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Harold Mackenzie
Harold Mackenzie.jpg
Full name
  • Harold Mackenzie
Date of Birth
  • October 10, 2484
  • Father: Deceased
  • Mother: Deceased
  • None
  • Widower
  • Three kids, all deceased
  • Pirate Commonwealth: Corsair
  • One-armed Axe-wielder
  • Paranoid Anarchist
  • Male
Eyes and Hair
  • Blue Eyes
  • Brown Hair, but Bald
Height and Weight
  • 6'8"
  • 225 lbs
  • Active
Education Information
  • High School Advanced Placement - Gifted Linguist
  • Basic Military Training
  • Military Intelligence Training - Specialty: Languages
Military Service
  • Alliance Military: Lieutenant - Military Intelligence Division, Translator (2506-2510)
  • Alliance Military: Captain - Military Intelligence Division, Language Specialist (2510-2511)
  • Resigned Commission two months after Unification Day - reasons unknown
Employment History
  • Londinium: Apprentice Carpenter (2511-2513)
  • Londinium: Journeyman Carpenter (2513-2518)
  • Greenleaf: Master Carpenter (2518)
  • Penal Moon: Inmate (2519-2529)
Personal Notes



This is a big, tall, hulking beast of a man, standing at 6’8” and weighing in at 225 lbs. His head is completely bald and his blue eyes stare out with a fierce intensity, beneath brown eyebrows. His head is oval shaped, and a brown mustache sits above his lips. His skin is pretty pasty, and he looks like someone who has been out of the sun for awhile. He sometimes has weird twitches in his facial muscles and his eyes also tic occasionally. The most distinguishing aspect of the man is the fact that he has only one arm, the right one. Rather than go with a prosthetic, his left arm is completely missing. His right hand is prone to trembling and there is a haunted, forbidding look about him. He has no rings on his right hand nor does he have any tattoos on his body... except for the MARK, which is hidden in a top secret location!

He wears a green coat over top of a blue shirt, and on his lower body, he has on black trousers and black military combat boots. Underneath the coat, he wears standard mesh armour. He has an iComm secured in one ear. His left sleeve dangles on his left side as a result of him having no left arm. Strapped to his back, there is a katana which may be an axe. There is also a backpack there.

Pirate Form:
This is a big, tall, hulking beast of a man, standing at 6’8” and weighing in at 225 lbs, who happens to be in full Pirate regalia. His purple body armour shines, covering his neck, torso and legs. The grinning skull at the center of his breastplate is especially prominent. His helmet completely obscures his face and reflects the emblem of the Pirate Commonwealth. The left side however, dangles as a result of him having no left arm. There is a holstered sidearm on his right hip. An iComm is secured in one ear. Strapped to his back, there is a katana which may be an axe. There is also a backpack there.

"Gustav Svensson":
This is a big, tall, hulking beast of a man, standing at 6’8” and weighing in at 225 lbs. His head is completely bald and his blue eyes stare out with a sense of weariness and exhaustion, beneath brown eyebrows. His head is oval shaped, and a brown mustache sits above his lips. His skin is pretty pasty, and he looks like someone who has been out of the sun for awhile. He sometimes has weird twitches in his facial muscles and his eyes also tic occasionally. The most distinguishing aspect of the man is the fact that he has only one arm, the right one. Rather than go with a prosthetic, his left arm is completely missing. His right hand is prone to trembling and there is a haunted, forbidding look about him. He also walks with a cane to help with the limp in his right leg. He has no rings on his right hand nor does he have any tattoos on his body. He wears a set of dog tags around his neck.

The man wears an old Alliance military uniform. It is well-cleaned and freshly pressed, but the style and cut date from the days of the Unification War. His rank insignia is that of a Captain and his campaign pins denote him as having taken part in many major battles throughout the War. He is unarmed and unarmoured, carrying only an old backpack.


As a child, Harold was a bright and smart kid. He was a natural linguist and his parents really pushed him to develop this gift. Harold was open, fun and very popular with everyone. As a man, Harold is a very dark, and in some respects, not quite right in the head anymore. He has spent the past 10 years on an Alliance Penal Moon on drug related charges, and while there, lost his left arm to the brother of the man he killed. Even before going to jail, Harold was pretty depressed, sad and angry over what happened to his family and the time spent there didn’t help him one bit. He developed a paranoia disorder because of the first few weeks there when he was constantly harassed by the man mentioned above and his cohorts. After his arm was chopped off by an axe in an “accident,” he also developed a weird kind of fascination with the weapon in general. Harold will find it somewhat difficult to function in normal society after his release and his paranoia is exposed especially when he notices Alliance types, for he blames the Alliance for all his ill fortune and problems. Due to his natural affinity for languages, Harold speaks 14, when he becomes paranoid, he will switch in and out of them, muttering dark thoughts and scary things. Also because the prisoners who helped him out on the Penal Moon were all Pirates before they were captured, Harold feels a special kinship with his Pirate brethren.


