then Robin and after a few steps on the beams she shrieks out in pure horror as she looses her balance and flals down, landing in the puddle with a loud SPLAAAAAASH. Athi is cursing not very ladylike as she climbs on all four out of the puddle but feels now rush her adrenalie through her body, she climbs one ball and easily manages to end the riding track, easiyl avoiding any of the 'wolves'

Miss Clover chuckles. "That's it! Ride it cowboys...you've almost made it. But ho! What light in yonder window breaks..." Moira's steed happens to be one of the few men who are helping out with this it turns out but the next task, it is a wee bit more challenging. "Do ye see the small Japanese Maple seedlings? Do you see the shovels? You'll have to dig holes, and once deep enough, you'll find a key! Well...something to help ye with your next task! Because the last thing after planting your tree in its hole, will be of course...climbing the wall. But to scale the wall, get the top of it and receive the potion to save yer princess...you'll need the key in the hole...so c'mon Princes, get those shovels...get to digging and planting."

Moira managed to be one of the first to reach the tower, thanks to the eagerness of her noble wolfie steed and the pleasantly teasing promises whispered by the princess into his ear. It takes her a while to get her key dug out, though, and by then, most of the others have caught up. She uses her years' old friendship with Sybella to convey that the wolf-man is easily distracted to let him know that her friend should start buttering the man up. And as the bronzed beauty starts to flirt with the wolf Moira abandoned Moira slips two keys into her tights, her own and Sybella's. She then loops a rope around her wrist, securing it with a quick hitch (yes, one of *those* hitches) before doing the same to the distracted guard's. She convinces her friend and the man to boost her about halfway up the wall, then uses her years of gymnastics to shimmy up the rest of the way before securing the rope and the strength of the man who has the other end of it to help Sybella up as well.

Sybella is close on the lead heels and up the tower. she grabs the tiny tree and begins to make it's new home for it while searching for the box. THUNK! The shovel hits the box just as her oceanic eyes catch Moira's and she nods, tossing the shovel aside. She's in a hurry , but with a subtle nod and leans into the wolf man with her hand upon his chest as she whispers up to him in her own native language. The Spanish rolls off her tongue and has him mesmerized just enough to convince him to help hoist up Mo, as she holds onto Mister Wolfie. "Hang on!" She exclaims to him as she does the same, holds on tight. And just as a princess might get pulled out of a well by a Goonie, she is yanked up and onot (over?) the wall by the force from the rope and the strength of the man. Creative thinking and training...it's all in the rope use. Ropes & YOU! 101. Her feet finally touch solid ground and she again adjusts her crown before Moira's. "Must look presentable, darling. " Stuffed wolf head is then adjusted too...for shiggles. <Gaelic>

Dig a, dig, dig, dig a tunnel. Woops wrong movie. Shovel in hand and Emma digs a hole looking for a key. *thunk* Now that's a sound that would make a pirate do a jig. On hands and knees she removes the dirt and pulls the chest from the hole. Now where's the key? Oh look, Key! She picks up the key and opens the chest. She looks at the hair and sighs, well it couldn't ever be easy. She quickly plants her tree, patting the earth down gently and then sits down to braid the hair into a strong enough rope. Well this is certainly fairy tail material. When the hair is braided well enough, she stands and pats the sapplings trunk gently. "Grow big and strong, young sappling and maybe one day another prince will sit under you with a fair princess." She goes to the wall and hefts the rope as she removes her sword and ties it to the end of the rope. Getting the weight of the rope, she twirls it and throws it up to the top of the wall. Her sword snaggs on the top of the wall and she pulls herself up, with her feet pushing along the wall to keep her balance. It somehow looks like she's done this before. And over the wall she goes, taking her sword as she goes.

Jade would run to the shovel, picking it up, and would dig like a soldier digging a fox hole. She shovels out a lot of dirt and does it in a rather expedient manor, a bit of sweat forming at her brow now but she's far from exhausted. It doesn't take very long as she finds the chest with the key and hair in it, placing it in her Haori's inner pocket and the hair near by she moves to plant that tree, filling it in with dirt and patting it down once that is done. She picks up the hair now and smirks. She was lucky, she really was, to have a cousin, her first sensei who was in the independent Navy, which kept the tradition of knot tieing and rope uses alive. She would start to make the rope, as if she had done it many times before, twirling it and twanging it until it was complete. She would start to the wall and start to climb, easily keeping up with the other women even as they needed help, using her rope where it's needed.

Babbage plants her tree, and finds the key. She opens the box, and quietly hums to herself as she braids the hair. Luckily Babs has lots of long-haired friends, so this is easy for her. Once braided, she climbs the wall, nearly falling once, but getting to the top and retrieving the potion. Hurray!

Athini blinks at the witch and considers to throw her scissors at her, but then she simply shrugs and picks up the shovel and starts to dig holes, not choosing any special place but choosed by random chance anywhere she finds a nice place where she would place a seed. And really she does find a key sometime, as she crawls on her knees, using even her hands to dig on the holes, not careing anymore about her dress or thights. Ath loudly cheers at the key and moves over to open the box.... "Geee hair! I always hated braids!" she sighs but is soon able to make a braid out of the hair, making a rope, strong enough to carry her. Athi throws the rope and carefully climbs up at the self-made rope, reaching finally her goal.

