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Latest revision as of 15:32, 2 August 2011

Full name Henry "Slick" Wong
Gender Male
Status Roster
Education Information

The basics, then trade school, then an apprenticeship.

This is OOC information.
Information detailed here is for OOC uses only.


Archetype: Mechanic
+concept There are two things in life Henry knows, dating and engines. No one seems to be sure which earned him the nickname "Slick" his skills with flirtation or his knowledge of how to keep ships in the sky. Either way, he's a master at both.
160 XP left to spend.


Agility: 30
Intelligence: 40
Technical: 45
Strength: 40
Charisma: 50
Perception: 35


Carpentry: 20
Computer Programming: 30
Computer Use: 20
Con Artist: 30
Dance: 30
Diplomacy: 30
Dodge: 30
Engineer: Engines: 40
Engineer: Hovercraft: 40
Gambling: 20
Listen: 20
Music: 30
Repair: Capital Ships: 40
Repair: Mule: 40
Repair: Transports: 40
Seduction: 50
Spot: 20
Willpower: 40




Allergy: Allergic to cats, dogs, horses, etc. Animal hair makes him horribly sneezy, watery eyes, runny nose, the whole unattractive set.
Heavy Tolerance: Maybe it's all the years spent with solvents and cleansers, or maybe all the drinking out while charming his dates, but whatever it is, Henry has a heavy tolerance for drugs and alcohol, taking more than the average amount of either to make him feel the affects.


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Henry has always gotten by in life based on a combination of talent and charm. There's not a mechanical part in the 'verse he can't make run, and there's very few folks he can't charm when he needs to do so. Be it referring to engine grease in the machine shop or his manner of smooth talking his way out of any situation, "Slick" is an appropriate name for the man.

Family History

As Anna Karenina puts it: Happy families are all alike. The same proves true for Henry's. Two parents, happy childhood, happy home, all the rest of it. Kind of boring, but that's not always a bad thing in a life, particularly when it comes to happy families and happy upbringings.

Education and Employment History

Training, school, and work history goes here.