Born on the planet Londinium to a middle-class family of bankers, Harold had a routine childhood in many respects. He was an only child and his parents doted on him. Even at a young age, Harold developed into a language genius, capable of mastering a language in mere months. His parents spent a great deal of money to develop this gift and Harold eventually became fluent in 14 different languages. At the age of 12, Harold witnessed his father, who had battled depression his whole life, commit suicide by jumping off the roof of their condominium. This caused Harold to develop a paralyzing fear of heights which haunts him to this day. Raised by his mother alone, Harold was heavily recruited by the Alliance military for his extraordinary language skills. At the age of 18, he was offered a commission and joined the Alliance as a Lieutenant, working as a translator in their military intelligence division. Harold received standard military training, but he did not excel in any physical areas. Harold’s service during the Unification War was unremarkable. It was in 2511, as the war was ending, that Harold had his first serious dispute with the Alliance. His mother had fallen gravely ill at a time when Harold was on a classified assignment. His superior officers, out of a need for operational security, decided not to tell Harold until after his mission was over. As it turns out, his mother had died by then, and Harold never got to see her again or say goodbye. This caused him to lash out at his superiors and ultimately, resign his commission not long after Unification Day.

While he could have found easy employment with his language skills, Harold instead went a different path. He wanted to work more with his hands and leave his old life behind, so he became a carpenter. In the course of his apprenticeship, he met the love of his life, Natasha Zhukov, a school teacher. The two married in 2513 and three children soon followed. Five years later, Harold and Natasha decided to leave Londinium after saving up some credits and relocate their family to the planet of Greenleaf. While there, tragedy struck! An arsonist named Eric Green burned down their home and killed Natasha and the children. Eric was arrested but got out on a technicality. Harold took the law into his own hands then and poisoned Eric. Though the authorities couldn’t prove murder, they had enough for drug charges and sentenced Harold to 10 years on a Penal Moon. His sentence began in January 2519.

In prison, Harold soon encountered an unpleasant surprise. It turns out Eric’s brother, Edward Green, was also serving time there. Edward immediately began tormenting Harold, breaking his left arm on a regular basis. The prisoners were routinely sent into the forest for manual labour with dull axes to chop at trees. One such visit led to an “accident” where Harold lost his left arm. As a result of Edward’s torments, Harold became paranoid. After losing his arm, Harold also developed a fascination with axes, which continues to this day. Harold was saved in the end by his hatred of the Alliance. One day, Harold called Edward a puppet of the Alliance and sent here to torment and kill him. This was overheard by other prisoners, captured members of the Pirate Commonwealth, who soon had Edward killed off and took Harold in under their wing. They protected and guided Harold through the rest of his sentence, ensuring his unique skill set was not lost. They also cultivated his intense hatred of the Alliance, and gave him the name of someone to seek out once his sentence ended. In January 2529, Harold was released from the Penal Moon and began seeking out this person... Frost!


English, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi, French, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Russian, Scandinavian Language, Spanish

Harold likes languages!

Criminal Record

Name: Harold Mackenzie
Birthday: 10.10.2484
Age: 34, at time of arrest
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Height: 6’ 8”
Weight: 250 lbs, at time of arrest

Details: (Detective Shawn Parsons investigating)
Harold Mackenzie was suspected of poisoning a known arsonist named Eric Green in 2519. Green had burned down Mackenzie’s house, killing Mackenzie’s wife and three children. But due to a clerical error at the courthouse, the evidence against Green had to be thrown out and he walked free. Mackenzie refused to accept this, and made his own poison, which we suspect he somehow administered to Green, but we are unsure how. Green died in great agony over three days, screaming his guts out every second. It was chilling. We arrested Mackenzie then, but were unable to gather enough evidence for a first degree murder charge. Fortunately, we confiscated certain illegal chemicals from his possession and have enough for a narcotics charge. The amount allows us to charge him with intent to distribute. Likely sentence is 10 years on a Penal Moon. I do not expect Mackenzie to survive. The man looks broken. We did him a grave injustice by letting Green go, but that does not justify his later actions. I will be sending a report to my superiors suggesting better procedures so that such an event does not occur again.
On December 19, 2518, Harold Mackenzie was sentenced to 10 years on a Penal Moon for intent to distribute illegal narcotics. His sentence officially begins on January 12, 2519 and ends on January 12, 2529.


Harold glares...

Gazing at the famed axe, 'CRUSADER'... Harold mutters: "Harold here, mighty Axe... Harold come to offer benediction to great Axe..." When Jupiter speaks suddenly... Harold stops. And his eyes meet hers... they widen... "Jupiter Brethren, underling of Harold carry axe... Does this mean Jupiter Brethren is mouthpiece for axe? Divine representation? But this mean Jupiter Brethren, underling of Harold *also* becomes Jupiter Brethren, bearer of axe and god of Harold... So... she both underling and voice of god... Harold must give orders to and worship... yes... this must be... Axe works in mysterious ways..." Harold nods solemnly to himself.