On the other side of the wall, behind each wall, there is indeed a table set up for each Prince with a few vials of brightly colored fluid that smells like different fruit and flowers lined up beside a cauldron. "I can't make it /that/ easy for you dahlinks. Now you have essence of lavender, lily and ginger, along with apple, cherries, vanilla, chocolate and cinnamon...and a main base. Who thinks they can mix the right things together, to make the proper potion to awaken their princess once they get off the wall. She's caught in a tower in a gown of white, dancing alone on a floor of red, staring a sunset of purple of gold and awaiting the prince from a story long ago told. - Now use this to make your mixture, you can only use 3 different essences, mix it together in the cauldron and then once finished, raise your hand and call out to your Princess to end your long and tiring search." Miss Clover giggles and bounces with her little monkey waiting for the women to come back down over the wall.

Moira raises her hands to the heavens as her eyes glitter brightly. Cooking has been not only her hobby but her passion for years, something that a few in this room, Miss Clover included, have been privy to to partake in. Since she has Sybella's key in her tights, she untakes it and presses it into her friend's hand as she whispers, "Good luck, darling!" She kisses the woman's cheek and then rushes off to the table. Since her signature recipe is her spiced snickerdoodle, she reaches without doubt for the flavors most evocative of her famed cookies, grabbing the ginger, vanilla, and of course the cinnamon, mixing them in just the right proportions of sweet and spicy. In only seconds her hand is up in the air, first to have her fingers wiggling to Miss Clover, for once having needed absolutely no help at all from either friend or stranger to complete this challenge set before her.

Sybella listens to the riddle and then looks at the ingredients on the table as her mind works. Thinking quite carfeully she looks to Moira and nods while kissing her friends sheek back, stepping forward to hurry and mix. Picking up Lily, Lavander and Cherry, her nimble hands make quick work of pouring a touch of each into the cauldron. Just at the last moment, she leans forward and the crown tips off of her head and into the pot, splashing up into her face. "Oh shit, Mo, my eye!" She exlaims, and with frantic movemtns reaches to get the item back out from the cauldron. during this ordeal she inavertandly tips over the chocolate into the mix...that along with the titanium from the crown makes her mix a nice...rusty green color with nice foamy ick. Never the less,she thrusts her hand up into the air, the almost disgusting mixture dripping from her crown and now her face...and into her mouth as she begins to call out to her princess. "Princess...oh yuck" She sputters, leaning over to keep sputtering it onto the ground. Well, it /would/ have been lovely....

Emerald looks at the table and picks up each vial and sniffs each one. With the little clue, she shifts the vials around. She picks up the three vials she wants, Apple, Lavender, and Lily. She mixes the essences in the cauldron and raises her hand into the air with a smile. "Princess! Oh princess of the sea, come to me. I have a potion just for thee." Yes she's being just a little corney but hey, if you can't have fun they why do it?

Jade would gather the Vanilla, the Apple, and Lilly essence so that they would be some sort of metaphorical potion for her princess. She would raise her gauntlet-ed hand right after the others, or with them, her motions fast and swift. She looks around at the others and then to Mrs. Clover.

Babbage mixes a little bit of each ingredient, and hopes for the best. She raises her hand and calls out "Sleeping Beauty! I got treats!"

Athini happily cheers at the mention of chooclate and she doesn't waits for witch to end her monolag, as she drags the right vial at once. She sniffs at it just to be sure and grins, "Okay Chocolate was easy, and with cherry and vanilla, we get a sweet chery cake." she explains her choice and picks up the other two vials, after checking oni them and finishes of to mix her new fluid.

From each table...there's a soft buzzing sound as the potions are finished up, a note being made somehow about what's chose. It is probably due to Miss Clover who watches carefully, plugging information into a sparkly green PDA, and then...there's a soft song from Moira's table as Rapunzel flickers in a holographic projection, Oh Prince Cesium with your fabulous hair...you've saved me from dying, hurry soon! Then Emerald's table, there's bubbling and soft music as a beautiful red headed mermaid flickers onto screen, combing her hairs, oh Prince Copper...so dapper and brave, you've saved me from being death's slave. Then, Jade's Snow White flickers into her hologram, smiling and looking cute and such, Oh! Prince Iron, so brave and daring, you've saved me and I await you safe in my cottage! Next, Babbage's Sleeping Beauty wakes up with a start, the holographic image giggling and waving, Thank you Prince Mercury! You've saved me from my nightmare, you's such a nice dream! And finally Cinderella comes running into the hologram, dressed up but missing a slipper as she looks around and giggles and swoons, Thank you Prince Titanium, so big and strong, you've saved me I hope to see you soon!

Then everybody gets something flickering on their tables that says 'First Task Done, you've completed your first challenge, congratulations Prince _______(whatever their metal is)' and then wolf-men come up with towels and bowls of snacks and such...except for Sybella, there's a loud growl from her table and a huge 'monster' made out of balloons or something bursts from her table, waving around fake tentacles and rooooooooooaring. A wolf-man quickly comes to her side and offers her a wooden sword before running back away.

Moira is exhausted, but pleased with herself. For now, she simply sinks to the floor with a happy smile as Rapunzel appears on her table, looking a little bit proud. She'd had no idea what to expect, and this was definitely not it. But she's done something good, and definitely more than she would have considered herself capable of doing. Not too bad for a dare in response to a quarter-life crisis. As she sees the costumed creature approach her friend she covers her smiling mouth with a hand as she giggles, though she unpins her hair, letting her curls tumble down around her shoulders as she takes the darts from beneath her crown, just in case Sybella might need the backup.

Sybella watches as all the princesses show up, the smile sort of dropping from her face and the putrid mixture dripping down it doesn't help. The Companion gives the last of her smile to Moira and a wink as well, her attention being grabbed by the noises coming from her table. As the wooden sword is offered she nods once, but tosses it to the ground. "This is about strong women, so...let's go pop some balloons." She is speaking to no one really as she giggles and lurches forward, tackling the balloon monster to the ground. Using her hands, arms and legs, she starts popping balloons in the name of her princess. Ballons go between her thighs and POP...under her arms...POP! And yes, even between her teeth POP! Her crown /finally/ falls off her head and the bright idea to use it comes into play. Within her grasp she starts stabbing at the ballons with it but it just bounces off of with no damage done. "I knew I shouldn't have bought this one, I'm going back for the better one later." Mental notes while speaking out loud and a companion rolling around with a nearly dead balloon monster, attacking it with a crown that's doing nothing but making her laugh harder at the silliness. With a final death blow, the last remaining balloon is seized between her legs and she falls backwards onto the ground, looking at the table while heaving to catch her breath and to stop laughing.

Emerald watches the hub-bub with Sybella as she offered a towel and snacks, She accepts some of the snack and starts to choke on them as she starts laughing at the absurdity of fighting a balloon monster. She ends up with one of the wolf-men patting her back so she can spit out the snack as she nearly doubles over in laughter.

Jade would raise a acquisitive eyebrow at the hologram or video or what ever it is of Snow White and nod, seeing that she has accomplished her goal in enough tie to spare the life of her princess. Eyes would go to the balloon monster, hand to her holster but one of the Companions get in the way of a decent shot before she could take it, risking the danger of the bullet going stray and hitting the women. She didn't need to deal with that, not on a core world. It seemed though, the companion had the situation handled.

"Oi Ve...Prince Platinum battles his table...potion monster. It is a fierce fight, really ah....wow. Those are teeth bein' used and thighs, wow. Power between those thighs! And it is defeated!" Miss Clover pumps both fists in the air as Sybella's Princess on a bed, squirming around, aka Princess and the Pea actually sits up to smile and wave to her Prince Platinum, 'You've saved me!' She cheers, before Miss Clover announces. "Step one, is complete, you all passed the first task! You're all braver, stronger, wiser and more clever than most would know! You're closer to winning and you've all also planted the first seedlings in what will be the future Hope Garden, give yourselves a round of applause."

Moira applauds indeed, mostly for the success of her friend as she slays the tentacled balloon monster and rescues her princess at last, turns out the princesses were in this castle after all! Her laughter is loud, and warm, and genuine, her eyes sparkling as brightly as her friend's chainmail as she sits there upon the ground, resting and recovering from the arduous tasks she'd faced in the obstacle course. Her cheeks are flushed with a rosy glow, but the rest of her is a bit paler than when she started, something that none save for Sybella who has known her for years would probably even notice as the girls all relax and celebrate after the fun of the challenges.

Sybella grins as the princess appears and she blows a kiss to the hologram. "Yeah yeah yeah...you just lay there in your bed while I do the hard work" She scoffs. "Women." Her voice is gruff until she starts giggling and laughing, giving everyone a round of applause now that she's slayed her dragon. Her blue eyes flit over to Moira to enjoy the moment with her friend, then noticing what she thought would happen. "Rest, Mo...take it easy you earned it." She's subtle in helping her fellow Prince out, not to draw attention from anyone else. "Good job everyone. three cheers for us." Her fist finally falls from the air and she lets her own hair down, the long, waist length raven curls falling to the ground.

Emerald chuckles and grins at Sybella, "Congratulations, highness." She lifts her fist into the air, "Hoorah for the brave princes. This was the most fun I've had in a long time. I must do this again."

Jade seems to be the odd one out here, so she simply watches the other three celebrate, nodding to the companion who congratulated all of them. She would move then, to move out of the castle and back to the house.

Athini stares at the holovid, but as she recognices Cinderella with her missing shoes she sighs and remembers her tasks, cheering happily, "She is saved!" she yays jumping! Although she blushes at once at the mention of being big and strong. Athi giggles being in a playfully happy mood and thankfully accepts a twoel to clean her hands and knees, showing a face on her ruined thights, "Okay, I need something else to wear here!" she promises to herself, before gaining her self-confidence again and joining the other guests.